English: A2超能飞跃
字数为 32366.
- TAGS: Power
- 写作入门
- 书信类写作
- 记叙文写作
- 图表类写作
- 议论文写作
- 翻译的技巧
常见的英语作文类型包括议论文、图表文、记叙文、应用文等,具体的考题有通知信件的写作、 图表分析、命题作文、故事续写等等。
虽然不同类型文章的写作要求有不同之处,但考场的写法是基本相通的。总结起来就是要在规 定的时间内按照题目的写作要求完成一篇文章。
任何人想要做好一件事情,第一步是去学习,去模仿, 然后才是寻找去超越,去创新的机会
如果题目要求你20分钟写个100词的短文,你一定要在那里写够20分钟、 一定要写够100词。
写的什么样都没问题,但第一步是一定要写,因为如果你不做这一步的 话,你就会对后面的四步失去认知,也会降低对范文的理解的深刻程度。
2. 找到一篇优质范文,对其进行深入分析
- 把范文从头到尾认真研究,查生词,每个句子的意思都要弄清楚,句子结构也要分析透彻。
- 梳理范文的逻辑结构,可以把每一段的核心句提炼出来,理清观点。
- 再反复阅读范文,直至思路完全清晰。
3. 对范文进行仿写
注意不是一字不差的抄,也不是放开了自己随便写,而是根据你提炼出来的中心句进行对范文 的仿写。如果你能回忆出范文当中具体词和句的用法也是可以的,但一般情况下你不可能逐词 不差的全部把它默写一遍,你可能会用到自己的一些语法表达。
4. 将你仿写的文章和范文进行对比
一定要仔细看一下范文当中讲到的点,你哪一些没有说到;范文当中比较好的表达方式,有哪 一些没有用到。把这些都记下来,成为你自己的语料库的一部分。适当找老师或同学来帮助批 改,纠正语法和词汇的使用错误。
在这一步当中,如果你发现你自己写的文章还可能有自己的独特思路,或有一些用法比范文还 要地道,那一定也要把它保留下来。但如果是处于写作的入门阶段,那大部分情况下还是要向 范文去学习的。
你可以根据范文进行仿写,你也可以以范文为根基,再添加一些自己所要表达的内容。我们这 一遍的仿写要比你第一遍的仿写更加有意义,因为你把之前所忘记的地方都补上了,你把之前 所没有用到的表达都用上了,这一遍写出来的东西才真正属于你自己的。
这个练习也可以放到初次仿写的第二天来做,这样可以拉长记忆的时限,也当做对于前一天学 习效果的检验和复习。
- 第一步:自己写。
- 第二步:看范文进行分析。
- 第三步:根据我们的核心句进行范文的仿写。
- 第四步:把你仿写的文章和范文进行对比。
- 第五步:自己再写一遍。
- 这样一次写作练习,一道题目你一共写了三遍,对于初学者来说是强化式的练习,坚持练习会看到非常大的收效。
- For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to Hope Elementary School organized by your student union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
- 这道题是说在30分钟之内写一篇120-180词的报道文章,内容是关于学生会组织的去希望小 学的活动。
- 有一定基础的同学此时一定要暂停视频,按照要求动笔写一篇作文!!!
- 我用一个文章来举例,大家可以参考着文稿来看。
A Visit to Hope Elementary School Organized by Our Student Union Our Student Union organized a visit to a Hope Elementary School last Friday. The activity was very successful and meaningful.
Twenty students took part in this trip. The elementary school is very far from the university, so it took them 2 hours to get there by bus. When they got there, the pupils are very excited and performed for them. The Student Union gave a lot of pencils, rulers, books and other teaching materials to the kids in the elementary school. The pupils asked some questions about the college life and had a long conversation with our students.
This visit was just a beginning. The Student Union believes there will be more and more people joining in this kind of activity.
A Visit to Hope Elementary School Received a Warm Welcome
A two-day visit to Hope Elementary School organized by the Student Union of our university has been well accomplished as scheduled this Friday.
In order to heighten college students' service awareness and help pupils of rural areas better understand the colorful college life so as to encourage them to study harder, the Student Union organized an activity named A Trip of Wonderful Life. A group of 20 college students participated in this trip. The visit was heartily welcomed by all the students and staff of Hope, followed by various activities, such as the conversation among students about the exhilarating college life, a visit to the school art show of students' works of painting and handicraft, and teaching activities focusing on showing the magical science world to the kids.
Both the pupils and our college students were actively engaged in all these great activities. The headmaster of Hope Elementary School thought highly of this trip as well as the devotion, enthusiasm and creativity of our students.
- 如果你下笔的时候觉得范文太难了,还是不会仿写,就说明你还没有将它研究透彻。
- 这个时候你就要再回过头去阅读范文,把整个的词、句、逻辑结构和核心句记清楚,之后再来进行仿写。
- 我们同学的文章当中出现了重复用词,结构过于单一,时态不稳定,用词不够准确等问题。 这时候就要把范文里的词汇、搭配、句式等认真记下来,再融入到你的文章当中。看看你写 得文章是不是也有着同样的问题。
- 比如,我们从标题来看,可以发现这位同学的标题几乎就是题目当中的原文,有点长而且没 有重点,换成范文的结构会更好。
- 再如,这位同学的文章句式都比较相像,而范文当中就有了很多用法上面的变化。
- 还有,就用词来讲,范文的词汇明显要更广泛更精确一些,我们在仿写的过程中就可以很好 的借用,并且最终变成自己的词汇库存。
- 本节下课之后,同学们一定要按照这个方法,把文章再重新做一次写作练习。
- 结构清晰,内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚且完整。
- 时态要准确,确定好书写的核心时态。
- 书写要认真,避免不必要的拼写错误和格式错误。
很多同学会说写作不好。但当我继续追问具体感觉哪个地方出了问题呢?这个时候就不知道如何 回答了,就是简单两个字,不好。那我又问说你觉得什么样的作文是好的呢?大部分同学也都不太能回答。 既然我们要提高写作,如果不知道好的标准在哪,自然也就无法有针对性地训练。
- 1.词汇和语法上要准确到位,有力支撑内容,句式多样化。
- 2.结构上要行文流畅,逻辑连贯且自洽。
- 3.内容上要 言之有物 ,观点明确清晰,论证充分。
这三点标准的难度是递增的,而越到高级别的写作考试,它的重要性也是递增的。对于很多同 学来说,写作最大的问题就是内容太广太空,没有学会建立论据。经常是陈述观点的时候没有 去论证,只是在反复说同一个道理。即使有论述,多半也是常识表述或者举反例。这些论证方 式的力度普遍不高。所以,我们在要求基本的语法词汇准确的基础上,要多多在内容上下功夫。
- 好的写作者就是可以随着题目变化,可以准确识别题目的论述关键点,迅速想到相关和有力 的观点,并且使用准确和恰当的语言陈述和拓展这些观点,甚至能够做到内容充实,可读性 强,让人觉得有道理。高水平的英文写作者可以一个题目写出好几篇高质量的不同角度的文 章;比较好的写作者可以一个题目写一篇高质量的文章;而我们大部分学生是考前准备固定 的几篇文章去套很多个题目,有时候题目一变,就不知道写什么了。合格的评分老师一般几 乎是一眼就能看出一篇作文的这三个层次到底有没有达到高的标准。大家可以想一下,如果 你是考官碰到千篇一律的内容会给出高分吗?
很多同学为了避免出现不必要的错误,整篇几乎都是简单句,这样整体的篇章会显得过于单调, 语言应用能力不强。相反又有一些同学写句子是为了复杂而复杂,盲目追求很长的句子,但是 没有尊重英文的传统和语感。
如果平时的积累不足,考试捉襟见肘时就只能去创造词汇了。基础词汇量的建立我就不多说了, 一定要坚持去做。此外,在练习的时候一定要多去查词典,看搭配,不能单凭汉语意思去把词 用到英文句子中。比如我在作文中常看同学会把leave school作为“退学”的意思使用,而它 和finish school其实是一样的意思;再如sustainable development并不是经济的可持续发展, 而是指环保方面,绿色可持续发展。我之前写作讲解给大家推荐的搭配词典也可以多拿来用用。 用词要到位,追求最点对点的表达。
关于内容我在第一部分已经讲了很多了,同学还是要注重平时的输入和思考。另外,模版这个 并不是说完全不可用,它确实可以帮助你更好的梳理结构,但是如果你的模版太多太长,就会 严重影响文章核心内容的传达。所以适当合理的结构性使用是可以的,但是不要把时间花在背 模版上,而忽略了真实水平的提升。
在组织文章的时候,同学们一定要想清楚你要写的文章的中心思想是什么。你项表达的几个观 点或者你要讲述的故事是不是和题目所述是一致的。明确了这一点再去下笔,如果是写作中途 才发现不对劲那可就很麻烦了。论述的时候一定要再三确定它与观点是密切相关的。
你的日记内容可以很简单,比如记录一件小事或自己的感受,还可以是当天看的电影、书籍等 的观后感。这样一来你会更好地记录人生,二来能逐步提高自己的英文写作。在写的过程中, 要做到以下两点:
- 遇到自己不会描述的地方,要通过查阅再写进日记里,不断积累实用并符合你表达习惯的词汇。
- 加强逻辑,并学会细化。通过在日记时反思某件事对自己的影响、强化逻辑关系并详尽描述 感受,可以帮助提升自己细化论点的能力。多做举例论证,比如我今天不开心,因为我没做什 么什么。为什么没做这些让我不开心呢?因为…………。逻辑性要有,句与句之间紧密连接。不 要写什么我今天不开心,因为天气不好。你可能内心觉得,it makes sense,但是逻辑上有时 还是不严密,经不起推敲。
- 写作的时候要给自己限时。应试作文有一个共同特点就是有时限性,需要在规定时间内完成 内容的写作。我们要通过平时的练习了解自己的写作速度,考试的时候才好安排时间。
阅读材料除了用第一手资料,例如文学作品;第二手资料也是写作很好的素材,例如影评和各 类报刊的专栏。用最直白的话说,想要英文写作能力好必须是看过的书多+写过的字多,当然这 里的字都是英文字。此外,阅读时要多动脑,一定要让自己养成善于归纳和勤于思考的习惯。 这样脑子才会有真正的输入,然后演变成自己的东西。写作并没有什么捷径,看多了,写多了, 思考多了,慢慢也就找到了手感。任何的进步都是从现在下笔开始的。
• 我这里给大家分析一个雅思范文,一起看看平时的阅读逻辑结构分析应该如果去做。
- Many young people nowadays leave schools with negative attitude towards learning. Why does this happen? (原因) What do you think would encourage young people to have a positive attitude? (解决方案)
A wide range of causes are responsible for this phenomenon. (表明本段要阐述题目所给 事件的原因) The root cause is excessive stress of study. (题目所给事件的第一个原因) To be specific, students in school nowadays are to do a large amount of homework after school, which reduces their interest in study and even makes them tired of learning. (第一个原因的扩展,因果论证) Another trigger is that they may face unemployment after graduation. (第二个原因) Since there are far less job opportunities available, the competition for jobs becomes increasingly fierce and students are less likely to find a decent job. Inevitably, some of them may have the feeling that learning is useless. (第 二个原因的扩展,同样因果论证)
According to the above mentioned, various approaches should be adopted to deal with this problem. (表明本段要阐述题目中事件的解决方案) First of all, reducing study load is the most effective method. (对应上一段的第一个原因,找到第一个解决方案) For example, cutting the amount of homework will give students more leisure hours, making them find a balance between study and rest. (第一个解决方案的扩展,用举例来 论证) In addition, the government should play a more positive role in creating jobs. (对 应上一段的第二个原因,给出第二个解决方案) For instance, laws should be made to impel businesses to recruit students fresh out of school. This will help them build confidence in school education. (第二个解决方案的扩展,也用的是举例论证)
To sum up, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, including study stress and unemployment. (总结主体第一段,原因归总) Relevant methods should be worked out to resolve this problem before things get worse (总结 主体第二段,解决方案归总) 整体解析:这个三段式的文章结构明确,逻辑大家,同学们在阅读的时候除了要读清楚词句的 意思,也要把其中的结构和逻辑关系分析清楚。同时,文章中有非常好的关于归纳总结的好的 句式,也要及时做整理,这样长此以往,多读多分析,你的写作能力会稳步提高。
• 书信类写作是任务驱动型作文,是各大英语考试中一个非常重要的命题方向。
• 特别是在备考高考写作和雅思写作的过程当中,一定要将相关知识点全面覆盖,做好充分准备。
1.写信目的; 2.个人优势; 3.能做的事情。
注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。
假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编一个短剧,请你写一封邮件给外教Miss Evans,请 她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括:
1.剧情简介; 2.指导内容;3.商定时间地点。
- 词数100左右:.
- 结束语已为你写好。
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words.
A friend from another country is moving to your city for work. He / she has asked you for advice about living in your city.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
- suggest an interesting part of the city to live in
- describe the public transport in your city
- say how your friend can meet new people there
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words.
You have heard that a developer plans to build a shopping centre near your home.
Write a letter to the council. In your letter
- say how you heard about the plan
- explain how you feel about it
- ask for more information about it
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir or Madam,
- 书信是一种向特定对象传递信息、交流思想感情的应用文书。具有明确的写作对象。作者与 接受者双方都是身份明确的。在写信时,需要考虑到写作对象的特点。尤其是在考场作文中, 给出了人物设定,就更需要格外注意代入身份。
- 书信的最主要功用是传达信息和情感。内容方面应做到简洁明了、逻辑清晰、情感真挚。
- 建议信
- 邀请信
- 咨询/求助信
- 推荐信
- 祝贺信
- 投诉信
- 感谢信
- 道歉信
- 申请信
- 通知
对于书信来说,格式尤为重要。尤其是在考场作文中,有的同学由于粗心大意,导致格式错误 或格式缺失,这是比较严重的扣分点。
- 未根据写作对象调整措辞
书信有明确写作对象。如果没注意到要根据写作对象来调整措辞,就容易导致书信口吻不得体、 情感表达不到位等后果。
面对作文题中的要求,有的同学习惯套用模板;而书信最首要的是逻辑分明有条理,内容要对 应好作文的题目要求。
- 信头(heading)
- 信内地址(inside address)
- 称呼(salutation)
- 正文(body)
- 结尾语(complimentary close)
- 签名(signature)
- I have received your letter of July 1st. 7月1 日来信已经收悉。
- I have the pleasure to tell you that …….很高兴告诉你……。
- I am very much delighted to receive your letter. 非常高兴收到你的来信。
- It is my honor to inform you that ……很荣幸告诉你……。
- I am looking forward to hearing from you 盼早日回信。
- Wish/with best regards. 祝好。
- Thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助!
