
字数为 48297.

A1 完美发音基础







  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群



音素的定义其实不难理解,在英文当中叫 phone 。它是语音中最小的单位,依据音节里的发音动作来分析。

  • 英文与汉语不同的是,英语是拼音文字,字母本身就表达语音。这就是我们常说的自然拼读法则。
  • 然而,英语有40多个发音,却仅有26个字母。为了能准确标识发音,引入了语音符号,这些语音符号称作音标(Phonetic symbol)。


国际音标( IPA ,International Phonetic Alphabet),是1888年国际语音协会的语言学家制定出的一套可国际通用的语音符号叫国际音标符号,希望以一个符号代表一音,避免各人使用一套自己的符号所产生的不便。

除了IPA之外,比较常用的还有英式的 DJ 音标,以及美式的 K.K. 音标,它们分别也都是国际音标的一种。

  • DJ 音标就是通常我们说的 英式发音 音标,由英国语音学家Daniel Jones研究出,由他的姓名首字母缩写DJ表示。
  • K.K. 音标,是《美式英语发音辞典》(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English)所使用的音标。由于两位作者John Samuel Kenyon及Thomas A. Knott的姓皆以K为开头,所以此辞典俗称为K.K. 。K.K.音标的主要用途之一是教导母语非英语者学会 美式英语 的发音。


  • 我们音标的基础课程还是以大家熟悉的国际音标为主,同时也会为大家介绍常见的一些变式和英美不同的读音方式。
  • 国际音标中共有20个元音,28个辅音。




此外,在这顺便说一下音标符号的问题, // 被称为宽式音标(broad transcription), [ ] 被称为严式音标(narrow transcription),严式意思是表示 的音是确定的,不会再有音位的变化。一般语 言学研究专家或者进行这方面研习的学者会使 用“严式音标”,而我们在学习当中使用“宽 式音标” // 就可以了。



  • 英文当中的元音共有20个。
  • 其中有12个单元音,8个双元音。

单元音 /i:/


IPA: [i:]
DJ: [i:]
KK: /i/

大家可以看到,KK美式音标中摈弃了英式音标中的长元音符号 /ː/ ,这也几乎是英式与美式音标书写上的最大区别。


发音时上下唇微微张开,嘴唇扁平。 舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高。舌部 及下颚肌肉紧张,嘴角尽量往两边 移动,有点像微笑的样子,这也是 为什么西方人在拍照时喜欢说 cheese。



see /siː/
tea /tiː/
keep /kiːp/
need /niːd/
week /wiːk/
meat /miːt/
leave /liːv/

单元音 /ɪ/


IPA [ɪ]
DJ /ɪ/
KK /ɪ/


发音时口形扁平,嘴唇稍松开,并向 两旁伸开,舌头肌肉松弛。舌尖抵下 齿,舌硬颚抬起,但舌位稍低。练习 时,发这个音一定记得收小腹,可以 帮你更好的找到它的位置。

注意它的音和 /iː/ 并不只是长短的区别, /ɪ/ 并不是 /iː/ 的加长版!



big /bɪg/ 大的
hit /hɪt/ 打某人
kid / kɪd / 小孩
Nick /nɪk/ 人名
wish /wɪʃ/ 愿望
listen /ˈlɪsn/ 听
ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ 票

/iː/&/ɪ/ 发音对比练习

seat /siːt/ 座位   heat /hiːt/ 热度
sit /sɪt/ 坐下    hit /hɪt/ 打

beat /bi:t/ 打某人  feat /fi:t/ 大餐
bit /bɪt/   字节  fit /fɪt/ 合适的

lead /liːd/ 领导  deed /diːd/ 行为
lid /lɪd/ 盖子    did /dɪd/ do的过去式

单元音 /æ/


IPA  [æ]
DJ  /æ/
KK  /æ/




  1. 这个音要张大嘴。
  2. 舌尖放下牙后面,舌头稍稍拱起来。
  3. 英式的发音比美式稍软一些。


at /æt/  在哪里
mad /mæd/  发疯,生气
cat /kæt/  猫
cash /kæʃ/  现金
happy /ˈhæpɪ/ 幸福
rabbit /ˈræbɪt/ 兔子
family /ˈfæməli/ 家庭

单元音 /e/


IPA  [e]
DJ  /e/
KK  /ɛ/

发音方式: 发音时嘴唇向两侧微微分开,上下齿间大约可容纳一个小指头尖的距离。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起。唇形扁平,嘴唇向两侧微分。有点像假笑时摆出的口型。练习的时候可以使下巴逐渐向下移动,同时发出声音。这个音同学们经常会与刚刚讲的 /æ/ 混淆,主要可以对着镜子看看自己发音时上下齿之间的距离,大小是不同的。

/æ/ 纵向张嘴, /e/ 横向张嘴。

还有一个要注意的问题是美音 /ɛ/ 的舌位比英音 /e/ 的要稍稍低一点,口型稍宽一点。


bed /bed/ 床
pet /pet/ 宠物
head /hed/ 头
bread /bred/ 面包
very /verɪ/  非常
check /tʃek/ 检查
heaven /ˈhevn/ 天堂

/æ/&/e/ 发音对比练习

bad /bæd/ 坏人  hat /hæt/ 帽子
bed /bed/ 床  head /hed/ 头

dad /dæd/ 父亲  mat /mæt/ 桌垫
dead /ded/ 死了 met /met/ 见到某人的过去式

sat /sæt/ sit的过去式  pad /pæd/ 软垫
set /set/ 一个系列、安装  pet /pet/ 宠物

单元音 /ɑ:/


IPA  [ɑː]
DJ   /ɑː/
KK   /ɑ/






bar /bɑː(r)/ 酒吧
cart /cɑː(r)t/ 小推车
garlic /ˈɡɑː(r)lɪk/  大蒜
mark /mɑː(r)k/ 马克笔
large /lɑː(r)dʒ/ 大型的
calm /kɑːm/ 冷静
father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ 父亲

r 打括号是英美音的差别。r在元音后,美国人会把r念出来,英国人会省略掉。

单元音 /ʌ/


IPA  [ʌ]
DJ   /ʌ/
KK   /ʌ/





hut /hʌt / 轻
mud /mʌd/ 放松
run /rʌn/ 跑步
under /ˈʌndə(r)/ 在..下面
love /lʌv/ 爱情
some /sʌm/  一些
touch /tʌtʃ/ 抚摸

对比练习 /ɑː/ &/ʌ/

/ɑː/ bar 酒吧, cart 小推车, father 父亲
/ʌ/ hut 小屋, mud 泥, run 跑

单元音 /ɜ:/


IPA  [ɜː]
DJ  /ɜː/
KK  /ɜ/





sir /sɜː(r)/ 先生
fur /fɜː(r)/ 皮毛
bird /bɜː(r)d/ 鸟
dirt /dɜː(r)t/  泥土
purse /pɜː(r)s/ 钱包
work /wɜː(r)k/ 工作
earth /ɜː(r)θ/ 地球

单元音 /ə/


IPA  [ə]
DJ  /ə/
KK  /ə/



在美音中, /ə//ʌ/ 的发音位置几乎是一样的,区别在于/ə/只出现在非重读音节当中,要更弱一些,两个音的发音状态都是非常放松的。


along /əˈlɔːŋ/ 沿着
about /əˈbaʊt/ 关于
police /pəˈliːs/ 警察
tonight /təˈnaɪt/ 今晚
support /səˈpɔː(r)t/ 支持
suggest /səˈdʒest/ 建议
doctor /ˈdɒktə(r)/ 医生
actor /ˈæktə(r)/ 演员

对比练习 /ɜː/& /ə/

/ɜː/  sir 先生, fur 毛皮, bird 鸟

/ə/ along 沿着, about 关于, doctor 医生

单元音 /u:/


IPA  [uː]
DJ  /uː/
KK  /u/





school /skuːl/ 学校
tooth /tuːθ/ 牙齿
moon /muːn/ 月亮
zoo /zuː/ 动物园
shoe /ʃuː/ 鞋子
juice /dʒuːs/ 果汁
fruit /fruːt/ 水果

单元音 /ʊ/


IPA  [ʊ]
DJ  /ʊ/
KK  /ʊ/





cook /kʊk/ 做饭

look /lʊk/ 看

book /bʊk/ 书

should /ʃʊd/ 应该

would /wʊd/ 做

put /pʊt/ 放下来

sugar /ˈʃʊɡər/ 糖果

/uː/&/ʊ/ 发音对比练习

food /fuːd/ 食物 tool /tuːl/ 工具 
foot /fʊt/  脚 took /tʊk/ 拿

boot /buːt/ 靴子  shoe /ʃuː/ 鞋子
book /bʊk/ 书  should /ʃʊd/ 应该


单元音 /ɔ:/


IPA  [ɔː]
DJ  /ɔː/
KK  /ɔ/





talk /tɔːk/ 说话
ball /bɔːl/ 球
law /lɔː/ 法律
cause /kɔːz/  原因
autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ 秋天
horse /hɔː(r)s/ 马
board /bɔː(r) d/ 棋盘

单元音 /ɒ/


IPA  [ɒ]
DJ  /ɒ/
KK  /ɑ/




hot /hɒt/ 热
god /gɒd/ 上帝
lot /lɒt/ 
fog /fɒg/ 雾霾
want /wɒnt/ 想要
wash /wɒʃ/ 洗手
what /wɒt/ 什么

对比练习 /ɔː/ & /ɒ/

/ɔː/ talk 谈话, ball 球, law 法律

/ɒ/  hot 热的, god 上帝, lot 许多


/iː/  see 看见, tea 茶, keep 保持
/ɪ/  big 大的, hit 击打, kid 小孩
/æ/  at 在..., mad 发疯的, cash 现金
/e/  bed 床, pet 宠物, head 头
/ɑː/  bar 酒吧, cart 小推车, father 父亲
/ʌ/  hut 小屋, mud 泥, run 跑
/ɜː/  sir 先生, fur 毛皮, bird 鸟
/ə/  along 沿着, about 关于, doctor 医生
/uː/  school 学校, tooth 牙齿, moon 月亮
/ʊ/  cook 烹饪, look 看, put 放置
/ɔː/  talk 谈话, ball 球, law 法律
/ɒ/  hot 热的, god 上帝, lot 许多



  • 元音Vowel : 发音过程当中气流无任何摩擦或阻碍
  • 辅音Consonant :发音过程当中气流有摩擦或阻碍


  • 单元音:发音过程中嘴型无明显变化
  • 双元音:发音过程中嘴型有明显 变化


  • 英文当中的元音共有20个。
  • 其中有12个单元音,8个双元音。

双元音 /aɪ/


IPA  [aɪ]
DJ  /aɪ/
KK  /aɪ/



这个音和艾力的艾不太一样,中文中的“艾”主要是用口腔前部发音,而在英文中由于/a/是后元音,我们要把口腔 后部 充分打开然后再滑动到/ɪ/的位置。



bike /baɪk/
five /faɪv/
nine /naɪn/
shy /ʃaɪ/ 害羞
fly /flaɪ/
tie /taɪ/ 叠,领带
pie /paɪ/

双元音 /ɔɪ/


IPA  [ɔɪ]
DJ  /ɔɪ/
KK  /ɔɪ/





toy /tɔɪ/       玩具
boy /bɔɪ/
destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/  毁灭
voice /vɔɪs/
choice /tʃɔɪs/  选择
oil /ɔɪl/  油

双元音 /eɪ/


IPA  [eɪ]
DJ  /eɪ/
KK  /eɪ/






make /meɪk/
same /seɪm/
date /deɪt/  约会;日期
shade /ʃeɪd/  影子
rain /reɪn/  下雨
play /pleɪ/
eight /eɪt/

双元音 /aʊ/


IPA  [aʊ]
DJ  /aʊ/
KK  /aʊ/




cow /kaʊ/    奶牛
how /haʊ/   怎么 
out /aʊt/      出去
mouse /maʊs/  老鼠 
cloud /klaʊd/  云朵
doubt /daʊt/     怀疑 
brown /braʊn/   棕色的

done dʌn 把某件事搞定

down daʊn

双元音 /əʊ/


IPA  [əʊ]
DJ  /əʊ/
KK  /o/=/oʊ/





home /həʊm/   家
nose /nəʊz/      鼻子
boat /bəʊt/       船
road /rəʊd/      马路
snow /snəʊ/    雪花 
yellow /ˈjeləʊ/  黄色
toe /təʊ/          脚趾

双元音 /ɪə/


IPA  [ɪə]
DJ  /ɪə/
KK  /ɪr/





ear /ɪə(r)/       耳朵
hear /hɪə(r)/   听见
clear /klɪə(r)/  清楚的
cheer /tʃɪə(r)/   庆祝
deer /dɪə(r)/    鹿    
idea /aɪˈdɪə/
really /ˈrɪəlɪ/

双元音 /eə/


IPA  [eə]
DJ  /eə/
KK  /ɛr/





share /ʃeə(r)/  分享
care /keə(r)/   关怀
air /eə(r)/      空气
hair /heə(r)/    头发
bear /beə(r)/   熊
wear /weə(r)/   穿衣服


双元音 /ʊə/


IPA  [ʊə]
DJ  /ʊə/
KK  /ʊr/





tour /tʊə(r)/    旅行
sure /ʃʊə(r)/    确定的
lure /lʊə(r)/    诱惑
cure /kjʊə(r)/   治疗
gourmet /ˈɡʊə(r)meɪ/  美食



绕口令=药 (3*5 3次,5遍/次)

Betty Botter bought some butter,
“But”, she said, “the butter is bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter
That would make my batter better.”
So she bought a bit of butter,
Better than her bitter butter.
And she put it in her batter,
And the batter was not bitter.
So it was better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter!

Betty Botter 人名,不是所有美国人都会浊化t为d , bought some butter /ˈbʌt.ər/买了些黄油

But, she said, "the butter is bitter" 但是她说这个黄油有点苦

put pʌt batter ˈbæt.ər 面团, 如果我把这个放到我的面团里,

will wɪl 它会让我的面团变苦

better ˈbet.ər

But a bit of better butter That would make my batter better.” 但如果一个好一些的面团,那样会让我的面团更好吃一些

So she bought a bit of butter, 所以她买了一些黄油

Better than her bitter butter. 比她的苦的黄油好些

And she put it in her batter, 她把黄油放到面团里

And the batter was not bitter. 那这个面团就没那么苦了

So it was better (than) Betty Botter Bought a bit of better butter!


/eɪ/  make 制作, same 相同的, date 日期
/aɪ/  bike 自行车, five 五, nine 九
/ɔɪ/  toy 玩具, boy 男孩, voice 声音
/aʊ/  cow 奶牛, how 怎么样, out 向外
/əʊ/  home 家, nose 鼻子, boat 船
/ɪə/  ear 耳朵, hear 听见, idea 想法
/eə/  share 分享, air 空气, wear 穿
/ʊə/  tour 观光, sure 当然, cure 治疗





爆破音 /p/(清)


IPA  [p]
DJ  /p/
KK  /p/






pen /pen/ 笔
pace /peɪs/ 速度
deep /diːp/ 深的
gap /ɡæp/ 缺口
pepper /‘pepə(r)/ 辣椒
pineapple /‘paɪnæpl/ 菠萝

爆破音 /b/(浊)


IPA  [b]
DJ  /b/
KK  /b/





bad /bæd/ 坏的
born /bɔː(r)n/ 出生
blue /bluː/ 蓝色
Bob /bɒb/ 鲍勃
rabbit /ˈræbɪt/ 兔子
hobby /ˈhɒbi/ 爱好

爆破音 /t/(清)


IPA  [t]
DJ  /t/
KK  /t/






table /ˈteɪbl/ 桌子
tent /tent/ 帐篷
tidy /ˈtaɪdɪ/ 整洁的
top /tɒp/ 顶端
ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ 票
letter /ˈletə(r)/ 字母

爆破音 /d/(浊)


IPA  [d]
DJ  /d/
KK  /d/





desk /desk/ 书桌
dog /dɒɡ/ 狗
daddy /ˈdædɪ/ 爸爸
add /æd/ 加
dead /ded/ 死的
sudden /ˈsʌdn/ 忽然的

爆破音 /k/(清)


IPA  [k]
DJ  /k/
KK  /k/





kick /kɪk/ 踢
kite /kaɪt/ 风筝
like /laɪk/ 喜欢
cool /kuːl/ 凉爽的
duck /dʌk/ 鸭子
knock /nɒk/ 敲

爆破音 /g/(浊)


IPA  [ɡ]
DJ  /ɡ/
KK  /ɡ/





gold /ɡəʊld/ 金子
good /ɡʊd/ 好的
girl /ɡɜː(r)l/ 女孩
glass /ɡlæs/ 玻璃
egg /eg/ 蛋
beg /beg/ 乞求

摩擦音 /f/(清)



IPA  [f]
DJ  /f/
KK  /f/




fog /fɒɡ/ 雾
fat /fæt/ 胖的
wife /waɪf/ 妻子
life /laɪf/ 生命
off /ɒf/ 离开
photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ 照片

摩擦音 /v/(浊)

齿唇摩擦, 声带振动


IPA  [v]
DJ  /v/
KK  /v/





very /ˈverɪ/ 非常
visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ 参观
victor /ˈvɪktə(r)/ 胜利者
heavy /ˈhevɪ/ 重的
five /faɪv/ 五
eve /iːv/ 前夜
river /ˈrɪvə(r)/ 河

摩擦音 /s/ (清)


IPA  [s]
DJ  /s/
KK  /s/




  1. /s/是清辅音,是个强送气音,气流冲出强劲,但声带不振动。
  2. 舌尖在上牙后面,舌头放平,哪儿都不碰。


sick /sɪk/ 生病的
sad /sæd/ 伤心的
city /ˈsɪtɪ/ 城市
ice /aɪs/ 冰
lesson /ˈlesn/ 课
science /ˈsaɪəns/ 科学

摩擦音 /z/ (浊)



IPA  [z]
DJ  /z/
KK  /z/




  1. 这是个浊辅音,要振动声带发音,气流较强。
  2. 舌尖在上牙后面,放平,无线靠近牙背。


zero /ˈzɪrəʊ/ 零
zebra /ˈziːbrə/ 斑马
jazz /dʒæz/ 爵士
rose /rəʊz/ 玫瑰
his /hɪz/ 他的
please /pliːz/ 请

摩擦音 /ʃ/ (清)


IPA  [ʃ]
DJ  /ʃ/
KK  /ʃ/





ship /ʃɪp/ 船
shake /ʃeɪk/ 摇摆
sheet /ʃiːt/ 表格
wish /wɪʃ/ 愿望
push /pʊʃ/ 推
special /ˈspeʃl/ 特别的

摩擦音 /ʒ/(浊)

介于汉语拼音 ri 和 zhi 之间, 念成汉语拼音 re 最好,因为音来源于法语。


IPA  [ʒ]
DJ  /ʒ/
KK  /ʒ/





measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ 测量
pleasure /ˈpleʒə(r)/ 愉快
casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ 休闲的
usually /ˈjuːʒuəli/ 经常
Asia /ˈeɪʒə/ 亚洲
conclusion /kənˈkluːʒn/ 结论

摩擦音 /θ/(清)


IPA  [θ]
DJ  /θ/
KK  /θ/




  1. 一定要吐舌 Stick out your tongue!
  2. 要轻轻咬舌,不要太使劲
  3. 牙和舌头之间气息慢慢呼气,让气息从上牙和舌面之间出来,练习时咬舌同时长呼一口气感受它的发音
  4. 声带不要震动




thing /θɪŋ/ 东西 three /θriː/ 三
tooth /tuθ/ 牙 thumb /θʌm/ 拇指
bath /bæθ/ 洗澡 theater /ˈθiːətə(r)/ 剧院
mouth /maʊθ/ 嘴 third /θɜː(r)d/ 第三
thank /θæŋk/ 谢谢 everything /ˈevriθɪŋ/ 一切


摩擦音 /ð/(浊)


IPA  [ð]
DJ  /ð/
KK  /ð/




  1. 一定要吐舌头
  2. 要轻轻咬舌,不要太使劲
  3. 牙和舌头之间气息慢慢呼气,让气息从上牙和舌面之间出来
  4. 声带要震动




the /ðə/ 这 other /ˈʌðər/ 其他的
that /ðæt/ 那个 brother /ˈbrʌðər/ 兄弟
there /ðe(r)/ 在那里 though /ðəʊ/ 虽然
those /ðəʊz/ 那些 thus /ðʌs/ 那么
smooth /smuːð/ 光滑的 with /wɪð/ 和...

摩擦音 /h/(清)


IPA  [h]
DJ  /h/
KK  /h/




  1. /h/只出现在音节开头的位置
  2. 舌头不要动,舌尖在下牙后放平并放松
  3. 不要发出咳痰的感觉


honor /ˈɒnə(r)/ 荣誉
honest /ˈɒnɪst/ 诚实的
hour /ˈaʊə(r)/ 小时


hello /həˈləʊ/ 你好
hat /hæt/ 帽子
hip /hɪp/ 髋部
hotel /həʊˈtel/ 旅馆
have /hæv/ 有
heat /hiːt/ 高温

摩擦音 /r/(浊)


IPA  [r]
DJ  /r/
KK  /r/





rice /raɪs/ 大米
rat /ræt/ 鼠
rest /rest/ 休息
hurry /ˈhʌrɪ/ 匆忙
write /raɪt/ 写
wrong /rɒŋ/ 错误的


/p/  pen 笔, pepper 辣椒, gap 缺口
/b/  bad 坏的, blue 蓝色, Bob 鲍勃
/t/  table 桌子, top 顶端, hit 击打
/d/  desk 书桌, dog 狗, dead 死的
/k/  keep 保持, kite 风筝, like 喜欢
/ɡ/  gold 金子, good 好的, egg 鸡蛋
/f/  fat 胖的, wife 妻子, off 离开
/v/  very 非常, visit 参观, five 五
/s/  sick 生病的, sad 伤心的, ice 冰
/z/  zero 零, rose 玫瑰, his 他的
/θ/  thing 东西, thank 谢谢, tooth 牙
/ð/  the 这, that 那个, with 和...一起
/ʃ/  ship 船, shake 摇摆, wish 愿望
/ʒ/  measure 测量, usually 经常, Asia 亚洲
/h/  hello 你好, have 有, hotel 旅馆
/r/  rice 大米, rat 鼠, hurry 匆忙



  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群

破擦音 /tʃ/(清)


IPA  [tʃ]
DJ  /tʃ/
KK  /tʃ/





cherry /ˈtʃerɪ/ 樱桃
chair /tʃeə(r)/ 椅子
cheap /tʃiːp/ 便宜的
future /ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/ 未来
kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ 厨房
catch /kætʃ/ 抓住

破擦音 /dʒ/(浊)


IPA  [dʒ]
DJ  /dʒ/
KK  /dʒ/





page /peɪdʒ/ 页码
large /lɑː(r)dʒ/ 大的
judge /dʒʌdʒ/ 评价
bridge /brɪdʒ/ 桥
just /dʒʌst/ 仅仅
danger /ˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ 危险

破擦音 /tr/(清)



IPA  [tr]
DJ  /tr/
KK  /tr/




track /træk/ 轨道
tree /triː/ 树
trash /træʃ/ 垃圾
train /treɪn/ 火车
trip /trɪp/ 旅行        和对应的 chip /tʃɪp/ 芯片
trouble /‘trʌbəl/ 麻烦

破擦音 /dr/(浊)



IPA  [dr]
DJ  /dr/
KK  /dr/




drama /’drɑːmə/ 戏剧
drink /drɪŋk/ 喝
dream /driːm/ 梦
drum /drʌm/ 鼓
drug /drʌɡ/ 药
dress /dres/ 裙子

破擦音 /ts/(清)



IPA  [ts]
DJ  /ts/
KK  /ts/






hats /hæts/ 帽子(复数)
gets /gets/ 得到(第三人称单数)
wants /wɒnts/ 想要(第三人称单数)
sets /sets/ 设定(第三人称单数)
eats /iːts/ 吃(第三人称单数)
parts /paː(r)ts/ 部分(复数)

破擦音 /dz/(浊)


IPA  [dz]
DJ  /dz/
KK  /dz/




区别很小: /z/是摩擦音, /dz/是破擦音



hands /hændz/ 手(复数)
kinds /kaɪndz/ 种类(复数)
friends /frendz/ 朋友(复数)
rides /raɪdz/ 骑(第三人称单数)
adds /ædz/ 加(第三人称单数)
seconds /'sekəndz/ 秒(复数)

鼻辅音 /m/(浊)


IPA  [m]
DJ  /m/
KK  /m/




man /mæn/ 男人
meet /miːt/ 遇见
month /mʌnθ/ 月
home /həʊm/ 家
time /taɪm/ 时间
summer /ˈsʌmə(r)/ 夏天

鼻辅音 /n/(浊)


IPA  [n]
DJ  /n/
KK  /n/





nice /naɪs/ 好的
name /neɪm/ 名字
need /niːd/ 需要
can /kæn/ 能
sun /sʌn/ 太阳
winter /ˈwɪntə(r)/ 冬天

鼻辅音 /ŋ/(浊)


IPA  [ŋ]
DJ  /ŋ/
KK  /ŋ/





king /kɪŋ/ 国王
long /lɔːŋ/ 长的
pink /pɪŋk/ 粉色
thank /θæŋk/ 谢谢
hungry /ˈhʌŋɡrɪ/ 饿的
English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ 英语

半元音 /j/(浊)


IPA  [j]
DJ  /j/
KK  /j/

发音方式: 发音时,双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形,口形和/l/相似。舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,但不要接触,舌位很高,让气流从舌和硬腭的缝隙间通过,摩擦发声。声带振动,发音短暂,立刻向后面的元音滑动。这是个半元音,它不能单独成音,不能延长。所以不能出现在词尾。



yes /jes/ 是
yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ 黄色
yesterday /ˈjestə(r)deɪ/ 昨天
you /juː/ 你
million /ˈmɪljən/ 百万
William /ˈwɪljəm/ 威廉

半元音 /w/(浊)


IPA  [w]
DJ  /w/
KK  /w/





wait /weɪt/ 等待
west /west/ 西方
week /wiːk/ 星期
what /wɒt/ 什么
where /weə(r)/ 在哪
white /waɪt/ 白色

舌侧音 /ǀ/(浊)


IPA  [l]
DJ  /l/
KK  /l/





比如:like, love, failure




比如:girl, ball, people



清晰/l/音          含糊/l/音
look /lʊk/ 看      old /əʊld/ 旧的
lock /lɒk/ 锁      school /skuːl/ 学校
leaf /liːf/ 叶子    travel /ˈtrævl/ 旅行
lose /luːz/ 失去    bill /bɪl/ 账单
light /laɪt/ 轻的   world /wɜː(r)ld/ 世界


包括: pl/、/bl/、/tl/、/dl/、/kl/、/gl/、/fl/、/vl/、/sl/、/zl/、/ml/、/nl


play /pleɪ/ 玩
black /blæk/ 黑色
floor /flɔː(r)/ 地板
gentle /ˈdʒentl/ 温和的
middle /ˈmɪdəl/ 中间
global /ˈgləʊb(ə)l/ 全球的



A a [ei]    B b [bi:]   C c [si:]   D d [di:]   E e [i:]
F f [ef]    G g [dʒi:]  H h [eit∫]  I i [ai]    J j [dʒei]
K k [kei]   L l [el]    M m [em]    N n [en]    O o [əʊ]
P p [pi:]   Q q [kju:]  R r [ɑːr]    S s [es]    T t [ti:]
U u [ju:]   V v [vi:]   W w [ˈdʌbəljuː]  X x [eks]   Y y [wai]
Z z [zi:][zed]