- Wish my best wishes for your success. 祝你成功。
- Wishing you a happy holiday. 祝假日愉快!
- Hoping to hear from you soon. 希望能尽快收到你的回信。
- Yours sincerely,
- Yours truly,
- Yours faithfully,
- Most sincerely,
- Faithfully yours,
- Love,
- Yours love,
- Yours Affectionately,
- With love,
- Lovingly yours,
- Yours ever,
- 考生是否能理解写作要求,明白自己要完成的表达任务是什么。
- 考生是否能准确地表达出自己的写作目的,这里实际上也在测试考生的“概括能力” 。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a resident of Boundary Road and I have recently read in the local newspaper that a shopping centre is going to be built near where I live.
这部分需要我们根据具体的写作内容来安排行文。首先,主题明确、思路清晰,时刻注意写作的目的。 其次,情感真挚,就需要注重写出自己的真情实感、自己与收信人之间的情感关联。
The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign te achers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, ye ars of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibiti on in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help t he audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form.
This news was rather a surprise to me. I have been living in Boundary Road for five years now and it has always been a very quiet street with very few tall buildings. I think a construction like this will change the atmosphere of the area considerably and, like many other residents I have spoken to, I am not at all happy about it.
I think people who live in the area have a right to know more about the plan before it goes ahead, so I would like to request further details regarding the dates of the planned building work and the size of the centre.
All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate i t if you could take my application into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua
I sincerely hope you are planning to provide a car park, as otherwise parking will become very difficult for everyone in the area.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, John Carls
每个类型的信件都会有一些相对固定的常规表达,同学们在看范例 的时候要注意总结和积累。
假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者 意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:
1.说明你是该报的忠实读者 2.说明该报优点:1)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功故事 3.提出建议: 刊登指导英语学习的文章
Dear Editor-in-Chief,
Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror! I’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it so much that I hardly miss any copy.
There are many advantages of Global Mirror. Firstly, Global Mirror covers both national and international news. By simply turning the pages, I can know all important things that have happened both home and abroad. Besides, the success stories of world-famous people are also attractive to me, which help me learn a lot from them. In a word, thanks to Global Mirror, we are well-informed and keep up with the changing world.
As a young student, I wish that I can be a master of English language. Therefore, I suggest that Global Mirror provide articles about English learning for us.
Finally, I hope that Global Mirror will become more and more popular. Thank you for your time!
Sincerely yours, Li Hua
假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中 学生英语演讲比赛 (speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。
- 询问Tom的生活和学习情况;
- 谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙;
- 告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。
注意: 1.词数:120—150; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,
How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your life? I hope you are.
Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation, and I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts. Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the pronunciation and intonation. Of course, as a native English speaker, you can give me some suggestions.
In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
你是李华,两周前你从网上一套书虫系列读物(Book worm Series)昨天才到货,且 包装破损,数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。要点如下:
- 介绍购物情况
- 反映存在问题
- 提出解决方案
- 词数100词左右
- 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯
To whom it may concern,
I am one of your customers. I ordered a set of Bookworm Series on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were so poorly packed up that the cover of one book was torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missing.
I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe I have every right to ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money or deliver a new set of books to me. Besides, I’d like to be informed of the process of your dealing with my complaint.
Looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely, Li Hua
祝贺信 假如你是李华,你的好友魏芳在中学生英语演讲比赛中荣获一等奖。请你根据以下内容,给她写一封祝贺信。
- 表达你的愉悦心情;
- 向她表示祝贺;
- 请她介绍成功的经验。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
- 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Wei Fang,
I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations.
You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English? Your experience will be of great help to me in learning.
I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
- 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信
注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Professor Liang,
I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.
Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student at Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters.
It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades.
Yours truly, Zhang Ying
假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B & B公司要招聘 一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:
- 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好
3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐 4.性格特点:积极向上
注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行为连贯。
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position, so I am writing to apply for it.
I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.
I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualifications more fully. I am looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely, Li Hua
- 比赛信息;
- 赛前准备;
- 表达期待。
- 词数100左右;
- 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Chris,
How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate.
As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a re volving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other tea ms taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for th e top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can.
So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in it. How about you? Looking forward to your reply.
Yours, Li Hua
- 时间;
- 活动安排;
- 欢迎他表演节目。
- 词数100左右;
- 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Allen,
How is everything going? Our school will hold a music festival next Sunday morning in th e school hall. And I’m writing to invite you to join us.
The opening ceremony will start at 9:00 am, and the schoolmaster will deliver a speech. T hen there will be various fantastic performances played by talented students. You are defi nitely welcome to show up on stage, which will add color and fun to our festival.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Best wishes, Li Hua
- 记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体,是写作训练中最普遍、最基本的一种文体。
- 在高考等英语考试中常常涉及,一般要求考生根据试卷中提供的情景,组织语言、材料。
- 要求学生能够叙述事情,描述人物或事件,能把你周围的趣事、生活中的琐事、社会上的大事等所见所闻生动形象地展现出来。
- 以记人为主的记叙文。此类记叙文一般要求以人物为中心组织材料,就这个人的经历及成绩 等内容展开描写,在写作中应注意对其外貌、语言及行为等方面的细节描写,要生动形象。在 写人物时,既要注意人物的个性与代表性,又要不失真实性。并根据具体要求,灵活掌握,突 出重点。
- 以叙事为主的记叙文。叙事为主的记叙文,要以事件为中心组织材料,应交代清楚六要素(5 个W和1个H)。在写作过程中,要以时间为主线,合理安排写作顺序,注意要精心选择典型情节 内容,把握好事情的起因、发展、高潮及结局,做到详略得当,主次分明。
- 以写景状物为主的记叙文。此类文章首先要选用合适的描写方法:位置关系(如由远及近)、 方向顺序(如顺时针方向),一旦选择了某一方向顺序,全文就应保持一致;其次要注意选词的多 样化,描写的多样化,使得看似很单调的景物描写变得形象生动。在写作过程中,要注意人与 物的情感交融。
今天你参观了清华大学。一大早,老教授在门口接你们, 然后领你参观了校园、图书馆、实验楼。下午,老教授给你 们做报告。傍晚,你向老教授告别。
下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据画面及图中的有关提示,用第三人称的口吻 写一篇120字左右的短文。注意:可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想象,使故事完整连贯。
- 记叙文的主要任务是记人和叙事,而人物的活动和事件的发生总有一定的时间和地点、前因和后果。
- 写记叙文时要把握六个要素,即事情发生的时间when、地点where、人物who、事件what、原因why、结果how六要素。
- 一篇记叙文,无论长短如何都应该是一个完全独立的事实。因此, 下笔时需要明确该从何处开始叙述,该在何处结束叙述,以及如何 在规定的时间和字数内将内容尽可能叙述完整。
- 开端
叙述一件事,往往有一定的情景。介绍这个情景就是开端。作者在开端中,通 常要交代事件发展的时间、地点、有关人物和人与人之间相互关系等内容,帮 助读者理解事件的本身。
- 发展
- 结局
- 原本正在做某事(交代背景)
- 突然发生另一件(起因)
- 想尽办法去解决(经过)
- 叙述故事结局(结果)
- 本来正上课
- 老师突然摔倒被学生背去医务室
- 学生去看望
- 老师出院坐轮椅上课,学生鼓掌
- Mrs. Zhang is a good teacher who puts all her heart in teaching.
- Last Monday, while giving us an English class, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell onto the ground.
- Seeing this, we rushed to her and carried her to our school clinic immediately.
- Though we were worried a lot, we minded our step and got there in just a few minutes.
- Her right foot was injured so terribly that she had to stay in hospital for several weeks.
- We all went to see her and tried to offer comfort.
- When Mrs. Zhang met us, she was with great joy.
- However, 3 days later, in a wheelchair, Mrs. Zhang came into our classroom and gave us lessons.
- We were so moved that some of us burst into tears.
- Her unselfish affection touched us greatly, which becomes our example to follow and encourages us to study hard to live up to her expectations.
第一人称叙述:写作者以当事人的口气,即第一人称来叙述,把文章中的 事情以“我”的所见所闻来告诉读者,用主观的表现手法,给读者一种亲 切自然的感觉,如同亲身经历一样,加强了事件的可信性,直接抒发作者 的思想情感,从而引起读者的共鸣。这种形式常在记述亲身经历、耳闻目 睹的事件的文章中出现。
第三人称叙述:写作者从旁观者的角度来叙述事件,以客观的写作方法, 能够充分反映事件中各人的感受及见解,以全知的视角来叙述。第三人称 的应用常出现在介绍他人生平、事迹,以及描述一些事件的文章中。
- 以时间为线索,按时间的顺序来展开。
- 以地点为线索,以地点的转移为顺序来展开。
- 以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开。
- 以事物的象征意义为线索来展开。
- 以人物的思想行为及认知的过程为线索来展开。
首先,考生要注意所给要点之前的中文提示。一般来说,包 括时间、地点等,这些都应在文章中有所体现。
其次是所给的提纲式要点,把所列出的要点都写到就行了。 但图画式作文就要注意每幅图的主题内容,包括图中人物的 言行及人物思考的内容,考生应根据每幅图画列出要点。
下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据画面及图中的有关提示,用第三人称的口吻 写一篇120字左右的短文。注意:可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想象,使故事完整连贯。
- 3月8号,两个人应该在悄悄商量什么?
- 他们为什么做家务还做得如此开心?
- 都做了什么菜,是谁喜欢的呢?
- 为什么第四张图片中没人呢?两人的目的是什么呢?
It was March 8th, Women’s Day. Li Hua had a good idea and told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him. First, they decided to do some housework and decorate the room a bit to create a warm atmosphere. Li Hua cleaned the house completely while his father did some washing.
Then, they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and some other delicious dishes. Li Hua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. After that they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for Mother so as to give her a happy surprise.
When his mother came back from work and saw the delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very surprised. The family had a pleasant festival.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition of no less than 150 words on A Day in My Summer Vacation. Remember to write clearly.
A Day in My Summer Vacation
Last summer I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt’s. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a small river winding its course everyday.
One morning I went fishing in the river, where two women washed clothes. I found a most favorable point. Casting out my line, I waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: “Help! Help!” I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy. Then together with his mother I carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. That boy was saved. The mother gave me a thousand thanks.
Back to my fishing place, I found my fishing pole floating on the water. I managed to get it. To my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook!
Directions: For this part, you are allowed twenty minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on An exciting trip. Remember to write clearly.
An Exciting Trip
I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the center of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed twenty minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on A wet night. Remember to write clearly.
A Wet Night
Last Sunday, Tom went camping with some of his friends. Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.
But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired, so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily, and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!
- 图表类写作是在各类英文考试中均有出现,如高考、雅思、考研、BEC商务英语等等。
- 图表可反映出生活当中的变化情况,说明事物的发展趋势,或解释步骤方法流程等等。
- 通过本节讲解,大家需了解图表的不同类型,掌握图表写作的核心词汇,并发现这一类文章的写作思路和特征。
- 描述数据或事实时要具体,不能笼统、空泛。考生应保持客观中立的立场,不带个人感情色彩,不宜褒贬渲染。
- 明确你写作的中心思想,围绕中心思想运用所有相关的数据或事实进行描述,烘托中心思想,而不是单纯的事 实或数据罗列。为了突出中心思想要放弃一些不必要的事实或数据。选择自己最有把握的结论,并按照所选择的 结论的思路去组织文字进行清晰的表述。写作时,应完全放弃另一个结论,不受另一个结论的干扰。
- 得出的结论必须与分析的结果一致。有时一个总结论下可能有几个小结论,那么这几个小结论应该相互一致, 不能相互排斥或与总结论相悖。另外,结论不能主观臆造、凭空想像,而一定是基于事实和分析得出的必然结果。
- 使用规范正式语言表述,描述事态情景用词用语准确,既不夸大也不縮小。并且要注意动词时态的一致,选择 同一个时间基准。
- 每段要有主题句(Topic sentence),并且要加上适当的过渡词。较好的过渡词,会使文字自然流畅,给短文增 色不少。
- 描述图表时,可以分段按时间顺序对比性描述,也可以分段按不同的事物分别描述。描述过程中可以加人分析判断,从而得出结论。
你们班会的讨论主题是“上大学是高中生唯一的出路 吗?”请你根据下面图表及汉语提示,写一篇短文, 并阐述你的个人观点。
- 增长学识,提高素养,利于择业。
- 成功的路不只一条。
- 学费高,就业难。
- 词数:100~120左右。
- 开头语已为你写好(不计入词数)。
- 参考词汇:tuition n.学费 qualities n.素养
The table gives information about students' opinions on different aspects of courses they attended in a university in
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Percentage of students rating aspects of their course as "very good".
- 本题中,如果将三门课程横向对比可以发现,business得到的赞赏高于平均水平:除pre-course information列第二之外,其他各项都居于榜首。而Computing和Maths分别都有满意度最低的项目。
- 此外,观察各项目的最大和最小值可发现,学生在teaching quality一项的满意度非常悬殊, Business高达93%,而最低的Maths仅为64%。这就是典型的需要额外描述的special feature, 同学们在审题时要敏锐地发觉,并单独进行描述。
- 最后,除了不同课程之间的对比之外,还需要在相同课程的不同评分类别直接进行大致的比较。 观察后可以发现,学生给出平均分最高的项目是teaching quality与tutor support,平均达到 80%-90%,而其他几项则明显不足了。这一点可以在正文中单独起一段进行描述,也可以在结尾 段一笔带过。
The table shows how students feel about a variety of aspects of courses they took in university in 2012.
Among the three given courses, the aspect of Business earned more appreciation from the students than the other two. In terms of teaching quality and tutor support, the rating as "very good" reached 93% and 96% respectively, which were the highest compared with Computing and Maths. The percentage of satisfactory comments for course content and resources were also higher than average level.
As a contrast, the rating for the aspect of Computing as "very good" was lower than average concerning pre-course information (61%), tutor support (85%) and course content (69%). The students also did not think highly about the teaching quality and resources.
The number of students who were satisfied with the pre-course information of the Maths course was slightly more than business and computing. However, the teaching quality was only recognized by 64% of the students, which were much less than those of Business and Computing. The situation was similar for resources.
All in all, business was the most welcomed course among the students. Besides, among the five categories, students are more satisfied with the teaching quality and tutor support than the others.
Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
- interpret the chart, and
- give your comments.
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
- 根据题目要求中的两点提纲,可把文章安排成三段。
- 首段描述图表,首句应为总体描述:主题(春节假期花销比例)+对象(我国某市居民)。次句应 为细节描述,分别描述占比最高的新年礼物和其次的交通、聚会吃饭与其他。
- 第二段最好写成原因列举,首句可为主题句,承上启下进行过渡。其次具体说明二至三点原因, 可写为何新年礼物花销最大或交通、聚会吃饭也占据一些比例。
- 第三段可预测图表发展趋势、归纳结论或提出建议措施。
The pie chart above clearly illustrates the percentage of the residents’ spending in a certain city of China during the Spring Festival Vacation. From the statistics given, we may draw the conclusion that the spending on New Year presents is highest among all the four categories, at approximately 40%, whereas the amount spent on transport, gathering and dining, and miscellaneous accounts for about 20% each.
The fundamental factors that contribute to the aforementioned comparison may be summarized as follows. To start with, a New Year gift might be memorable because of the special occasion when it is given. If the present is something that only your best friend knew you had wanted, you will never forget it, since it shows the closeness of your relationship with that friend. In addition, festival presents might be unforgettable since they are related to significant events in your life. For instance, I still remember the first New Year gift my best friend, Leo, gave me.
In summary, people spend a lot on Spring Festival presents for a large number of reasons. Some gifts might be memorable owing to the special person who gave the gift. Others are unforgettable due to the significance of the event. Most of all, it is easy to remember special presents as they give you a significant sense of personal worth.
- line graph 线形图
- bar chart 柱状图
- pie chart 饼图
- table 表格
- flow chart/diagram 流程图或过程图
- map 地图
- 上升类动词:increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, surge, shoot up, soar, ascend, keep an upward tendency
- 上升名词类:increase, rise, growth, jump, surge
- 下降类动词:decrease, go down, decline, fall, drop, sink, dip, descend, keep a downward tendency
- 下降名词类:decrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop
- 波动类动词:fluctuate
- 波动名词类:fluctuation
修饰动词的副词: 修饰名词的形容词: slightly 轻微地 slight 轻微的 slowly 缓慢地 slow 缓慢的 gradually 逐渐地 gradual 逐渐的 steadily 稳定地 steady 稳定的 rapidly 迅速地 rapid 急速的 moderately 温和地, 轻微地 moderate 温和的 significantly 明显地 significant 明显的 sharply 明显地 sharp 明显的 dramatically 急剧地 dramatic 急剧的 drastically 急剧地 drastic 急剧的
remain the same, remain stable, remain constant
level off at, level out at, hover at, stabilize at, reached a plateau at
about, around, approximately, roughly, just over, just under
- 最高点:reach the peak/top/highest point, peak at Increase to the peak/top/highest point (所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)
- 最低点:reach the bottom/lowest point, bottom out at drop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的动词都可以替换掉drop)
- 占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of…
- 占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of…
• 表示显示/说明相关动词:
The line graph describes/illustrates/demonstrates/summarizes/outlines/shows
• 表示经历了某种变化的及物动词:
experience, witness, see
• 表示对未来数字的预测的及物动词:
project, predict, forecast
- 线形图的基本特征就是,随着一段时间的推移,图里的元素发生升高、降低或者不变的趋势。
- 可将前面的词汇选取“动词+副词”,如fall sharply这样的表达,或者“形容词+名词”搭配,如slight increase。
- 还有线形图常出现的波动、保持平稳、到达最高或最低点,这样的表达参考前面的词汇能用好一两个就可以了。
句型一:X(描述对象)+ 趋势动词 + 副词
The price of pork fell sharply in 2020.
句型二:There was a + 形容词 + 趋势名词 + in X(描述对象)
There was a rapid decrease in the price of pork in 2020.
句型三:时间 + saw/ experienced/ witnessed a + 形容词 + 趋势名词
The year 2020 witnessed a dramatic drop in the price of pork.
句型四:A + 形容词 + 趋势名词 + took place/ occurred.
A sharp fall in the price of pork took place in 2020.
句型五:X(描述对象)+ showed/ took +an upward/ downward trend.
The price of pork showed a downward trend in 2020.
- 观察图里的横轴和纵轴,对表中描述的对象有个简单的了解;如果图的旁边有注解的话,一般是表示图里数字的单位,也不能漏掉。
- 看题目有多少个线形图,一般来说,如果题目里有不只一个图,那么一般是有几个图写几个主体段。
- 描述每一项(通常是每一条线)的重要数据。 重要数据包括有:开始点、结束点、相交点、大致趋势、转折点、最大最小值等。
• Task: Price in US dollars of a barrel of oil from 1995 to 2015.
The graph shows oil prices in dollars per barrel from 1995 with forecasts to 2015. Overall, oil prices increased by nearly four hundred percent from 1995 to 2008, with the most dramatic increase in the two years from 2006 to 2008. This rise is predicted to continue into the future.(开头段改写题目,并且描述总体趋势)
Prices started at around twenty US dollars a barrel during 1995, and then rose slightly to approximately twenty-four dollars in 1998.
The cost of a barrel then dropped for two years, to the lowest point of about eighteen dollars during 2000. After that, there was a steady price rise, reaching about fifty dollars a barrel in 2006.
This was followed by a dramatic climb to over ninety dollars in 2008, and it is forecasted that this rise will continue in the future, and will level off slightly after 2010, with expectedly ending up at 130 by 2015.
- 柱状图的基本特征就是,在适当的地方作比较。柱状图数据之间的比较,主要指的就是百分比、倍数、分数等这一类关系。
- 需要掌握各种比较关系的表达,如:
一:A is X times more than B.
In 2020, the average amount of time spent on watching TV on a daily basis by adults in Canada was ten minutes higher than that by children.
二:主语 + 谓语 + X times more + 宾语A + than + 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语B
In 2020, adults in Canada spent ten minutes more on watching TV every day on average than children (did).
三:There be X times more A than B.
In 202p, there were ten minutes more time spent on watching TV every day on average by adults in Canada than by children.
第一类:有时间推移的,通常是横轴上数据表示时间。对于这种类型的柱状 图, 把它转化为线形图,按照时间的先后顺序来写(一般是从左到右) ,因 为存在时间推移是线形图的首要特征。
第二类:不存在时间推移的,按照同一分类标准,写内部的各种元素,而各 元素又按照数值从大到小的顺序写。
The chart below shows the percentage of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002.
The bar chart compares the changes in the proportion of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002. And it also indicates the projections for 2050.
In 1950. China accounted for one fourth of the world population. Although this figure decreased slightly, it still ranked the first in 2002, compared to other three countries. It is estimated that the population in China will continue to drop to 19 per cent in the middle of this century.
India ranked the second in terms of the population in the table, which made up 15 percent in 1950, but since then, there was a dramatic increase, climbing to approximately 19 percent. The percentage is expected to increase slightly to 21 per cent in 2050 and will probably exceed that in China.
When it comes to the population in the USA and Japan, both of which witnessed a decrease from 1950 to 2002. It is predicted that in 2050, the percentage will remain the same in the USA, and in Japan, the percentage is likely to keep falling.
Overall, it seems that India will become the country with the largest population although there is still a huge number of people in China.
- 饼状图的基本特征是,在一个整体里,也就是一个饼里,表示了若干个元素的比例关系,比例的总和是100%。想准确、地道地描述饼状图,我们首先需要掌握一些表示“占比”动词的表达。如:
一:大比例或小比例 + 主语 + 谓语,with + 数字
The majority of sales in Bob’s store come from cellphone cases, with exactly 60%.
二: 主语+(表示“组成”的动词)+数字
Cellphone cases account for three fifths of the total sales.
三:单位 of 主语 + which/ who… + is + 数字
The percentage of computer cases sold is exactly 20%.
四:数字 + 主语 + 谓语
Twenty percent of items sold in the store are computer cases.
五:There be + 数字 + 主语 + which/ who…
There is merely 5% of the total revenue generated by selling mouses.
六:For + 主题,数字 + 主语 + 谓语
For the sales of mouses, only 5% contributes to the turnover.
Percentage Fraction
80% four-fifths 75% three-quarters 70% seven in ten 65% two-thirds 60% three-fifths 55% more than half 50% half 45% more than two fifths 40% two-fifths 35% more than a third 30% less than a third 25% a quarter 20% a fifth 15% less than a fifth 10% one in ten 5% one in twenty
单一个饼图类:把它独立成一个主体段,段里按照不同元素的占比,从大到小按顺序写。注意成 文的时候需要加上连接词,使句子之间的衔接更紧密、读起来更流畅。
表示时间推移类:此类题目通常含有不只有一个饼图,通常是一个图表示一个时间节点。对于这 种类型的饼状图,其实也是线形图的变种,我们把它转化为线形图,按照时间的先后顺序来写, 因为存在时间推移是线形图的首要特征。
没有表示时间推移类:题目中含有不只一个饼图的。这类图都有一个共同的特点:每个饼里的元 素都大都是相同的,目的是为了让我们图与图之间横向对比。可以按照图中各元素按照占比从大 到小的顺序写,或每种元素进行图与图之间对比着写。
- 观察共有几张饼图,以及它们之间的关系是什么;
- 观察每张饼图中有哪几个区域,以及各个区域分别代表什么;
- 观察单个饼图中各区域间的百分比差异,以及相同区域在各个饼图间的百分比的比较或发展。
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.
In this analysis we will examine three pie charts. The first one is headed ‘World Spending.’ The second is ‘World Population’ and the third is ‘Consumption of Resources.’
In the first chart we can see that people spend most of their income (24%) on food. In some countries this percentage would obviously be much higher. Transport and then housing are the next major expenses at 18% and 12% respectively. Only 6% of income is spent on clothing.
In the second chart entitled ‘World Population’, it is not surprising to find that 57% of people live in Asia. In fact, China and India are two of the most populated countries in the world and they are both situated on this continent. Europe and the Americans account for nearly 30% of the total, whilst 10% of people live in Africa.
Finally, the third chart reveals that the USA and Europe consume a huge 60% of the world’s resource.
To sum up, the major expenditure is on food, the population figures are the highest for Asia and the major consumers are the USA and Europe.
- 表格题的特点是数据量较多,且数据大小关系不直观,不如折线图、柱状图和饼状图来得一目了然,因此在分析数据时需要适当多花一些时间,寻找其中的大小关系和规律。
- 在表达上,可以结合之前的内容进行综合利用。
- 明确写作中心,抓住核心数据进行分析。
The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in six different countries over a twenty-year period.
The chart compares the amounts of waste that were produced in six countries in the years 1980, 1990 and 2000.
In each of these years, the US produced more waste than Ireland, Japan, Korea, Poland and Portugal combined. It is also noticeable that Korea was the only country that managed to reduce its waste output by the year 2000.
Between 1980 and 2000, waste production in the US rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and rising trends were also seen in Japan, Poland and Portugal. Japan’s waste output increased from 28 to 53 million tonnes, while Poland and Portugal saw waste totals increase from 4 to 6.6 and from 2 to 5 million tonnes respectively.
The trends for Ireland and Korea were noticeably different from those described above. In Ireland, waste production increased more than eightfold, from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980 to 5 million tonnes in 2000. Korea, by contrast, cut its waste output by 12 million tonnes between 1990 and 2000.
The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling.
The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper.
At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a paper mill.
Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a paper making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.
- the table shows the changes in the number of…over the period from…to… 该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。
- the bar chart illustrates that…该柱状图展示了……
- the graph provides some interesting data regarding… 该图为我们提供了有关……有趣数据。
- the diagram shows (that)… 该图向我们展示了……
- the pie graph depicts (that)…. 该圆形图揭示了……
- this is a curve graph which describes the trend of… 这个曲线图描述了……的趋势。
- the figures/statistics show (that)… 数据(字)表明……
- the tree diagram reveals how… 该树型图向我们揭示了如何……
- the data/statistics show (that)… 该数据(字)可以这样理解……
- the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 这些数据资料令我们得出结论……
- as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table… 如图所示……
- according to the chart/figures… 根据这些表(数字)……
- the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of… 该图表表明……的数目增长了三倍
- as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in… 从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。
- from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that…/ it is clear/apparent from the chart that…从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到……
- this is a graph which illustrates… 这个图表向我们展示了……
- this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from…to… 该表格描述了……年到……年间a与b的比例关系。
- the graph presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in… 该图以圆形图形式描述了……总的趋势。
- this is a column chart showing…这是个柱型图,描述了……
- as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of… 如图所示,两条曲线描述了……的波动情况。
- 议论文写作是各大英文考试当中最常见的一种,包括中高考,四六级,雅思托福,SAT,GRE等通通要涉及到议论文的写作。
- 议论文是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体,它通过对细节和理由等的叙述,从而表达出作者的观点和主旨。多由论点,论据和论证三部分构成。
最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所 提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。
要求: 1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; 2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥; 3)词数:100左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。
Should We Help Strangers?
Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers. Different students have different opinions.