/tʃ/  cherry 樱桃, chair 椅子, teacher 老师
/dʒ/  page 页码, just 刚才, danger 危险
/tr/  track 轨道, tree 树, train 火车
/dr/  drama 戏剧, drink 喝, dream 梦想
/ts/  hats 帽子(复数), gets 得到(三单), wants 想要(三单)
/dz/  hands 手(复数), friends 朋友(复数) , kinds 种类(复数)
/m/  man 男人, month 月, home 家
/n/  nice 好的, name 名字, can 能
/ŋ/  king 国王, long 长的, pink 粉色
/j/  yes 是, yellow 黄色, yesterday 昨天
/w/  wait 等待, week 周, where 在哪
/l/  look 看, lock 锁, leaf 叶子
/l/  old 老的, travel 旅行, world 世界



  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群





在英语中 元音很响亮 ,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。



  • 元音:
  • 元音+辅音
  • 辅音+元音
  • 辅音+元音+辅音

    一个音节的词: I oh no bad play

    两个音节的词:fa/ther a/gain peo/ple

    三个音节的词: to/ge/ther cer/tain/ly fes/ti/val




  1. 元音 是构成音节的 主体 , 辅音 是音节的 分界线











  1. 绝对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面没有辅音字母而构成的音节。


  2. 相对开音节:是指一个元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(除r)之外,最后是一个不发音的e构成的音节。



  3. 闭音节:指元音字母后面有辅音字母(辅音字母r除外)构成的音节。





如果由两个或两个以上的音节组成,就产生单词重音的问题,念得特别响的音节,就是单词重音所在,也就是 重读音节 ,其他音节 叫非重读音节

英语单词里,除了一些复合词外,一般一个词只有一个重读音节,用 ˈ 符号来表示。



一般情况下一个单词 只有一个重音 ,其他音节弱读,但是如果多音节词, 有可能除了主重音外,还有次重音。



<im>port /ˈimpɔ:t/ n. 进口货物,进口
im<port> /imˈpɔ:t/ v. 进口


<re>cord /ˈrekə(r)d/ n. 记录,记载
re<cord> /rɪˈkɔː(r)d/ v. 记录,录音




bird /bə:(r)d/ 鸟
make /meɪk/ 制作
you /ju:/ 你
me /mi:/ 我
kind /kaɪnd/ 和蔼的





<ri>ver /ˈrɪvə(r)/ 河
<rea>dy /ˈredi/ 准备好的
<mid>dle /ˈmɪdl/ 中间
<sor>ry /’sɔri/ 抱歉
<stu>dy /'stʌdi/ 学习
<se>ven /'sevn/ 七
  1. 单音节词加上后缀(如:-er,-ly,-ing,-ed,-ful,-est,-less,-ness,-ish,-ress)构成的双音节词,重音也在第一个音节上。


<ac>tress /'æktrɪs/ 女演员
<child>ish /'tʃaɪldɪʃ/ 孩子气的
<use>ful /'juːsfl/ 有用的
<slow>ly /'sləʊli/ 缓慢地
<care>less /'kɛə(r)ləs/ 粗心的

3.含有“a-, ab-, es-, im-, ob-, de-, re-”等词前缀的词,重音也常常在第二个音节上。


a<lone> /ə'ləun/ 单独地
es<cape> /ɪ'skeɪp/ 逃跑
ob<tain> /əb'teɪn/ 获得
re<ply> /rɪ'plaɪ/ 回复
to<day> /tə'deɪ/ 今天
de<cide> /dɪ'saɪd/ 决定
em<bark> /ɪm'bɑː(r)k/ 上船



exwife /'eks'waɪf/ 前妻
postwar /'pəust'wɔ:(r)/ 战后



Hongkong /'hɑŋ'kɑŋ/ 香港
Peking /'pi:'kiŋ/ 北京



gui<tar> /ɡɪˈtɑː(r)/ 吉他
ho<tel> /həʊ'tel/ 宾馆
ma<chine> /mə'ʃiːn/ 机器
po<lite> /pə'laɪt/ 礼貌
po<lice> /pə'liːs/ 警察


  1. 三音节词 的重音,一般在 第一个音节 上。


<in>teresting /'ɪntrəstɪŋ/ 有趣的
<bea>utiful /'bju:təfəl/ 美丽的
<bi>cycle /'baɪsɪkl/ 自行车
<fa>mily /'fæmɪli/ 家庭
<ho>liday /'hɒlədeɪ/ 假日

2.三个音节以上的多音节词的重音,一般在 倒数第三个 音节上。次重音放在主重音前第二个音节上。


in/ter/<na>/tion/al /ˌɪntə(r)'næʃnəl/ 国际的
pos/si/<bi>/li/ty /ˌpɒsə'bɪlətɪ/ 可能性
bi/<o>/lo/gy /baɪ'ɔlədʒɪ/ 生物学
u/ni/<ver>/si/ty /ˌju:nɪ'və:(r)sɪtɪ/ 大学


1.如果一个单词的动词形式和名词形式相同,那么其名词形式的重音一般在第 一个音节上,动词形式的重音在最后一个音节上。这时,区分拼写相同的一 个名词和一个动词时,即可通过重读部位进行判断。

名词(重前)       动词(重后)
<re>cord        re<cord>
<de>crease    de<crease>  
<in>sult         in<sult>     侮辱
<pro>test      pro<test>  反对
<re>bel         re<bel>     n反抗者, v反抗

2.含有-ful, -less, -ness等词缀的单词,重音的位置与原来词根的重音位置相同。


<won>der /'wʌndə(r)/ 奇迹
<won>derful /'wʌndə(r)fl/ 神奇的
<wond>erfulness /'wʌndə(r)fəlnəs/ 神奇

3.含有-ity, -ion, -ical, -al等词缀的单词的重音在词缀音节的前一个音节上。

curi<o>sity /ˌkjʊrɪ'ɑːsətɪ/ 好奇心
i<den>tical /aɪ'dentɪkl/ 相同的



culti<va>tion /ˌkʌltɪ'veɪʃn/ 种植
imagi<na>tion /ɪˌmædʒɪ'neɪʃn/ 想象力
infor<ma>tion /ˌɪnfə(r)'meɪʃn/ 信息



<re>lative /'relətɪv/ 亲戚
<nar>rative /'nærətɪv/ 叙述的
con<ser>vative / kən'sɜː(r)vətɪv / 保守的



  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群

什么是浊化? 浊化是指把清辅音发成与其相对应的浊辅音。

清辅音 --> 浊辅音
/p/   -->  /b/
/t/   -->  /d/
/k/   -->  /g/

辅音/s/ 后面的字母若原本应发 /p/, /t/, /k/ 的音, 则对应地变成发 /b/, /d/, /g/ 的音。

/sp/ → /sb/
sport /spɔ:(r)t/ 运动
space /speɪs/ 空间
speak /spi:k/ 说话
spoon /spu:n/ 勺子
spray /spreɪ/ 喷雾
/st/ → /sd/
stair /steə(r)/ 楼梯
stand /stænd/ 站立
start /sta:(r)t/ 开始
steam /sti:m/ 蒸汽
stick /stɪk/ 手杖
/sk/ → /sg/
skirt /skə:(r)t/ 裙子
skate /skeɪt/ 滑冰
sky /skaɪ/ 天空
ski /ski:/ 滑雪
school /sku:l/ 学校
/str/ → /sdr/
stream /stri:m/ 小溪
street /stri:t/ 街道
strike /straɪk/ 打击
strict /strɪkt/ 严格的
string /strɪŋ/ 线绳



  • 什么是失去爆破?失去爆破指的是爆破音失去爆破。
  • 发生条件如下:

    前面的单词/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ 这六个 爆破音 中任意一个 结尾 , 而 紧随其后的单词是以辅音开头 的, 这时前面单词的爆破音失去爆破。

  • 爆破音怎么读?


总结一下就是: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ +辅音 → 失爆


• goo<d> boy
• ho<t> day
• fa<t> cat  肥猫
• ho<t> dog
• grea<t> book
• toile<t> paper



  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群


  • 所有以 清辅音结尾 的动词在变三单时加s, 读作 /s/

    比如: stops, makes, drinks

  • 所有以 浊辅音 或者 元音结尾 的动词在变三单时加s, 读作 /z/

    比如: cleans, sings, plays, grows

  • 结尾/t/ 音的动词在变三单时, 要将最后的/t/和/s/读成 /ts/

    比如:sits, lifts, gets

  • 结尾/d/ 音的动词在变三单时, 要将最后的/d/和/z/读成 /dz/

    比如:reads, holds, nods

  • /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/ 结尾的动词在变第三人称单数时此为加es, 读作 /iz/

    比如:fixes, closes, washes, teaches, watches


  1. 单词以 清辅音结尾 加-ed读/t/ 。

    比如: stopped, liked, watched, pushed

  2. 单词以 浊辅音或元音结尾 加-ed读/d/ 。

    比如:lived, listened, pulled, played

  3. 单词以字母 t, d结尾 加-ed读/ɪd/。

    比如:visited, wanted, needed



  • 清清
  • 浊/元 浊



重读部分 浊化部分 失去爆破部分 动词三单部分 过去式过去分词部分
river 河 sport 运动 good boy 好男孩 stops 停 stopped 停
middle 中间 space 空间 fat cat 肥猫 cleans 清理 watched 看
ready 准备好 speak 说话 hot day 热天 makes 制作 liked 喜欢
actress 女演员 stand 站 hot dog 热狗 plays 玩 pushed 推
useful 有用的 start 开始 great book 好书 sits 坐 lived 生活
slowly 缓慢地 steam 蒸汽 toilet paper 厕纸 gets 得到 listened 听
today 今天 skate 滑冰   holds 握 played 玩
alone 单独地 skirt 裙子   reads 读 pulled 拉
exwife 前妻 sky 天空   fixes 修理 visited 参观
Hongkong 香港 street 街道   washes 洗 wanted 想要
guitar 吉他 strict 严厉的   teaches 教 needed 需要
machine 机器 strike 打击   watches 看  
police 警察        
interesting 有趣的        
beatiful 美丽的        
international 国际的        
university 大学        



  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群


本身具有意义的词     例子

主要动词            buy, get, call
名词&数词           phone, music, Lisa, 600
形容词              heavy, tall, smooth
副词               quickly, quietly, never
否定助动词          aren’t, can’t, don’t


It’s a piece of cake.
It’s a <piece> of <cake>.

What do you do in your spare time?
What do you <do> in your <spare time>?

Do you know the name of this song?
Do you <know> the <name> of this <song>?

但这也只是一般规则,有时候根据表达者想要强调的部分也可以重读结构词。 比如:

"They've been to Thailand, haven't they?"
"No, <THEY> haven't, but <WE> have.

At last, he saw the face under the cloak’s hood.
It <was> her.


结构词(为语法而存在)  例子

代词                  it, she, we
介词                  on, in, under
冠词                  a, an, the
连词                  and, or, but, because
助动词                do, be, have, can


  • 升调:表示话还没有说话,等待对方立刻回复,或者不确定自己的观点。

    一般疑问句:Are you ok?

  • 降调:表示话说完了,对方不用立刻回复,确定自己的观点。

    陈述句:I am Ali.

  • 特殊疑问句:Where are you from?
  • 一般疑问句:一般疑问句通常用升调,在句子最后一实词处上升,其他保持平调。
Are you Chandler Bing↗?  你是钱德勒·宾吗?
Do you understand↗?      你们明白吗?
Could you help me↗?      能帮帮我吗?
Can you tell me the correct time↗? 你能告诉我确切的时间么?
Have you seen him↗ ?     你见到他了吗?
  • 祈使句:

    为表示 委婉命令 ,祈使句也可采用升调,同时也可表达 鼓励 或者 不直接的建议

Let’s go there together↗.  咱们一起去那里吧。
Don’t do that↗.      不要那么做。
Come with me↗.       和我来吧。
Come over here↗.     过来一下。
Wait a moment↗.      稍等。
  • 特殊疑问句:

    用升调有时表示 温和的批评 或表示 说话者没听清楚 ,请对方再 重复一遍

What time is it↗?   都几点了?(批评对方迟到了)
How much is it↗?    多少钱?(嫌对方要价太高)
Why do you come↗?   你为什么要来呢?(表示不喜欢这里)
What did you say↗?  您说什么?(没听清楚,请对方再说一遍)
What↗?              什么?(没听清楚,请对方再说一遍)
  • 陈述句:

    用升调,表示 不肯定,惊讶,委婉 等语气,也可起 疑问作用

This is your coat↗?   这是你的外套吧?(表不肯定)
You’re a Chinese↗?    你是中国人?(表惊讶)
I beg your pardon↗?   您再说一遍吧?(表委婉语气)
You’re kidding↗?      你在开玩笑吧?(表怀疑)
He won’t mind↗?       他不会介意吗?(表疑问)
  • 反意疑问句:

    表示说话这 并不十分确定 陈述句部分所表达的信息,或者表示说话者并 不强迫 对方同意自己的观点,只是 简单地询问

She is pretty, isn’t she↗?    她很漂亮,不是吗?
You like her, don’t you↗?     你喜欢她,不是吗?
You will do that, won’t you↗? 你会那么做的,不是吗?
  • 问候句:


Good morning↗.  早上好。
Morning↗.       早上好。
Good evening↗.  晚上好。
Hi, Mike↗.      嗨,麦克。
See you tomorrow↗. 明天见。
  • 陈述句:


My name is Ali↘.    我叫艾力。
He called me↘.      他给我打电话了。
I can’t help you↘.  我帮不了你。
He is an able man↘. 他是一个能人。
He is right↘.       他是对的。
  • 特殊疑问句:

    就是用what, when, where, who, which, why, whose,how等特殊疑问词引导的疑问句,一般在句子末尾用降调。

What’s your name↘?        你叫什么名字?
When is your birthday↘?   你的生日是什么时候?
Where do you want to go↘? 你想去哪里?
Why did you beat him↘?    你为什么要打他?
How many students are there in your class↘? 你们班有多少个学生?
  • 祈使句:


Take this seat↘.    坐这个位子。
Be careful↘.        小心点。
Give it to me↘.     把那个给我。
Give me your hand↘. 把你的手给我。
Close the door↘.    把门关上。
  • 反意疑问句:


It's cold today, isn't it↘?  今天好冷,不是么?

You don't like milk , do you↘? 你不喜欢牛奶,是吧?

This film is boring, isn't it↘?  这部电影很无聊,不是么?
Do you want coffee↗, juice↗ or tea↘?           你想喝咖啡,果汁还是茶?
Would you like some white wine↗ or red wine↘?  你想来点白葡萄酒还是红葡萄酒?
Is she Sara↗ or Jane↘?                         她是萨拉还是简?


  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群


  • 辅音+元音型连读
  • 辅音+半元音
  • 元音对元音的连读
  • r/re+元音型连读

相邻的两个词中, 一个词的 末尾是辅音

一个词的 开头是元音 时,辅音和元音可以连读。


in an hour
on a sunny day
all of a sudden
Take a look at it.
Will it take a lot of time to go there?



Tell her I miss her.
Has he done it before?
Let him go!
Can he do it?
Should he come?
Leave him alone.


  • 在英文中,/j/和/w/是半元音。
  • 如果相邻两个词前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词以半元音开头,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。
Thank you.
first year
Can’t you dance?
Did you come?
What did you do?


一般可在元音之间加上/j/或/w/,从而使纯元音音节之间的过渡变得自然, 流畅,更加上口。


  1. 前面的单词以元音/i/, /e/结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时在两个单词之间出现半元音/j/作为过渡。
say /j/it copy /j/it
very /j/interesting day /j/in and day /j/out
she /j/is Can you see /j/it?
  1. 两个元音连读,当前面一个词是以元音/u:/或/u/结尾时,会产生一个轻微/w/,和后一个词的元音词首连读。
too /w/easy
to /w/ask
Don’t do /w/it.
who /w/else




for ever
far away
hear about
cheer up
on your own
more over
put⌒ it⌒ on    /ˌputɪ’tɒn/   把它穿上
not⌒ at⌒ all   /ˌnɒtæ’tɒl/   一点也不
in⌒ an⌒ hour   /ˌinə’nauə/   在一个小时之内
take⌒ off      /teɪ’kɒf/      起飞
pick⌒ it⌒ up   /ˌpɪkɪ’tʌp/   把它捡起来
good⌒ idea     /ˌgudaɪ’diə/   好主意
hands⌒ up      /hæn’dzʌp/     举手
up⌒ and⌒ down  /ˌʌpən’daun/   上上下下



  1. 辅音/d/与/j/相邻时,被同化为/dʒ/

    Would you…. Need you… Did you…

  2. 辅音/t/与/j/相邻时,被同化为/t∫/

    Nice to meet you. Fit you well.



next time
some money
hot tea
part time job
Nancy is working right now.

Nancy‿ is working right now. ↘

/ˈnænsi/‿ /jəz//ˈwɜː(r)kɪŋ//raɪ(t)//naʊ/.
When I was in college, I used to go to the gym twice a week.

When‿ I was‿ in college, ➡I used to go to the gym twice‿ a week. ↘

/wen/‿ /aɪ/ /wəz/‿ /ɪn/ /ˈkɒlɪʤ/‿ /aɪ/ /jus/ /tə/ /gəʊ/ /tə/ /ðə/ /ʤɪm/ /twaɪs/‿ /ə/ /wiːk/.
Do you know where the closest subway station is?

Do you know where the closest subway station‿ is? ↗

/dʊ/ /jʊ/ /nəʊ/ /we(r)/ /ðə/ /ˈkləʊsəs/ /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/ /ˈsteɪʃən/‿ /ɪz/?

意群 英美音 绕口令


  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群





There is \(\underline{an\ English\ novel}\) on the bookshelf.

\(\underline{The\ film}\) we saw last night is very interesting.


Please pass me \(\underline{that\ red-blue\ pencil}\).

I have not \(underlin{enough\ money}\) to buy it.


How to go there \(\underline{is\ a\ problem}\).

To rise early \(underline{is\ his\ custom}\).


There are some tall trees \(\underline{in\ front\ of\ the\ building}\).

Keep him \(\underline{in\ the\ dark\ about\ the\ matter}\).


I refused \(\underline{to\ believe\ the\ evil\ rumor}\).

Because he is ill, he feels unable \(\underline{to\ do\ it}\).


They lived in a room \(\underline{facing\ the\ south}\).

A letter \(\underline{posted\ today}\) will reach him the day after tomorrow.


\(\underline{Seeing\ him\ happy}\) made me happy too.

Have you finished \(\underline{correcting\ the\ students’\ papers}\)?


\(\underline{We\ can\ sing\ a\ song}\) in English.

\(\underline{I\ received\ a\ letter\ from\ him}\) after a long silence.


He \(\underline{has\ been\ working\ hard}\) since he came here.

Now that you are a big boy, you \(\underline{must\ behave\ better}\).


We should strike \(\underline{while\ the\ iron\ is\ white\ hot}\).

Take the medicine \(\underline{before\ you\ go\ to\ bed}\).

He said \(\underline{that\ he\ would\ come\ to\ see\ you\ soon}\).

Do you know \(\underline{whose\ pen\ it\ is}\)?

She told a story \(\underline{which\ moved\ us\ deeply}\).

Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the
middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a
meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food
smelt good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and
sang songs by the camp fire. But some time later it began
to rain. The boys felt tired so they pet out the fire and crept
into their tent. Their sleeping-bags were warm and
comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the
night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was
full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping-bags and
hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that
a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way
across the field and then flowed right under their tent!
Late in the afternoon, / the boys put up their tent / in the
middle of a field. As soon as this was done, / they cooked a
meal / over an open fire. They were all hungry / and the
food smelt good. After a wonderful meal, / they told stories
/ and sang songs / by the camp fire. But some time later / it
began to rain. The boys felt tired / so they pet out the fire /
and crept into their tent. Their sleeping-bags were warm /
and comfortable, / so they all slept soundly. In the middle of
the night, / two boys woke up / and began shouting. The
tent was /full of water! They all / leapt out of their sleeping-
bags / and hurried outside. It was raining heavily / and they
found / that a stream had formed in the field. The stream
wound its way / across the field / and then flowed right
under their tent!


  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群


在英音中,字母r出现在元音前才发音,比如read, write。


单词    英音    美音
car    /ka:/   /ka:r/
large  /la:dʒ/ /la:rdʒ/
dark   /da:k/  /da:rk/
air    /eə/    /er/
girl   /gɜːl/  /gɜːrl/
first  /fɜːst/ /fɜːrst/


1.在美音中,当/a/出现在 /n/ /f/ /s/ /θ/ 前要发/æ/,而在英音中/a:/发音不变

单词    英音发/a:/    美音发/æ/
class    /kla:s/    /klæs/
dance    /da:ns/    /dæns/
after    /’a:ftə/    /’æftə/
fast    /fa:st/    /fæst/
path    /pa:θ/    /pæθ/
chance    /tʃɑːns/    /tʃæns/




IPA  [ɒ]
DJ  /ɒ/
KK  /ɑ/
单词    英音读/ɒ/    美音读/ɑ/
box    /bɒks/    /bɑks/
pot    /pɒt/    /pɑt/
hot    /hɒt/    /hɑt/
not    /nɒt/    /nɑt/


3.在美音中,当/ju:/出现在 /n/ /d/ /s/ /t/ 后时发成/u:/,在英音中发音不变。

单词    英音发/ju:/    美音发/u:/
Tuesday    /'tjuːzdeɪ/    /'tuːzdeɪ/
duty    /'djuːti/    /'duːti/
tune    /tju:n/    /tu:n/
news    /njuːz/    /nuːz/


单词    英音    美音
adult    /’ædʌlt/    /ə’dʌlt/
laboratory    /lə’bɒrətrɪ/    /’læbrətɔ:rɪ/
necessarily    /’nesəsərəlɪ/    /nesə’serəlɪ/
advertisement    /əd'vɜːtɪsmənt/    /ˌædvə’taɪzmənt/

在美音当中, /t/




out of


发音问题 =病


Betty Botter bought some butter,
“But”, she said, “the butter is bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter
That would make my batter better.”
So she bought a bit of butter,
Better than her bitter butter.
And she put it in her batter,
And the batter was not bitter.
So it was better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter!
  • Vicky, the vampire, doesn’t have wavy hair.
  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  • A woodchuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
My mother and my
father went through
thick and thin


  • 了解英美音发音区别
  • 熟读本课所学绕口令
  • 参加每日晨读打卡

A1 核心语法体系


  1. 名词与代词
  2. 动词
  3. 形容词 副词 冠词 数词
  4. 介词 连词 感叹词
  5. 句子成分和五种简单句
  6. 句子的类别
  7. 英文的基础时态
  8. 并列复合句和主从复合句



  • 名词 n. (noun)
  • 形容词 adj. (adjective)
  • 动词 v. (verb)
  • 副词 adv. (adverb)
  • 数词 num. (numeral)


  • Analyze sentences 分析句子结构
  • Understand them effectively 高效理解句意
  • Construct good sentences 合理组织句子

名词 n.

  • 名词是用来表示人、事物、地点以及抽象事物的名称的。


人:Ali, doctor, uncle
事物:water, table, sun, tree
地点:Beijing, Tokyo, Italy
抽象事物:happiness, hope, love, imagination


  • This is my \(\textbf{dog}\).
  • He lives in my \(\textbf{house}\).
  • We live in \(\textbf{London}\).
  • \(\textbf{Tara}\) speaks \(\textbf{English}\) well.


  • 专有名词和普通名词
  • 可数名词的单复数
  • 不可数名词
  • 名词所有格



  • 专有名词proper noun
  • 普通名词common noun


专有名词表示特定的人、物、机构或场所等的名词,首字母通常大写 。


World Trade Organization
Elon Musk




Albert Einstein
Steve Jobs
Queen of England
Doctor Strange
Professor Lee
Captain America



Harry Potter《哈利•波特》
Animal Farm《动物庄园》
War and Peace《战争与和平》
Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》



January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday



New Year’s Day
Spring Festival
Mother’s Day
Dragon Boat Festival


a. 国家及大洲的名称
如:China, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Egypt

b. 地区、城市的名称
如:Beijing, Los Angeles, Rome, Florence, Florida, Paris

c. 江、河、湖泊的名称
如:Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, the Dead Sea, the Nile

d. 山脉、沙漠的名称
如:the Himalayas, the Alps, the Sahara


如:Huawei, Alibaba, Google, Apple, Starbucks, Peking University, World Health Organization


如:Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity


  • 对于普通名词,还根据“是否可以被分割”分为:
  • 可数名词 countable noun
  • 不可数名词 uncountable noun



如:air, milk, ice, gold, smoke, meat, bread


如:sand, grass, hair, sugar


homework, food, money, clothing


fun, love, health, art, nature, time


history, biology, grammar, science, English






比如这些名词:advice, bread, paper, baggage, chalk, equipment, furniture, information, jewelry, music和news等。

a piece of news 一条新闻
two pieces of paper 两张纸

2.用bottle, cup, drop和glass修饰液态物质

比如这些名词:beer, blood, coffee, milk, tea, water, wine

several drops of blood 几滴血
a glass of milk 一杯牛奶
two glasses of wine 两杯葡萄酒
two cups of coffee 两杯咖啡


a loaf of bread 一条面包
a tube of toothpaste 一筒牙膏
a slice of pizza 一片比萨


  • 英语要区分名词的单数 singular复数plural ,词典中一般缩写成pl.
  • 单数表示“一”;复数表示“多于一”,即表示两个或两个以上的数量。(我们汉语一般不区分名词单复数)
  • 不可数名词只有单数形式,没有复数形式。
  • 可数名词既有单数形式,也有复数形式,两套形式通常不同。
  • 对于可数名词来说,如何变复数呢?


friend / friends tree / trees pencil / pencils


bus / buses box / boxes peach / peaches wish / wishes


story / stories library / libraries puppy / puppies


monkey / monkeys holiday / holidays


tomato / tomatoes mango / mangoes (mangos) zero / zeroes



videos/videos radio/radios zoo/zoos bamboo/bamboos


pianos, solos, cellos


kilos, photos, memos


leaf / leaves knife / knives life / lives

2. 部分以-f或-fe结尾的名词直接加-s
belief / beliefs chief / chiefs
proof / proofs roof / roofs

3. 少数名词后加-s或变f, fe为v加-es均可
dwarf / dwarfs / dwarves
hoof / hoofs / hooves
scarf / scarfs / scarves


• 100 Irregular Plural Nouns in English




sheep 绵羊 deer 鹿 fish 鱼
salmon 三文鱼 cod 鳕鱼 grouse 松鸡 quail 鹌鹑


Chinese 中国人 Portuguese 葡萄牙人 Japanese 日本人
Vietnamese 越南人 Swiss 瑞士人 British 英国人
  • 名词所有格



• Mary's brother
• Jay's car
• my brother's bag
• children's books
• the horse's mouth



my sister's husband
the person's choice
the actress's agent

2.复数名词 a. 不以-s或-es结尾的特殊变化的复数名词,在词尾加's 。

children's books
women's wear
Frank and Jay are men's names.

b. 以-s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加'构成所有格。如:

her friends' house
the stars' concert


对于由连词and连接的并列名词,当表示 共有的关系 ,只需在最后一个名词的词尾加 's ;若表示 各自的所有关系 ,则须在每个名词的词尾加 's 。如:

Jay and his brother's friends 杰和他哥哥的共同朋友
Jay's and his brother's friends 杰和他哥哥各自的朋友


  • 专有名词和普通名词
  • 可数名词的单复数
  • 不可数名词
  • 名词所有格

代词 pron.

  • 简单来说,代词(pronoun)就是代替名词的一种词类。
  • 它是能够起代替和指示作用的词,在句中可以用来避免重复。
  • 代词既可以代替名词,也能起名词作用的短语或句子。
  • 代词根据意思和用法可分细为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、疑问代词、指示代词、连接代词、关系代词、相互代词、不定代词。
主格   宾格
I      me
you    you
he     him
she    her
it      it
we     us
you    you
they   them
  • 人称代词是用来指代人、动物或事物的代词。
  • 它必须在 人称 (第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)、 (单数、复数)等方面与被指代的名词一致。
  • 人称代词分为 主格宾格 两种形式。


  • I often go swimming on Wednesdays.
  • Are they our classmates?
  • That’s it.
  • I often make cookies for them.
  • Who gives the sweater to him?
  • I haven’t seen her recently.
形容词性   名词性
my        mine
your      yours
his       his
her       her
its       its
our       ours
your      yours
their     theirs

物主代词是用来说明事物 所属关系 的代词,分为 形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词 两种。


形容词性物主代词在句中 只用作定语 ,相当于一个形容词,不能单独使用。

只能作句子中名词的修饰语, 后面必须跟名词


Is that your band?