Should We Help Strangers?
Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers. Different students have different opinions.
Some think we should try to help strangers. Helping others is a virtue, and helping others is helping ourselves. We may come across some trouble and need others’ help some day. If everyone isn’t willing to help us just because we are strangers to them, it‘s hard to imagine what our world will be like.
However, some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble. Sometimes we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of kindness.
In my opinion, we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help, but we should also protect ourselves from getting into trouble. If everyone tries a little kindness, our world will be full of love.
当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:
1、 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂
2、 读原著:细节更多、语言优美
3、 我的看法及理由
注意: 1、词数:100-120 文章题目和开头已给出(不计入词数)。
2、参考词汇:original work 或book in the original (原著)
Film or book, which do you prefer?
Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original.
Film or book, which do you prefer?
Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow.
Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful.
Personally, I agree with the second view, and I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. Owing to the reasons above, to read the original work is a better choice than to see the film.
- Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer
to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. This preference depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don't always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.
While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at restaurants with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.
Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food–much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food "because you paid for it".
It's true that eating out is convenient. You don't have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn't have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don't take long to make. In fact, they're faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home.
Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health aspects. Ultimately, people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.
- 提出议题
- 摆出需讨论的不同观点
- 表明作者的观点并加以论证
- 总结
- 开头部分铺陈过多,拖泥带水。首段要开门见山,将重点放到论述部分。
- 观点不鲜明。如果作者本身没有想好观点,读者阅读起来就更没有头绪。在组织文章的时候,一定 要想清楚你要写的文章的中心思想是什么。你想表达的几个观点或者你要讲述的故事是不是和题目 所述是一致的。明确了这一点再去下笔,如果是写作中途才发现不对那就很麻烦了。论述的时候一 定要再三确定它与观点是密切相关的。
- 不会建立论据,论证的语言空泛,言之无物。经常是陈述观点的时候没有去论证,只是在反复说同 一个道理。即使有论述,多半也是常识表述或者举反例。这些论证方式的力度普遍不高。
- 用词表达中式思维,词汇使用捉襟见肘。平时多阅读,多积累,但时常也要用输出倒逼自己多输入。
An argument consists of:
- Claim: the point you want to prove 你想要论证的观点
- Evidence: facts that support your argument 支持你观点的事实论据
- Reason: logic that connects the evidence to your argument 把论据和论点联系起来的逻辑
- Counterclaims: claims that contradict your claim 与你观点相反的论点(根据你的观点有选择性的添加)
- Conclusion: the summary of your argument or the final judgment you’ve reached through your argument 论证的总结或者你通过论证得出的最终判断
- 这些内容在文章当中一定要有序地铺陈出来,不然会觉得脉络不够清晰。
Organized example:
Everyone knows that studying helps you learn. But exercising your body is as important as exercising your mind. In fact, kids who exercise more do better on tests—even when they don’t study any more than other kids. People who do some gentle exercise as they’re listening to new information tend to remember it better. So if you want to learn more, and learn better, don’t just hit the books—get moving.
- 可以根据字体的颜色再来读以下不同的部分的内容。
- Introduction
- Claim
- Evidence
- Conclusion
如果, 我们把刚刚度过的内容稍稍打乱:
People who do some gentle exercise as they’re listening to new information tend to remember it better. But exercising your body is as important as exercising your mind. Everyone knows that studying helps you learn. So if you want to learn more, and learn better, don’t just hit the books—get moving. In fact, kids who exercise more do better on tests—even when they don’t study any more than other kids.
相比英文,汉语的表达要稍显含蓄一些。但是,在论证类的文章当中,一定要在开头的部分清晰的 讲出你的main point。不然后面的观点会令读者觉得无从下手。
We still need regular books, even with computers.
分析:这个观点给的就不是很清晰,作者没有解释清楚“regular”的含义,并且computers涵盖的 范围也太广,意义不明确。
Digital books may be catching on, but readers still want printed books.
分析:这个观点是清晰而明确的。作者在digital books和printed books间做了明显的分界,并且 解释了他对于这两者的具体观点。
My team will win the state championship this year.
Evidence (What makes you think that?):
We have a great running game, a fabulous defense, and strong players.
Reasons (Why is that important?)
The last team to win the state championship had the exact same characteristics.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to picnic today. (claim)
It’s raining. (evidence)
I don’t think it’s a good idea to picnic today. (claim)
It’s raining, (evidence)
so we will get wet if we are outside. (reason)
分析:下雨是一个事实,不过它本身构不成一个reason,只是evidence,只有论述了下雨之后的情况对于 观点的影响才可以构成比较完整的论述。
有时候我们在写作的时候,特别是在讨论一些比较有争论的话题时是无法忽略对立观点的,这个时候 就需要去论证相对的观点为什么是不成立的。
Some people say that as the world becomes increasingly dependent on digital devices, the printed book will eventually become a thing of the past. But digital technology is still new, while the technology of the printed book has persisted for almost a thousand years. As the world becomes increasingly digital, people have also begun to long for things that they can see, touch, and enjoy in the real world—like printed books.
counterclaim (相反观点)
rebuttal (反驳,反证)
Given the fact that the printed book has survived enormous cultural changes over hundreds of years and the fact that readers today are buying more of them than before, it’s clear that the printed book is here to stay.
- 在写作类似的文章时,有一些词可以起到连接,转折,承上启下等信号词的作用。在英文当中我们 把它们叫做transitional words/phrases。在很多作文考试的训练当中,我们都要掌握一些 transitional words/phrases,他们在一定程度上确实可以我们将文章的结构梳理地相对清晰。
- 这些transitional words/phrases就像是论证当中的小地图一样。他们可以帮助作者理清思路,也 可以帮助读者更清晰的认识作者的的观点。
- 那么,transition words/phrases有哪些类别呢?
- These words signal that the author is connecting a piece of evidence to a piece of reasoning or a claim:
- due to 由于
- for example 比如
- for instance 比如
- specifically 具体来说
- after all (解释或说明理由)别忘了
- to illustrate 说明,阐明
- These words signal that the author is connecting a previously mentioned piece of evidence to a claim or conclusion:
- therefore 因此
- so 所以
- because 因为
- for 因为
- thus 那么
- in other words 就是说
These words signal that the author is connecting a counterclaim to previously explained concept, why he or she disagrees with a counterclaim, or how a counterclaim is connected to his or her own argument:
- one might argue 也许有人会说
- nevertheless 尽管如此
- but 但是
- otherwise 否则,不然
- however 然而
- though 虽然
- rather 相反,反而
- yet 然而
- in contrast 相反
- on the other hand 在另一方面
These words signal that the author is connecting all of the previous information to the final conclusion:
- as a result 结果,因此
- hence 因此
- finally 最后,最终
- in conclusion 最后
- last 最后
- next 紧接着,其次
- besides 此外
- furthermore 而且,再者
- in addition 此外
- still 还
- moreover 而且
- likewise 同样地
- similarly 同样地
- also 还
- although 虽然
- nevertheless 尽管
- however 然而
- otherwise 否则
- yet 然而
- instead 反而
- above all 尤其
- most important 最关键的
- the main concern 首要问题
- first 首先
- second 第二
- third 第三
- next 紧接着
- afterward 后来
- eventually 最终
- earlier 早先
- before 之前
- now 现在
- meanwhile 同时
Think of an argument you want to make to your neighbors and write a clear claim for it. Outline your argument, making sure you include all five necessary elements. Then, write a short paragraph to be published as an opinion article.
大型连锁商店很大程度占据了主要消费市场,城乡当地的小生意越来越难做。 呼吁当地的邻里多支持在地的商家。
- Introduction: Big chains now cover the whole country
- Claim: It’s important to shop at locally owned businesses.
- Reason/Evidence:
- 1.It builds connections between people in a community. Studies show people feel more connected with each other when they shop locally.
- 2.It strengthens the economy of our community. Economic indicators show that the community’s financial strength grows when people shop locally.
- Counterclaim: Chain stores create jobs and the ability to buy new products.
Rebuttal: Most people in the community will only spend their money in the new store—not get jobs—so more money will go to a distant corporation than comes into the community.
Also, products from chain stores are generic —they aren’t as unique as locally made crafts and products.
- Reason/Evidence: It gives us a richer culture everywhere. More local businesses mean more interesting options for everyone.
- Conclusion: We should shop at locally owned businesses.
Big chain stores now cover the country, offering many of the same products in every city. But that just means it’s more important than ever to shop locally to strengthen our community.
When we shop locally, we build connections between people in our community. We get to know the store owners and their stories, and they get to know ours. We run into friends and neighbors who are also shopping at local stores. Studies show that people feel more connected with each other when they shop locally.
We also strengthen our community’s economic base by supporting local businesses. Some argue that if chain stores are blocked from entering a community, the community won’t get those jobs. Although a chain can employ some people, the majority of people in the community will only shop at the chain. Therefore, more money will go to a distant corporation than come into the community. When we shop locally, the money we spend stays in the community, in the hands of our friends and neighbors, who often put it right back into our own community. So it's no wonder that economic indicators show that a community’s financial position improves when its members shop locally.
Finally, we make the whole world a more interesting place when we shop at local businesses. It‘s a lot more interesting to stop to get steamed buns in Tianjin and local noodles in Yanbian than it is to eat at the same fast-food place everywhere we go. Who wants generic products from chain stores when there are unique locally made crafts and products? The culture of the entire country is enriched when different local communities support their own special trades, crafts.
Shopping locally: It strengthens our economy, our bonds with one another, and the culture of the whole country. That just makes sense.
Many young people nowadays leave schools with negative attitude towards learning. Why does this happen? (原因) What do you think would encourage young people to have a positive attitude? (解决方案)
- 第一段:
A large number of young people have a negative attitude towards learning when they finish school in recent years. (claim开头部分改写题 目) A wide range of causes are responsible for this phenomenon. The root cause is excessive stress of study. (reason题目所给事件的第一个原 因) To be specific, students in school nowadays are to do a large amount of homework after school, which reduces their interest in study and even makes them tired of learning. (evidence第一个原因的 扩展,因果论证) Another trigger is that they may face unemployment after graduation. (reason第二个原因) Since there are far less job opportunities available, the competition for jobs becomes increasingly fierce and students are less likely to find a decent job. Inevitably, some of them may have the feeling that learning is useless. (evidence第二个原因的扩展,同样因果论证)
- 第二段:
According to the above mentioned, various approaches should be adopted to deal with this problem. (表明本段要阐述题目中事件的解决方案) First of all, reducing study load is the most effective method. (对应上一段 的第一个原因,找到第一个解决方案) For example, cutting the amount of homework will give students more leisure hours, making them find a balance between study and rest. (第一个解决方案的扩展,用举例来论证) In addition, the government should play a more positive role in creating jobs. (对应上一段的第二个原因,给出第二个解决方案) For instance, laws should be made to impel businesses to recruit students fresh out of school. This will help them build confidence in school education. (第二个 解决方案的扩展,也用的是举例论证)
- 结尾段:
To sum up, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, including study stress and unemployment. (总 结主体第一段,原因归总) Relevant methods should be worked out to resolve this problem before things get worse (总结主体 第二段,解决方案归总)
- 总结:
这个三段式的文章结构明确,逻辑清楚,同学们在阅读的时候除了要读清楚词句 的意思,也要把其中的结构和逻辑关系分析清楚。同时,文章中有非常好的关于 归纳总结的好的句式,也要及时做整理,长此以往,多读多仿写多分析,你的写 作能力才会稳步提高。
- 翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的活动。
- 那么翻译有没有什么技巧呢? 怎样翻译出来的句子能够更地道呢?
- “信”指的是你翻译要忠于原文,译文要准确、不偏离、不遗漏、不随意增减意思。
- “达”指不羁于原文的形式,译文要通顺、明白,要在翻译的文章当中能够读清楚。比如说把中文的诗歌翻译成英文,你要让说英语的人读明白;把英文的语句翻译成中文,也要让中国人读明白。
- “雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的优雅。
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.
翻译的常见问题一 单词不会怎么办?
解决专有名词的唯一方法就是不断背诵积累。同学们需要根据参加考试的类别进行有针对性的词汇 储备。比如四六级翻译考试的内容是相对固定的,大纲规定考中国的历史、文化及社会发展。考前 一定要多积累相关主题的名词。
传统文化节日(春节 the Spring Festival,元宵节 the Lantern Festival,清明节 the Tomb- sweeping Day…)
传统菜系食物(月饼 moon cake,年糕 rice cake,油条 deep-fried dough sticks…)
标志型地理名词(丝绸之路 the Silk Road,布达拉宫 the Potala Palace,泰山 Mount Tai…)
时代及人物(成吉思汗 Genghis Khan,春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period,文成公主 Tang Princess Wencheng…)
一般来讲,翻译的评分标准并不是错一个词扣一分的扣分制,而是印象式评分,主要看考 生有没有翻译出文章大意的能力。所以,遇到不会翻译的词要是能合理替换或解释出意思 是不会太过影响整体得分的。
例如,四级翻译题中曾出现一句话“长江流经多种不同的生态系统,是诸多濒危物种的栖 息地,灌溉了中国五分之一的土地。” 这里的主要动词之一“灌溉”irrigate很多同学可 能一时想不起来,那用近义词water(浇灌)来替代也是可以的;“栖息地”habitat这个 单词实在也是不会,退一步用the natural home或者the natural environment来解释一 下意思也是大体能过关的。
翻译的常见问题二 长难句怎么处理?
我反复强调过,不论多长的句子最终都能简化成简单句的五种基本结构。只要明确了基本结构,找 到主干成分和修饰成分就可以轻松将句子拆分开。所以,在划分长难句时,一定要先去找主干,然 后再分析剩余成分。
The Yangtze River is the habitat and irrigates the land.
之所以识别成分,是因为在汉语中,有些表达和英语不一样,特别是定语和状语的位置。在汉语中, 我们很少会用后置定语。而英语中,既有前置定语又有后置定语,在分析成分时需要重点关注。
- 流经不同的生态系统: traveling across different kinds of ecosystems
- 诸多濒危物种的: numerous endangered animals
- 中国五分之一的:a fifth of the land of China
此外,英语中有很多不同类型的状语,在翻译状语的时候,我们要根据状语的类型进行翻译并放到合理位 置以符合表达习惯。在英翻中的时候也要注意这一点。
People often beautify their houses with paper cutting.
There are mountain ranges here with extensive forests and rich mineral resources.
这里的调整语序主要是调整我们识别出的定语和状语成分的语序,看这些成分如何合理安置以完成 句子的整体表达。组合成句子之后,需要再三核查,根据需要再做出相应的调整,最终成文。
Traveling across different kinds of ecosystems, the Yangtze River is the habitat of numerous endangered animals and irrigates a fifth of the land of China.
在英译中时,我们可以寻找一些标志性的提示结构来对句子进行拆分,进而更加高效地解析原文。 这些提示结构包括标点,连词和介词等。标点很容易理解,是我们最直观的断开长难句的标志;而 连词和介词常常帮助构成从句和其他成分,也可以用于辅助进行长难句的拆分。
翻译的常见问题三 翻译时多要注意什么?
在拿到翻译题时,我们要先理顺全文,看清楚行文的逻辑结构之后再去组织语言。注意分析上下句 之间的逻辑关系,比如可以添加一些简单的连词,这样英文的译文会更清楚。
中文表达常常会省略一些连词,但在翻成英文时就需要分析出逻辑关系,不然很可能会出现语法上 的错误。
Because the price of gasoline is fantastically high, we seldom use our cars.
解析:在原文中并没有出现表示原因类的词汇,但是在译文中根据两个句子之间的逻辑关系添加了 表示原因的从句连词。
因为我们中文的动词本身是没有时态变化的,所以很多同学对于时态的使用不是特别敏感。在翻译 时,一定要看清题目中的时态需要,整个篇章一般都是有一个时间基调的,找好这个时间基调,再 根据每个句子去做调整。
As I said in the interview, I was fresh from college.
解析:中文的时态是依赖一些汉字的表达,英文根据动词的变化形式展示。文中的“过”英文应采 用一般过去时翻译,后面半句因为有前面过去式的前提条件,也要用过去时才可以。
固定句型的积累是翻译中必须要做的功课。很多时候用好了句式能够帮我们进行精准意思的表达, 比如强调句、比较结构等等。
It was Pasteur who discovered that diseases are caused by living germs.
- 增译法
- 重复法
- 减译法
- 词性替换法
词量增加可称为“增译法” ,是由一种语言译成另一种语言时增加一些词。
1.Syntactical Amplification Lexical Amplification
2.Lexical amplification
3.Cultural Amplification
如: The blond boy quickly crossed himself.
gayety 欢乐(气氛) jealousy 嫉妒(心理) transition 演变(过程) preparation 准备(工作) tension 紧张(局势) backwardness 落后(状态) oxidation 氧化(作用) correctness 正确(性) hostility 敌对(情绪) complexity 复杂(局面) madness 疯狂(行为) remedy 补救(方法)
1.英语中的名词为复数形式时,根据情况可增加适当的表示复数概念的词。如:“们”、 “之类”、“一些”、“许多”、“一批”、“这些”、“那些”、“各种”、“大量”、 “几个”、“几次”等。
例:The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945.
In spite of the difficulties, our task was got over well.
- 如果分词短语或独立分词结构含有时间、原因、条件、让步等状语意义,翻译时可增加
“当……时”、“……之后”、“因为……”、 “如果……”、 “虽然……但……”等词。
例:Using a transformer, power at low voltage can be transformed into power at high voltage.
3.当动词不定式的被动形式作定语时,通常表示按计划或要求表示的动作,含有“将来” 的意思。翻译时要增加“要”,“将”,“待”,“应”,“须”等词。
例:The cutting tool must be harder than the material to be cut.
4.当被动语态句中的谓语是由表示“知道”,“了解”,“看见”,“认为”,“发现”, “考虑”等意义的动词来担任时,译时通常可在其前面增加“人们”,“我们”,“大 家”,“有人”等词,变为主动语态句。
例:All matter is known to possess weight.
5.当句中有几个成分并列时,可根据并列成分的数量增加数词,并在其后加入量词,如 “个”,“者”,“种”,“方面”,“领域”等,使译文确切明白。
例:The frequency, wavelength and speed of sound are closely related.
6.英语中的动词时态,在译成汉语时,可视不同情况增加“正”,“正在”,“过”, “了”,“曾”,“曾经”,“已经”,“一直”,“将要”,“会”,“能”等词。
例:Before 15th century it was generally believed that the earth was the center of the universe.
7.英语中的祈使语气句,汉译时根据句子的不同情况,分别增加“要”,“请”,“应”, “须”,“试”,“千万”,“一定”,“务必”等词。
例:Remember that science requires the effort of a lifetime.
Compare the melting point and freezing point of a substance.
8.为使句子前后连贯、意思通顺、逻辑严密,英译汉时可增加某些适当的词,包括语气助词、 概括词、承上启下的词等。
例:Atomic cells are very small and very light, as compared to ordinary dry ones.
If you think you are beaten, you are.
I was very glad to have received your letter.
子曰:“学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。”
Confucius said: “He who learns without thinking is lost. He who thinks without learning remains puzzled.”
I cover my face with my hands.
Excuse me for interrupting you.
4.增补连词。汉语有意合特点,即词、词组、分句或句子之间的关系可以通过上下文及语序来 表示,较少用连词,但英语注意形合,连词不能少。
Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps.
5.增补介词英语句子十有八九都少不了介词。汉语中不需要介词的地方,它也要。所以,汉译 英时注意补介词。
Divide these cookies among the four of you.
6.增补冠词汉语里无冠词。有冠词是英语的特点之一,名词前一般都有冠词,汉译英时要 增补冠词。
We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before we solve it properly.
7.增补暗含的词语由于习惯问题,汉语中有些词不需明言,意思都很清楚,但译成英语时, 如果不补则意思不明,甚至会引起误会,这是应视情况补上适当的词。
We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.
Gold and silver, a strong army and powerful weapons–these are not the elements that constitute a great nation.
9.增补注释性词语汉语中的典故、谚语、政治名词、术语和简化说法,译时往往要适当加 注释性词语。
Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.
英译汉时,有时把句中的重要词或关键词重复一下,称为重复法或重复词意法。是增译法中的特例。 重复法的使用是由于汉语的表达习惯引起的。汉译英时,一般没有这种方法。
重复法用得好,可以达到使译文更明确、生动或强调的目的。重复法也是增加了词,但它不是增加新 词,而是重复原有的词,是增词法中的特例。常见的重复有:动词的重复、名词的重复和代词的重复。
例:We shall overcome all the difficulties so long as we study hard and in a good way.
例:We have to analyze and solve problems.
例:Wherever there is matter, there is motion.
例:Nick had it all written out neatly.
- 词的减译或叫省略法,指的是原文中的有些词,翻译时不需译出来。
- 译文中虽无其词,但已有其意,或是属于不言而喻,译出来反倒累赘或是违背译文的语言习惯。
- 省略译法的目的是为了使译文简明扼要、通顺。
- 要注意的是,使用省略法时,不能删去句中的内容。
1.There was no snow, but the leaves were gone from the trees and the grass was dead.
2.Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you.
3.The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.
We won’t retreat, we never have and never will.
2.原文中表示范畴的词语汉语中的一些名词,如“任务”、“工作”、“情况”、“状态”、“问 题”、“制度”、“事业”、“局面”等用来表示范畴时常失去具体意义,一般省略不译。
For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.
The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.
• 当英汉语言在语法和习惯表达上出现不对等,有时在保证原文意思不变的情 况下,译文有必要改变词类,这叫词性转换。
• 有时也会涉及到将词转换成短语或短句,这以英文中的名词转换成中文短句 居多。
• 英译汉时词类转换的核心是根据需要将具有动作性的名词转换为汉语的动词, 或者将可表示概念的动词转换为汉语名词。汉译英时则与之相反。
例:The blockage was a success.
例:The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.
例:The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.
例:The old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings.
例:Speakers called for the liberation of the oppressed of the world.
例:The new mayor earned some appreciation by courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.
例:They did their best to help the poor.
例:The Wilde family were religious.
例:Doctors are not sure they can save his life.
例:Sugar is soluble in water.
例:This is sheer nonsense.这完全是胡说。
He had been the ruler of that nation for as long as 27 years.
2.动词转换成形容词汉语中一些表示知觉、情感等心理状态的动词,往往可以转换成 英语的形容词,构成“be+形容词”的结构。
We are not content with our present achievements.
3.动词转换成介词或介词短语英语用介词比汉语多,而且有些英语介词是由动词演变 而来,具有动词特征。所以有些汉语动词可以用英语介词或介词词组来译。
Remember, I will always be with you.
During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy.
She is a real beauty.
所谓熟能生巧,想要提高翻译水平,一定是需要大量实践训练的。翻译系统训练的方法很简单很直 接:把对应考试的历年翻译真题全部认真做一遍。要求是对于每套真题都要做到一字一句解析,把 一篇翻译都弄的特别透。做题时,绝对不能是做一遍对过答案就算完成,而是要弄懂每个句子、每 个词、划分好每一个成分。
第三步:研究参考答案(不同书籍及网站会给出不同的版本),分析这些答案的优劣,然后选择一 种自己最容易接受的答案,认真整理出来。同时对照自己的版本,分析自己翻译中存在的问题。
第四步:逐句进行结构分析,积累高频词汇、实用句式,尝试同义词替换。总结思路,形成最后的 翻译。
- 常见词根拓词一
- 常见词根拓词二
- 常见词根拓词三
- 常见词根拓词四
- 常见词根拓词五
- 常见词根拓词六
- 常见词后缀拓词
- 常见词前缀拓词
Common Roots Part 1
- aud, audi
- vis, vid
- spec, spect
- dic, dict
- log, loqu, locut
aud, audi to hear 听
audience [audi听,-ence名词后缀] n. 听众,观众 auditorium [audi听,-orium 名词后缀,表示场所,地点;“听讲的场 所”] n. 礼堂,讲堂,听众席
audible [aud[i]听,-ible形容词后缀,可….的] adj. 听得见的,可闻的 audibility [aud[i)听,-ibility名词后缀,可….性/度] n. 可听性,可闻度 inaudible [in否定前缀, -ible形容词后缀,可….的] adj. 听不见,不能听到的
audit auditory n./v. 旁听,审计 [audit听,-ory形容词后缀,……的] adj. 听觉的 auditor [-or表示人] audio n. 旁听生,旁听者,审计员 adj. 声音的,音频的
audiphone audiometer [audi听,phone声音] [audi听,-o-连接字母,meter测量器,计] n. 助听器 n. 听力计,听力测量器 audition audiology [audit听,-ion名词后缀] [audi听,-o-,logy …学] n. 听觉,听;[对表演者的]试音,试唱/镜 n. 听觉学
Her voice was barely audible above the noise.
The tiny schoolgirl stunned Britain’s Got Talent judges and the audience with her powerful voice during her audition.
All visitors receive the free audio guide in Russian and Mandarin.