I often visit my grandma on Sundays.

My sister lost her bicycle.




my new white shirt

her little naughty son

  1. 当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时, 不能 再用 冠词 a, an或the来修饰名词,也 不能 再使用 指示代词 this, that, these或those等来修饰名词。



名词性物主代词 相当于名词 ,既代替事物又表明所属关系,相当于一个名词词组,在句子中往往独立地作 主语宾语 或者 表语 ,后面千万 不能跟名词


This is your coke, but where is mine?(主语)

I love my hometown as much as you love yours.(宾语)

The car is yours now.(表语)





  • Don’t play with the knife, you might hurt yourself.
  • She is too young to take care of herself.
  第一人称 第一人称 第二人称 第二人称 第三人称 第三人称
  单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数
人称代词(主格) I we you you he,she,it they
人称代词(宾格) me us you you him,her,it them
物主代词(形容词性) my our your your his,her,its their
物主代词(名词性) mine ours yours yours his,hers,its theirs
反身代词 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself,herself,itself themselve
  • 指示代词用来指示说明近处或者远处、上文或者下文、以前或者现在的人或事物。
  • 指示代词主要有四个,即this, that, these 和 those。


  • 指示代词既可以单独使用做句子的主语、宾语或表语,也可以作定语修饰名词。


  • What’s this?
  • She wants that.
  • My books are those.
  • I like that dress.
  • That model plane is made of plastic.
  • Remember never to do such things.
  • Do the same as the teacher tells you.


主要有who, which, that, whom, 这些代词可将定语从句和主句连接起来。




  • The student who is drawing a picture is in my class.
  • Do you know the man who is wearing a black hat?
  • Have you found the book which you lost a week ago?
  • Can you see the dog that is running along the river bank?


主要有who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever




  • What did Ali say?
  • Which one do you want?
  • What are you talking about?
  • Who are you?
  • From whom did you learn that he was there?
  • Whose room is it?


英语中连接代词主要有what, who, whom, which, whose,whoever, whatever, whichever


  • Ask them which they want.
  • The question is who can help us.
  • She asked me whom I was talking to just now.
  • Whoever comes will get a surprise at the color of our house.
  • Please buy whatever is the cheapest.


互代词只有each other和one another两个词组。

在正式文体中多用each other指两者,用one another指三者或三者以上。但是,在现代英文中,特别是美语当中,二者渐可通用,均可表示两者或三者以上的彼此。


  • Students should help one another.
  • We have known each other for many years.
  • They often stay in one another's house.
  • We don’t see much of each other.
  • We may never see each other again.



  • some (something, somebody, someone, somewhere)
  • any (anything, anybody, anyone, anywhere)
  • no (nothing, nobody, no one)
  • every (everything, everybody, everyone, everywhere)
  • all, each, both, much, many, (a) little, (a) few, other(s), another, none, one, either, neither


  • Is everybody here?
  • I like none of the books.
  • If you have any, give us some
  • That’s nothing
  • Thanks, it’s too much for me.
  • That’s really something
  • You may take either road.
1.it  6.we  11.him  16.nothing  21.themselves
2.I  7.she  12.one  17.anything  22.everyone
3.you  8.who  13.her  18.himself  23.itself
4.he  9.them  14.us  19.everything  24.anyone
5.they  10.me  15.something  20.someone  25.myself


  • 人称代词
  • 物主代词
  • 反身代词
  • 指示代词


  • 疑问代词
  • 连接代词
  • 关系代词
  • 相互代词
  • 不定代词

动词 v.

verb v.

  • 动词就是表示动作或状态的词,是英文中变化最多的词性。
  • 对于一个完整的英语句子来说,动词是不可或缺的。
  • 在英语语法当中提到的包括时态、语态、语气、肯定否定等其实大部分就是在讲动词的变化和使用规律。


  • 实义动词
  • 系动词(实义动词)
  • 助动词
  • 情态动词(助动词)


Full verb

Main verb


  • 主+谓
  • 主+谓+宾
  • 主+谓+宾+宾
  • 主+谓+宾+宾补
  • 主+系+表


  • I come. 不及物动词
  • I love you. 及物动词
  • I give you everything. 双宾动词
  • You make me sad. 使役动词
  • I feel bad. 系动词

本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如:

  • They jumped.
  • The dog ran.
  • She sang.
  • He is waiting outside.


He is waiting for you outside.

实义动词 v.

  • 实义动词:从词义角度来看,实义动词具备完整的词汇意义,并且在句子当中,实义动词可以单独充当句子的谓语。 比如run,sleep, go, drink等。
  • 实义动词又可以被分为及物动词和不及物动词。
  • 及物动词需接宾语使意思完整。
  • 不及物动词自身意思完整,不需要接宾语。

后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。有的动词接一个宾语,有的要接两个宾语。


  • She loves rainbows.
  • Juan threw the ball.
  • Could you phone the neighbors?
  • We speak German.



Mr. Johnson tells us an interesting story. (双宾语,us是间接宾语, an interesting story是直接宾语)

常见的双宾语动词 award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell, bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write, answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare



You make me sad. 你让我伤心。

主要有leave, get,make,let, have等。




  • Shall I begin now? (begin作不及物动词)
  • She began working as a librarian after she left school.(begin作及物动词)
  • Mike had knocked his leg against a table. (knock作及物动词)
  • They walked up to the door and knocked loudly.(knock作不及物动词)


有的动词在英语里只能用作不及物动词,而汉语则可用作及物动词,比如 arrive(到达),agree(同意),listen(听) 等等,英语里这些动词后面需要接介词,比如:

  • We arrived at the railway station at noon.
  • Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.
  • Do they agree to the plan?
系动词 v.


如:This little girl is Lily.

系动词is使得this little girl和Lily这两个意群连系在一起。


系动词除了我们常见的各种形式的be动词(am, is,are, was, were, has been, are being, etc.)外,还有如下一些:

  • 表示变化类:

    become get turn grow go

  • 感官动词类: look sound smell taste feel
  • 延续性动词:

    remain stay keep



  1. 状态 系动词


    He is a doctor. (is与补足语一起说明主语的身份)

  2. 持续 系动词

    用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 如:

    Sherry always kept silent in the classroom.

    The window stayed open all the night.

  3. 表像系动词

    用来表示“ 看起来像 ”这个概念,主要有seem, appear, look。如:

    You look great today.

    He seems very sleepy.

    The bright colors can make a small place appear much bigger.

  4. 感官 系动词

    感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 如:

    The scarf feels so soft.

    This flower smells sweet.

    The apples taste very good.

    The idea sounds wonderful.

  5. 变化 系动词

    这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run,如:

    He became strange after that.

    She grew rich within a short time.

    The price ran high.

  6. 终止 系动词

    表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表示证实,变成之意,如:

    The project proved difficult.

    His plan turned out a success. (turn out表最终结果)


  • Bill is a gifted dancer.
  • Bill becomes embarrassed when people compliment his skill.
  • Bill's face turns red.
  • Bill stays cool.


  1. 原形
  2. 第三人称单数
  3. 过去式
  4. 过去分词
  5. 现在分词
原形 第三人称单数 过去式 过去分词 现在分词
do does did done doing
ask asks asked asked asking
study studies studied studied studying
make makes made made making
变化规则 原形 变化形式
一般直接加-s type, draw, speak types, draws, speaks
词尾以字母s, x, ch, sh或以o结尾的加-es pass, do, brush passes, does, brushes
以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i再加-es tidy, try tidies, tries


动词第三人称单数形式用于主语是第三人称单数的 一般现在时 的句子。

如: He likes sports.

This book sells well.

Everyone here knows it.

The cat jumps high.

变化规则 原形 变化形式
一般情况加-ed work, listen worked, listened
词尾是不发音的e,加-d like, type liked, typed
词尾是“辅音字母+y”,则先改y为i再加-ed tidy, try tidied, tried
以清辅音结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,则先重复这个字母后加-ed stop, plan stopped, planned



动词过去式形式多用于 一般过去时 的句子。


I did my homework yesterday.

I had a word with Julia this morning.

The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looked at the captain, and then died.


动词过去分词形式作谓语时,多用于 完成时态或被动语态 的句子。


Peter has written six papers so far.

I have already read this book.

Have you ever been to Beijing?

The truth will be known by everyone.


变化规则 原形 变化形式
一般情况下直接加-ing work, go working, going
以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e再加-ing make, type making, typing
重读闭音节,以清辅音结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写辅音字母,再加-ing get, run getting, running
少数几个以ie结尾的,先变ie为y,再加-ing lie, die lying, dying


动词现在分词形式需要和be结合作谓语,多用于 进行时态 的句子。 如:

They are playing basketball now.

What courses are you studying this term?

The house is burning.


Auxiliary Verb [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]

助动词 :从词义角度来看,助动词 不具备词汇意义 ; 从在谓语中作用的角度来看,助动词 不能单独充当句子的谓语,必须和实义动词连用 ,大家可以把它理解 为是一种“ 辅助性 ”的动词,用来帮助构成各种时态,语态,否定,疑问等。

be, do, have


  • be
  • do
  • have

在实际应用中,要根据时态等因素使用对应的 变化形式


  • am, is, are, was, were, been, being


  • He is playing guitar. (帮助构成进行时态)
  • We were having breakfast when Terry phoned.(帮助构成进行时态)
  • The shoes are made in Italy. (帮助构成被动语态)


  • does, did


  • I don’t want to do it.(助动词帮助实义动词构成否定,后面的do有意义,不是助动词)
  • Does she walk to school every day?(帮助实义动词构成疑问)
  • What did you buy yesterday?(帮助实义动词构成疑问)


  • has, had, having


  • They have known each other for twenty years. (帮助构成完成时态)
  • Has anybody seen Dave this afternoon? (帮助构成完成时态)
  • She hadn’t eaten anything for three days. (帮助构成完成时态否定式)
  • 这三个动词be, do和have有时也可用作实义动词。
  • 作为助动词,它们的意思和在谓语中的作用和作为实义动词时是完全不同的。
  • 助动词和实义动词联合起来作句子的谓语成分。


助动词 实义动词
They didn’t clean the room. They did the cleaning.
I was studying English Literature. I became a writer.
I have decided to join the club. I have the club membership.

Modal Auxiliary Verb

情态动词 v.

  • 情态动词 :情态动词有其自身的词汇意义,可以用来 表示可能,建议,命令,愿望,必要,允许,义 务,能力,怀疑等,以表达说话者对某种行为或状 态的看法或态度。但它本身也是不能单独表示动作和状态的。
  • 情态动词和助动词的相同之处就在于,他们在句中都不能单独作句子的谓语,必须和实义动词一起构成复合谓语。


  • can/could
  • may/might
  • shall/should
  • will/would
  • must
  • need
  • dare
  • have to
  • ought to



  • Linda likes you.(客观事实 )
  • Linda must like you.(加了情态动词must,表示说话人的主观猜测,更带有主观色彩,意思也不同了 )


  • All passengers must wear seat belts.



  1. 推测 ,逻辑上的可能性。

    表示人们对于某件事情发生的 可能性大小 所作的 判断 。几乎每个情态动词都有推测用法,这是情态动词的共同特点。

  2. 各自的基本意思,“ 能力 ”“ 许可 ”“ 意愿 ”相关的意思。

    如:can意为“能够”,must意为“必须”, should意为“应该”,may意为“可以”等等


She is sad.(100%肯定,陈述客观事实)

She must be sad.(90%肯定,很有把握)

She may be sad. (50%肯定,不太有把握)

She could/might be sad. (20-30%肯定,很没把握,只是提供一种可能)


The food isn’t good. (100%,陈述客观事实)

The food can’t/couldn’t be good. (90%,很有把握)

The food may not be good. (50%,不太有把握)

The food might not be good. (25%,很没把握,只是提供一种可能)


  • I can speak French.
  • You should eat more fresh fruit.
  • May I turn on the TV?
  • Who will help me in the kitchen?
  • Would you mind waiting outside?
  • Could you not tell them?


  • 实义动词
    • 不及物动词
    • 及物动词
      • 单宾语动词
      • 双宾语动词
      • 使役动词
    • 系动词
      • 状态、感官、延续、变换、表象
  • 助动词
    • be, do, have
    • 情态助动词
  • 非谓语动词就是没有做谓语成分的动词,而这个动词以某种形式出现充当句子的其他成分。这些成分包括句子的主语,宾语,定语,表语,状语等等。
  • 非谓语动词作句中成分是它们非动词特征的体现。它是动词的一种变化形式,仍保留有动词的特征,比如有自己的主语,有时态和语态的变化。
  • To do
  • Doing
  • Done


  • Liz wants to see the gardens.(宾语)
  • The girl standing at the gate is my little sister.(定语)
  • Running is a healthy activity.(主语)
  • Seen by men, the mice began to run.(状语)

形容词 副词 冠词 数词

形容词 adj.

adjective adj.

  • 形容词是表示人或事物的属性,特征或状态的词。
  • 形容词 修饰名词 ,它的基本用法就是为名词提供更多的信息。
  • 一般分为 描述性 形容词和 限定性 形容词。


  • They are good kids.
  • He lives in a fancy house.
  • I am thirsty.
  • He likes hot coffee.
  • The view is very beautiful.


  • Some words are very hard.
  • You may ask me any question.
  • He has many good friends.
  • Jack has no children.

在一些语法体系中,这一类词不被归入到形容词词性中,而是独立作一种词性——determiner,也就是 限定词




  • 指外观,如:long, colorful, round
  • 指性质,如:harmful, hard
  • 指情绪,如:angry, sad, excited
  • 指人的品质,如:honest, kind
  • 与地名有关,如:Italian, Roman
  • 与某种材料有关,如:wool, cotton





They are good kids.

He lives in a fancy house.



I could smell something unpleasant.

We arrived at a place dirty and gloomy.

John is a businessman greedy for money.

  • 限定性形容词,或称限定词,对它所修饰的名词起到某种限定的作用。
  • 英文中的限定词数量不多,只有十几个,但使用频率非常高。
  • 限定词可表示数量,如much, little;也可以表示数目,如many, numerous, few。
  • 最常见的用法是表示“哪个”,如:this, that, all, any, some, every, either, both等,这些词也可以称为指示词。

I want this !!!! 代词

I want this book!! 限定性形容词


  1. 一般情况下,它们只能用在名词前,不用于其他的位置。如:

    Some words are very hard.

    Jack has no children.

    You may ask me any question.


    His money is too much, and mine is too little.

  2. 这一类的形容词一般不能用于比较级,只有少数表示数量的形容词可有比较级和最高级,如:

    many/much, more, most

    few, fewer, fewest

    little, less, least

  3. 它们大多数可以用作代词或名词,只有少数除外,如:

    Little has been said.

    Both of them are ill.

  4. 当修饰一个名词时,限制性形容词都放在描绘性形容词前。如:

    He has many good friends.

    He knows some honest people.

  5. 一般情况下,它们决定后面所修饰名词的单复数。换句话说,它必须与主体词在是否可数,以及是单数还是复数上一致。
    • 有些限定词主体词只能是 单数 名词,如: this book, that cat
    • 有些限定词主体词只能是 复数 名词,如: these books, those cats
    • 有些限定词只能用来修饰 不可数 名词,如: much juice
    • 有一些限定词可以和任何名词连用,如:some books, some juice


  • 形容词的原本形式称为 原级 (positive degree)
  • 表示某人或某事物比另一个人或事物“ ……”的形容词,称为这个形容词的 比较级 (comparative degree)
  • 表示在三个或更多的人或事物中“ ……”的形容词,称为这个形容词的 最高级 (superlative degree)。


  1. 在词尾加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级
  2. 在形容词前面加more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。

这两种构成方式大多数情况下与形容词的 音节数目 有关。


  1. 直接加-er和-est

    tall taller tallest

    great greater greatest

  2. 以-e结尾的词,只加-r和-st

    large larger largest

    safe safer safest

  3. 结尾以“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母”构成的词,末尾字母要双写,再加-er和-est

    hot hotter hottest

    big bigger biggest


双音节词通常都是加 moremost 构成比较级最高级。



  • cheerful / more cheerful / most cheerful
  • charming / more charming / most charming
  • foolish / more foolish / most foolish
  • constant / more constant / most constant
  • common / more common / most common

后面加-er和-est 的双音节词汇总

  1. 大多数情况下,以-y结尾构成的双音节词,先变y为i,再加-er和-est

    happy happier happiest

    heavy heavier heaviest

    angry angrier angriest

  2. 以-er结尾的词,可直接加-er和-est

    bitter bitterer bitterest

    clever cleverer cleverest

    但有些以-er结尾的词也可以加more, most构成比较级,最高级

    eager more eager most eager

    sober more sober most sober

  3. 以-ow结尾的词,可直接加-er和-est

    yellow yellower yellowest

    narrow narrower narrowest

    shallow shallower shallowest

  4. 以-le结尾的词,可直接加-er和-est

    idle idler idlest

    noble nobler noblest

    gentle gentler gentlest

  5. 重音在第二音节的词,可直接加-er和-est

    polite politer politest

    remote remoter remotest

    severe severer severest




原级 比较级 最高级
interesting / more interesting / most interesting
affordable / more affordable / most affordable
beautiful / more beautiful / most beautiful
successful / more successful / most successful


原级 比较级 最高级
good/well better best
bad worse worst
old older/elder oldest/eldest elder sister /younger sister
Litte less least
many/much more most
late later/latter latest/last
far farther/further farthest/furthest
  • far farther farthest 距离上的远
  • Further furthest 时间或其他维度上的远
  • Furthermore

副词 adv.

adverb adv.

副词是在句子中表示 行为状态特征 的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。



此时副词通常放置在 动词之后

He got up late.

Rising early is good for your health.

You have to exercise regularly.



Gloria is very nice.

It is extremely dangerous to dive in the river.

He has a rather difficult problem.



He does things too slowly.

I love you very much.

He arrived quite early.



He started long after me.

She sat just in front of John.



Fortunately, he did not lost.

Luckily, he passed the test.


Happily, he did not die. 令人高兴地是他没有死。

He did not die happily. 他死时并不快乐。



表示时间,有now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, already 等。如:

Helen went home yesterday.

Helen recently went to Paris.

Helen have already finished my work.


表示地点,有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, upstairs, downstairs等。如:

Can you help to carry this vase upstairs?

Come here!

• I am home. 我在家里
• I am here. 我在这里
• Come here.
• Come home.
• This is my home. 名词


表示动词的行为方式,大多以-ly结尾,有quietly, heavily, warmly, carefully, happily, politely, angrily等。如:

He read the letter slowly.

He quickly got dressed.


频度副词表示动作发生的次数,有always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, hardly, rarely, never等。如:

He often comes to see us.

Sometimes he went there by bus.


程度副词用于表示程度,有fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, really等。如:

I quite agree with you.

We really like the film.


指对所修饰的词进行强调,使之成为人们注意的焦点的副词。 有only, alone, also, even, just, merely, simply, mainly, especially, exactly, too, as well等。如:

Even the dog refused to eat it.

We spent four days there – mainly visiting family.


这类副词有相当于并列连词的therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover, furthermore等,也有引导名词性从句或不定式的 when, why, where, how等。如:

They all tried their best. However, they lost the game.

I don’t know how I can find him.


用于引导定语从句,有when, where, why等,如:

That’s the reason why he dislikes his hometown.

Saturday is the day when very few people go to work.

• 关系代词 which that
• 关系副词 why when how where
• I love the books which are interesting.


用于引出特殊疑问句,有when, where, why, how等。如:

Where do you come from?

When will it be ready?


修饰整个句子,表达说话人的观点态度的副词。有frankly, honestly, clearly, obviously, evidently, generally, briefly, fortunately, luckily, unexpectedly, naturally, hopefully等。如:

Frankly, you are wrong.

Honestly, I don’t like your boyfriend.

• Literally 非常






原级 比较级 最高级
well better best
much more most
badly worse worst
little less least


1.单音节副词和单音节形容词一样,都以加-er, -est的方式构成比较级和最高级。

原级 比较级 最高级
soon sooner soonest
hard harder hardest
fast faster fastest


原级 比较级 最高级
happily more happily most happily
carefully more carefully most carefully
wisely more wisely most wisely
quickly more quickly most quickly


early earlier earliest

冠词 art.

article art.



  • El libro 阳性
  • La mesa 阴性
  • 冠词
  • 戴帽子


- a doctor
- a jacket
- a university
- an egg
- an hour

冠词the有两种发音,一个是用在辅音音素(并非辅音字母)前的the,读成/ ðə ;一个是用在元音音素(并非元音字母)前的the,读成 ði /。 定冠词the修饰可修饰可数以及不可数名词,表特指。

• the pen
• the towels
• the umbrella
• the university
• the eggs
冠词 art.
  • 泛指,也叫类指,是表示一类事物,或某类事物的总称。
  • 特指,是表示某类事物中的具体的某一个或某一些。


• I have an idea. The idea is great.
• There’s a concert on Sunday night.
• I haven’t got an umbrella.
• Have you locked the door?
• I have to look after the children.
• The sun was hidden behind a cloud.
• The cloud is white.
• The sun. The moon. The earth.

数词 num.

numeral num.

数词用来表示数目与顺序,有 基数词序数词 之分。




基数词  序数词
one     first
two     second
three  third
four     fourth
five     fifth
six  sixth
seven     seventh
eight     eighth
nine  ninth
ten     tenth
基数词     序数词
eleven  eleventh
twelve     twelfth
thirteen     thirteenth
fourteen  fourteenth
fifteen     fifteenth
sixteen     sixteenth
seventeen  seventeenth
eighteen     eighteenth
nineteen     nineteenth
twenty      twentieth
基数词  序数词
thirty     thirtieth
forty     fortieth
fifty  fiftieth
sixty     sixtieth
seventy     seventieth
eighty  eightieth
ninety     ninetieth
hundred     hundredth
thousand  thousandth
million     millionth



如: 110 读作one hundred (and) ten

539 读作five hundred (and) thirty-nine


读的时候从右到左,每3个数为一个单位(有逗号隔开), 分别对应thousand千,million百万,billion十亿, trillion兆,第一个逗号前的数字用thousand, 第二个 逗号前的数字用million,第三个逗号前用billion,再 往前三位的话就是trillion这个单位。


two thousand / three hundred (and) forty-five

three hundred (and) seventy-six / thousand five hundred (and) eighty

one million / five hundred thousand

thirteen billion / four hundred (and) eighty-nine million / eight hundred (and) six thousand
• 6,7894,3432
• 678,943,432

介词 连词 感叹词

介词 prep.

preposition prep.

  • 介词是表示名词、代词等与句中其他词的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句子成分。
  • 介词的本质是用于表示对象之间的关系,大多数介词的本义是描述 空间关系 的,在这个基础上引申出时间关系,抽象关系等等。
  • 介词一定要有宾语,充当宾语的一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其它词、短语或句子,短语或从句。


  • at school
  • in my hometown
  • on the wall
  • above the mirror
  • across the street


  • at 4:30/the age of sixteen
  • on Monday/Christmas Day
  • in Spring/2020
  • during his childhood
  • for two years


  • I sold my house at a high price.
  • He sold his car for 20,000 dollars.
  • They paid him by the month.


  • I am sorry for what I said to you.
  • He was surprised at the news.
  • The old man died of hunger.


  • He goes to school by bus.
  • He broke the window with a stone.
  • They talked on the telephone.


  • Can you tell me something about yourself?
  • It’s a book on the history of china.
  • He spoke of the house the other day.


  • He talked to me as a father.
  • It was a small animal like a rat.


  • This box is made of paper.
  • Wine is made from grapes.


  • 巧用介词可以简化句子结构,用简单句表达更多的意思。
  • 介词都有核心的意义和一些引申用法,但万变不离其宗。
  • 介词+动词的搭配不要死记硬背,要去分析它背后的意义。
  • 多积累常见动词的不同用法。
in 在…内


The kids are playing in the park.(在…里)


The girl in red is my sister. (穿/戴着……)


I can finish my homework in two minutes.(在一段时间之内/之后)


She wrote a letter to me in English. (以……语言/声音)


Keep your room in order.(按……次序)

  • dress in 衣服
  • put on 穿上衣服
at 在一个 的区域


We’re going to meet at the bank. (at+建筑物表示地点)


The man always shouts at his wife.

(at+人,表示朝向目标点,如look, stare, yell, point+at)


Lisa is at work now. (表示从事某活动,如at work, at rest)


Susan had her first child at the age of 32. (at与年龄、速度、价格等可连用)

  • In 在三维空间内 in the room
  • On 在平面上 on the wall
  • At 在某一个点 look at
  • In in a year in two hours 段时间 In the morning
  • On 日历上的某个点 on Monday on Tuesday
  • At at 4:30 pm at the age of 32. in 2020

    At night , at noon In the evening . 7-12 9

    At midnight

In love On a date

I am on my way.

  • Online 上线
  • Stand in the line. 请排队!
  • By bus / car/plane
  • By bike
  • On foot
  • It’s on me! 算我的!
  • On and on again
  • Turn on 打开
  • Turn off 关掉
on 接触(表面)


There are two cats on the roof.(在某物体的表面上,在……上)


My brother was on a date yesterday.(与表示约会的名词连用)


Cindy won't eat these cookies. She's on a diet. (节食)


I go on a trip to Japan every year.(与表示距离的名词连用)


My mother is always on the go. (忙碌,on the go/run表示持续的动作)


There are some sheep on the farm. (与表示平地或大陆的名词连用)


The Green family live on that street. (与表示线状/线条/边缘相关的名词连用,onthe beach/coast/edge)


Do you go to school on foot every morning? (凭,靠)


I’ll act on your advice. (根据,遵照)


Everything is on me today. (请客,on the house主人请客)


Steven is talking on the telephone. (与表示无线电器材一类的名词连用,TV/radio)


We’ll be back on Saturday night. (与日子(某一天)连用)


The guard is on duty from 7: 00 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. (上班,值班,on duty/call)

by 在…旁/通过


He came over and stood by my side. (在……旁边)


Don't judge a book by its cover. (凭借)


I caught him by the arm.(抓住某人的… ,by the+身体部位或衣物)


I passed by my house and didn't walk in.(经过)


They sell eggs by the box.(按照,通过)


He goes to work by taxi every day.(乘坐交通工具)


The deer was killed by a car. (被动语态,表示“被”)


He succeeded by working hard.(通过)


Come back by ten!(by+时间,最迟不超过某个时间)

for 目的


She set out for Cambodia last night. (前往某地)


He did it for you. (为了…)


Are you for his idea? (赞成)


The town is famous for its historical buildings.(因为,由于)


The natives use some insects for food. (当作…)


She is working for HUAWEI.(受雇于…)


I haven't seen John for a long time.(持续一段时间)


It is necessary for you to study English.(对某人来说)


I bought the book for only $5. (以……价格)

from 从


The train from Xinjiang has arrived.


We're open from 8 to 7 every day.


Steel is made from iron.(从……,可以表示时间,起始点,原料等)


You can't stop people from saying what they think. (免于)


She saved him from drowning. (免于)

to 到…


What time are you going to the airport? (到,往,可表示方向,程度等)


Sales increased during the 13 weeks to last Sunday. (直至,到……为止)


Her children are everything to her. (表示对某人而言)

4.成功的关键 the key to success

问题的答案 the answer to the question

解决问题的方法 the solution to the problem



To my surprise, he left without saying anything.