vis, vid to see 看
visible [vis看,-ible形容词后缀,可…的] adj. 看得见的,可见的 invisible [in-不, -ible形容词后缀,可…的] adj. 看不见的,无形的
visit [vis看,观看→参观] v. 参观,游览,拜访 visitor [vis看, -or表示人] n. 参观者,观光者,游客,访问者
advise advisory [ad-表示to向,vis看→看法,意见,’to give one’s [advis[e) + -ory形容词后缀,…的] opinion to”,’向别人提出自己的看法”] v. 向…提意见,建议,作顾问,劝告 adj. 顾问的,劝告的,咨询的 adviser=advisor [advis [e] + -er或-or表示人] n. 顾问,劝告者 advisable [advis [e) ,-able形容词后缀,能…的] adj. 可取的,合理的 advice [字母变换s-c] n. 意见,劝告,忠告
revise [re-再,vis看,再看,审阅→重新审查] v. 修订,修改,修正 revision [revise + -ion名词后缀,表示行为的结果] n. 修订,修改,修正,修订本 previse [pre-前,先,预见,vis看见] v. 预见,预知,预测 prevision [previse+-ion名词后缀] n.预见,预知,预测
supervise [super-上,上面,vis看,’从上面往下看”] v. 监视,监督,管理 supervisor [super+vis+ -or表示人] n. 监视者,监督人,管理人 supervision [super + vis + -ion名词后缀,表示行为] n. 监督,管理 supervisory [super + vis + -ory形容词后缀,…的] adj. 监督的,管理的
visual [vis看,-ual形容词后缀,…的] adj. 看的,视觉的,视力的 vision [vis看,-ion名词后缀] n. 视,视力,视觉 visa [vis看→审视,审查→审查后的签字] n. 签证,签准
television [tele远,vis看,-ion名词后缀,’由远处通过电波传来可观看的图像”] n. 电视 televise [tele远+ vis看+ e] v. 电视播送 televisual [tele远+ vis看 + -ual形容词后缀,…的] adj. 电视的
video [vid看;’可观看的图像”] n. 视频,录像 adj. 电视的,视频的 videocast [video + cast广播] n. 电视广播
provide [pro-前,先,预先,vid看见,’预先见到而作准备”] v. 作准备,预防,提供,装备,供给 provision [pro + vis + -ion名词后缀] n. 预备,防备,供应,供应品 improvise [im-无+ pro 预先+vis 看,事先不看就做出来] v. 即兴创作,临时准备
provident [pro-前,先,vid看见,-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj. 有远见的 improvident [im-无+ provident ] adj. 无远见的
evident [e=ex出,vid看,-ent形容词后缀,…的,’看得出来的”] adj. 明显的,明白的 evidence [e出+ vid看,-ence名词后缀] n. 明显,明白,迹象,证据
devise [de=down向下+ vis看+e,往下看] v. 设计,计划 device [字母变换s-c] n. 设计,装置
visage [vis看,-age表示物] n. 外观,脸,面容,外表 envisage [en动词前缀,使动 + visage] v. 设想,想象
spec, spect
to see, watch, observe 看,观察
aspect [a加强意义+spect观察,观察的东西→外表,容貌] n. 样子,容貌;方面 inspect [in内+spect,向里面看进去→视察] v. 检查;视察 inspection [inspect+ion] n. 视察;认真看
perspective [per全部+spect看+ive,全部看到→透视,看法] n. 眼界;透视;看法 perspicacious [per全部+spic+acious…的→全部都看到的] a. 有洞察力的
prospect [pro向前+spect看,向前看→展望] n. 展望,前景 prospective [prospect前景+ive] adj. 将来的 prospectus [pro+spect+us,向前看的东西→大纲] n. 计划书;大纲
expect [ex出+spect,向外面看→期待] v. 期待,盼望 expectation [expect+ation] n. 期待,希望
circumspect [circum周围+spect观察,观察周围→小心的] adj. 慎重的 circumspection [circumspect + ion] n. 慎重;细心
respect [re再+spect→再看[一眼]→尊敬] v. 尊敬 respectable [respect+able可…的] adj. 可敬的 respectful [respect+ful形容词后缀,“多”] adj. 充满敬意的
respective [re回+spect+ive,回头看[自己]→各自的] a. 各自的 retrospect [retro向后+spect看,向后看→回顾] v. 回顾,回想 retrospective [retrospect +tive形容词后缀] a. 回顾的;怀旧的
suspect [sus下面+spect,往下面一看究竟→怀疑] v. 怀疑 suspicion [sus+spis=spec +ion] n. 怀疑 suspicious [sus+spic=spec +ious] adj. 可疑的,多疑的
spectacle [spect+acle→看的东西→景象] n. 景象,场面;奇观,壮观 spectacles [spect+acle复→看的东西→眼镜] n.眼镜 spectacular [spect+acular…的] adj. 奇妙的,惊人的 spectator [spect+ator人→看的人→观众] n. 观众,旁观者
speculate [spec+ulate,看准了→思考,投机] v. 思索;投机 speculation [spec+ulate,看准了→思考,投机] n. 思索;投机
auspice [au鸟+spice,看到鸟[喜鹊]→吉兆] n. 吉兆,前兆 auspicious [auspice+ious] adj. 吉兆的 conspicuous [con大家+spic+uous→大家都看见→显眼的] adj. 显眼的,引人注目的
despicable [de向下+spic=spec +able,向下看,看不起→可鄙视的] adj. 可鄙的 despise [de向下+ spis=spec] v. 轻视,看不起
dic, dict to say, tell 说
dictate [dict说+ate动词后缀→口授,命令] v. 口述;命令;听写 dictation [dict说+ation→口授,命令] n. 口述;命令;听写 dictator [dictate+or→发命令者] n. 发号施令者;独裁者
diction [dict+ion,说话的状态→措词] n. 措词;词语的选择 dictionary [diction+ary,措词的书→字典] n. 字典 dictum [dict+um,说出的话→格言] n. 格言;声明
benediction [bene好+dict说+ion →说好话] n. 祝福 benefit 好处/beneficent 仁慈的,善行的/benefaction 好事,恩惠 malediction [male坏+dict+ion→说坏话] n. 恶言,诅咒 malcontent 不满的/malpractice 不法行为/malefaction 坏事
contradict [contra反+dict,反着说→反驳] n. 反驳;否认 contradictory [contradict反驳+ory] adj. 矛盾的,对立的
edict [e 向外+dict说,向外公布→布告、法令] n. 布告,法令 jurisdiction [juris 司法+dict+ion→说法律的→司法权] n. 司法权
• predict • [pre预先+dict说] • v. 预言;预告 • prediction • [predict+ion] • n. 预言;预告
predicate [pre+dic+ate→预先说→断定] v. 断定,认定 predication [predicate+ion] n. 认定,断定
addict [ad一再+dict说,一再说→耽溺] v. 耽溺,上瘾 addiction [addict+ion] n. 耽溺,嗜好
indict [in进去+dict,进去说→起诉] v. 起诉,控诉 indictment [indict+ment] n. 起诉,控诉
indictor [indict+or,起诉的人] n.起诉者,原告 indictee [indict+ee,被起诉的人] n.被起诉者
• abdicate • [ab离开+dic 说,命令+ ate,不再命令→退位] • v. 放弃;退位 • abdication • [ab离开+dic 说,命令+ ation→退位] • n. 辞职;退位
dedicate [de加强+dic说+ate,特别说→献给] v. 献身于,致力于; (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词 dedication [de+dic+ation] n.献身,奉献;献词,赠言
indicate [in内+dic说+ate,说出内在的东西→指示,指明] v. 指示;表示 indication [in+dic+ation→指示,指明] n. 指示,指出;迹象
log, loqu, locut to speak说,言
• logic • [log语言 + ic表示…学,说话的学问→逻辑学] • n. 逻辑,逻辑学 • logical • [logic + -al形容词后缀,…的] • adj. 逻辑的,符合逻辑的 • illogical • [il-不+logic+al] • adj. 不合逻辑的
apology [apo=apart分开,离开+log说,说开了→道歉] n. 道歉,谢罪,辩解 apologize [apo离开+log+-ize动词后缀] n. 道歉,谢罪,辩解 apologue [apo离开+logue,说得离开现实→寓言] n. 寓言
dialogue [dia-对,相对+log说,对着说→对话] n. 对话 monologue [mono-单独+log说] n. (个人的)长篇大论;(戏剧、电影)独白
prologue [pro在前+logue→在前面说] n. 开场白 epilogue [epi后面+logue→在后面说] n. 尾声,后记
eulogy [eu-美好,log言,-y名词后缀,’美言”] n. 赞美之词,颂词,赞扬 eulogize [eu-美好,log言,-ize动词后缀] v. 赞美,赞颂,颂扬
philologist [phil爱,爱好,log语言,-ist者] n. 语言学者 philology [phil爱,爱好,log语言,-y名词后缀] n. 语言学
pseudology [pseudo-假+log言,话+-y名词后缀] n. 假话 neologism [neo-新+log言,词+-ism表示语言] n. 新语,新词 neologize [neo-新+log言,词+-ize动词后缀] v. 使用新词,创造新词
antilogy [anti-反,相对,相反+log言→相反之言] n. 前后矛盾,自相矛盾 catalogue [cata下面+logue说,在下面要说的话→目录] n. 目录,一览表
Common Roots Part 2
- scrib, script
- gram, graph
- sens, sent
- sci
- manu, mani, man
scrib, script
词根scrib来源于拉丁动词scribere(=to write)的不定式词干,所以多出现 在英语动词中;而scribere的过去分词为scriptus,script是拉丁动词 scribere(=to write)的动名词词干,用来构成相应的名词和形容词。
追本溯源的话,scrib来源原始印欧语根*sker- ,表示“切,砍”,scrib 最 早的书写就是在石头或木头上刻东西。
scribe v. 写下,记下;划线 n. 抄写员;抄书吏;划线器 scribble [scrib+le动词缀,反复,多→写→乱写] v. 乱写,涂鸦 scribbler n.写字潦草的人;无足轻重的作家 script n. 手迹,笔迹;手写体;脚本,底稿 scripted adj.照稿念的 script writer 脚本作家,编剧 scripture [script+ure名词后缀→写出的[宗教作品]] n. 圣经,经典 ascribe [a=ad=to向+scrib写+e→将某事写下来向某人告知] v. 把…归因于;认为…是(某人)所写 This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare. 通常认为这部剧是莎士比亚所写。 He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他认为自己的失败是运气不好。 ascription n.归因,归属 ethnic ascription 民族归属 culture ascription 文化归属 ascribable adj.可归因于...的 Their success is ascribable to the quality of their goods. 他们的成功在于商品的质量。
describe [de向下,加强+scribe→着重写下来→描写] v. 描写,叙述 description n. 描绘,形容 They gave a general description of the man. 他们对这个男人作了大致的描述。 descriptive adj.描述的;描写的 indescribable adj. 难以形容的,莫名其妙的 It's truly an indescribable experience. 这真是一次难以言喻的经历。 prescribe [pre(=before) + scrib=write,事先写 ] vt. 规定,命令;开处方 The physician examines the patient then diagnoses the disease and prescribes medication. 内科医生检查了病人,然后对疾病作出诊断,并开出药方。 prescription n.处方;命令,指示,法规 prescription medicine 处方药 folk prescription 偏方;民间药方 prescript n.命令;规定,法令 prescriptive adj.规定的,规范的;[律]依据时效的 transcribe [trans=across+ scrib(=write),转写过去] v.抄写,誊写;把…转成(另一种书写形式);改编(乐曲) I record my professor's lectures and transcribe them at home. 教授讲课时我录下来,然后回家再听。 transcript n. 副本,誉本;(学校的)成绩单 a transcript of the interview 采访内容的文字稿 transcription n.抄写;复本,誉本 This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords. 本词典所有词目都注出了音标。 inscribe [in进入+scribe→刻写进去→铭刻] v. 铭刻;题写,题献 His name was inscribed on the trophy. 他的名字刻在奖杯上。 She signed the book and inscribed the words ‘with grateful thanks’ on it. 她在书上签 了名,并题词“谨致深切的感谢”。 inscription [in+script+ion] n. 铭刻;碑文
subscribe [sub在下面+scribe→在下面写上名字→签订单] v. 订阅;认购 Thanking you for subscribing to my channel. subscriber [sub+scrib+er] n. 订户;捐助人 The subscribers of my Bilibili channel are mostly hardworking learners. subscription n.订阅;签署;捐献 an annual subscription 一年期订阅 manuscript [manu手+script] n. 手抄本;原稿 postscript [post后+script→写在后面→附言] n. (信等)附言 circumscribe [circum=circle环+scribe→画上一圈→限定] v. 立界限;限定 Do not circumscribe your study only in class. 不要把自己的学习只局限于课堂。 conscribe [con大家+scribe→大家写上[名字]→征兵] v. 征募,招募;征召入伍 conscript [con+script名词] n. 壮丁,新兵
gram, graph
希腊文gramma (= letter), graphein (= to write)
grammar [gram写+ar名词后缀,写的规则 →语法是用来规范书写的] n.语法 grammarian n.语法学家 grammatical adj.语法的,语法上的 grammatical error 语法错误 program [pro (= forth,before), gram写,提前写好] n. 计划(表);程序;节目单; (政党)纲领 program director 节目编导 TV program 节目简介 political program 政治纲领 programmer n. (计算机的)程序员;节目编排人 diagram [dia交叉,对着, gram→交叉画图] n. 图解,图表 cryptogram [crypt ( = hide, secret), gram写] n.密码 epigram [epi- = upon上,写在石头上的东西→碑志) n. 隽语;警句 epigrammatic adj.警句(式)的;讥讽短诗(般)的
gram [gram写→刻写;在重量计上所’刻写”的一个符号→重量单位] n. 克(国际重量单位) kilogram [kilo-千,gram克] n. 千克,公斤 telegram [tele=far远,gram写,文字,从远方传来的文字] n. 电报 phonogram [phon声音,-o-,gram文字] n. 音标文字,表音符号 electrocardiogram (ECG) [elector电,cardi=heart心,-o-gram图] n.心电图 graph n. 图表;曲线图 vt. 用曲线图表示 graphic [graph(=write), ic形容词词缀] adj.书写的;图解的,绘画的;生动的 Her graphic presentation of the data was quite clear.她用图表所展示的数据非常清晰明了。 graphics n.制图法 graphically adv.生动地;用文字;通过图表 photograph [photo (= light), graph写,记录,用光记录] n.照片,相片 v.拍照,摄影 aerial/satellite photographs 飞机航拍╱卫星照片 photography n.摄影术 photographic adj.摄影的;摄影用的 photographic apparatus/goods/periodicals 摄影器械/用品/杂志