(与情绪名词连用,形成to one's+情绪名词的结构,表示“令某人……的是”)


To my understanding, Jason moved to Dali early this month. (就某人所知)


The teacher had the music on and everyone started to dance to the music. (配合,伴随(音乐、曲调、节拍等))

about 围绕 关于


Think about what I’ve told you. (有关,关于)


I woke up at about 3 am. (大约,可表时间,数量)


He looked about the room. (=look around)(环绕,围绕)

with 同…,和…


Cut it with a knife.(使用某物)


Come with me. I'll show you something. (跟随某人,和某人)


With your help, I have nothing to worry about.(有…,随着…)


He left with the door open.(复合结构,伴随)


Many people were infected with COVID-19. (与表示疾病相关的词连用)


Are you with us or against us? (赞成,支持)


Don’t argue with me.(与……比较/争执等)

  • Vote for 给某人投票
  • Work with, fight with 一起战斗,一起工作
  • By 都交给你 by car ship by myself
  • With 伴随 with a knife with your help
1. the  21. at   41. there   61. some   81. my
2. of   22. be   42. use     62. her    82. than
3. and  23. this   43. an    63. would   83. first
4. a  24. have   44. each    64. make   84. water
5. to  25. from   45. which    65. like   85. been
6. in  26. or   46. she    66. him   86. call
7. is  27. one   47. do    67. into   87. who
8. you  28. had   48. how    68. time   88. oil
9. that  29. by   49. their    69. has   89. its
10. it  30. word   50. if    70. look   90. now
11. he  31. but   51. will    71. two   91. find
12. was  32. not   52. up    72. more   92. long
13. for  33. what   53. other    73. write   93. down
14. on  34. all   54. about    74. go   94. day
15. are  35. were   55. out    75. see   95. did
16. as  36. we   56. many    76. number   96. get
17. with  37. when   57. then    77. no   97. come
18. his  38. your   58. them    78. way   98. made
19. they  39. can   59. these    79. could   99. may
20. I  40. say   60. so    80. people   100. part

连词 conj.

conjunction conj.

  • 连词是一种虚词,用于连接 单词短语从句句子
  • 连词在句子中不单独用作句子成分。
  • 连词按其性质可分为 并列连词从属连词


  • and
  • that
  • but
  • or
  • as
  • if
  • when
  • than
  • because
  • while
  • 并列连词 主要是用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系等。并列连词用来连接属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词、短语或句子。
  • 由并列连词连接的句子叫 并列句
  • 最基本最常见的并列连词有三个:and, or, but。
  • Nick and I are good friends.
  • 对等的主语
  • Are you sad or happy?
  • 对等的形容词作表语
  • He doesn’t like her but hates her.
  • 对等的动词
  • I came to visit him and (to) tell him the truth.
  • Does he live in Shanghai or in Hong Kong?
  • Mark is not good at Spanish but poor at it.
  • You cook the lunch, and I’ll look after the children.
  • We’re making good progress, but we’ve still got a long way to go.
  • He obviously doesn’t have a plan, or he would have said something.
  • 从属连词 是连词的一种,用来引导 名词性从句状语从句
  • 由从属连词所引导的句子叫从句,而含有从句的句子叫作 复合句
  • 引出名词性从句的从属连词包括that, whether等
  • 引出状语从句的连词包括when, because, since, if 等。


  • When it stops raining, I’ll show you the garden.
  • Think carefully before you vote.
  • James lived with his parents till he was twenty-five.


  • Do you mind if I open the window?
  • I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s wrong.
  • They asked us whether we were married.


  • I couldn’t phone you because I hadn’t got your number.
  • Since there’s no more business, we can all go home.


  • I didn’t know that she was married.
  • I wonder if it’s large enough.

感叹词 int.

interjection int.

  • 感叹词表示说话时的感情或口气。
  • 在句子中不作任何成分,单纯表达情绪。
  • 常见的感叹词:

    oh, ouch, phew, hooray, oops, aha, OK, well, wow, hey, ah, dear, uh…

Ø Ah, now I understand. Ø Oh dear! Does it hurt? Ø Hey! What a good idea! Ø OK. I'll tell her. Ø Ouch! That hurts! Ø Uh…I don't know the answer to that. Ø Well, what did he say? Ø Wow! What a cool car!

  • 名形动副数
  • 代冠介连感



  • 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。不同的句子成分在句中有不同的功用。
  • 一个句子一般至少由两部分构成,即 主语部分(陈述的对象)谓语部分(陈述的内容) ,这两部分可以说是句子的主要成分。
  • 句子的其他成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语,补语,同位语等。
主   谓    宾
定   状    补

表   同
主 谓   宾

我 看见 你
主 谓 (定) 宾

(状) 主 谓 (定) 宾

(状) 主 谓 (定) 宾 (补)

(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)
(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)


(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)  (表)


Today, I, Ali, see the beautiful you studying.

I am the teacher.
  • 主语就是句子主要说明的人或事物,是一个句子的主题,也就是句子所述说的主体。
  • 它的位置一般在一句之首。
  • 名词、代词、数词或相当于名词的结构等都可以充当主语。
  • Everything is ready.


  • My teacher is very nice.


  • He knows a lot.


  • Winter is not far off now.


  • Eating makes me happy.
  • 谓语用来说明主语的动作,状态或特征,是英语时态、语态变化的主角。
  • 谓语由动词或动词短语充当,位于主语之后。
  • 谓语可以是及物动词(接宾语),也可以是不及物动词(不接宾语)。
  • I am reading.


  • They work hard.


  • The plane took off at ten o’clock.


  • She has been writing her autobiography since 1987.


  • 宾语表示动作行为的对象,在句中主要充当动作的承受者,主要跟在及物动词之后。
  • 能作宾语的有名词、代词、数词、动词不定式等。
  • Do you want a drink?


  • I missed the train.


  • He bought a watch last year.


  • I want to go. 主 谓 宾
  • I want to read.
  • I like to read.
  • I like reading.
  • 在句中修饰名词或代词的成分叫定语,用来说明名词或代词的品质与特征等。
  • 用作定语的主要是形容词,代词,数词,名词,副词,介词短语等。


  • They are natural artists.


  • Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.


  • Lin needs your help.



  • The book on the shelf is about Mexico.


  • Yesterday was a day off for everybody.


  • This is a map of China.






He sometimes drinks wine.


There are plenty of fish in the lake.


This class is really useful.





比如She makes her family. 这句话在语法上是没问题的,但是意思却不完整,“她使她的家人”,如果后面加一个补语proud,意思就完整了。




I painted the wall purple.


I found the book very interesting.





  • My uncle is a pilot.


  • She is single.


  • The food tastes good.





比如Your teacher, Ali, is a workaholic. 你的老师,艾力,是个工作狂。这里的Ali就是主语your teacher的同位语,进一步作出解释。

  • We have two children, a boy and a girl.


  • We, the Chinese people, are determined to build China into a great country.


  • They all wanted to see him.


  • Are you two ready?




  • 主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、表语、同位语



在英语语言当中,词序(word order)的不同往往会导致句子的意思不同。其实英语的语序不如许多其他语言灵活。其中一个原因就是英语已经失去了大多数原有的日耳曼语的词形变换体系。







  • 主语+谓语动词+宾语
  • Subject-Verb-Object (SVO句型)
句型一:主语+谓语 subject+verb

该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词(intransitive verb),所以这个结构也可以表述成:


这类的动词所表示的动作没有作用对象,其本身的意思完整,其后不需带宾语。在词典中表示为 vi.

The wind is blowing.



这种句型中的谓语动词的后面虽然不接宾语,但有时会接副词或介词短语来说明动作的方式,地点或时间等等。例如在句末加入一个词hard:The wind is blowing hard。其中修饰动作的成分hard就是状语。

  • The poor bird couldn’t fly.
  • It rained heavily last night.
  • She can swim like a fish.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • I usually get up at six.
  • This door won’t shut.


这个句型的谓语动词是及物动词,这种动词告诉我们由主语发出的动 作所作用的对象是什么,这里所作用的对象就是我们通常称之为 宾语 的句子成分。宾语是动作的承受对象。



She left the room.(主谓宾)

My flight leaves in an hour.(主谓)


  • He plays basketball every day.
  • Do girls love ice cream?
  • He speaks English well.
  • I watched a movie yesterday.
  • The beautiful flowers attract bees, birds, and butterflies.
  • Families make special foods together on holidays.

subject+verb+indirect object+direct object

这个句型的谓语动词是 双宾动词 (dative verb),这种动词的后面所接成分有“人”又有“物”。

一般来讲,这里的“人”表示动作的接受者,称作间接宾语(indirect object);“物”表示动作作用的对象,是动作的承受者,称作直接宾语(direct object)。


Playing online will bring me a lot of fun.

He lent his cousin 100 dollars.

No one will buy you a car.

Henry gave Grandpa a hug.

Can you show us your apartment?

I am writing Linda an email.

The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes.


award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell, bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write, answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare

You sing us a song.



该句型中的谓语动词是 宾补动词 使役动词 ,这种动词的后面接宾语,而此宾语的后面又接补充说明宾语的补足语。




I found this answer wrong.


句中的wrong就是补足语,补充说明前面的宾语。比如我们只说I found this answer.则表示我找到了这个答案,这句话的意思显然是不完整的,于是我们需要对宾语this answer进一步补充说明一下,改为I found this answer wrong. 这样句子的意思才完整。

  • You should keep the room clean and tidy.
  • He makes me very angry.
  • A hedge(篱笆) between keeps friendship green.
  • The babies got the floor dirty.
  • He baked the cake brown.
  • Let’s make our hometown a better place.
  • Make America great again
  • We make America great again.


宾语与宾语补足语 的语义关系就相当于 主语与主语补足语 的关系,有点像一个 主系表结构 ,所以,在宾语后添上一个系动词be,如果能构成一个语义通顺的句子,就是宾语补足语。而间接宾语与直接宾语之间就没有这样的语义关系。


  • He made me sad.
  • He made me a cake.

解析:在句1中,在宾语me后加一个be动词,意思上是说得通的,就是我很难过,所以这里面的sad是宾语补足语。而在句2中,在宾语me后加一个be动词,我是一个蛋糕,这样的意思明显是讲不通的,所以它是一个双宾语的结构,a cake是一个直接宾语


subject+linking verb+predicative


所谓系动词,又叫连系动词(linking verb),这一类的动词并不表示具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面成分的作用。


  • Snow is white.
  • Kate was here yesterday.
  • The weather gets hot in summer.
  • She looks beautiful.
  • The flowers smell good. I smell you. 主谓宾
  • I stayed awake all the night.
  • They boy remained silent.


  • 主谓结构、主谓宾结构、主谓双宾结构、主谓宾宾补结构、主系表结构

I come. 不及物动词

I love you. 及物动词

I give you everything. 双宾动词

You make me sad. 使役动词

I feel bad. 系动词





  1. 我不想起床。
  2. 不要再响了!
  3. 我其实可以再睡一会的。
  4. 现在几点了?
  5. 啊!迟到啦!


  1. 我不想起床。 (陈述句否定式)
  2. 不要再响了!(祈使句)
  3. 我其实可以再睡一会的。(陈述句肯定式)
  4. 现在几点了?(疑问句)
  5. 啊!迟到啦!(感叹句)




  • Our neighbors are very friendly.
  • We are looking for tools.

陈述句有 肯定式 ,也有 否定式


1)如果句子中有 be动词 ,在be动词后面加not 构成否定结构。

肯定:That is his bike.

否定:That is not his bike.

肯定:They were at home yesterday.

否定:They were not at home yesterday.

Be 是           Be 是
I am            I was
You are         You were
He she it is    He she it was
We are          We were
They are.       They were.

2)如果句子里有 情态动词

(can, should, will, may, could, must等),就在情态动词后加not。

肯定:Frank should be there early.

否定:Frank should not be there early.

肯定:I can do it.

否定:I can’t do it. Can not can’t should not

3)如果句中没有be动词,也没有情态动词,就要借助 助动词do/does/did 来帮忙。

当句中的谓语动词是 原形 时,在谓语动词前直接加 don’t

肯定:My parents like black tea.

否定:My parents don’t like black tea.

肯定:I want to go.

否定:I don’t want to go.

  • Do not
  • I love you.
  • I do not love you.
  • I don’t love you.

当句中的谓语动词是 第三人称单数 时,在谓语动词前加 doesn’t ,动词则还原成原形。

肯定:She likes dancing.

否定:She doesn’t like dancing.

肯定:Joey knows my number.

否定:Joey doesn’t know my number.

  • Do not
  • I love you.
  • I do not love you.
  • I don’t love you.
  • I love you.
  • She loves you.
  • She does not love you.
  • She doesn’t love you.
  • I can love you.
  • I can not love you.
  • I can’t love you


肯定:We had a great time last week.

否定:We didn’t have a great time last week.

肯定:Nick went camping yesterday.

否定:Nick didn’t go camping yesterday.

  • I loved you.
  • I did not love you.
  • She loved you.
  • She did not love you.







当一个陈述句是含有系动词(be,is,am,are等)或情态动词(can, should, will, may, could, must, have等)的话,要把系动词或情态动词提到句首,构成一般疑问句的格式,然后再在句尾加上问号就可以。


This is Tom’s cat.

变为一般疑问句: Is this Tom’s cat?

肯定回答:Yes, it is.

否定回答:No, it isn’t.


I can speak English.

变为一般疑问句: Can you speak English?

肯定回答:Yes, I can.

否定回答:No, I can’t.

  • You are Ali.
  • Are you Ali?
  • She is pretty.
  • Is she pretty?
  • I was beautiful.
  • Was I beautiful?
  • I can swim.
  • Can I swim?


They are international students.

变为一般疑问句: Are they international students?

肯定回答:Yes, they are.

否定回答:No, they aren’t.



They play basketball every day.

变为一般疑问句: Do they play basketball every day?

肯定回答:Yes, they do.

否定回答:No, they don’t.

  • You love me!
  • Do you love me?

I brought it back.

变为一般疑问句: Did you bring it back?

肯定回答:Yes, I did.

否定回答:No, I didn’t.

Jim wants to go with us.

变为一般疑问句: Does Jim want to go with us?

肯定回答:Yes, he does.

否定回答:No, he doesn’t.

She loves me.         I love her.        I loved her.
Does she love me?     Do I love her?     Did I love her?
She does not love me. I do not love her. I did not love her.
She doesn’t love me.  I don’t love her.  I didn’t love her.
  • 疑问代词疑问副词 引导的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。
  • 特殊疑问句通常用降调。
  • 常见的疑问代词有:who 谁,whom 谁(宾格),whose 谁的,which 哪一个,what 什么;疑问副词有when 什么时候,where 什么地方,why为什么,how 如何。
  • 特殊疑问句不能用yes或no回答。



如疑问词作 主语主语的定语 ,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句语序。


Who knows the password?

Whose bike is broke?

What made you change your mind?

  • What is your name?
  • What is your name?
  • Ali knows the password.



What does she like?

Where are you from?

What time does he get up every morning?


  • Who is singing?
  • Which bag do you like?
  • What is on the desk?
  • How are you?


  • 提出两种或两种以上的不同情况,由对方加以选择作出回答的疑问句称为选择疑问句。


  • Is Kevin’s hair long or short?
  • Shall we go there on Saturday or on Sunday?
  • 选择连词or前面用升调,后面用降调。回答时,要根据情况从两个并列的选择成份选出其中一种。




Your little brother is funny, isn't he?

You don’t live together, do you?

如果陈述的前一部分是肯定式,反意疑问一般用否定式;如果陈述 的前一部分是否定式,反意疑问一般用肯定式。朗读时前一部分用 降调,后一部分在表示疑问时用升调,在表示强调等意思时用降调。

• You love me , don’t you?    • You don’t love me , do you?

• Yes, I do.                  • No , I love you!!!!
• No, I don’t                 • Yes, I do.

• Yes, I don’t                • Yes I don’t love you.
• No, I do                    • No I don’t.


  • 祈使句是用来表示命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等意义的句子。
  • 祈使句的主语you通常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末可以用感叹号,也可以用句号。
  • 祈使句一般用降调。


如:Be quiet for a moment.


如:Make your own rules.


如:Let's go.

• Be a man!
• 男人点!
• Be a good girl!

• Stand up!
• Shut up!
• Go away!
  1. Don't+动词原形

如:Don't eat in the car.

  1. Let型祈使句的否定式有两种

a. Don’t+let+宾语+动词原形

如:Don’t let him go.

b. Let’s+ not+动词原形

如:Let's not say anything about it.


如:No smoking.

No fishing.

• No+ 名词
• No talking. 动词+ing =动名词
• No smoking .

• I don’t have money.
• I have no money.

• She does not have time.
• She has no time.
• Come in, please.
• Just do it!
• Go and wash your hands.
• Look out! Danger!
• Don’t forget me!
• No parking.


  • 感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子,句尾要用感叹号,朗读时用降调。
  • 感叹句往往由what或how引导。
  • what用作定语修饰名词,how用作状语修饰形容词,副词或动词。
  1. What+a/an+(形容词)+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!

如: What a fine day (it is)!

  1. What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!

如: What kind women they are!

What nice music it is!

• What a day!
• What a good/ bad teacher!
• What a teacher


如: How hard the workers are working!

How clever the girl is!

How quickly the boy is writing!

  1. How+主语+谓语!

如:How time flies!

• How fast!
• How nice (the girl is! )


  • What a lovely day!
  • What a good boy he is!
  • How time flies!
  • How nice!
  • How quickly the boy is writing!
• What + 名词性结构
• How + 形容词 副词性结构

• What a good boy!
• How good the boy is!

• What a clever girl!
• How clever the girl is!



  • 陈述句
    • 肯定式
    • 否定式
  • 疑问句
    • 一般疑问句
    • 特殊疑问句
  • 祈使句
    • 三种形式
  • 感叹句
    • what+名词
    • how+形容词



“时态”总体来说就是表示一个动作发生的 时间 和所处的 状态




英语中一般把时间,即时态中的“时”,分成四类,包括: 过去现在将来过去将来






现在 时间和 进行态 配起来就是 现在进行时态

过去 时间和 一般态 配起来就是 一般过去时态

将来 时间和 完成态 配起来就是 将来完成时态



时与态 一般态 进行态 完成态 完成进行态
现在 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时
过去 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时
将来 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时
过去将来 一般过去将来时 过去将来进行时 过去将来完成时 过去将来完成进行时



进行态是四个状态中最容易理解的一个,用法也相对单一。它表示 某一时刻正在进行的动作 ,就是说这些动作在句中被提及的时候还在发生。


现在 进行时

过去 进行时

将来 进行时

过去将来 进行时



结构: be(am/is/are)+现在分词(doing)

这里的be动词要根据主语的人称和单复数去对应成现在时态的 am/is/are


  • I am watching TV right now.
  • He is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
  • They are drinking coffee in the cafe


结构: be(was/were)+现在分词(doing)


  • Last night at 10 pm, I was watching TV.
  • Yesterday at this time, he was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
  • They were drinking coffee in the cafe when I came in.

通过时间点的提示可以看出这些动词显然都不是现在在发生,而是过去的 某个时间在进行当中的,可以理解成 在句中提及的时间点动作是在持续中,没有结束



结构: will be+现在分词(doing)


will be依旧是表征时间的助动词,没有实际意义。

  • I will be watching TV at this time tomorrow morning.
  • He will be cooking dinner in the kitchen this evening.
  • They probably will be drinking coffee in the cafe when we get there.
  • 进行时态结构



将来进行时:will be+现在分词(doing)

由结构可以看出,虽然时间点不同,但以上句中的 动词都使用现在分词形式 ,表示动作持续进行,没有结束的 进行“态”

前面的be动词表示“ ”, 需要随时间的变化而变化 ,现在时态就是am/is/are,过去时态就是was/were,将来时态则是will be。

  • 一个进行时动作往往具有持续性:进行时态表示的是一个事件或活动在某个特定的时间(过去/现在/将来)正在持续,所以这一时态当中使用 延续动词 (也就是动作可以持续的动词)连用是最自然最顺的,比如write, run, read, rain等。
  • 既然强调动作的持续性,那么就表明这个动作还没有结束,所以它也有动作的 未完成性 这样的特点。



  • 一般现在时
  • 一般过去时
  • 一般将来时
  • 一般过去将来时






谓语动词形式: do/does(动词原形或动词第三人称单数)





The earth moves around the sun.

Water boils at 100℃。

Knowledge is power.

Great minds think alike.



表示经常发生的、习惯性的 动作 或者是存在的 状态



He often goes hiking with his daughter.

I go to the concert hall twice a week.

They walk to school every day.



I am a fan of football.

Tom is always lazy.

这一用法常和表示 动作频率的副词 连用。

表示 肯定 的频度副词有: always, frequently, usually, sometimes, generally, occasionally, often…

表示 否定 的频度副词有:never, seldom, rarely…

表示频度的副词短语有:once a week, twice a year…




一般过去时常表示在过去 某一个特定的时间 所发生的动作或存在的状态,此时常和表示过去的特定的 时间状语 连用。

一般过去时也可表示 过去某一段时间内重复发生并结束了 的动作。



I played basketball with my friends last night.

Kelly gave me a present for my birthday.






It was then a small fishing village.

Antonio lived in Hong Kong for three years.







  • 谈论将来要发生的事情时,多数情况下不太可能成为一个确定无疑的事实,而只能是表示一种 可能性
  • 从某种角度上来讲,发生在将来的事件与发生在过去或现在的事件不可能有相同的确信度。


  • 预测 (prediction)


  • 计划 (future plan)


  • 意愿 (willingness)



  1. will+动词原形
  2. be going to+动词原形
  3. 现在进行时态表将来:be(am/is/are)+现在分词(doing)




–“The phone is ringing.”

–“I will get it.”


“May I take your order?”

“I will have the burger and soda combo, please.”

以上的动作没有事前的计划或是安排,是一个 瞬时的决定 ,表达说话者的 意愿




Who do you think will win on Saturday?

They say that it will rain tomorrow.

It won’t (=will not) take long to finish the job.

be going to+动词原形

这个结构表将来一般多表示计划(a plan)或意愿,有时也可以表示预测。

I am going to buy a new computer for my son.(计划)

My grandma is going to learn how to browse the Internet.(意愿)

You are going to fall if you’re not careful.(预测)

will和 be going to表示预测时的差别:

1.用 be going to多指根据目前的明显迹象来推断某件事将要发生;而will则只是表明说话人认为或相信某件事将要发生。

2.be going to通常用来表示说话人预期所说的事件马上或在相当近的将来就要发生;而will所表示的动作发生的时间可近可远。

3.在表示“预测”时,will的语气比 be going to显得正式。

现在进行时态表将来: be(am/is/are)+现在分词(doing)

如果用现在进行时来表示将来的动作,说明是 非常确定的 即将要发生的动 作或者说是安排,语气要比be going to更加强烈。这里的将来多数指比较 近的将来。


I am having lunch with my boss on this Friday.

这个句子就是使用了现在进行时的结构表示将来,就说明吃午饭不仅仅是 计划了,而是非常确定要发生的动作。这个结构暗含着“我和老板都订好 了时间和地点,等着时间一到动作就发生了的”这种意思。

现在进行时态表将来: be(am/is/are)+现在分词(doing)


We are flying to London the day after tomorrow.


Jason is giving a presentation next class.



现在进行结构和be going to表达有什么区别呢?


I am going to see the dentist sometime next week.




I am seeing the dentist tomorrow afternoon.





完成时态的构成分为两部分:一部分是 助动词have (没有实际意义),另一部分是 实义动词的过去分词 (动词的五种形式之一)。通常情况下也是在动词的词尾加-ed,部分动词存在不规则变化。



现在完成时结构:have/has learned

过去完成时结构:had learned

将来完成时结构:will have learned


结构: have/has+过去分词







I have finished my homework.

这个句子没有出现明确的时间点,因为不论是一个小时前完成还是刚刚完成,动作发生的时间都不重要,这里的现在完成时强调的是 动作的完成性 ,是一个 结果 ,或者说 对现在的影响 ,和当下你的行为有联系。具体什么影响呢?也许就是我已经可以玩手机了,我不需要再去写作业了,因为动作已经完成了。




I have seen this film.




James has already read this book.

Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.

The little girls have learned how to read.

以上就是现在完成时的主要用法, 强调动作的完成,而不是发生的时间 。 如果我们想表达的是动作发生的时间点则可以把它们改成一般过去时。


I have finished my homework.(现在完成时)

I finished my homework at 7.30 p.m.(一般过去时,有明确时间点)


I have seen this film. (现在完成时)

I saw this film last week.(一般过去时,有明确时间点)


表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作或状态,并且这个动作在当下的 时间点还没有结束,句中有时带有表示一段时间的时间状语,一般是 for+时间段,以及since+时间点。


I have taught English to many students.




Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.(依然喜欢)

I have had a cold for two weeks.(还没有好)

She has been in England for six months.(目前还在)


结构: had+过去分词






When I got to the theater, the movie had started.



表示由 过去的某一时刻 开始,一直延续到 过去另一时间 的动作或状态。


By the end of last term, we had learned 5000 new words.



结构: will have+过去分词




By December, Henry will have saved $300.



You will have reached Hangzhou by this time tomorrow.

My grandma will have finished writing her novel by the end of this year.





Ali is a teacher.



We took a cab to the train station.


这一类的句子在英文当中我们叫它 simple sentence ,翻译过来就是“简单句”。

在语法术语上它还有一个名词,叫 independent clause ,可以理解为“ 独立句 ”,这类句子的特点是可以 单独存在 ,并且是一个 意思完整 的句子,句子中至少包含一个主语和一个谓语动词。






我们可以把这些组合起来的句子叫做 复合句


并列复合句 Compound Sentences

主从复合句 Complex Sentences


所谓的 并列复合句 也称并列句,就是将两个或两个以上的独立句(independent clause)用 并列连词 连在一起构成的句子。

组成并列复合句的独立句彼此之间 不分主次 ,句中两个或多个独立句之间要 在连词前加逗号 进行连接


Ali is a teacher. Ali enjoys teaching.

这时根据意思可以把两个句子用一个连词 and 连接起来:

Ali is a teacher, and he enjoys teaching.

(后面句中将Ali用了代词he做了替换,整个句子更通顺流畅。连词and表示句子间的 顺承 关系)


并列连词 常用的有四大类

  • 顺接
  • 转折
  • 选择
  • 因果


Anna’s a highly intelligent girl. Anna is rather lazy.


很明显,我们可以用“但是”,在英文当中这个词就是 but


Anna’s a highly intelligent girl, but she’s rather lazy.

这里我们将后面句子当中的Anna用代词she做了替换,句子显得更加简洁 避免重复

连词but表达了两个句子间的 转折 关系。


She told me to do it. I did it.



She told me to do it, so I did it.

这个句子就是一个 因果 关系的并列,连词so表示“所以”。


We can take a bus to the mall. We can just walk there.



We can take a bus to the mall, or we can just walk there.

这个句子就是一个 选择 关系的并列,连词or表示“或者”。

  • 以上我们分别用and, but, so, or来连接句子,这四个常见的连词就是语法中所说的“并列连词”,我们可以用这些词将独立句连成并列复合句。
  • 构成并列复合句时,要把两个或多个独立句的连接处的句号改成逗号,然后再加上恰当的连词。
  • 英文中还有其他的一些并列连词,我们之后涉及到相关知识点的时候再与大家分享。




When I got home from school yesterday,

判断这个句子是不是 独立句 呢?


这里我们回顾下独立句的概念,这类句子既 可以单独存在 ,又得是一个 意思完整 的句子。




你的朋友肯定会想:“然后呢?” What happened? “发生什么了?”

因为意思不完整,所以它不是一个独立句(independent clause)。在英文当中这种句子我们称它为 从属句 (dependent clause)。这类句子单独存在意思残缺不完整,必须依 附在一个独立句 上才说的通。

  • Depend on
  • I will depend on you!
  • Dependent 依靠 adj
  • Independent 独立 adj .