autograph [auto (=self)+graph写] n.亲笔签名 v.亲笔签名 autograph book/album 签名纪念册 book autographed by the author 作家亲笔签名的书 biography [bio(=life), graph写,书写一生] n.传记 autobiography [auto(=self),bio(=life), y 后缀,自己书写一生] n.自传 autobiographer n.自传作者 bibliography [bibli(=book), graph写] n.书目提要;参考书目;目录学 micrograph [micro-微小,graph图形] n. 显微图,微观图 macrograph [macro-宏大,graph图形] n. 宏观图,肉眼图 monograph [mono-单一,一种,graph写,论述] n.专题论文,专题著作 This dissertation is a monograph on the postwar financial capital. 本文是一部研究战后金融资本的专著。 pseudograph [pseudo-假,伪,graph写,文字→作品] n. 伪书,冒名作品 polygraph [poly-多,graph写,写作,书写器] n. 多产作家,复写器
seismograph [seismo地震,graph记录器] n.地震记录仪
barograph [baro重,压→气压,graph记录器] n.气压记录器
chronograph [chrono时,graph记录器] n.记时器,录时器
stereograph [setreo立体,graph画→图像→照片] n.立体照片
telegraph [tele远,graph写,文字;’从远方通过电波传来的文字”]
n.电报(通信方式); [graph书写机] 电报机
cyclograph [cyclo圆,graph画描器] n. 画圆器,圆弧规
holography [holo-全,graphy描画,描记法] n. 全息摄影[术]
- process of writing or recording, a writing, recording, or description
geography | geo=earth地 | 地理 |
telegraphy | telegraph电报 | 电报学 |
cosmography | cosmo宇宙 | 宇宙结构学 |
calligraphy | calli=beauty美 | 书法 |
sens, sent
分别来源于拉丁语 sensum/sentire(sentire 的过去分词sensus) 意 为to feel感觉,它们属于一对同源异形根 。同义词根有来自希腊语 的path, pati,(a)esthes/(a)esthet 和来自拉丁语的pat/pass。
• sense [sens感觉+e→n.感官;感觉;判断力;意义 v.觉得,意识到] n.感官;感觉;意识;鉴赏力;意义;官能(指视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉);辨别力 v.感觉到;意识到;察觉到 • sensibility [sens感觉,-bility名词后缀,…性,感觉的名词形式] n.敏感性,感受性,感觉(力),触觉 • sensitive [sens感觉,-itive形容词后缀,…的] adj.敏感的,神经过敏的 sensitivity n.敏感性;灵敏度 sensitive to light 对光敏感的 sensitive skin 敏感性皮肤 sensitive nerve in a tooth 牙齿的敏感神经 sensitive to criticism 对批评敏感的
sentiment [sent感觉→感情,情绪,-i-,-ment名词后缀] n.感情,情绪,思想感情,意见 sentiment of pity 怜悯之情 public sentiment 公众情绪 sentimental [sentiment,-al形容词后缀,…的] adj.情感(上)的,伤感的,多愁善感的 consent [con-同,共同,sent感觉→感觉→意识,意见;’共同的意见”] n.同意,赞同 v.同意,准许 age of consent 承诺年龄(指法律上被认为可以进行性行为或结婚的年龄) consenter [consent,-er者] n.同意者,赞同者 consentient [consent ,-i-,-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj.同意的,赞成的,一致的 consentaneous [见上,consent同意,-aneous形容词后缀,…的] adj.同意的,一致的 consensus [con-同,共同,sens感觉,认识,意见,-us名词后缀;’共同的认识”] n. 共识,意见一致 consensual adj.在双方同意下成立的 consensual [见上,-ual形容词后缀,…的] adj.(法律)经双方同意的
dissent [dis-分开→不同,sent感觉→意见,想法分别不同] vi.不同意,持不同意见,持异议 n.不赞成,异议 dissension n.意见分歧;纷争 dissenter n.不赞成者,反对者;不信奉英国国教的人 Voices of dissent are welcomed in a true democracy. 真正的民主欢迎反对的声音。 dissension [见上,t→s,-ion名词后缀] n.意见分歧,和各,争论,纠纷 dissenter [见上,-er者] n.不同意者,反对者,持异议者 dissentient [见上,-i-.-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj.不同意的 resent [re-=相反,sent感觉,感情;’反感”] v.对…不满,怨恨 I resent his dictatorial manner. 我痛恨他的独断作风。 resentful [resent,-ful形容词后缀,…的] adj.不满的,忿恨的 resentment [resent + ment名词后缀] n.不满,忿恨,怨恨 I felt a lot of resentment when I was passed over again for a promotion. 又一次没能晋升,我很愤怒。 sensation [sens感觉,-ation名词后缀] n. 引起轰动的事件,轰动效应;感觉(力) create a great sensation 引起很大的轰动 sensational [见上,-al形容词后缀,…的] adj. 轰动的,耸人听闻的;非常好的 sensory [sens感觉,-ory形容词后缀,…的] adj. 感觉的;传递感觉的 sensory organs 感觉器官 sensory nerves 感觉神经 sensual adj.感官的;沉溺于感觉享受的,耽于酒色的 sensuality n. 喜爱感官享受 sensuous [sens感觉,-uous形容词后缀,…的] adj.感官方面的,感觉上的;给感官以快乐的
senseless [sense感觉,-less无…的] adj. 愚蠢的;不省人事的,无感觉的,无知觉的,无意义的 senseless idea 愚蠢的想法 fall senseless to the ground 昏倒在地 nonsense [non-无,sense感觉,意识→意义;’无意义”的话] n. 胡说,废话,胡闹 insensible [in-无,不,sensible感觉的] adj.无感觉的,失去知觉的 insensitive [in-无,sens感觉,-itive形容词后缀,…的] adj.感觉迟钝的 hypersensitive [hyper-过于,sens感觉,-itive形容词后缀,…的] adj.过敏的 oversensitive [over-过于,sens感觉,-itive形容词后缀,…的] adj.过分敏感的 sensitize [sens感觉,-it-,-ize使…] v.使敏感,变敏感 desensitize [de-除去,消除, sensitize] v.使不敏感,使脱敏 desensitization [desensitize,-ation名词后缀,表示情况,状态] n.脱敏(现象) desensitizer [desensitize,-er表示物] n.脱敏药,脱敏剂
assent [as-=to加强,sent感觉→意识,意见;’to join one’s sentiment or opinion to another’s”(使自己的意见与别人的意见统一起来)] v.同意,赞同,赞成 assentation [assent,-ation名词后缀] n. 赞同,随声附和 With your assent, I'd like to close the shop early today. 如果您同意的话,今天我想早点关店门。 assentient [assent,-i-,-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj.同意的,赞成的 sententious [使感受的 sens(=feel) adj.说教的;爱用警句的;简洁的 sentence [sent感觉,-ence名词后缀;表达一种感觉或意义的一组单词] n.句子;判决 She gave the standard sententious commencement speech-nothing special. 她的毕业典礼致词是标准的说教性的,毫无特别之处。 presentiment [pre-先,预先,sent感觉,-i-,-ment名词后缀]
sci to know 意识,知道
来自拉丁语的sci,意为to know。
拉丁文scire(=to know), scientia(=knowledge)
science [sci知→知识,-ence表示抽象名词;’系统的知识”] n.科学;(特指)自然科学;学科;技术 scientist [science ,字母拼写改变’ce→t,ist表示人] n.科学家 scientific [scient,-i-,-fic形容词后缀,…的] adj. 科学(上)的,符合科学规律的 natural (physical)/social/applied sciences 自然科学/社会科学/应用科学 science fiction 科幻小说 political science 政治学 scientific methods/farming 科学方法/科学种田 scientific name 学名 scientific argument 科学的论证
conscience [con全部+sci+ence→全部知道→有良知→良心] n. 良心,道德心 have no conscience 没有良心 conscientious [con全部+sci+entious多…的→知道关心多→有责任心的] adj. 有责任心的,凭良心的;诚实的;勤恳的 conscientious student /worker 勤奋的学生/勤勤恳恳的工人 unconscionable [un(=not),con全部+able能…的] adj.不合理的;没良心的 unconscionable bargain 不合理的交易 conscious [con-加强意义,sci意识,知道,-ous,…的;知道的,感觉到的,觉悟到的] adj. 有意识的;自觉的,意识到的 consciously adv. 有意识地,自觉地 consciousness [conscious,-ness表示抽象名词] n. 意识,觉悟,知觉 stream of consciousness 意识流 lose /regain(recover) consciousness 丧失/恢复意识 unconscious [un否定,con+sci+ous→知道的→有意识的] adj. 无意识的,不知不觉的;没有知觉的,不省人事的 unconscious humor无意识间产生的幽默 unconscious neglect 无意的疏忽 be unconscious of danger 没有意识到危险 subconscious [sub下面+conscious有意识的→在意识之下→潜意识的] adj. 潜意识的 subconsciousness n.潜意识
omniscient [omni-全,sci知,-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj. 全知的,无所不知的 nescient [ne-=no无,sci知,-ent形容词后缀,…的] adj.无知的,缺乏知识的 nescience [ne-无,sci知,-ence名词后缀] n. 无知,缺乏知识 pseudoscience [pseudo-假,science科学] n. 假科学,伪科学 prescient [pre-先,预先,sci知,-ent形容词后缀,…的] n.预知的,先见的,有先见之明的 prescience [pre-先,预先,sci知,-ence名词后缀] n.预知,先见
manu, mani, man
hand 手
manu来自拉丁语,意为hand,它的变形为mani, man。
manual [manu手,-al形容词后缀,…的] adj. 手的,手工做的,用手的; n. 手册 manufacture [manu手,fact=make做,制作;’用手做”] v. 制造,加工 manufacturer [manu手,fact=make做,制作,-er表示人] n. 制造者,制造商 manage [man=manu手,用手操纵,处理] v. 管理,掌管,处理 manager [manage,-er表示人] n. 掌管者,管理人,经理;负责人;主任 management n. 经营,运营;管理;处理;(the ~)[总称]经营层;管理层 manageable adj.易处理的;可操纵的 managerial adj.管理的;经理的 manageability n.易管理;易处理;可管理性
manipulate [mani+pul一捆+ate→同时用手做一堆事情→巧妙处理] v. 操纵,操作 manipulation n.操纵,操作 manumit [manu手,mit送,放;’to send forth by(or from) the hand”,用手放出] v. 释放,解放 manumission [manu手,miss=mit送,放,-ion名词后缀] n. 释放,解放 manacle [man=manu手,-acle名词后缀,表示小;’束缚手的小器械”] n. 手铐 emancipate [e<ex(=out) + man<manu(=hand) + cip<cap(=take),将抓住的手递到外边] v. 解放(奴隶等);给予自由 emancipation n.(奴隶等)解放 manifest [mani手,fest=strike打击,用手击打使不隐藏→表明] adj.明白的,显然的,清楚的 v. 表明,显示,表露;(幽灵等)出现;(在集会等)发表意 n.(向海关提交的船运的)载货清单,舱单 manifest truth 显然的事实 She doesn't manifest much desire to marry him. 她没表示很想和他结婚。 manifestation n.表现,表明,表示;显示;显示(表现)的言行 manifesto n.(统治者、政党等的)声明,宣言;(有关个人或团体特点、资格的)告示
manner [man=manu手→用手做→做事,行为;the way of doing] n. 举止,风度,方式,方法 mannerism [manner+ism名词后缀,主义,风格] n.(态度、说话等的)特殊习惯,怪癖;个人惯用的格调(特指文学、艺术的表现手法方面固守独特的格调或形式) maneuver [man=hand, euver=labor, work with one’s hands] n.(军队等的)机动;(pl.)机动演习,军事演习;花招,伎俩;策略 v. 机动演习 despicable maneuvers of some politicians 一些政治家的卑劣伎俩 The fleet is maneuvering of the east coast. 舰队正在东海岸进行机动演习。 maneuverable adj.机动性的,可调动的 maneuverability n.机动性 manicure [man=hand, cur=take care] n.修指甲 v.修指甲;修剪 manicurist n.指甲修剪师,美甲师 have a manicure once a week 一星期修剪一次指甲 manure [man=hand] n.粪肥;肥料 v.给(土地)施肥,施肥于... artificial /chemical /nitrogenous manure 人工/化学/含氨肥料 maintain [main=man手,tain=to hold持,握;’手持”,’握有”] v. 保持,保存,维持 maintainable [maintain,-able形容词后缀,可…的] adj. 可保持的,可维持的 maintenance [maintain,-ance名词后缀] n. 保持,保存,保养,维修
Common Roots Part 3
- mob, mov, mot
- migr
- fend, fens
- bat
- miss, mit
mov, mot, mob
to move 动
来源于拉丁语的mot, mov, mob是同源异形根,意为 to move。 mov 来源于拉丁动词movere, mot来源于movere 的动名词词干, mob 是movere 的形容词性分词的词干。
move [mov运动+e动词后缀] v.(使)移动;搬家;使感动;提议;进展,进行,行动,采取措施 n.(位置的)移动,行动;措施;(国际象棋等的)棋子的走法 move out /in 搬出去/搬进来 be moved to tears 感动得流下了眼泪 It's your move. 该你走棋了。 movable [mov运动+able能…的] adj.活动的,可动的;(财产的)动产的;(节目)每年日期变化的 n.(pl.) 动产;可移动的东西 movable feast 日期变化的宗教节日(如复活节等) movable property 动产 movement [mov运动+ment表名词→时间移走] n.移动,运动,活动;(军队的)移动;机械装置;(政治、社会或思想)运动;(股票、市场等的)动向,变动 movement of heavenly bodies 天体的运行 without movement 一动不动 Labor Movement 工人运动 moving [mov运动+ing形容词后缀] adj.移动的;(使)感动的 moving picture 电影 It was a moving sight. 这是令人感动的一幕。
remove [re(=back,away)+mov+e,移开] v.(使)移动;除去,撤走,脱掉;使离开;使退学;使免职 She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. 她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。 removal n.移动;除去 removal of furniture 搬运家具 removal of dissatisfaction 消除不满 removable adj.可免职的;可移动的;可去掉的 remover n.搬运工;去除剂
mobile [mob动+ile形容词后缀] adj.移动的,可动的;易变的,善变的 mobile phone 移动电话 mobility [mob+ility性质→移动性] n.移动性,机动性 immobile [im不+mobile] adj. 不动的,固定的,静止的,不能移动的 immobilize v. 使不能移动 immobility n.不动,静止;固定 mobilize [mobile+ize动词后缀,动员] v.(特指战时)动员;使流通;使松动 mobilization n.动员;流通 mobilization orders 动员令 national mobilization 全国总动员 demobilize [de反+mobilize动员,反过来动员→退伍;复员) v.使退伍,使复员;遗散军队 demobilization n.复员,遗散军队