When I got home from school yesterday, I watched TV for two hours.

加入的这个句子I watched TV for two hours是一个意思完整的独立句。这时,整个复合句的意思就完整明确了。

像这种由 独立句从属句 共同构成的句子就是 主从复合句 。其中, 独立句 是复合句当中的 主句 ,而 从属句 是句子中的 从句



I love to travel because I get to meet a lot of interesting people.


1.I love to travel 我喜欢旅行

2.because I get to meet a lot of interesting people 因为我能遇到很多有趣的人



If you see him, give him this note.

从句:If you see him,

主句:give him this note.



句子成分 的角度来说,从句就是 用一个句子取代一个简单句中的某一个成分 ,于是变成了对应的从句。







名词性从句 ——从句相当于一个大名词

定语从句 ——相当于一个大形容词

状语从句 ——相当于一个大副词

  • 在句子中 起名词作用的句子 就是名词性从句。
  • 名词性从句的功能相当于名词,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、宾语补语、同位语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能。
  • 名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、宾语补语从句和同位语从句。
  • What I am watching is thrilling. (主语从句)
  • His suggestion is that we should stay calm. (表语从句)
  • Do you know what he likes ?(宾语从句)
  • I heard the news that our team had won .(同位语从句)
  • You have made me what I am . (宾语补语从句)
  • 定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句
  • 其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个 名词性成分 ,相当于 形容词 ,又称为 形容词性从句 ,一般紧跟在它所修饰的 先行词 后面
  • 简单来讲定语从句就是一个用作定语功能的从句


Hermione Granger is a smart girl.

Hermione Granger is a girl who has magic power .

前面一句中smart形容词作定语,下句中who has magic power这个句子作定语,修饰先行词girl,这个句子就是定语从句。

  • 先行词


  • 关系词


关系代词 在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等; 关系副词 在定语 从句中用作状语。


The dog that/which was lost has been found.(关系代词从句中作主语)

He is no longer the man who he used to be .(关系代词从句中作表语)

This is the little girl whose parents were killed in the great earthquake .(关系代词从句中作定语)

Jack will never forget the day when he met Rose . (关系副词从句中作状语)

This is the reason why he refused to help us .(关系副词从句中作状语)

  • 用作 状语 的从句叫作状语从句,起 副词 作用,通常由 从属连词 引导。
  • 状语从句中的从句可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。
  • 按其意义和作用可分为时间、地点、 条件、 原因、让步、目的、结果、 方式、比较状语从句。

I started my dinner when he had left. (时间状语从句)

I won't go with you until I finish my homework. (时间状语从句)

Wherever they went, they were warmly welcomed. (地点状语从句)

I will stand where I can see the show clearly. (地点状语从句)

I didn't go abroad with her because I couldn't afford it.(原因状语从句)

Now that you've passed your test, you can drive on your own.(原因状语从句)

I'll buy a computer if I am able to save up enough money. (条件状语从句)

As long as it doesn't rain, we can play. (条件状语从句)

Although they have been talking for a long time,

he cannot make her believe him. (让步状语从句)

Even if I failed again, I will not give up the experiment. (让步状语从句)

They started early so that they might arrive in time. (目的状语从句)

She explained again and again in case we should misunderstand her.(目的状语从句)

He is so humorous

that we’ll never forget him. (结果状语从句)

She is such a nice girl that everybody likes to make friends with her. (结果状语从句)

Always do to the others as you would be done by. (方式状语从句)

They looked at me as though I were mad. (方式状语从句)

The film was not so exciting as we expected.(比较状语从句)

She looks much younger than she is. (比较状语从句)


A1 基础词汇精讲


  1. 万能介词
  2. 常用动词
  3. 常用动词
  4. 常用动词
  5. 基础名词
  6. 核心形容词
  7. 核心连词副词


25 Most Common Prepositions

1. of
2. in
3. to
4. for
5. with
6. on
7. at
8. from
9. by
11. as
12. into
13. like
14. through
15. after
16. over
17. between
18. out
19. against
20. during
21. without
22. before
23. under
24. around
25. among
  • Cover of the book. 书的封面


French is known as the most beautiful language in the world.

She works as a director.


They were all dressed as clowns.

The bomb was disguised as a package.



Hundreds of athletes marched into the stadium for the opening ceremony.

I wandered into the hotel bar and ordered a drink.


Jemma had grown into a beautiful woman.

Our homework today is to translate a Chinese article into English.


She is into yoga.



It's nothing like what happened in the mid-Seventies.

  1. (指人或事物的品质、特点) 像…样

What did she look like?


It eats small animals like birds and mice.


I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf.

  • I like you.
  • I am like you.
  • Be like


The thief got in through the window.

The hunter stalked the bear through the woods.


He became ill through overwork.

It was through him that I missed my train.


He lay awake all through the night.

He has decided to prolong his visit through the weekend.



After the war, I went back to work on the farm.

Joe was born not long after we moved to London.


The police are after him for burglary.

Watch out, he’s only after your money.


After what he did to my family, I hate him.

He was fired from his job after roughing up a colleague.


He takes after his father.

This is a picture after van Gogh.



Perry glanced at the clock over the door.


She put her hands over her ears.


Sandra’s brother lives just over the road from our house.


Over 50 percent of the company’s shares are owned by the government.


Children were rushing around madly all over the place.


The king has ruled over the people for ten years.

  1. 在……期间

Most hotels are fully booked over the holiday weekend.

  • I am over you! 我再不想你了。
  • Game over. 游戏结束


They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.


Between ourselves, I know he wants to marry her.


There is a path between the house and the road.


Between them they landed the big fish.


The three sites employ 12,500 people between them.

  1. 对抗,抵制,反对

I’m against all forms of censorship.

The king’s son died in battle, fighting against the Persians.


They forced me to do things against my will.

It's against your promise to go on smoking.


We sailed against the wind.

She always advances against difficulties.


The seats have no back against which to lean.

A picture hangs against the wall.


The mountain looked magnificent against the sky.

The hat color looks good against your skin.



During his visit to South Africa, the president met Archbishop Tutu.

Fournier was killed in action during the First World War.


During the summer season, all the hotels are full.

Many creatures stay underground during daylight hours.



Robert likes to drink coffee without sugar.

I couldn't have succeeded without his help.

2.用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定的意思,没有……不,没有……则不能

The old man cannot walk without a stick.

I can’t live without you – I want to marry you.

Liz closed the door without making a sound.



We expect an announcement within the next 24 hours.

There were four churches within the walls of the ancient city.


The government was doing everything within its power to help the victims.

Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law.

  • I will call you in 2 hours.
  • I will call you within 2 hours.
  • I will call you after 2 hours.


I went for a run before breakfast.

The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher.


Quality comes before quantity.

You must pay attention to this problem before every thing.



The watch cannot be sold for under 100 yuan.


What are you kids doing under the table?


The machine is still under warranty.


He kept the situation under control.


Several players are under treatment for injuries.


Under the terms of the agreement, our company will receive 40% of the profits.



The earth goes around the sun.


The children sat around the teacher.


The number of listeners tonight is around 100.


They walked around the town looking for a place to eat.



There’s a lemon tree among birches in the backyard.

They strolled among the crowds.


A British woman was among the survivors.

You are among the fortunate.


The cost should be shared equally among the three of you.

Decide on five courses among all those the school offers.



The teacher was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder.

The other runners were a long way behind Benson.


The project is already a month behind schedule.

At half time, our team was behind by 12 points.


Not everyone in the Cabinet was behind Thatcher’s policies.

When it came to a crisis, they all rallied behind their leader.


Police believe that a racist group is behind the attacks.

Behind your every action is self-interest.

  1. 在……上面,在……之上


We lived in the room above the shop.

The sun rose above the horizon.

  1. 超过,胜过,高于

The company’s profits were 23% above the previous year’s.

In most subjects the students scored well above average.


Jack was cheating? I thought he was above that sort of thing.


In their society, honesty was prized above all other virtues.

We value our independence above anything that you can offer us.



There is a supermarket below the department store.

There is a waterfall far below the bridge.


During the night, temperatures dropped below zero.

The college will not accept candidates with test scores below 60.

House prices are still 2% below 2000 levels.



He ran toward his house.

The bus follows the road toward Beijing.


He’s not feeling very friendly toward you at the moment.

I have shown enough forbearance toward him.


I’ll phone you some time toward the end of the week.

Caroline’s name appeared toward the bottom of the list.



We walked along the road.

The procession passed along the street.


Here are a few suggestions along this line.

The House will make a few changes and suggestions along the way.



The scenery there is beautiful beyond description.

Jenny won the competition beyond everyone's expectation.


Don't stay here beyond midnight.

The new law extends this ban beyond 2022.


Some people will prefer to continue working beyond 65.

Inflation had risen beyond 10%.



All the team were there except Eddie, who was ill.

He’s done nothing all day except sit around and watch television.


I’d be glad to help, except that I’m going to be away this weekend.

He is quite nice except that he is bad-tempered.




Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.


There's a research station perched 4000 meters up on the lip of the crater.


He stood up and went to the window.


He was living up North.


The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car.



She was still looking down at her papers.


Please sit down.


Interest rates came down today.


Turn the music down.



The station is a few minutes' walk away.

Christmas is still months away.


Go away!


She was away from work for a week.


The water boiled away.



She ran out into the corridor.

I got out of bed.


I called Lisa but she was out.

We haven't had a night out for weeks.


Don't lean out of the window.

The boats are all out at sea.



I called him but he ran off.

Sarah's off in India somewhere.


Take your coat off.

Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off.


The water is off.

Make sure the TV is off.


I've got three days off next week.



1. the   21. at   41. there   61. some   81. my
2. of   22. be   42. use   62. her   82. than
3. and   23. this   43. an   63. would   83. first
4. a   24. have   44. each   64. make   84. water
5. to   25. from   45. which   65. like   85. been
6. in   26. or   46. she   66. him   86. call
7. is   27. one   47. do   67. into   87. who
8. you   28. had   48. how   68. time   88. oil
9. that   29. by   49. their   69. has   89. its
10. it   30. word   50. if   70. look   90. now
11. he   31. but   51. will   71. two   91. find
12. was   32. not   52. up   72. more   92. long
13. for   33. what   53. other   73. write   93. down
14. on   34. all   54. about   74. go   94. day
15. are   35. were   55. out   75. see   95. did
16. as   36. we   56. many   76. number   96. get
17. with   37. when   57. then   77. no   97. come
18. his   38. your   58. them   78. way   98. made
19. they   39. can   59. these   79. could   99. may
20. I   40. say   60. so   80. people   100. part


for, after, over, forward to, at, up

back, around/about, out, into, through, as if/though, down upon/on
  • He was looking for work as a builder.
  • 寻找
  • It’s hard work looking after three children all day.
  • 照顾
  • I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written.
  • 检查
  • I’m looking forward to the holidays.
  • 期待 to doing sth
  • They looked at the picture and laughed.
  • I am tired of the way they look down on/upon us like we aren't good enough for them.
  • 蔑视
  • I will look it up the dictionary .
  • 查找
  • She looked as if/though she hadn't slept all night.
  • 看起来像
  • She was looking through a magazine as she waited in the doctor's office.
  • 浏览
  • Police are looking into the disappearance of two children.
  • 调查
  • Look out! There's a car coming!
  • 小心
  • When we went to Boston, we only had a couple of hours to look around/about.
  • 四处看看
  • When I look back I can see where we went wrong.
  • 回顾


on, off, away, up, out

into, down, aside, back
  • He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.
  • 穿上
  • I’ve got to put this cream on twice a day.
  • 涂抹
  • Shall I put the kettle on?
  • 点火
  • The match has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather.
  • 推迟
  • He put his toys away every night.
  • 收起来
  • They’re putting up several new office blocks in the center of town.
  • 建立
  • The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations.
  • 装饰
  • The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.
  • 扑灭
  • Put those heavy bags down for a minute.
  • 放下
  • I hate the way Dave puts me down the whole time.
  • 贬低
  • Put down your name and address.
  • 写下
  • Can you put me down by the library?
  • 放下
  • Laura put aside her concerns and got on with the job.
  • 放一边
  • Both sides need to put aside their differences and continue the peace talks.
  • 搁置
  • Can you put the book back when you’ve finished with it?
  • 放回
  • I put a lot of work into the speech.
  • 投入


at, on, back, in, up, for, off
  • The ship called at the port.
  • 停靠
  • Can you call at the shop on your way home and get some milk?
  • 去一下
  • The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.
  • 呼吁
  • Why don’t you call on my sister when you’re in Brighton?
  • 拜访
  • I’ll call you back when I’ve heard something.
  • 回话
  • Rachael called in sick.
  • 请假
  • She wondered whether to call in on Mark on the way home.
  • 顺路拜访
  • He called me up to tell me about it.
  • 叫起
  • Hurst was called up for the game against Mexico.
  • 召唤
  • Several of the newspapers were calling for his resignation.
  • 呼吁
  • Skill and initiative are called for in this job.
  • 需求
  • If we have much more rain, the game might be called off.
  • 取消


at, in, for, as, out, on, with,
  • She has been working at controlling her temper.
  • 致力于
  • Successful relationships don’t just happen – you have to work at them.
  • 努力
  • She works for a big law firm in the city.
  • 为谁工作
  • She worked as a journalist.
  • 做为什么工作

• We need to work out how we’re going to get there. • 解决 • Things worked out pretty well in the end. • 进展 • He works out at the local gym every day. • 锻炼 • All our nursery nurses are qualified to work with children. • 和谁打交道 • Don’t worry about that, I’m working on it. • 处理


up, on, off, back, away, down, into

over, out, out of, to, in, through
  • We didn’t get up until lunchtime.
  • 起床
  • We got on the train at Lime Street station.
  • 乘坐
  • Be quiet and get on with your work!
  • 继续
  • How is George getting on at school?
  • 进展
  • I think you two would get on well.
  • 相处
  • I can’t get my boots on!
  • 穿上
  • Get off the grass right now!
  • 离开
  • Get your dog off me!
  • What time do you get off work?
  • 下班
  • I’ll try to come, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get that week off.
  • 请假
  • Why don’t you get those wet clothes off?
  • 脱掉
  • Her lawyers were confident that they could get her off.
  • 逃脱
  • I’ll talk to you when I get back.
  • Let’s get back to the main point of the discussion.
  • Do you think they’ll get back together?
  • Did you get your books back?
  • 回来
  • The dog got away from me in the park.
  • He said he’d meet me for lunch if he could get away.
  • On days like today, I just want to get away from it all.
  • We’re hoping to get away to Scotland for a few days.
  • 逃脱
  • Doing the same thing every day can get you down.
  • 使…低落
  • It’s important to get things down on paper.
  • 记录下来
  • Incoming fire! Get down!
  • 趴下
  • The door was locked and we couldn’t get into the house.
  • 进入
  • She’s really getting into the Internet.
  • 痴迷
  • She got into one of the top universities in the country.
  • 进入
  • I don’t want to get into an argument with him.
  • 深入
  • The teacher screamed at him to get out.
  • 出去
  • She got out her violin and started to play.
  • 取出
  • I washed the shirt twice, but I couldn’t get the stain out.
  • 洗掉
  • I wanted to tell him I loved him, but couldn’t get the words out.
  • 说出
  • He was determined to get out of prison.
  • 出去
  • I said I’d meet him, but now I want to get out of it.
  • 摆脱
  • I was determined to get the truth out of her.
  • 整出….
  • After a while his teasing started to get to me.
  • 整烦
  • Where has Nick got to?
  • 整到
  • The theatre was already full, and we couldn’t get in.
  • 进入
  • What time does the bus get in?
  • We’ve got a lot of work to get through.
  • 搞定
  • I just have to get through the first five minutes of my speech, and then I’ll be fine.
  • 挺过
  • I finally managed to get through my driving test.
  • 通过
  • It’s taken me ages to get over the flu.
  • 克服 战胜
  • Don is pretty upset, but he’ll get over it.
  • I don’t know how we’re going to get over this problem.


on, out, for, out for
  • Meg was trying on some red sandals.
  • 试穿
  • I’m trying out a new computer.
  • 尝试
  • Why don’t you try your Italian out on Francesca?
  • My father encouraged me to try for a place at Oxford.
  • Rita’s trying out for the school play again.


back, up, away, away for, down, for, off
  • If you’re not completely satisfied with the goods, send them back for a full refund.
  • 邮寄回
  • The oil shortage is bound to send prices up.
  • 促进
  • His friend was sent away by the security guards.
  • 送走
  • For more information, send away for our free booklet.
  • 邮购
  • He was sent down for possession of cocaine.
  • 入刑
  • I think we should send for a doctor.
  • I sent off the letter this morning.
  • 送出


of, about, over, up, out, ahead
  • Can you think of any other way to do it?
  • 想到
  • I can’t think of the name of the hotel we stayed in.
  • 想起
  • He’s always thinking of other people.
  • 考虑到
  • I had never thought of becoming an actor.
  • 想过
  • I've often thought about starting my own business.
  • 考虑
  • I’ve been thinking over your suggestion.
  • 反复思考
  • Why don’t you think it over and give me a call in a couple of days?
  • 再想想
  • She was trying to think up an excuse.
  • 编造
  • Think it out properly before you make a decision.
  • 深思
  • She had thought out what she was going to say.
  • 想好
  • We’re thinking ahead to the next meeting.
  • 提前考虑


up, out, at
  • The phone rang and I picked it up.
  • 接电话
  • Carol picked herself up and brushed the dirt off her coat.
  • 站起来
  • Will you pick me up after the party?
  • 接某人
  • I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.
  • 学会
  • I picked up a faint smell of coffee.
  • 闻出
  • We’ll meet again in the morning and we can pick up where we left off.
  • 说回
  • Have you picked out a dress for the party?
  • 挑好
  • I picked out Valerie’s voice from among the general conversation.
  • 认出
  • The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in a crowd.
  • Penny could only pick at her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two.
  • 少量的吃


int, down, out, up, back, across
  • What shall I do?’ Patrick cut in again.
  • 插入
  • She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.
  • 变道
  • By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents.
  • 减少
  • The doctor advised him to cut down his working hours.
  • 降低
  • Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight.
  • I’ve cut out chocolate completely.
  • 切断
  • The idea behind these forms is to cut out fraud.
  • 消灭
  • Will you cut it out – I’m trying to sleep here!
  • 闭嘴
  • Could you cut the pizza up, please?
  • 切好
  • Some idiot cut me up on the motorway.
  • 阻断


in, down, out, up
  • Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.
  • 闯入
  • Dad would occasionally break in with an amusing comment.
  • 打断
  • The printing machines are always breaking down.
  • 坏掉
  • I left London when my marriage broke down.
  • Police had to break down the door to get into the flat.
  • 破坏
  • Food is broken down in the stomach.
  • 分解
  • I was still living in London when the war broke out.
  • 爆发
  • Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out?
  • 起火
  • Three men have broken out of a top-security jail.
  • 越狱
  • Break the chocolate up into squares.
  • 弄碎
  • The couple broke up last year.
  • 分手
  • Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.
  • 拆开



about, along, ahead, against, away, back, by, down, for

up, in, into, off, on, out, over, through
  • I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to go about it.
  • 着手做,处理
  • There were no further reports of violence in the town, and most people went about their daily activities as usual.
  • 从事,进行(日常的活动)
  • I might go along to the party later.
  • 出席,去
  • Things were going along fairly well.
  • 进展
  • They’ve decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new houses on the site.
  • 着手做…,开始…
  • You go ahead and we’ll wait here for Sally.
  • 先走,走前面
  • "Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, go ahead.”
  • 给予允许
  • Building a road here would go against the wishes of the local community.
  • 违背(信念、意愿等)
  • The president will resign if the vote goes against him.
  • 对…不利
  • Go away and leave me alone!
  • 离开,走开
  • Why don't you and I go away this weekend?
  • 出去度假
  • I felt so sick I just wanted to go back to bed.
  • 回去
  • The building goes back to Roman times.
  • 追溯到…
  • Last month went by so fast.
  • (时间) 流逝
  • If they prove that I was wrong, then I'll go by what they say.
  • 遵循,遵照
  • His income went down last year.
  • 下降,下跌
  • The ship went down off the coast of Africa.
  • (船、飞机、太阳等)下沉,下落
  • I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance.
  • 向下(跪下,趴下…)
  • Train fares have gone up.
  • 上升,上涨
  • It was a lovely place before all these new houses went up.
  • (建筑物等)被兴建,被建起
  • He had left the gas on and the whole kitchen went up.
  • 爆炸,燃烧
  • A great cheer went up from the audience.
  • (喊声或欢呼声)响起
  • I think I’ll go for the steak. What are you having?
  • 选择
  • There were 200 people going for just three jobs.
  • Go for it!
  • 努力获取
  • I don’t really go for horror films.
  • 喜欢,倾向
  • The sun went in, and the breeze became cold.
  • (太阳、月亮)被云遮蔽
  • I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.
  • 进去
  • My son's planning to go into journalism.
  • 从事(某工作或职业)
  • Is there a lot of effort and money going into this sort of research?
  • (时间、精力或钱)用在…
  • It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.
  • 描述,解释
  • Are you going out tonight?
  • 外出(娱乐、交际…)
  • They’ve been going out for two years now.
  • 与…交往
  • Suddenly the candle went out.
  • 熄灭
  • The magazine goes out to all members at the end of the month.
  • 被宣布,发表,传播
  • He went out in the first round.
  • 出局,被淘汰
  • Hats like that went out years ago.
  • 过时
  • I’ve set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.
  • (闹钟、报警器等)响
  • The central heating goes off at 9 o’clock.
  • 停止运转
  • The milk’s gone off.
  • 变质
  • He went on working until he was 91.
  • 继续做,持续做
  • I don’t know what’s going on.
  • 发生
  • Alan retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster.
  • 进而,接着
  • Go on, it's fun.
  • 赶紧,来吧(劝说或鼓励别人)
  • The heat goes on automatically at 6 o’clock.
  • (设备)开始运转,工作
  • Could you go over this report and correct any mistakes?
  • 仔细检查
  • I had gone over and over what happened in my mind.
  • 认真思考
  • He’s going through a divorce at the moment.
  • 经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)
  • Someone had broken into the office and gone through all the drawers.
  • 翻阅,翻找
  • He’d gone through all his money by the end of the first week of his holiday.
  • 用光,花光


across, along, at, back, down, from, in

up with, into, on, out, over, up
  • I came across a word I’d never seen before.
  • 偶然发现,偶然遇见
  • What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
  • 使产生…印象
  • Take any job opportunity that comes along.
  • 出现,到来
  • We’re going into town – do you want to come along?
  • 一起来
  • Come along! Don’t give up yet!
  • 鼓励别人(=come on)
  • A stranger came at him with a knife.
  • 扑向,逼近
  • We decided to come back to Scotland for another holiday.
  • 回来
  • I'm glad hats are coming back.
  • 重新流行
  • As I walked the city streets, the memories came flooding back.
  • 回忆起
  • The snow came down during the night.
  • 落下,降下
  • House prices have come down recently.
  • 下降,降低
  • I come from London originally.
  • 来自
  • Most of her problems come from expecting too much of people.
  • 源于
  • Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?
  • 进来
  • Reports are coming in of a major air accident.
  • 收到(信息、报告、电话等)
  • We haven’t got enough money coming in.
  • 收入
  • What time does his train come in?
  • 到达
  • It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.
  • (新的观点、时装或产品)流行起来
  • We’ve recorded a new album, and it’s coming out in the spring.
  • 出版,发行
  • The truth is beginning to come out about what happened.
  • (事实)暴露,披露
  • The sky cleared and the sun came out.
  • (太阳、月亮或星星)出现
  • We scrubbed the carpet with soap but the stains still wouldn’t come out.
  • 被弄掉,除掉
  • I’ve made a cake, but it hasn’t come out very well.
  • 结果是…
  • That summer, I decided to come out to my parents.
  • 公开同性身份
  • Is your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?
  • 过来
  • Do you want to come over on Friday evening?
  • 来访
  • A wave of sleepiness/anger came over me.
  • (某种感觉)影响,支配
  • Strangers come up to him in the street and say how much they enjoy his books.
  • 走近,走到跟前
  • The subject of salaries didn’t come up.
  • 被提及,被讨论
  • She’s hoping a vacancy will come up at the local college.
  • (职位)出现空缺
  • I’m going to have to cancel our lunch – something’s come up.
  • 突然发生
  • With Christmas coming up, few people have much money to spare.
  • 即将到来
  • Is that the best excuse you can come up with?
  • 想出,提出
  • We wanted to buy the house but we couldn’t come up with the cash.
  • 设法拿出(所需钱款)


for, into, of, off, off with, out, up
  • Everyone made for the exit as soon as the show was over.
  • 走向,朝…前进
  • A happy parent makes for a happy child.
  • 导致,造成,促成
  • They've made the spare room into an office.
  • The story was made into a film two years ago.
  • 把…转变为,使成为
  • What do you make of this news?
  • He's a strange guy. I don't know quite what to make of him.
  • 理解,看待
  • The kids made off when they heard us coming.
  • They broke free and made off in a stolen car.
  • 匆忙离开,逃走
  • Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000.
  • 偷走,拿走
  • I can just make a few words out on this page.
  • (勉强地)辨认出,看出,听出
  • I couldn’t make out what I had done to annoy her.
  • 理解,弄清楚
  • We made out a case for hiring another assistant.
  • 证实
  • Oxygen makes up roughly 20% of the atmosphere.
  • 组成,构成
  • I think they’re making the whole thing up.
  • 编造,虚构
  • Nick made up a song about them.
  • 创作
  • She spent too much time making herself up.
  • 化妆
  • I’m trying to make up the time I lost while I was sick.
  • 补足
  • Have you made up with Patty yet?
  • 和解,和好


against, around, away, back, down, into, off

up, off, on, out, over, to
  • Many people had turned against the war.
  • 反对,反感
  • The girl's natural father claimed that her stepfather was turning her against him.
  • 与…反目
  • Bill turned the truck around, and started back for Dallas.
  • 调转方向
  • Turning the company around won't be easy.
  • 复苏,好转
  • Let’s turn the whole idea around and look at it from another angle.
  • 改变(问题、句子或想法的)表达方式
  • You can’t just turn around and say that it was all my fault.
  • (尤指为指责别人或捍卫自己)话锋突转
  • Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students.
  • 拒绝…进入
  • Bad weather forced them to turn back.
  • 返回,折返
  • We’ve promised to help, and there’s no turning back.
  • 无法改变计划
  • Can you turn the TV down? I’m trying to work.
  • 关小,调低
  • They offered her the job but she turned it down.
  • 拒绝
  • A few weeks later, winter had turned into spring.
  • Our holiday turned into a nightmare.
  • 变成,转变
  • Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave.
  • 关上,关掉
  • I think we should have turned off at the last exit.
  • 驶离
  • What turns teenagers off science and technology?
  • 使丧失兴趣
  • Jake turned on his computer and checked his mail.
  • 打开,接通
  • Science fiction just doesn’t turn me on.
  • 使产生兴趣
  • It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right.
  • 结果是…
  • Don’t forget to turn out the lights when you go!
  • 关掉,熄灭
  • About 70% of the population turned out for the election.
  • 参加,出席
  • If you can’t pay the rent, they turn you out.
  • 赶走,逐出
  • You may turn over your exam papers now.
  • 翻转
  • Ann turned over in her bed once more.
  • 翻身
  • I would, indeed, turn the evidence over to the police.
  • 移交
  • I don’t know who to turn to.
  • 求助于
  • Many people here are turning to solar power.
  • 开始做/用…
  • Turn the oven up to 220.
  • 开大,调高
  • Steve turned up late, as usual.
  • Don’t worry, I’m sure a job will turn up soon.
  • 出现,到来
  • The police investigation hasn’t turned up any new evidence.
  • 找出,发现


away, back, behind, by, in, off, out
  • Economic growth will drop back to 3% this year.
  • 减少
  • Alex dropped back to let me pass.
  • 退后
  • Ellen dropped behind to tie her shoelace.
  • 落后,退后
  • Why don’t you drop by for coffee some time?(=drop in)
  • On the way back, we dropped in on my parents.
  • 顺道拜访
  • She kept dropping off at her desk.
  • 打瞌睡,睡着
  • I’ll drop you off on my way home.
  • 中途放下
  • The number of graduates going into teaching has dropped off sharply.
  • 减少
  • Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
  • 退学,退出
  • He decided to drop out and spend his life travelling.
  • 拒绝接受传统规范,摈弃社会习俗



at, away, from, back, off, up, down, out of
  • I know it’s hard, but keep at it! Don’t give up!
  • 坚持,继续做
  • You should keep away from fried foods.
  • 远离
  • These worries kept her from sleeping properly.
  • 阻止,不让发生
  • I got the feeling he was keeping something back.
  • 隐瞒,保密
  • We'll need to keep back some of the budget for travel later in the year.
  • 保留,留存
  • Keep the flies off the food.
  • Dogs must be kept off the beach.
  • (使)不接近
  • Keep up the good work.
  • 继续做
  • He had to hurry to keep up with her.
  • 不落后(于…)
  • Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
  • 跟上
  • She did not bother to keep up with the news.
  • 了解
  • We need to keep costs down.
  • 使(数目、大小、数量等)保持在低水平
  • Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.
  • 压制,镇压
  • I tried to give her something to drink but she couldn't keep it down.
  • 不使(食物或饮料)吐出
  • Cars should be kept out of the city center.
  • 不进入


with, to, on
  • I am inclined to agree with Alan.
  • 同意…的观点
  • You look well - the mountain air must agree with you.
  • (情况、环境等)适合…,对…有益
  • Your account of the accident does not agree with hers.
  • 与…一致
  • She agreed to sell him the house.
  • 同意做…
  • We couldn't agree on what to buy.
  • 通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议


about, apart, behind, down, for, in, in with

into, off, on/up on, out, over, through, to
  • Dan fell about and slapped his thighs.
  • 捧腹大笑
  • I’ve read this book so often it’s falling apart.
  • 散架,垮掉
  • His promising career began to fall apart.
  • 崩溃,瓦解
  • Their marriage finally fell apart.
  • 破裂,破碎
  • After five miles Tara was tired and started to fall behind.
  • 落后
  • My daughter is falling behind with her school work.
  • 跟不上
  • We started to fall behind with the rent.
  • 不能按时交付/完成
  • I fell down and hurt my knee.
  • 摔倒,跌倒
  • The bridge is falling down and will need a million dollars to repair it.
  • 倒塌
  • The local authority is falling down on the job of keeping the streets clean.
  • 失败
  • He is too smart to fall for that trick.
  • 受骗
  • He fell for Rose when he was in hospital and she was his nurse.
  • 爱上,迷恋
  • During the hurricane the roof fell in.
  • 塌陷
  • She's afraid she's going to be hurt and that she'll never fall in love again.
  • 坠入爱河
  • She fell in with a group of troublemakers.
  • 交友
  • All passengers aboard fell into the river.
  • 落入
  • She fell into modelling quite by accident.
  • 偶然开始做…
  • Sales always fall off in the winter months.
  • 降低
  • A button had fallen off her jacket.
  • (从结合处)脱落,掉落
  • The burden of caring for elderly parents often falls on/upon women.
  • 由…承担
  • His eyes fell on her bag. ‘Are you going somewhere?’
  • 落到
  • Have you two fallen out?
  • 闹翻,失和
  • The drugs made her hair fall out.
  • (头发、牙齿等)脱落,掉落
  • Tommy fell over and cut his knee badly.
  • 摔倒,跌倒
  • She fell over the dog and broke her front teeth.
  • 被…绊倒
  • The studio planned to make a movie of the book but the deal fell through.
  • 没有落实,没有达成(常搭配deal, plan, project, sale)
  • It fell to me to give her the bad news.
  • (责任、机会等)落到…头上


about, against, apart, aside, back, down, in

off, on, out, to, up
  • How do senior managers set about making these decisions?
  • 开始,下手
  • This season’s results have been disappointing set against last year’s.
  • 把…和…作比较
  • The bitter civil war set brother against brother.
  • 使…与…对立
  • Gary’s natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players.
  • 使与众不同,使突出
  • Have you set aside some money for your child’s education?
  • 留作…之用
  • They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace.
  • 丢开,不理会
  • The spending cuts have set the research project back several years.
  • 使推迟,耽误
  • Jim’s new car must have set him back £30,000.
  • 使花费,破费
  • She set all these events down in her diary.
  • 把…写下来
  • Clear guidelines have been set down for teachers.
  • 制定,规定
  • Winter seems to be setting in early this year.
  • 开始,到来(多指不好的事情)
  • I’ll set off early to avoid the traffic.
  • 动身,出发,启程
  • Hong Kong’s stock market fell, setting off a global financial crisis.
  • 引发,触发
  • Any movement could have set off the bomb.
  • 引爆
  • Blue suits you, sets off the color of your hair.
  • 衬托,显得更漂亮
  • The smallest thing sets him off, and he can't stop talking about his childhood.
  • 使…滔滔不绝,回忆起…
  • The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.
  • 使…攻击
  • After a three-day rest, the travelers set out again.
  • 出发,启程
  • He has achieved what he set out to do three years ago.
  • 开始,着手
  • He set out the reasons for his decision in his report.
  • 阐述,说明
  • The market traders began setting out their displays.
  • 安排,摆放
  • If we all set to, we’ll finish the job in half an hour.
  • 认真开始做…
  • They want to set up their own import–export business.
  • 创建,建立
  • I’ll set up a meeting for Thursday.
  • 安排,设置
  • The next band was already setting up on the other stage.
  • 装配,调试,安装
  • She claims she’s innocent and someone set her up.
  • 陷害,诬陷
  • A good breakfast will set you up for the day.
  • 使振奋
  • I think we should set Ryan up with my cousin.
  • 撮合…,介绍…


after, apart, aside, away, from, back, down, for, in

off, on, out, over, up, up on, up, with
  • In looks she takes after her father.
  • 与…相像
  • My watch stopped, so I took it apart.
  • 拆开,拆卸
  • They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail.
  • 仔细分析,剖析
  • I was immediately taken aside by the manager.
  • 拉到一边,叫走
  • He wants to know who have take away his dictionary.
  • 拿走
  • If you take four away from ten, that leaves six.
  • 从…中减去
  • Two men claiming to be police officers called at the Jim’s house and took him away.
  • 带走,抓走
  • 'It's starting to rain again.' — 'Not enough to take away from the charm of the scene.’
  • 减损
  • If you don’t like the scarf, I can take it back.
  • 退回,退还
  • I didn’t mean what I said – I take it back.
  • 收回,撤回
  • This song always takes me back to my childhood.
  • 使回忆起
  • She made us take down all the posters.
  • 取下,拿下
  • Early in the morning they took down the tents.
  • 拆掉
  • Can I just take some details down?
  • 写下,记录
  • She looks so young I took her for your sister.
  • 当作,认错
  • Don’t be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in aweek.
  • 欺骗,使上当
  • Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
  • 让…进入
  • Brett’s always taking in stray animals.
  • 收留,收容
  • I’m not sure how much of his explanation she took in.
  • 理解,领会
  • They continued a few miles further to take in Hinton House.
  • 参观,欣赏
  • I’d better take my shoes off.
  • 脱下,脱掉
  • The plane should take off on time.
  • (飞机)起飞
  • Her business has really taken off.
  • 腾飞,成功
  • As soon as she saw George arrive, she just took off.
  • (突然)离开,走开
  • We haven’t taken any time off since last summer.
  • 请假,休假
  • Mike can take off his father to perfection.
  • 模仿,学
  • We’re taking on 50 new staff this year.
  • 雇用,录用
  • Don’t take on too much work – the extra cash isn’t worth it.
  • 承担,接受
  • His life had taken on a new dimension.
  • 呈现,显出
  • This evening Manchester United take on Barcelona.
  • 与…较量
  • We stopped to take on fuel.
  • 上(客),补充(燃料),装(货)
  • Henry took out his wallet.
  • 取出
  • How many teeth did the dentist take out?
  • 拔掉,去掉
  • She’s taking her parents out for dinner.
  • 带…出去
  • IBM is taking over the smaller company.
  • 接管,接收
  • His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including

-ix London theatres.

  • 接任,接手
  • Did the children take to him?
  • 喜欢上,喜爱
  • Recently he’s taken to wearing a cap.
  • 养成(做…)的习惯
  • Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest.
  • 开始从事,喜欢上
  • I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.
  • 占用,花费
  • She fell silent, and her brother took up the story.
  • 继续
  • One of our greatest athletes has taken up a new challenge.
  • 接受,答应
  • I'll take you up on your generous offer.
  • 同意,接受
  • I don’t want you to take up with the wrong crowd.
  • 和…混在一起
  • His mind was wholly taken up with the question.
  • 忙于


away, back, in, off, out, over, over to, on, up
  • I gave most of my books away when I left college.
  • We have 1,000 smartphones to give away to our readers.
  • 送出,赠送
  • She would give nothing away.
  • 泄露(秘密)
  • The company had to give back all the money customers had paid.
  • 归还,退还
  • Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms.
  • 让步,屈从
  • The rebels were forced to give in.
  • 投降,认输
  • The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.
  • 释放,放出
  • Can you give the drinks out, please?
  • 分发,散发
  • After two hours her patience gave out.
  • 用尽
  • All machines give out eventually.
  • 停止运转
  • A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light.
  • 发出(光、热等)
  • He wouldn't give out any information.
  • 公开,宣布
  • Give over making that noise!
  • 停止,住手
  • The major part of the garden was given over to growing vegetables.
  • 专门用于
  • Why don’t you give up smoking?
  • 戒除,停止
  • You shouldn’t give up so easily.
  • 放弃,认输
  • In the end, his family gave him up to the police.
  • 投案,自首
  • They agreed to give half their office up to the temporary staff.
  • 把…让给


about, along, aroud/round, down, forward, in

off, on, out, over, up
  • A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.
  • 导致,引起
  • You’re welcome to bring along a friend.
  • 把…带来
  • Sam was sure he could bring them around/round to the deal.
  • 改变…的观点,说服
  • I'd passed out and he'd brought me around/round.
  • 恢复知觉
  • Please bring back my notebook from the classroom.
  • 带回
  • Do these stories bring back any memories?
  • 使记起,使想起
  • He wants to bring back the glamour of the old Hollywood films.
  • 恢复,使…再度流行
  • Our principal responsibility is to bring down the level of unemployment.
  • 降低,减少
  • Opposition parties are threatening to bring down the government.
  • 使(政府)垮台
  • Strong winds brought down power lines across the region.
  • 使倒下
  • The match has been brought forward to 1.00 pm.
  • 使…提前
  • The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.
  • 提出(观点),提交(议案)
  • Overseas students bring in more than £30 million a year in tuition fees.
  • 赚取
  • The government would bring in the necessary legislation to deal

-ith the problem.

  • 推行,采用
  • The firm decided to bring in a new management team.
  • 请来,引入
  • If they can bring off the deal, they’ll be able to retire.
  • 成功完成
  • She nearly died of a heart attack brought on by fear.
  • 引起,导致
  • The next year they brought out a low-priced car to compete with Ford.
  • 推出,生产(新产品)
  • There’s something about her that brings out the worst in me.
  • 使…显现,激发
  • I’ll bring my holiday photos over when I come.
  • 带来
  • She brought up three sons on her own.
  • 养育,抚养
  • I hate to bring this up but you still owe me £50.
  • 谈及,提起
  • I had a sandwich for lunch and promptly brought it up again.
  • 呕吐


aside, away, back, in, off, out, up
  • All her plans to go to university have been thrown aside.
  • 把 … 扔到一边,放弃
  • I threw away all the broken toys.
  • 扔掉
  • This could be the best chance you’ll ever have. Don’t throw it away!
  • 浪费,错过
  • I should never have told you that. I knew you'd throw it back at me.
  • 翻旧账
  • Buy a computer now and get a free printer thrown in!
  • 免费赠送,额外奉送
  • I just threw in a few comments occasionally.
  • 无意中说,随口说
  • They threw off their clothes and dived in.
  • (迅速)脱掉
  • I can’t throw off this feeling of sadness.
  • 摆脱,抛掉
  • I’ve thrown out my old boots.
  • 扔掉,丢掉
  • She threw him out of the house.
  • 赶走,撵走
  • The idea was thrown out by the committee.
  • 不接受,不受理
  • I feel terrible – I’ve been throwing up all night!
  • 呕吐
  • This system has thrown up a few problems.
  • 产生,激起
  • The car wheels threw up a shower of stones.
  • 扬起,溅起
  • New houses were hastily thrown up by developers.
  • 匆匆建起




  • season季节
  • mouth月份
  • week星期
  • day天
century 世纪    year 年    season 季节

mouth 月       week 周     day 天

hour 小时      minute 分钟  second 秒

Seasons 季节

  • spring 春
  • summer 夏
  • autumn/fall秋
  • winter 冬

Months 月份

Months of the year

January 一月    July 七月

February 二月   August 八月

March 三月      September 九月

April 四月      October 十月

May 五月        November 十一月

June 六月       December 二十月
  • 月份缩写
1 January    Jan.
2 February   Feb.
3 March      Mar.
4 April      Apr.
5 May        May
6 June       Jun.
7 July       Jul.
8 August     Aug.
9 September  Sep.
10 October   Oct.
11 November  Nov.
12 December  Dec.

Weeks 星期

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日

Days 天

  • morning 上午
  • noon 中午
  • afternoon 下午
  • evening 晚上
  • night 夜晚

Holidays 节日

  • New Year 新年
  • Chiness New Year/ Spring Festival 春节
  • Lantern Festival 元宵节
  • Mothers' Day 母亲节
  • Labor Day 劳动节
  • Children's Day 儿童节
  • Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
  • Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
  • National Day 国庆节
  • Halloween 万圣节
  • Thanksgiving 感恩节
  • Christmas 圣诞节

Body Parts 身体部位, Clothes 服饰

Body Parts 身体部位
Clothes 服饰

Food 食物, Drinks 饮品

Fruit 水果

Vegetables 蔬菜

Food and Drinks

Colors 颜色

Jobs 职业

worker driver inventor actor/actress singer farmer reporter
工人 司机 发明家 演员 歌手 农民 记者
scientist artist dentist athlete musician engineer dancer
科学家 艺术家 牙医 运动员 音乐家 工程师 舞者

School 学校类

School 学校类

  • Subjects 学科
  • School Supplies 用具
  • Places 地点
  • Activities 活动

Subjects 学科

School Supplies 学校用品

Places in Scholl 地点

Transportation 交通工具,Places 地点

Transportation 交通工具

Places 地点

Nature 自然,Animals 动物

Nature 自然

Animals 动物


Words to Describe

  • People
    • Appearance
    • Personalities
    • Emotions and Feelings
  • Weather
  • Food
  • Pets
  • Places

Words to Describe People

  • ppearance 外表
  • Personalities 性格
  • Emotions and Feelings 情绪和感受

What is he like?

He is …..

Appearance 外表

tall 高的,  short 矮的
fat 胖的,  thin 瘦的
old 年老的, young 年轻的
beautiful/pretty 漂亮的, ugly 丑的
healthy 健康的, ill/sick 生病的
strong 强壮的, weak 虚弱的

Personalities 性格

outgoing 开朗的, shy 害羞的
polite 礼貌的, rude 粗鲁的
hard-working 勤奋的, lazy 懒惰的
talkative/loud 爱说话的/大声的, quiet 安静的
kind/friendly 和善的/友好的, mean/unfriendly 刻薄的/不友好的
honest 诚实的, dishonest 不诚实的
careful 仔细的, careless 粗心的

Emotions and Feelings 情绪和感受

happy/glad 高兴的, unhappy/sad 不高兴的/伤心的
hungry/thirsty 饿的/渴的, full 饱的
brave 勇敢的, afraid 害怕的
busy 忙的, free 空闲的
relaxed 放松的, worried 忧虑的
interested/excited 感兴趣的/兴奋的, bored 无聊的
lively 生气勃勃的, tired 疲倦的
calm 冷静的, nervous/mad 紧张的/气愤的
lucky 幸运的, unlucky 不幸的
comfortable 舒服的, uncomfortable 不舒服的
hopeful 满怀希望的, hopeless 绝望的
right 对的, wrong 错的

How are you feeling today?

Words to Describe Weather

What is the weather like?

It is …..

spring     summer
warm 暖和的, hot 热的
clear 晴朗的, wet 潮湿的
colorful 多彩的, humid 湿润的
breezy 微风徐徐的, bright 明亮的,明媚的
lovely 令人愉快的, nice 美好的
autumn/fall   winter
cool 凉爽的, cold 冷的
gold 金黄的, dry 干燥的
mild 温和的, chilly 寒冷的
vivid (颜色)鲜艳的, frosty 严寒的,结霜的
late 末尾的(深秋), early 早期的(初冬)

Words to Describe Food

What is the food like?

It is …..

sweet 甜的, salty 咸的
sour 酸的, spicy 辣的
bitter 苦的, juicy 多汁的
rich 油腻的, creamy 奶油般柔滑的
crisp/crispy 脆的, soft 软的
yummy 好吃的, delicious 美味的
tasty 可口的, fresh 新鲜的
stale 不新鲜的, horrible 糟糕的
awful 糟透的, special 特别的
traditional 传统的, famous 著名的

Words to Describe Pets

What is your pet like?

It is …..


large 大的
small/little 小的
cute 可爱的
furry 毛茸茸的
clever 聪明的
silly 笨笨的
funny 好玩的
loyal 忠诚的
clean 干净的
dirty 脏的

Words to Describe Places


northwest 西北;西北部的 north 北;北方的 northeast 东北;东北部的
west 西;西方的 directions 方位 east 东;东方的
southwest 西南;西南部的 south 南;南方的 southeast 东南;东南部的

Words to Describe Trips

far close long short same different cheap expensive
远的 近的 长的 短的 相同的 不同的 便宜的 贵的
非常好的 很棒的 愉悦的...

Typical adjective endings 常见形容词后缀

  • They live in a beautiful house.
  • Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt today.
  • This soup is not edible.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • He writes meaningless letters.
  • This shop is much nicer.
  • She wore a beautiful dress.
  • Ben is an adorable baby.
  • Linda’s hair is gorgeous.
  • This glass is breakable.
  • I met a homeless person in NY.

Order of adjective examples 形容词顺序

  • 英语形容词排列顺序
  • 大小、长短、形状+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、出处+材料+用途、类别
  • 一件漂亮的中式新的短装红羊毛外套
  • A beautiful short new red Chinese woollen coat.
  • I love that really big old green antique car that is always parked at the end of the street. [quality – size – age – color – qualifier]
  • My sister has a beautiful big white bulldog. [quality – size – color]
  • A wonderful old Italian clock. [opinion – age – origin]
  • A big square blue box. [size – shape – color]
  • A disgusting pink plastic ornament. [opinion – color – material]
  • Some new slim French trousers. [age – shape – origin]
  • My small new red sleeping bag. [size – age – color – purpose]
  • I bought a pair of black leather shoes. [color – material]

Comparing adjective examples 比较级用法

  • This house is bigger than that one.
  • This flower is more beautiful than that.
  • He is taller than Mr. Hu.
  • He is more intelligent than this boy.
  • Jonathan is the most handsome man on campus.
  • This is the prettiest dress in the window.
  • I lost my most comfortable shoes.
  • My job is worse than yours.

Compound adjectives examples 复合形容词

  • This is a four-foot table.
  • Daniel is a part-time worker.
  • This is an all-too-common error.
  • Beware of the green-eyed monster.
  • He is a cold-blooded man.
  • We saw a man-eating shark!
  • Danny’s dog is well-behaved.
  • You have to be open-minded about things.

Adjectival phrase examples 形容词组

  • Susan is really clever.
  • The doctor is very late.
  • My sister is fond of animals.
  • I am happy to meet you.
  • The kids are ready to go.
  • Don’t be afraid of the dark.
  • Tony lost his dark brown briefcase.
  • He’s an extraordinary looking man.


Common Conjunctions 常用连词


  • 什么是连词?
  • 连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词、短语、从句或句子。在句子中不单独用作句子成分。
  • 连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词。

Subordinating Conjunctions 并列连词

  • 并列连词主要是用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系等。并列连词用来连接属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词、短语或句子。由并列连词连接的句子叫并列句。
  • 并列连词共有七个FANBOYS :
  • for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Coordinating Conjunctions 并列连词

  • for 因为,由于
  • I eat at the café every weekend, for they serve the best coffee in town. Because
  • He had a great desire to have a home of his own, for he had always lived with his grandmother.
  • and 和,而且,然后… Furthermore
  • When he returned, she and Simon had already gone.
  • The cure for bad teaching is good teachers, and good teachers cost money.
  • nor 也不 neither nor…既不也不 either or….二选一
  • She seemed neither surprised nor worried.
  • My mom was not happy, nor was she upset. She didn’t care.
  • but 但是,可是 however
  • I want to go to the movies, but Sarah wants to go out to eat.
  • Please excuse me, but there is something I must say.
  • or 或者
  • Is your sister older or younger than you?
  • We can go to the movies or we can go out to eat.
  • yet 然而
  • It's a small car, yet it's surprisingly spacious.
  • It is good, yet it could be improved.
  • so 所以
  • I have to wake up early, so I don’t stay out late.
  • John is struggling in his math class, so he hired a tutor.

Subordinating Conjunctions 从属连词

  • 从属连词 是连词的一种,用来引导 名词性从句状语从句
  • 由从属连词所引导的句子叫从句,而含有从句的句子叫作 复合句


  • when 当…时

    I loved history when I was at school.

    When I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.

  • while 在…期间

    While you were at school, the mailman delivered a package.

    Three buses went by in the opposite direction, while I was waiting at the bus stop.

  • since 自…以来

    Cathy hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin.

    It's twenty years since I've seen her.

  • until/till 直到…为止

    You're not going out until you've finished this.

    He read until his guests arrived.

  • before 在…以前

    Think carefully before you vote.

    Before I went to church, I had a hair appointment.

  • after 在…之后

    Soon after we set off, the car started to make a strange noise.

    I went to the post office immediately after I left you.

  • as 随着,当…时

    As she grew older she gained in confidence.

    I saw him as I was coming into the building.

  • as soon as 立刻,一…就…

    As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong.

    He got married as soon as he graduated.

  • whenever 无论何时;每当

    You can ask for help whenever you need it.

    Whenever she comes, she brings a friend.


  • if 如果

    I'll pay you double if you get the work finished by Friday.

    If anyone calls, just say I'll be back in the office at four o'clock.


    If you love me, I will love you

  • unless 除非

    You can't get a job unless you have experience.

    They threatened to kill him unless he did as they asked.

  • as long as 只要

    You can have a dog as long as you promise to take care of it.

    As long as my heart still beats, I will go on working for the people.


  • because 因为

    I’m staying home tonight because Sarah canceled our plans.

    I did it because he told me to.

  • since 因为,既然

    Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.

    Susan must have come back home, since her coat is not in the wardrobe.

  • as 因为,由于

    As it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.

    She may need some help as she's new.



  • although 虽然,尽管

    Although the sun was shining it wasn't very warm.

    Although I was only six, I can remember seeing it on TV.

  • though 虽然,尽管

    I don’t drink milk, though I do pour milk in my coffee.

    His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.

  • even if/though 即使,纵然

    I'll get there, even if I have to walk.

    I like her, even though she can be annoying at times.

  • while 虽然,尽管

    While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.



  • so that/in order that 以便,因此

    She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 5 o'clock.

    He works hard in order that his family may be happy.

    You must speak louder so that/in order that you can be heard by all.



  • as 照…方式

    They did as I had asked.

    Leave the papers as they are.

  • like 像…一样

    She acts like she owns the place.

    Like I said (= as I said before) , you're always welcome to stay.

  • as if/though 好像,犹如

    He looks as if/though he had been hit by lightning.

    They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.



  • so…that 如此…以致…

    The boy is so young that he can't go to school.

    He speaks so fast that no one can catch him.

  • such…that 如此…以致…

    He is such a young boy that he can't go to school.

    It is such nice weather that I would like to go to the beach.

    The weather is so nice that I would like to go to the beach.


  • where (在)…的地方

    Sit where I can see you.

    I will go where you go.

  • wherever 在任何地方

    Sit wherever you like.

    Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.


  • than 比…

    He moves more slowly than his sister does.

    Man developed earlier than people think.

  • as/so…as 和…一样

    Being a mother isn't as bad as I thought at first!

    She can't run as fast as she used to.


引导名词性从句的连词有5个: 主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,补语从句

  • that
  • 本身无意义,引导宾语从句时that常可省略

    She said (that) the story was true.

    The fact that he's older than me is not relevant.

  • whether, if
  • 均表示“是否”表明从句内容的不确定性

    Do you know if he's married?

    Whether he can come to the party on time depends on the traffic.

  • as if, as though
  • 均表示“好像”“似乎” It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake

Common Adverbs 常用副词


  • 什么是副词?
  • 副词是在句子中表示 行为状态特征 的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。


• now 现在
Where are you living now?
• then 那时
I've been invited too, so I'll see you then.
• soon 很快
We'll be home soon.
• ago 以前
The letter came a few days ago.
• recently 近来
The bank recently opened a branch in Germany.
• lately 最近
Have you seen her lately?
• before 以前
I've been here before.
• early 早,提前
If you finish early you can go home.


• today 今天
How are you feeling today?
• tomorrow 明天
I'm off now. See you tomorrow.
• the day after tomorrow 后天
The new students will enter school the day after tomorrow.
• yesterday 昨天
I can remember our wedding as if it were yesterday.
• the day before yesterday 前天
The day before yesterday my girlfriend left me.
• tonight 今晚
Come and have a meal with us tonight
• already 已经
I’ve already done it.

地点副词 表示地点的副词和表示位置关系的副词统称为地点副词。 表示地点的:

• here 在这
Put the box here.
• there 在那
I hope we get there in time.
• home 到家,在家
It was a lovely day so I walked home. I am home! Home is the safe place.
• upstairs/downstairs 在楼上/在楼下
I carried her bags upstairs/downstairs.
• anywhere 在任何地方
I can't see it anywhere.
• everywhere 在各处
I saw her picture everywhere.
• abroad 在国外
She worked abroad for a year.
• aboard 在(船、飞机、火车...)上
Welcome aboard!

地点副词 表示位置关系的(有些既可做副词也可做介词):

• above 在上面,超过
A score of 70 or above will get you an ‘A’.
• below 在下面
They live on the floor below.
• down 向下
He looked down at her.
• up 向上
He jumped up from his chair.
• out 出来,不在家
She shook the bag and some coins fell out.
• in 在里面,进入
She looked up anxiously as he came in.
• across 从一边到另一边
It's too wide. We can't swim across.


• along 向前
I was just walking along singing to myself.
• over 落下,翻转
Try not to knock that vase over.
• around 周围
I could hear laughter all around.
• away 离开
The beach is a mile away.
• nearby 在附近
The car is parked nearby.
• off 离开
I called him but he ran off.
• inside/outside 在里面/在外面
We had to move inside when it started to rain.
• indoors/outdoors 在室内/在室外
Try to avoid going outdoors in very cold or icy weather.


  • 表示动词的行为方式,多数以形容词+-ly结尾
  • 如:
  • quietly 安静地, heavily 沉重地, warmly 亲切地, carefully 仔细地, happily 快乐地, politely 礼貌地, angrily 生气地, suddenly 突然地, normally 正常地,softly 柔和地, slowly 缓慢地, bravely 勇敢地, quickly 快地, seriously 认真地,badly 拙劣地, sadly 难过地…


  • He read the letter slowly.
  • He quickly got dressed.
  • He shook hands warmly with us.
  • 还包括fast快, well好, hard努力地, alone独自地等。


  • 程度副词用于表示程度。
  • 常见的有pretty 十分, rather 相当, quite 完全, very 非常, much 很, too 过于,greatly 大大地, almost 几乎, nearly 将近, half 部分地, highly 很, really 确实等。


• Mr. Shane was a highly successful salesman.
• I'm pretty sure I'll be going.
• I like almost all of them.
• He plays quite well.
• The bottle's nearly empty.
• The chicken was only half cooked.
• He's far too young to go on his own.
• I greatly regret not having told the truth.


  • 指对所修饰的词进行强调,使之成为人们注意的焦点的副词。
  • 常见的有only 仅仅, alone 只, also 也, even 甚至, just 就, mainly 主要地,especially 尤其, exactly 确切地等。


The bar is for members only .
The shoes alone cost £200.
I didn't like it that much. Also, it was much too expensive.
It was cold there even in summer.
You're just in time.
‘Where do you export to?’ ‘France, mainly.’
I love Rome, especially in the spring.
I know exactly how she felt.


  • 疑问副词用于引出特殊疑问句。
  • 有when 什么时候,where 在哪, why 为什么, how 怎样等。


• When did you last see him?
• Where are we going?
• Why were you late?
• How does it work?


  • 连接副词可分为两类,一类是用于连接句子或从句;
  • 常见的有therefore 因此, besides 此外, otherwise 否则, however 然而,still 仍然, meanwhile 与此同时…


• Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.
• I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too late now.
• My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip.
• We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.
• The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.
• Carl's starting college in September. Meanwhile, he's travelling around Europe.


  • 另一类连接副词是用于引导从句或不定式,主要的有when, why, where, how等。


• Sunday is the only day when I can relax.
• Tell me why you did it.
• I didn't know where to start.
• Roz doesn't know how to ride a bicycle.
• A an the
• I have a book.
• The book is great.
• The sun the earth
• I have an apple.
• The apple is great.


• Wow!
• Ouch!
• Well!
• Yuck!

A1 日常对话

  1. 自我介绍
  2. 兴趣爱好
  3. 购物专题
  4. 餐饮专题
  5. 社交专题
  6. 旅行专题
  7. 校园生活专题



My name is Wang Lu. My English name is Kate.

I am from Hebei. I am 22 years old.


I like reading books.


Emmmm. That’s all.


before: Hello!

after: Greetings! [ˈɡriː tɪŋz] (发音标准)

Formal greetings: 较为正式的说法

  • Greetings!
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  • 不要说Good night. (类似Goodbye.)
  • It’s nice to meet you.
  • Glad to see you.

Informal greetings: 口语化的打招呼(相对轻松的场合)

  • Hey
  • What’s up?
  • Hi
  • Yo
  • What’s good?
  • How’s it going?
  • Nothing much.


before: My name is Wang Lu. My English name is Kate.

after: My name is \(\underline{Wanglu}\) and I also go by \(\underline{Kate}\). (会使用简单词)

  • I’m
  • I am…
  • My name is
  • My name’s …
  • I also go by…
  • You can call me …
  • AKA
  • Also known as…


before: I am from Hebei. I am 22 years old. I come from Hebei.

after: I am from \(\underline{Handan, Hebei}\). But I am based in \(\underline{Beijing}\) now.

  • May I ask how old you are?

Location 所在地

  • I’m from \(\underline{China}\).
  • I’m \(\underline{Chinese}\).(国籍)
  • I come from \(\underline{Italy}\).(有点从哪来的感觉)
  • I was born and raised in \(\underline{England}\). Bare born be born I was born
  • I was born in \(\underline{Liaoning}\) but raised in \(\underline{Guangdong}\).
  • I grew up in \(\underline{Xinjiang}\) and now live in Beijing. Be raised
  • I’m originally from \(\underline{Xinjiang}\) but I’m now based in \(\underline{Hangzhou}\).
  • I’ve been living in \(\underline{Beijing}\) for 12 years.
  • I’ve spent the past few years in \(\underline{Shanghai}\).

Countries and Nationalities 常见国家和国籍词汇拓展

国家 国籍 +(-an)  
America/USA American 美国
Australia Australian 澳大利亚
Belgium Belgian 比利时
Brazil Brazilian 巴西
Canada Canadian 加拿大
Egypt Egyptian 埃及
Germany German 德国
India Indian 印度
Indonesia Indonesian 印度尼西亚
Italy Italian 意大利
Korea Korean 韩国
Malaysia Malaysian 马来西亚
Mexico Mexican 墨西哥
Russia Russian 俄罗斯
Singapore Singaporean 新加坡
国家 国籍 +(-ish)  
Britain British 英国
Denmark Danish 丹麦
Finland Finnish 芬兰
Ireland Irish 爱尔兰
Poland Polish 波兰
Spain Spanish 西班牙
Sweden Swedish 瑞典
Turkey Turkish 土耳其
国家 国籍 +(-ese)  
Burma Burmese 缅甸
China Chinese 中国
Japan Japanese 日本
Portugal Portuguese 葡萄牙
Vietnam Vietnamese 越南
国家 国籍 +(-i)  
Iraq Iraqi 伊拉克
Kuwait Kuwaiti 科威特
Pakistan Pakistani 巴基斯坦
国家 国籍  
New Zealand New Zealander 新西兰
Philippines Philippine 菲律宾
France French 法国
Switzerland Swiss 瑞士
Greece Greek 希腊
Netherlands Dutch 荷兰
Iceland Icelandic 冰岛
Thailand Thai 泰国


  • before: I am a student. (学习) I am an engineer. (工作)
  • after:

    I am a sophomore in \(\underline{Renmin\ University}\). My major is \(\underline{Law}\). (学习)

    I work for \(underline{Huawei}\) as an \(underline{IT\ engineer}\). (工作)


  • I am in the \(\underline{sixth}\) grade/a sixth-grader.
  • I’ve just finished \(\underline{my middle/high school}\).
  • I am a freshman /sophomore /junior senior in \(\underline{college}\).
  • I major in…/My major is…
  • I’m about to graduate.
  • I am a \(\underline{marketing}\) graduate.(专业)
  • I have a degree in \(\underline{political\ science}\).
  • I have a B.A.(bachelor of arts) degree in \(\underline{education}\).
  • I have an M.S.(master of science) degree in \(\underline{electrical\ engineering}\).
  • I am a biology postgrad.
  • I’m currently taking a course in \(\underline{English}\).
  • I’m taking a \(\underline{pottery/design}\) course.
  • I have completed a \(\underline{72-hour\ computer}\) training.
  • I attended a \(\underline{night\ school}\) in order to stay current with the latest technological changes.


  • I work at/for \(\underline{公司}\) in \(\underline{部门}\).
  • I work at/for \(\underline{OPPO}\) in \(\underline{the\ marketing\ department}\).
  • I’m a \(\underline{职位}\) at \(\underline{工作地}\).
  • I’m a \(\underline{manager}\) at \(\underline{a\ restaurant}\).
  • I work in \(\underline{领域}\).
  • I work in \(\underline{sales/fashion\ industry}\).
  • I work as a+职业.
  • I work as a nurse/an accountant.


  • I have \(\underline{3\ years}\) of experience in the field.
  • I have 10 years of \(\underline{teaching}\) experience.
  • I worked in …field for …
  • I worked in the accounting field for 3 years.


before: I like reading books. I am good at time management /Maths.

after: And I am fond of \(\underline{reading\ books}\). I excel at \(\underline{Time\ management/Maths}\).

  • I really like running.
  • I enjoy tennis a lot.
  • I am a big fan of go karting.
  • I am a keen runner/football player.

I excel at many things, but getting over you wasn't one of them.

我擅长很多事情,但忘记你并非其中一件事。 ——《生活大爆炸》



I am fond of reading books like Harry Potter.

I love the book Harry Potter because it was the first book I ever read in English.

  1. 先给观点
  2. 再给例子解释支持观点

I love the book Harry Potter because it was the first book I ever read in English. I got this book when I was 6 years old on birthday party and this was the present from my father.

What do you like doing?

  • In my free time, I like_______.(playing basketball/reading books/listening to music)
  • I love_______. (going swimming)
  • I enjoy_______. (watching TV)
  • I hate_______. (going shopping)

—> like/enjoy/love/hate+-ing


I used to be \(\underline{a\ shy\ person}\). However, After learning with Ali, I become more confident/fearless.


讲述你的经历(BA原则 + 解释):

I used to be a shy person. I was not fond of talking. (解释)

However, After learning with Ali, I become more confident/fearless.

I am even able to speak fluent English in front of the public.(解释)

表达观点: I dislike a kind of person who is pretentious. 我不喜欢那种装x的人。

解释: They try to be rich, important or different, but you do not think that they are. 这种人总是尽力让自己显得有钱,重要或者与众不同,但是你并不觉得他们就是这样


  • I have a sister.
  • I’m from a family of four.
  • We are a family of four.
  • I am one/ the youngest of four siblings.
  • I am an only child.


  • I am 31 years old.
  • I am at my early 30s.
  • I am at my late 30s
  • I am at my mid 30s.

备用话题:Fun facts about me

  • An interesting fear
  • I’m allergic to bees. If we are ever traveling together and you see me start running around in a panic…..it‘s ’because of a bee.
  • A weird like or dislike
  • I hate the smell of freshly cut grass.
  • Facts about your pet
  • I have 5 cats and 2 dogs.
  • A strange achievement or extraordinary experience.
  • I first traveled solo when I was 16.


before: Emmmm. That’s all.

after: It’s my pleasure meeting you.

高级: 自我介绍七步原则+思维工具

  1. 【问候】Greetings!
  2. 【名字】My name is \(\underline{Wanglu}\) and I also go by \(\underline{Kate}\).
  3. 【地点/现居地】I am from \(\underline{Handan,\ Hebei}\). But I am based in \(\underline{Beijing}\) now.
  4. 【学校】I am a sophomore in \(\underline{Renmin\ University}\). My major is \(\underline{Law}\).

    【工作】I work for \(\underline{Huawei}\) as an \(\underline{IT\ engineer}\).

  5. 【擅长】I am good at \(\underline{time\ management}\) / Maths.

    给论据解释:Dealing with numbers always excites me.

    【爱好】And I am fond of \(\underline{reading\ books}\).

  6. 【经历】I used to be a \(\underline{shy\ person}\). However, after \(\underline{learning\ with\ Ali}\), I am \(\underline{fearless/confident}\). (无所畏惧)

    Because 给论据解释,为什么无所畏惧/自信:I am even able to speak fluent English in front of the public.


  7. 【结束】It’s my pleasure meeting you.





  • 兴趣爱好
  • 旅行
  • 餐饮
  • 购物
  • 社交
  • 交通出行


Key Words 核心词

  • Interests 兴趣
  • Free time activities 闲暇活动
  • Hobbies 爱好


  • What do you like to do?
  • What do you like doing?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What’s your hobby?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • What do you do in your free/spare time?
  • What do you like to do at the weekend?

What do you like to do?

  • I like…

I like to play the guitar/playing the guitar.

I like to hike/hiking.

I like to read books/reading books.

I like to listen to music/listening to music.

More expressions

  • I’ve always liked listening to inspiring speeches.
  • 我一直喜欢听鼓舞人心的演讲。
  • I really go for authentic English podcasts.
  • 我很喜欢纯正地道的英语播客。
  • I’m fond of imitating standard American English from VOA.
  • 我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语。
  • I enjoy reciting a classic English sentence every day.
  • 我喜欢每天背诵一句经典英文。
  • Classical music 古典
  • I am/get excited about learning with Ali.
  • 我对跟艾力学习很有兴趣。
  • I’m crazy about classical Chinese poetry.
  • 我迷上了中国古代诗词。
  • I have a passion for horror movies.
  • 我酷爱恐怖电影。
  • I’m a big fan of collecting useful English sentence patterns.
  • 我很喜欢收集有用的英语句型 。


Free time and hobbies vocabulary 室内活动 Indoor Activities

  • watching TV
  • reading
  • cooking / baking
  • listening to music
  • playing a musical instrument
  • playing the guitar / piano / violin / drums / saxophone / trumpet / flute
  • playing computer / video / board games
  • sewing
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • singing / dancing

运动 Sports playing soccer

  • playing football / basketball / baseball / volleyball / tennis / badminton / golf…
  • Table tennis 乒乓球
  • (going) swimming / hiking / jogging / biking /surfing / sailing / skiing / skating / fishing…
  • doing boxing / yoga / martial arts… tai chi (karate/judo/taekwondo)

社交活动 Social Activities

  • hanging out with friends
  • Playing with friends
  • relaxing with your family
  • going shopping
  • going to the cinema
  • eating / dining out
  • having coffee / boba tea with friends
  • flying kites
  • travelling
  • Chatting
  • Chatting online

创造性活动 Creative Activities

  • taking photos / pictures
  • painting / drawing
  • writing stories / fiction
  • dog training
  • learning a new language
  • collecting stamps / toys / coins /antiques / seashells

What about you? What kind of activities do you prefer?

Now think about what you do in your free time!


What do you like doing?

1.添加一些表示程度的词或短语,如really, quite, totally, absolutely, a little…E.g.:

  • I really like taking photos.
  • I quite enjoy jogging.
  • I absolutely hate going shopping.

How often do you do your hobbies?



  • often, sometimes, usually, rarely, never, always…
  • every______ (weekend/Saturday afternoon)
  • once/twice/three times a _______(once a week / twice a month / three times a year)

How often do you do your free time activity?


  • I like playing sports. I play football every Tuesday evening.
  • I absolutely hate going shopping. I only go shopping once or twice a year.
  • I really like taking photos, but I don’t get the chance to do it often.


Where do you do your hobby?



  • I like playing sports. I play football every Tuesday evening at the park near my house.
  • I enjoy having coffee with my friends. We go to a café in the city center once or twice a


  • I really like taking wildlife photos in the forest, but I don’t get the chance to do it often.

When did you start?

4.添加起始的时间 have been doing 一直在做


  • I started playing tennis when I was ten.
  • I’ve been learning to paint for six months now.
  • I decided to do yoga 16 years ago.

Why did you start doing it?



  • My French friend got me into climbing.
  • (=My friend introduced this activity to me, and I like it. )
  • I started to go hiking because I wanted to be healthy and keep fit.

Why do you like it?



  • I like boxing because it’s quite exciting.
  • I love doing yoga because it’s so relaxing.
  • I really like writing stories because it’s creative, and I like using my imagination.

Why don’t you like it?


  • I don’ t like going jogging because it’s tiring.
  • I hate watching TV because I find it boring.
  • I’ve been trying to learn English, but it’s too hard.


When and why did you start doing it?

  • I started______ when I was______.
  • I’ve been______ for______.
  • I decided to do______ because______.
  • got me into.

Why do you like your hobbies?

  • What are some activities you don’t like doing?
    • Why don’t you like them?

Speaking sample

  • I really like playing tennis.
  • I play every weekend at the park near my house.
  • Sometimes I play with my roommate, or sometimes with a friend.
  • My roommate got me into it, because he loves sports and he needed someone to play with.
  • I didn’t like it at first, because it was hard and I lost all the time, but now I enjoy it, especially when I beat my roommate!(BA原则)

Speaking sample

  • I like taking photos.
  • Once or twice a month, I go to different areas of the city and look for interesting pictures to take.
  • I’ve been interested in photography since I was young, when my parents got me a camera for my birthday.
  • I like it because it’s creative and I can express myself through my pictures.
  • Anyone can use a camera, but you need to use your imagination to find good pictures.

Speaking sample

  • Different people have different interests and hobbies. Some people like sports, others like reading books and still others like listening to music.
  • Sports can make people healthy. Reading can make people know more things in the world. I myself like to listen to music. I think good music is good food not only for our heart but also for our mind. If we can keep our interests and hobbies in the right way, I think, we can have a full life.


Dialogue 1

A: What do you like to do in your spare time?

B: Reading.

A: What kind of books do you like to read? B: I read anything I can get my hands on, but I like reading stories best. Stories can keep me reading day and night.

Dialogue 2

A: What are your favorite sports?

B: I go in for a lot of them, for example, basketball and football.

A: They all seem to be my favorite sports.

B: What are your hobbies?

A: I like taking photos.

B: You're a man of many interests, I must say.

A: You can say that.

B: But the trouble is it's an expensive hobby, isn't it?

A: But the fun of it is well worth the money, don't you think so?

B: Yes, I guess you're right. I myself spend a lot of money every month buying books.

  • Be worth sth
  • Be worth doing sth
  • This bag is worth 100 kuai.
  • This game is worth playing.
  • The fun is well worth the money.
  • I spend money playing games.


适用场景: 中高考听力口语,四六级听力口语,雅思托福听力口语等题目 听口超高频话题

Vocabulary 词汇

  • store 商店
  • department store 百货商店
  • shopping mall 购物中心
  • supermarket 超市
  • retailer 零售商 wholesale 批发
  • bookstore 书店
  • drugstore / pharmacy 药房
  • grocery / grocer / grocery store 杂货店
  • convenience store (全天或长时间营业的) 便利商店
  • boutique 流行服饰商店
  • liquor store 酒行,酒类专卖店
  • sportswear department 体育用品部
  • casual wear 休闲服装
  • changing room 试衣间
  • sports goods 体育用品
  • electronic products 电子类产品
  • digital video camera 数码摄像机
  • second-hand car 二手车
  • shopping list 购物清单
  • shopping cart 购物车
  • price tag 价签
  • receipt 收据
  • catalog 商品目录
  • label 标签
  • item 商品,物件
  • display 陈列,展示
  • bar code 条形码
  • delivery 送货
  • shipping 运送
  • do some shopping / go shopping 购物
  • window shopping 就是逛逛(只看不买)
  • online shopping 网上购物
  • latest style 最新款式
  • pay in cash 直接付款
  • pay with credit card 信用卡付款
  • pay by installment 分期付款
  • down payment 头期款
  • check-out counter 结账处
  • cashier desk 收银台
  • customer service desk 服务台,问询处
  • discount 折扣
  • sale price 特价
  • promotion 推广,促销
  • special offers 特价优惠
  • give/offer a 10% discount 打九折
  • 50% off 打五折
  • on sale 降价出售
  • bargain 便宜货
  • to bargain with…. 和…讨价还价
  • It’s a real / good bargain. / It’s a good deal / buy. 价格便宜。
  • It’s affordable/acceptable. 价格合理。
  • The price is fair/reasonable. 价格合理。


  • Where is the…?(单数及不可数名词)
  • Where are the…?(复数名词)
  • Where is the (bathroom / checkout /customer service desk)?
  • 请问洗手间/结账台/问询处在哪?
  • -Hello, do you need any help?
  • -Yes, I’ve found this blue jacket, but I can only find L and XL sizes.
  • Do you have it in a medium?
  • -I’m afraid we’re sold out, but we do have the same style in brown.
  • It’s just over here.
  • -Yes, that’s nice, too, but I really like the blue one.
• Do you have it in a medium?
• Do you have this in a small size?
• Do you have this top in green?

• I’m looking for…
• I’m looking for a formal dress to wear to a wedding.
• I’m looking for some running shoes.
• Do you have this/these in…(color/size/material)?
• 有这个颜色/尺寸/材质的吗?(比如有这个围巾有红的吗)
• What (color/size/material) do you have this/these in?
• 这款都有哪些颜色/尺寸/材质的?
• Do you have +brand name(品牌)+product(商品)?
• 有…牌子的…吗?

• Do you have Nike athletic shoes?”
• 你这有耐克的运动鞋吗?
• We’re sold out.
• We’re out of stock at the moment.

• Will you be getting any more in?
• These are the last we have in stock.


• Excuse me.
• Yes?
• I’m interested in buying these chairs, but I can’t see a price tag.
• Can you tell me how much they are?
• Sure, let me check…
How much is/are...?
How much are these shoes?
How much is this tablet?
Can you tell me how much...are/is?
Can you tell me how much these trousers are?
Can you tell me how much this toothbrush is?


  • Do you offer a delivery service?
  • Can I have this delivered?
  • Can you deliver this to my house?


• -What can I do for you?
• -I bought these jeans last week, and l’d like to return them.
• -Do you have your receipt? Invoice
• -Yes, here you are.
• -Was anything wrong with the jeans?
• -No, no problem, they’re just the wrong size. They’re too small.
• -Would you like to exchange them for a larger size?
I can check if we have them in stock.
• -No, thank you. I decided that I don’t like the style so much, either. Is it possible to get a refund?
• -Of course. Do you have the card you paid with?
• -Can’t I get cash?
• -I’m sorry, but we can only issue a refund to the card you paid with.
• Alternatively, we can offer you gift vouchers for the same amount.
• -Fine, put it on the card, then.
• -No problem.

Returning Something to a Shop

Do you have your receipt?

Was anything wrong with…?

Would you like to exchange it for something else?


Every weekend, I go shopping downtown with a friend, but it is more of a hobby than anything else.
I usually take a little cash, but I also have a credit card in case I need to charge something.
I just make sure I don't go into too much debt spending money I really don't have.
I mainly visit department and clothing stores to check out the latest fashions.
If I find something on sale at an unbeatable price, I sometimes buy it.
I make sure to keep the receipt in case I have to return the item.
I really enjoy walking along the store fronts and gazing into the
windows to see what the store is selling.
At other times, I like looking at the displays in stores or strolling
through shopping centers.
Sometimes, something like a shirt or jeans catches my eye, but
I'm not a compulsive shopper, so I never buy the first thing I see.
Many times, I come home without buying a thing.

At the Supermarket

STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer?

DEREK: They don't have beer in this supermarket. We have to go to the liquor store.

STEVE: Huh? They don't have beer. How can that be?

DEREK: It‘s a state law. This state doesn't allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores.

STEVE: That's too strict. It's silly.

DEREK: I know. I agree with you.
DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?

EMPLOYEE: Yes, we do. They‘re right in front of you. The organic
vegetables are marked with the blue label. Here. Do you see?
DEREK: Sure. Thank you. You should have a sign. That way people could
identify which are organic and which aren't.

EMPLOYEE: They're labeled on the packet, sir.

DEREK: One more question.


DEREK: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?

EMPLOYEE: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next
to the ketchup.

DEREK: Thank you.
DEREK: Do you want paper or plastic bags?

STEVE: Plastic bags.

DEREK: And do you want to drive up?

STEVE: What do you mean?

DEREK: We can have someone put the bags in our trunk for us.
We just drive up to that door over there.

STEVE: Wow! That's convenient.
But I think we can take the groceries by ourselves.

DEREK: Yes, our car is not parked far away.
I'll tell the cashier we don't want to drive up.
It should be about ninety dollars all together.

STEVE: Here is one-hundred. I will go look at the magazine rack, okay?

Buying Shoes

IVY: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe New Balance.

DAVID: Why do you need running shoes? You aren't a runner.

IVY: But I exercise at the club. And I use the stepping machine. So I need good
running shoes.

DAVID: That’s not the same. Maybe you want to buy running-shoe-style shoes, but
not real running shoes.

IVY: What's the difference?

DAVID: There isn’t much difference. But there is some difference. For one thing,
real running shoes are much more expensive. They have very lightweight materials.
They're designed for serious runners, people who run ten kilometers a day.
IVY: And what are running-shoe-style shoes?

DAVID: They look like running shoes. They have the same shape. And you can use
them for running too. But they’re not so serious. They aren’t designed for serious
runners. You can use them for exercising.

IVY: But they aren't as light, right?

DAVID: That’s right. If you want a really lightweight shoe, you should buy a high-quality running shoe.

IVY: That’s what I want. For exercising at the club. I can even spend 100 dollars on them. I don't care.

DAVID: But it’s a waste of money. You won’t really run in them! You don't need
such a shoe to use exercise machines. It's just a waste of money.
IVY: My sister has New Balance running shoes. I want shoes just like hers. I don't care if they're expensive. And they look cool too.

DAVID: Well, do what you like. There are different kinds of New Balance shoes
though. You don't have to buy the most expensive.

IVY: I want the best. My sister said good shoes are very important. For support.
They support your feet.

DAVID: Your sister is a fitness expert, huh?

IVY: No, but she exercises more than me.

DAVID: I really think you are stubborn about some things. But here. Let's look at the New Balance shoes.
IVY: Here it is. This is what my sister has.

DAVID: Yes, that's it. That's their top model.

IVY: I wonder if they have my size.

DAVID: Well, we can wait for the assistant to help us, or we can look through the boxes down here. What is your size?

IVY: Here in America, it's six.

DAVID: Well, here you are. Size six. Woman‘s. 137 dollars. Wow, what a waste of money!

IVY: It's none of your business. Let me try them on.



  • restaurant 餐馆
  • eatery 饭馆
  • diner 小饭店
  • fast food 快餐
  • snack bar 小吃店
  • buffet 自助餐
  • cafeteria 自助餐厅,自助食堂
  • café 咖啡馆,小餐馆
  • take away 外带
  • eat out / dine out 出去吃
  • eat at home / dine in 在家吃
  • make a booking / reservation 预约
  • book / reserve a table 订位子
  • order dishes 点菜
  • menu 菜单
  • recommendation 推荐,招牌菜
  • specials 特色菜
  • Italian / French / Chinese cuisine 意大利/法国/中国菜
  • waiter / waitress/Waitperson 服务员
  • Customer顾客
  • meal 一顿饭
  • diet 饮食 (e.g. a vegetarian diet)
  • appetizer / starter 开胃菜
  • main course / dish 主菜
  • course / dish 一道菜
  • side dish 配菜
  • salad 沙拉
  • dessert 餐后甜点
  • wine list 红酒单
  • set menu 套餐
  • tasty 美味的
  • delicious 味道好的
  • sweet 甜的
  • sour 酸的
  • bitter 苦的
  • hot 辣的
  • salty 咸的
  • spicy adj. 辛辣的
  • tasteless 无味
  • greasy 油腻的
  • light 清淡的
  • bill 账单
  • service charge / fee 服务费
  • tips 小费
  • change 找零
  • Keep the change. 不用找零了。
  • It’s on me. / Let me treat you. / It’s my treat. 我请客。
  • I will check out / pick up the bill. 我来买单。
  • split the bill 分开付账
  • bill 账单
  • service charge / fee 服务费
  • tips 小费
  • change 找零
  • Keep the change. 不用找零了。
  • It’s on me. / Let me treat you. / It’s my treat. 我请客。
  • I will check out / pick up the bill. 我来买单。
  • split the bill 分开付账


Ordering Food

  • What can I get for you today?
  • May I take your order now?
  • What would you all like to order?
  • Are you all ready to order your food now?
  • What would you like to eat today?
  • Can I get a cup of hot chocolate, please?
  • May I have a cup of hot chocolate, please?
  • I’ll have a cup of hot chocolate, please.
  • I’d like to order a cup of hot chocolate, please.
  • Could I have a cup of hot chocolate, please?

Ordering Food Dialogue 1 Pizza

-Hi! How can I help you?
-I would like to order a small seafood pizza.
-Is it for pickup?
-Yes, for pick up, please.
-Your name, please?
-And that’s everything for today?
-That’s everything for today, yup.
-So your total comes to $8.59. Cash?
-Here is your change. It will take about 15 to 20 minutes.
-Okay. Thank you very much.

Ordering Food Dialogue 1 Burger

-What can I get for you?
-I’ll have the cheeseburger.
-It’s for here or to go, sir?
-To go, please. And a combo, please.
-…fries and a root beer?
-Fries and a root beer would be good.
-That’s everything?
-That’s it.
-Can I have a name for the order?
-It’s $9.76.
-Thank you very much.
-Here’s the cup. The straws are over there. (很多快餐店都是自助打饮料)
-Have a nice day.


At the Fruit Stand

- Hello, Mrs. White, how are you today?
- Not too bad, Bob. How’s business?
- Pretty good, I just sold out of all the strawberries 5 mins ago.
- I should have come earlier. So, what’s good at this moment?
- It’s been sunny in the last weeks, which is good for the blueberries. The cherries are nice too.
- Mm, I don’t know Bob. The blueberries I bought from you last week were kind of mushy, and not very sweet. These cherries look good though.
- Really? You should try these blueberries. The cultivated ones are nice and juicy.
- Yes, there’re better. How much are they?
- They are 1.29 a pound, or you can get a box for 2.99.

- I’ll take 2 boxes. Can I also have 2 pounds of cherries?
- Sure, would you like some homemade strawberry jam? My wife made it yesterday.
- No, thanks. I still have plenty at home. I’d like to get a couple of peaches though.
- They are 69 cents each. I’ll give you a half dozen for 4 bucks.
- That’s very nice of you. I think that would be all for today. How much do I owe you?
- Let me see. 2 boxes of blueberries, 2 pounds of cherries, plus peaches, that’ll be 14.68. Just give me 14 dollars.
- Here you go. Thanks a lot Bob. See you next week.
- Have a good day, Mrs. White.

At the Veggie stand

- Good morning, Mrs. White. How can I help you?
- Hello, John. Where’s Mrs. Rogers?
- My mom went down to Florida to see my grandmother. She’ll be back next week.
- I see. It’s just that I asked her to save some red peppers for me. Last week they were all gone when I got here.
- Don’t worry. I’ve got tons of them here today. How many do you need?
- About 6. How much are the cabbages?
- They’re 1.59 each.
- I just walked by Rolters. The cabbages over there are only a dollar and 29 each.
You know, I’m a good customer. I come to you every week.

- Sure, I’ll give you the same price. How many would you like?
- I’ll take 3 heads of cabbages and a bag of string beans.
- Would you like some broad beans too? A Chinese chef told me they taste good in stew.
- Well, I prefer peas in stew. There are nice in the salad too. Anyway I just can’t get enough peas.
- The peas are 2 dollars a pound. They are almost gone. How about I give the rest of them for 3 dollars?
- All right. How much is it in total?
- The total is 12.87… 7 dollars and 13 is your change. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
- You too, bye.

Buying Meat

- I really have no idea what I should do for dinner on Saturday night.
We can’t feed your parents frozen dinner. You’ve got to help me with
this. What do they like?

- Don’t be so anxious. My parents are quite easy to please. My mom
likes potatoes, and my dad loves greasy food. And they are both meat
eaters. We’ll think something together.

- I remember we had beef tenderloin at Nancy’s Christmas party. I
could get the recipe from her. How’s that sound?

- I don’t think it’s a good idea to have beef round this time. I’m
concerned about mad cow diseases. You never know where the beef
came from. We’d better play it safe.

- How about barbecue the ribs? We only need to cook them on the grill
or choke them in the oven. It’s easy and quick.

- Now, you’re talking.

- Can I help you?
- How much are those ribs?
- 5.99 a pound. How much do you need?
- It’s for 4 people. I guess 3 pounds should be enough.
- Is there anything else I can get for you? How about some lamb chops?
- I’ve never cooked lambs. What should I do with it?
- These are shoulder chops. They are good for making lamb stew.
- What part of the lamb is this?
- Oh, those are lamb shanks. A good way of cooking them is to grill them. And then serve the dish with grapy.
- Sounds great. Please cut 4 pieces for me.
- No problem.

- We’ve got ribs and lambs. But I think they are both a little heavy.
Should we have something light, like chicken salad?

- You’re right! Ribs and lambs are a bit heavy. Chicken salad would be
nice. I know my mom likes chicken.

- I’d like some chicken breasts about 2 pieces. Could you take the skin
off for me.

- We’ve got skinless and boneless chicken breasts over there. Would
you prefer those?

- Yeah, even better. These look smaller. How much are they?

- 2.50 a pound. Let’s make it seven dollars with one smaller piece. Is
that alright with you?

- That’s fine. Here’re seven dollars. Thank you.


While I was on a vacation last week, I decided to visit some restaurants to try some of the local cuisine; however, I didn't have a clue about the types of restaurants available, so I checked an online restaurant guide to give me some ideas and tips. Mainly, I was interested in seafood restaurants, so I searched for restaurants within a reasonable walking distance from my hotel, and I found seven of them. Next, I reviewed the online menus of the places to check the dishes they prepared and the average cost of a meal.

However, price is not my first consideration; I enjoy a restaurant that has a wide selection from which to choose. Next, a restaurant's decor can always add to the dining experience (background music, decorations and wall hangings, seats and tables, etc.). If I'm going to a Mexican restaurant, I would expect to see the restaurant decorated in the Mexican flavor. Finally, I always consult restaurant reviews to find out what other people thought about the restaurant and their experiences. What was the quality of the food? Did the server provide fast and friendly service? Doing some research before you go can make dining a more pleasurable and predictable experience.


适用场景: 日常交流,以及中高考、四六级、雅思托福听力口语等题目

Alex: Hi, Katia. How are you?

Katia: I'm doing good. And you, Alex?

Alex: I'm doing good, thank you. I have a question for you. Are you on Facebook?

Katia: Yes, I am in Facebook, but I really do not check very often.


How are you doing?

👍 I’m doing fine / OK / well / great / good / terrific.

How are you?

Not bad.
The same as ever.
I can't complain too much.
How’s it going?
How's everything going?
How've you been?
Well, I'm still alive and kicking.
So far so good.
All right.
• What's happening?
• What’s happening with you these days?
• Anything interesting happening?

• Not much.
• Not much lately.
•What's new?
•What's up?

•Nothing much.
•Nothing in particular.
•Nothing special.
•How do you feel today?

•Pretty good.
•I feel like a new man.
•Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.
•What's going on?
•What are you up to?

•Nothing much.


  1. Are you making progress?
  2. Did you sleep soundly last night?
  3. Have you gotten over your cold?
  4. How come you look so tired?
  5. Why are you in such a good mood?
  6. I just stopped by to say hello.
  7. What a pleasant surprise running into you!
  8. I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately?
  9. I've been thinking about you lately. Let's talk over coffee.
  10. You're just the man I want to see.
  11. I haven't seen you for ages/in years/for a long time.
  12. It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs?
  13. How was your trip to New York?
  14. What has kept you so busy?
  15. You just look fantastic today.


A: Mary, this is Stone's brother, Jim.
B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like China so far? /
What’s your impression of China? /
What do you think of China?
C: It’s really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.


  1. May I have your name, please?
  2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar.
  3. Say, don't I know you from somewhere?
  4. I must have seen you somewhere before.
  5. Haven't we met before?
  6. We have talked of you often.
  7. I didn't quite catch your name. I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
  8. -How do I address you? -Please call me Mary. That's my first name.
  9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  10. Where are you working now?
  11. I've been looking forward to meeting you.
  12. I've heard a great deal about you.
  13. Is this your first trip to China? Have you ever been to Guangzhou?
  14. What impressed you the most about Shanghai?
  15. May I ask where you are from?
  16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
  17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.
  18. Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing - did you mention something about…(礼貌的切入话题)


• Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?
• I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?
• Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me.
• I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us?

• That'd be very nice. /I'd love to. /That's a great idea.
• Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. /Tonight's a problem.
What about tomorrow night? /Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight.

Dialogue 1

• Herbert: How's life these days?
• Rose: Mm, OK. And you?
• Herbert: I've been working on some song lyrics.
• Rose: I'd like to have a look at them sometime.
• Herbert: Mm, well, maybe you could come to Hsinchu(新竹).

I've been working on…


work on something是表示在努力做某事,既花时间,又耗精力。 好比有一个项目需要完成,你就得要去work on the project.


  • How come I haven't seen you recently?
  • I've been busy working on my newest book.

Dialogue 2

Sue: You're kind of down these days.
Rose: I'm OK.
Sue: Sure? Boy problems?
Rose: No, I'm fine.
Sue: Are you busy on the 30th?
Rose: No.
Sue: Well then, let's go to an outdoor symphony concert. My treat!

Dialogue 3 Social media

Alex: Hi, Katia. How are you?
Katia: I'm doing good. And you, Alex?
Alex: I'm doing good, thank you. I have a question for you. Are you on Facebook?
Katia: Yes, I am in Facebook, but I really do not check very often.
Alex: OK, how often do you check it usually?
Katia: I actually try not to check it very often. It's been taking a lot of my time, so
right now I check it about… I try once a week during the weekends.

Alex: OK. I used to be on Facebook a lot before. I was like checking it every day and, you know, posting on my friends' walls and trying to catch up with everybody on Facebook. But then I realized that I was losing a lot of time on it. I was, I don't know if investing is the word, but I was spending a lot of time on it and I kind of like decided to close my wall, because I thought that I was just spending too much time, and it was not really adding anything so, but I don't know if that's the right thing, because sometimes I feel that I need to communicate stuff to my friends and since my wall has been closed for so long, I don't want to kind of like just communicate something there and then just stopped communicating through my wall any more so I don't know how to do it.

Katia: It has really become an issue, hasn't it? You can get lost from what is actually happening around you and live in a virtual world so I'm actually a little bit worried about that, about what is happening and how we live our lives and how we present ourselves to others. I believe that it should be handled differently than it has up to now so maybe you're doing good by closing or, you know, thinking about it at least.

Alex: Yeah.

Katia: But how much, that you might have to consider.

Alex: Yeah, that's right. It's very funny how all this communication has changed in the last few years. I remember just four years ago or even five years ago I wasn't on Facebook and all the communication I used to have with my friends was through email or by phone or by meeting you know. But now with Facebook everybody spends so much time on Facebook. Sometimes if you don't publish something on Facebook, it seems that you didn't do anything, so I don't know it's just weird.

Katia: Well the question is are you actually more in communication now than you were four or five years ago?

Alex: I am more in communication with people that I haven't been in touch with for the last ten years let's say. Like all my friends from elementary school that I wasn't really in touch and everybody's now on Facebook and now everybody is updated on what I'm doing or why I do this, what I'm going to do on next vacation, what about my plans for anything so that's a good thing, I think. It really depends on how much importance you give to it.

Katia: That is true.


适用场景: 日常交流,以及中高考、四六级、雅思托福听力口语等题目


Vocabulary Development


  • departure 启程
  • arrival 到达
  • take off 起飞
  • land 降落
  • terminal 航站楼
  • flight number 航班号
  • airplane 飞机
  • check in 办理登机手续
  • single trip 单程
  • round/return trip 往返
  • domestic 国内的
  • international 国际的
  • highway 高速公路
  • express train 特快列车
  • train station 车站
  • light rail 轻轨
  • platform 站台
  • schedule/agenda 行程
  • public transport 公共交通
  • underground/subway/tube/metro 地铁


  • rope 绳索
  • glove 手套
  • socks 袜子
  • helmet 头盔
  • insurance 保险
  • compass 指南针
  • life jacket 救生衣
  • route map 路线图
  • telescope 望远镜
  • first aid kit 急救箱
  • sunscreen 防晒霜
  • sleeping bag 睡袋

Travel by Air

Flight 航班 如:

Air China--CA
British Airways--BA

-What’s your flight?
-It’s Flight CZ666.

Excuse me, where can I get a cart/trolley?


-Where are you flying to today?
-I’m flying to Sydney, Australia.
-Can I have your passport please?
-Here you are.


-Do you have any luggage to check in?
-Yes, one bag/two bags.
-Put your suitcase here please.


-I have a stopover in Guangzhou.
Do I need to pick up my luggage there?
-It’ll go straight through to Sydney.


  • This bag is overweight. The limit is 23 kilos.

    You either need to take some things out or pay for the excess.

-How much is the excess?

-It’s fifty dollars for a bag up to 23 kilos.

-That’s expensive. I’ll try to take some things out.


  • Would you prefer a window, aisle or center seat?
  • I prefer a window seat.
  • Do you have any seats in the exit row? (Exit row seats have more legroom, so they’re often more comfortable)

拿登机牌&告知登机口 Okay, everything appears to be in order. Here is your passport and boarding pass.

Your flight departs from Gate B42 and your seat is 6C. Boarding will commence at 11:15pm.

Enjoy your flight.


  • I’m sorry, but the flight is delayed by at least two hours.
  • So, when do you expect the plane to leave?
  • Right now, we expect it to depart at 10.30pm. I do apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Well, I guess there’s nothing we can do.
  • Thank you for your patience. You can check the departure boards for updated boarding times information.


  • I’m sorry, but your flight has been cancelled due to bad weather.
  • But I really need to be in Sydney tomorrow afternoon. When’s the next available flight?/Can you get me on another one?
  • Let me see what we can do… We do have a flight leaving tomorrow morning that I can switch you to.
  • What time in the morning?
  • It leaves here at 7am and arrives at 10.
  • That will be fine.

• Have you ever had those problems?

• What happened?

Going through Security

  • Is this your bag?
  • Yes, it is.
  • We need to search it. Do you have any liquids?
  • No, I don’t think so.
  • I’m afraid we need to take this bottle. You’re allowed containers up to 100ml maximum.
  • Okay, sorry. I completely forgot.
  • Excuse me, I’m really late for my flight, can I go to the front of the line?
  • Okay, come forward quickly. Make sure everything is out of your pockets, and please place laptops in a separate tray.

    Stand on the marks on the floor and raise your arms.

On the Plane

  • Excuse me, sir. Would it be alright if we put your bag in the overhead locker?
  • Well, I’d prefer to keep it with me.
  • It’s just that you’re sitting in an emergency exit row. We can’t have anything on the floor.
  • Okay, do what you must.
  • I also need to ask you to raise your window blind and make sure your seat back is in the upright position for take-off.

    You can recline your seat and lean back and take your bag down once we’re airborne.

For take-off and landing:

  • Stow your tray table.
  • Raise your window blind.
  • Move your seat back to the upright position.
  • Stow your luggage in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you.

机上服务Flight service

What can I do for you?

It’s very cold here. Can I get a blanket?

Can I get a pillow?

Can I get a drink?

• What would you like to drink/eat?
• I’ll have _____.
• (a soda, orange juice, some coffee / water / tea…)
• I’ll have the chicken/fish/beef.
• 想吐怎么办?
• Can I get a vomit/sickness bag, please?

• Airsick
• Seasick
• Carsick
• Lovesick 相思
• Homesick 思乡


Going through the Customs

  • Common questions

1.Where do you live?

I live in China.

2.What’s the purpose of your visit?

  • I am here to travel.
  • I am here on business.
  • I am going to visit my brother. He lives in Sydney.

3.How long do you plan to stay?

About two weeks.

4.Where will you be staying?

I'll be staying at a hotel.

  1. Have you ever been to Australia before?

No, this is my first time.

6.Do you have anything to declare?

No, nothing.

  • Now please put your right thumb on the scanner.
  • Now look into the camera here.


At a Hotel

  • 办理入住 Checking in
-Hello, I’d like to check in.
-Do you have a reservation?
-I have a reservation under the name of Lily Green.
-May I see your ID, please?
-Certainly. Here it is.
  • 办理入住 Checking in
-Yes, I see that here. I have you in a single / double /family room for three nights. Is that correct?
-Yes, that’s right.
  • Could I have a room on the upper/lower floors?
  • Is this a non-smoking room?
  • 问询设施 Asking about facilities
-I need to go to the airport on Wednesday morning.
Do you offer a shuttle service?
-Yes, we do. What time is your flight?
-It’s at 11.30am.
-We have shuttles to the airport every hour, so I think
you could take the 8 am shuttle.
(A shuttle is a bus which drives between two places.)
-Perfect, thank you.

At a Hotel

  • 问询设施 Asking about facilities Do you offer…
Do you offer a shuttle service?
Do you offer 24-hour room service?
Do you offer a dry-cleaning service?
Do you offer conferencing facilities?
  • 问询设施 Asking about facilities
-Also, I wanted to ask what kind of gym facilities you have?
-We have a complete gym and a small swimming pool just down this corridor.
-Wonderful! Thanks for your help.
-One last thing: what’s the WIFI password for the hotel?
-It’s …
-And that works everywhere in the hotel?
-Yes, it does.
-Thank you very much.


There’s an issue with the heating.

Something’s wrong with the sink in the bathroom.

I think there’s a problem with the air-conditioner. It’s very loud.

办理退房 Checking out

-Hi, I’d like to check out please.

-Yes, of course. How was your stay?

-Very nice, thank you.

-Here’s a copy of your bill. The room and tax are already paid, so these are just the extras.

-That seems fine. Can you put it on my credit card?

-Yes. I’ll just do that now.


• I like traveling.

• Do you plan to travel during the vacation?

• What was your trip like?

• Do you have any complaints about the trip?

• Traveling holds a special attraction for me.

• Did you take photos when you were traveling aroundthe world?

• I had two days for sightseeing in that beautiful city.

Dialogue 1

Leo: Plaza Hotel, good morning. Leo speaking. Mona: Ah yes, I’d like to book two rooms for myself and my father. Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night?

Leo: Certainly. A single room is 120 dollars American, per night. Mona: Fine.

Leo: And when would you like the rooms? Mona: From the 25th to the 28th of September.

Leo: Arriving the 25th of September and leaving on the 28th? Three nights?

Mona: That’s right.

Leo: Just a minute please.

Dialogue 2

Liz: You’re already back from New York ,John. What was your trip like? John: It was just great.

Liz: Wasn’t it too crowded, busy, and nerve-racking(令人焦虑不安的)?

John: There were many people everywhere even at night. Especially in midtown, Manhattan, everyone seemed to be rushing about everywhere.

Liz: Where did you go in New York?

John: We visited the Statue of Liberty, the South Street Seaport Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Cloisters(修道院博物馆).

Liz: Did you go up to the top of the Empire State Building?

John: No, we wanted to, but we ran out of time and had to choose between the Cloisters and the Empire State Building. We ended up agreeing on the Cloisters.

Liz: What did you like best?

John: Everything was wonderful, but my favorite stop was Washington Square.

Liz: It sounds like you really had a wonderful trip. I wish I could go.


适用场景: 日常交流,以及中高考、四六级、雅思托福听力口语等题目


  • pencil 铅笔
  • colored pencil 彩铅笔
  • pencil sharpener卷笔刀
  • stapler 订书器
  • calculator 计算器
  • ballpoint 圆珠笔
  • highlighter 荧光笔
  • rubber (UK) 橡皮
  • eraser (US) 橡皮
  • scotch tape 胶带
  • paint 颜料
  • palette 调色板
  • paint brush 画笔
  • protractor 量角器
  • set square 三角尺
  • ruler 格尺
  • glue 胶水
  • beaker 烧杯

School Rooms and Places

  • schoolyard 校园
  • principal’s office 校长室
  • classroom 教室
  • music room 音乐室
  • art room 美术室
  • computer lab 计算机实验室
  • library 图书馆
  • gym 体育馆
  • playground 操场
  • bathroom 洗手间
  • canteen 食堂

School Subjects

  • Maths (U.K) – math (U.S) 数学
  • Art 美术
  • English 英语
  • Chinese 语文
  • Music 音乐
  • Drama 戏剧
  • History 历史
  • Science 科学
  • Geography 地理
  • Information Technology 信息技术
  • Biology 生物
  • Physics 物理
  • Chemistry 化学
  • Economics 经济学
  • PE (=physical education) 体育

People at School

  • teacher 教师
  • student 学生
  • classmate 同学
  • coach 教练
  • cook 厨师
  • librarian 图书管理员
  • principal 校长
  • professor 教授

University Vocabulary

  • assignment 任务
  • academic 学术的
  • campus 校园
  • course 课程
  • credit 学分
  • degree 学位
  • department 学院
  • diploma 学位证书
  • dormitory 宿舍
  • enroll 注册
  • exam 考试
  • graduate 毕业
  • instructor 讲师
  • lecture 讲座


Dialogue 1 Borrowing Class Notes

A: Do you have the notes from last week's class?

B: Did you come late?

A: I couldn't make it.

B: Why is that?

A: I was sick.

B: Oh, okay. Well, here you go.

A: Are these all of them?

B: Oh, wait, here are the rest.

A: Thanks a bunch.

B: Don't mention it.

Dialogue 2 Turning Homework in Late

A: I don't have my homework today.

B: You usually are good about turning it in. What happened?

A: I was really sick.

B: But couldn't you have done it when you felt better?

A: Yes, I probably could.

B: You have already missed one other assignment. When can I expect the make-ups?

A: Next class meeting.

B: That will be soon enough, but make sure you get next week's assignment in as well, all right?

A: That would work for me.

B: Good. I know that you are capable of being an excellent student.

Dialogue 3 Finding a Classroom

A: Do you mind helping me?

B: What can I help you with?

A: I'm not sure how to find my next class.

B: Do you know what building that's in?

A: The C building, I think.

B: Well, that's not far away.

A: Could you point me in that direction?

B: Do you know what the room number is?

A: It's C261.

B: My next class is around there.

A: Can you show it to me?

B: Sure, let's go.

A: Great!

Dialogue 4 Talking about a Professor

A: Could you tell me if you have ever taken a class from Dr. Miller?

B: Yes. Are you going to be taking a class from him?

A: Yes, but I have never taken his class before.

B: He is very interesting and challenging. Is that what you are looking for?

A: Yes, that's what I need.

B: He is really clear on what you need to learn to get a good grade. Are you willing to study hard?

A: Yes, I guess so.

B: What I really liked about him is that he was an understanding and friendly teacher. Do you enjoy that in a teacher?

A: Yes, I had a teacher like that before.

B: Did you know that he has 20 years teaching experience?

A: No, I didn't, but that could be a good thing.

B: Well, take a look at everything and figure out what is best for you. Good luck!

Dialogue 5 Buying Textbooks

A: Can you help me buy my textbooks?

B: There will probably be a book list in the bookstore. Do you have your class schedule handy?

A: No, I don't have that.

B: To get started, take that list over to the bookstore. Do you know where the bookstore is?

A: I am not sure where the bookstore is.

B: When you pass the gym, it'll be the first door on the left. Do you know how to sell your old textbooks for money?

A: Yes, I knew I could do that. Exactly how do I go about selling them?

B: If you give your used textbooks to the person at the booth outside the door, he will reimburse you. Can you go over there today?

A: I think maybe I could be there.

B: I am free at 1:00 today or tomorrow if you need some help. Want to meet me over there?

A: Maybe that would work.

B: I'll catch you later then. Have a wonderful morning.

Dialogue 6 Grading Policy

A: I was wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.

B: Grades are based on many things: homework, attendance, quizzes, mid-term, and final.

A: What counts the most?

B: Actually I look at all of it and let's not forget class participation.

A: Do you grade on a curve or use percentages?

B: Homework, attendance, and quizzes are sixty percent; the mid-term and final are worth twenty percent each.

A: What if we miss something?

B: I will allow one unexcused absence; after that you need to contact me ahead of time.

A: Will you tell us if we are failing during the year?

B: You will be able to track your progress during the year.

Dialogue 7

Talking to Professor about Being Absent

A: Professor, I will not be here for our next class meeting.

B: Is this absolutely necessary?

A: I tried to work something out, but I really do have to miss one class.

B: Will you be able to make up the work you missed?

A: I'm going to be doing a lot of extra reading.

B: Remember that I will only let you miss one class meeting per semester.

A: Yes, I remember.

B: Could you e-mail me this week as a reminder?

A: Sure, no problem.

B: Make good use of that day off; you'll only have one this semester!

Dialogue 8 Returning Overdue Books

A: Can you help me with returning my late books?

B: This is the right spot to pay your fee. Put your books down right here.

A: OK.

B: I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.

A: OK, here's the money.

B: We are interested in getting our books back; so as long as all the fines are paid off by the end of the semester, you will be fine. Does that make sense?

A: I'm not sure.

B: Your registration and transcripts can be held up if there is an outstanding fine.

A: Now I understand.

B: Well, you can always keep your late fees down by using the night drop if we are closed. Enjoy the library!

A1 阶段总结


以语音为物质外壳,由词汇和语法构成, 并能表达人类思想的符号系统。


  • 音素:元音 辅音
  • 单词:音节 重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词
  • 句子:语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读
  • 段落:意群



  • 名词 n. (noun)
  • 形容词 adj. (adjective)
  • 动词 v. (verb)
  • 副词 adv. (adverb)
  • 数词 num. (numeral)


  • 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。不同的句子成分在句中有不同的功用。
  • 一个句子一般至少由两部分构成,即 主语部分(陈述的对象)谓语部分(陈述的内容) ,这两部分可以说是句子的主要成分。
  • 句子的其他成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语,补语,同位语等。
主   谓    宾
定   状    补

表   同
主 谓   宾

我 看见 你
主 谓 (定) 宾

(状) 主 谓 (定) 宾

(状) 主 谓 (定) 宾 (补)

(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)
(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)


(状) 主  (同)  谓 (定) 宾 (补)  (表)


Today, I, Ali, see the beautiful you studying.

I am the teacher.


  • 主谓结构、主谓宾结构、主谓双宾结构、主谓宾宾补结构、主系表结构


  • 陈述句
    • 肯定式
    • 否定式
  • 疑问句
    • 一般疑问句
    • 特殊疑问句
  • 祈使句
    • 三种形式
  • 感叹句
    • what+名词
    • how+形容词


时与态 一般态 进行态 完成态 完成进行态
现在 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时
过去 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时
将来 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时
过去将来 一般过去将来时 过去将来进行时 过去将来完成时 过去将来完成进行时



主 谓  宾
I love you.

I love what you love.

He is a boy.
主 系 表

<Who you love> is a boy.

I am Ali.
主 系 表
I am <who I am>.

You make me happy.
主  谓   宾  补
You make me <what I want to be>.

I love a beautiful girl.
主 谓     定         宾
I love a girl <who is beautiful>.

Yesterday , I loved books.
状          主 谓    宾
<When I heard the news>, I loved books.

I heard the news <that you left>.
I head the news <that was told by your Dad>.

25 Most Common Prepositions

1. of
2. in
3. to
4. for
5. with
6. on
7. at
8. from
9. by
11. as
12. into
13. like
14. through
15. after
16. over
17. between
18. out
19. against
20. during
21. without
22. before
23. under
24. around
25. among

常用动词 look

for, after, over, forward to, at, up

back, around/about, out, into, through, as if/though, down upon/on
  • He was looking for work as a builder.
  • 寻找
  • It’s hard work looking after three children all day.
  • 照顾
  • I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written.
  • 检查
  • I’m looking forward to the holidays.
  • 期待 to doing sth


on, off, away, up, out

into, down, aside, back
  • He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.
  • 穿上
  • I’ve got to put this cream on twice a day.
  • 涂抹
  • Shall I put the kettle on?
  • 点火
  • The match has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather.
  • 推迟
  • He put his toys away every night.
  • 收起来
  • They’re putting up several new office blocks in the center of town.
  • 建立
  • The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations.
  • 装饰


century 世纪    year 年    season 季节

mouth 月       week 周     day 天

hour 小时      minute 分钟  second 秒

Clothes 服饰

Food 食物, Drinks 饮品

形容词Appearance 外表

tall 高的,  short 矮的
fat 胖的,  thin 瘦的
old 年老的, young 年轻的
beautiful/pretty 漂亮的, ugly 丑的
healthy 健康的, ill/sick 生病的
strong 强壮的, weak 虚弱的

Location 所在地

  • I’m from \(\underline{China}\).
  • I’m \(\underline{Chinese}\).(国籍)
  • I come from \(\underline{Italy}\).(有点从哪来的感觉)
  • I was born and raised in \(\underline{England}\). Bare born be born I was born
  • I was born in \(\underline{Liaoning}\) but raised in \(\underline{Guangdong}\).
  • I grew up in \(\underline{Xinjiang}\) and now live in Beijing. Be raised
  • I’m originally from \(\underline{Xinjiang}\) but I’m now based in \(\underline{Hangzhou}\).
  • I’ve been living in \(\underline{Beijing}\) for 12 years.
  • I’ve spent the past few years in \(\underline{Shanghai}\).


  • 兴趣爱好
  • 购物
  • 餐饮
  • 社交
  • 旅行
  • 校园生活