motion [mot 移动 + ion后缀] n.运动,移动;动作,姿势(如手势、点头等);动议,提议 motion sickness 晕船(或车) graceful motions 优雅的举止 motionless [motion+ less否定后缀] adj.不动的,静止的 motor [mot 移动 + or 名词后缀,既可以表示“人”,也可以表示“物”,在些表示“物”→ 能使移动的东西] n.发动机,马达;电动机;内燃机 adj.机动的;引起运动的;汽车(用)的 motor vehicle 机动车(轿车、公共汽车、卡车等的总称) electric motors 电动机 motorize [mot 移动 + ize动词后缀] v.使(军队等)机动化 automobile [auto自+mob动+ile物体,自动车→汽车] n.汽车 locomotion [loc(=to place) + -o-(起连接作用) + mot 移动 + -ion名词后缀 →从一个地方移动到另一个地方→运动,移动] n.运动,移动 locomotive n.机车;火车头 adj.移动的,有移动力的 steam/diesel/electric locomotives 蒸汽/柴油/电力机车 locomotive engineer 火车司机 emotion [e < ex(=out)出+mot运动+ion名词后缀,流露出来的东西] n.感情,情绪;激动 emotional [emotion+al形容词缀] adj.感情的,情绪的;易动情的;激起感情的 emotional appeal 情感诉求 emotional man 易动情的男子 emotionally adv.情绪上,感情上 emotive adj.感情的;情绪的 emotionless adj.没有感情的,冷漠的
promote [pro向前+mot动,向前动→促进] v.使晋升,使晋级;推进,促进;发起 promote good feelings 增进好感 promote a new business company 成立新公司 promoter [pro+mot,-er 后缀表示...的人,向前移动的人→促进者,助长者;提倡者等] n.促进者,助长者;提倡者,(企业的)发起人;(营业性体育比赛的)承办人 promotion [pro向前+mot动+tion→促进] n. 晋极,晋升;发起;助长,推进;(通过宣传、广告等的)宣传;推销 win/gain promotion 晋级,晋升 promotion of a new commercial product /a new book 新商品/新书的推销、宣传 sales promotion 促销 demote [de向下+mot运动+e→向下动→降级] v.使降级 demoted adj.降级的 demotion n.降级,降职,降等 The team now almost certainly faces demotion. 这支球队目前几乎肯定要面临降级的命运。 motive [mot运动+ive→动机,目的] n.动机;(文艺作品的)主题 motivate [mot(=move)+ate,使有动机] vt.给予...动机;刺激;激发 motivation [motivate+ion名词后缀] n.刺激;推动 motiveless [motive+less否定形容词后缀] adj.毫无动机的
remote [re向后,往回+mot运动+e,往回动,变远了的] adj.(时空上)遥远的;关系疏远的;偏僻的 remote control 遥控 remote sensing 遥感 commotion [com共同+motion动→大家一起动→动乱] n.骚动;动乱;暴乱 mob [mob动→暴民,乌合之众] n.乌合之众,暴徒;<贬> (the ~) 大众,民众;(犯罪者的)一伙,一群 v.(人)蜂拥而入;(成群)袭击,围攻 mobster n.暴徒,匪帮或流氓集团的一分子 mobocracy [mob 暴民(-o- 连接中缀) + cracy (=rule)统治,暴民都喜欢动,动武] n.暴民统治;暴民政治
to remove, to wander 迁移
migrate [migr(=move)+ate,使移动] vi.移居;(候鸟等动物)随着季节迁徙,移栖 Many birds migrate for thousands of miles to avoid cold weather.许多鸟为了躲避严寒而迁徙数千英里。 migration [migrat(e)+ion名词后缀] n.移居;移动 migrant [migr(=move)+ant名词后缀] n.候鸟;移居者 migratory [migrat(e)+ory形容词后缀] adj.移动的;移居的 emigrate [e-外,出,migr迁移,-ate动词后缀] n. 移出,永久移居外国 emigration [e+migr,-ation名词后缀] n.移居,移民出境 Wenzhou has a long history of emigration to overseas countries, as early as the reign of Emperor Zhenzong in Song Dynasty. 温州人移居海外源远流长,历史悠久,早在宋真宗年间就有温州人侨居海外。 emigrant [e+migr,-ant表示人] n. 移居国外者,移民,移出者 adj. [-ant形容词后缀,…的] 移出的,迁移的,移民的 emigre [e出+migre移,被移出去的人] n. 移居境外者;(政治)流亡者 immigrate [in-入内,migr迁移,-ate动词后缀] n. 移居入境,(从外国)移来,移入 immigration [in-入内,migr迁移,-ation名词后缀] n. 移入,移居,外来的,移民 immigrant [in-入内,migr迁移,-ant表示人] n. 移入国内者,侨民,外来的移民 adj. [-ant形容词后缀,…的] 移入国内的 illegal immigrants 非法移民 Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction. 移民故事一直是小说的流行主题。 transmigrate [trans-转,migr迁移,-ate动词后缀] v. (灵魂)转生;迁移,移居(从一国或一地移到另一国或另一地) transmigration [trans-转,migr迁移,-ation名词后缀] n. 移居;轮回 Many people still believe in the transmigration of souls after death. 许多人仍然相信,人死后会轮回转世。
fend, fens
to strike 击打
来源于拉丁语的fendere, 意为 to strike。
defend [de去掉+fend,打掉敌人→保卫] v. 保卫,防御 defender [defend,-er 表示人] n.保卫者,防御者 defense [de去掉+fens,打掉敌人→保卫] n. 保卫 defensible [de+fens,-ible 能...的] adj.能防御的 defensive [de+fens,-ive ...的] adj.防御的,防守的,防卫的 defenseless [de+fens,-less 无...的] adj.无防御的,无防守的
offend [of- 表示against, fend打击;“to knock or strike against” ,一再打击→得罪] v. 冒犯,得罪;触怒;进攻,攻击 offensive [of(f)+fens,-ive ...的] adj. 冒犯的,进攻的,进攻性的,攻势的 n. [-ive 名词后缀,表示抽象名词]进攻,攻势 offence = offense n.犯罪;过错;攻击 offender [of+fend ,-er 表示人] n.冒犯者,触怒者 fend v. 抵挡,保护,挡开;谋生 The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield. 警察用防暴盾牌抵挡攻击。 fence n.保卫,防护;(用作防护之物→)栅栏,围栏,篱笆 v. 击剑;防护 fencing [fenc打,-ing 名词后缀,防护之物] n.围墙,围栏,篱笆;剑术 fender [fend,-er 表示物] n.防御物,防护板
to strike, to beat 打
来自拉丁语的battere,意为 to strike, to beat,和词根fens/fend 同义。此外,bat还有to go的含义。
bat n.(棒球、乒乓球等的)球拍,球棒;击球;蝙蝠 v.用球拍打 beat vt. 打;打败,赢;搅拌;对……采取预防措施;避免;比……好 vi. 打;打败;拍打;有节奏地舒张与收缩 n. 拍子;敲击;有规律的一连串敲打 He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。 It beats me (= I don't know) why he did it. 我弄不懂他为什么这样做。 Beat the flour and milk together. 把面粉和牛奶搅拌在一起。 batter [batt(=bat)打,击+er反复做→batter接连重击] v.接续重击,砸烂 n.击球手 (小提示:-er作动词后缀时可表示“反复做”,如mutter咕咕哝哝地说,抱怨;stutter 结结巴巴地说) battery [batt(=bat)打 + er反复做+y状态,性质等→殴打] n.炮台;炮兵连;电池,蓄电池,一套(器具、装置);殴打 masked battery 隐蔽的炮台 car battery 车用蓄电池 baton [bat打,击+on表名词,接触→指挥棒,警棍] n.警棍,指挥棒;权杖,官杖 battle [bat打+tle名词后缀,小的战争→战役] n.战斗;战役 v.作战;斗争 a gun battle 枪战 the battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役 battlefield n.战场 She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. 她女扮男装以便能上战场打仗。 combat [com共同+bat打,击,一起打→战斗] v.战斗;和...作战 armed/unarmed combat (= with/without weapons) 武装╱非武装对抗 combatant [com(=togehter) + bat(=strike)+ant名词人/形容词后缀 ] n.参加战斗者 adj.作战的,战斗的 combative [com(=togehter) + bat(=strike)+ive形容词后缀,…的 ] adj.好斗的
debate [de加强+bat打,击+e→加强打击→驳倒对方] n.讨论;争论 ;辩论 v.讨论;争论;辩论 The minister opened the debate (= was the first to speak) . 部长在辩论时率先发言。 debater [de加强+bat打,击+er人] n.讨论者;辩论者 debatable adj.可争议的;成问题的;有争议的,未决的 debatable ground (国境等)存在争议的土地 abate [a不,否定前缀+bat打,击+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等] v.(风、洪水、痛苦等)减轻,减少;废除 The storm showed no signs of abating. 暴风雨没有减弱的迹象。 abatement [a不,否定前缀+bat打,击+ment] n. 减少,消除,减轻 the abatement of carbon dioxide emissions 二氧化碳排放的减少 rebate [re回+bat+e→打回去的[东西]→退款] v. 退款;返还部分 a tax rebate 退还税款
miss, mit
miss, mit (变形mis, mess)
to send, to throw 送;投,掷
来自拉丁语的mit, miss意为to send, to throw。变形为mis和mess。 拉丁文mittere (=to send, to throw),过去分词为missus。
message [mess送,age名词后缀,送出去的东西] n. 信息,消息 v. 通知;报信 missile [miss送,ile名词后缀,小,送出去的小东西] n. 导弹,投射物 missive [miss送,ive名词后缀] n.信件 mission [miss送,派送,委派,-ion名词后缀,送出→派遣] n. 使命,任务,代表团,使团 v. 派遣,向…传教 missionary [mission使命+ary→[传教]使命的] adj. 传道的 n. 传教士 commission [com共同+miss送+ion,共同送出(选出)的人→委员会] n. 委员会;委任;佣金 commit [com-加强意义,mit送,委派] v. 承诺,保证;把…交托给;犯罪 commitment [com-加强意义,mit送,ment名词后缀,委派] n.委托,承诺,保证;献身,奉献 committee [commit,-ee表示人→被委派的一组人] n.委员会 dismiss [dis-离开,miss送,送走,打发走] v. 开除,免职,解散 dismission [dismiss,-ion名词后缀] n.开除,免职,解散 dismissal [dis-离开,miss送,al名词后缀] n. 解雇,免职
intermit [inter(=between) + mit(=send),在中间发送 ] v. 暂停,间断 intermission n.中断;休息时间,幕间休息 intermittently adv.间歇地;断断续续地 intermittent adj.间歇的;断断续续的 Our smoke alarm makes an irritating intermittent beep that won't stop. 我们家的火警器没完没了地发出烦人的间歇性的响声。 transmit [越过去输送 trans(=over,across) + mit(=send)] vt. 送(货物等),传递;发射(信号);传送(光、热、电等),传导;遗传(给子孙) signals transmitted from a satellite 从卫星传送来的信号 transmission n.传递;传达;传导;遗传;(汽车的)变速器 transmitter n.传递者;传达者;话筒;发报台 transmit [trans(=over,across) + mit(=send),越过去输送 ] vt. 送(货物等),传递;发射(信号);传送(光、热、电等),传导;遗传(给子孙) signals transmitted from a satellite 从卫星传送来的信号 transmission n.传递;传达;传导;遗传;(汽车的)变速器 transmitter n.传递者;传达者;话筒;发报台 transmit [trans(=over, across) + mit(=send),传送过去] vt. 送(货物等),传递;发射(信号);传送(光、热、电等),传导;遗传(给子孙) signals transmitted from a satellite 从卫星传送来的信号 transmission n.传递;传达;传导;遗传;(汽车的)变速器 transmitter n.传递者;传达者;话筒;发报台
remit [re (=back,away) + mit(=send),(把钱)再送出去→汇款 ] v.汇款;宽恕;免除;缓解;[律]将诉讼打回下级法院 Payment will be remitted to you in full. 报酬将会全额汇寄给你。 remission n.宽恕,赦免;免除;缓解 remittance n.汇款(额) emit [e-出,mit发] v.散发,放射;发行;发出 emissive [e-外,出,miss发,投-ive形容词后缀,…的] adj.发出的,发射的 emission [e-外,出,miss发,-ion名词后缀] n. 发出,发射,散发 emissary [e-出,miss送,派,-ary表示人] n. 派出的密使;间谍 miss, mit (变形mis, mess) to send, to throw 送;投,掷 premise [pre预先+mis送,预先送出→前提] n. 前提 promise [pro-前,先,mis发送;事先发出之言] n. 诺言,允诺 compromise [com-共同,promise诺言;a mutual promise to abide by a decision,共同承诺遵守一项决定] n.折中;妥协,妥协或折中方案;让步,(原则等的)放弃;和解 v.妥协,让步;泄露;危及 compromise agreement 和解协议 effect a compromise 达成和解 compromise one's honor 有损某人的名誉 submit [sub下面+mit送,送下去→屈服] v.服从,屈服;提交 to submit an application/a claim/a complaint 呈递申请书╱书面要求;提交控诉书 submission n. 服从;投降 submissive adj.顺从的;驯顺的 Most doctors want their patients to be submissive. 大多数医生都想让自己的病人们听话。 admit [ad加强+mit送,送进来→许可进入] v. 准许进入;接受入学;承认 Each ticket admits one adult. 每张票只准许一位成人入场。 admission [ad加强+miss送,ion名词后缀] n. 承认;入场费;进入许可 the university admissions policy/office 大学招生政策╱招生办公室 permit [per始终+mit→始终放入→许可] v. 许可,允许 n. 许可证,执照 The work permit is not renewa ble. 这份工作许可证不能延期。 permission [per始终+miss+ion→始终放入→允许] n. 允许 permissive adj. 准许的;纵容的
omit [o出+mit,送出去→略去] v. 省去,略去 If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18. 学生可以免做16–18题。 omission n. 省略 The play was shortened by the omission of two scenes. 此剧删减了两场戏。 surmise [sur在下面+mis,在底下说出的话→猜测] v. 推测,猜测 demise [de分开+mise,分开送→遗赠] v. 让与;遗赠;去世,驾崩
Common Roots Part 4
- aqua
- hydr
- geo
- terr
- hum
- bio
water 水
词根来源于拉丁语 aqua 水,意为water,词根aqu, aque, aqui是 词根 aqua的变体。
aquatic [aqua 水 + -t- 连接词 + -ic (a.) 表示“…的” → 形容与水有关的 ] adj.水的,水中的,水生的 aquatic plants/life/ecosystems 水生植物╱生物╱生态系统 aquatic sports 水上运动 aqueduct [aqua 水 + -duc(t)- 引导 → 引导水的管道 →] n. 水道,引水槽,沟渠,导水管 aquarium [aqua 水 + -arium 名词后缀,表场所,地点 → 有鱼有水的地方] n. 水族馆,养鱼池 小拓展 oceanarium [ocean海洋+ -arium 名词后缀,表场所,地点] n.海洋馆 planetarium [planet行星+ -arium 名词后缀,表场所,地点] n.天文馆
aquiform [aqua 水 + -form (a.) 表示“有…形状的”] adj. 水状的 subaqueous [sub- 下+aqua 水 + -ous 形容词后缀 → 水下面的] adj. 水下的,水下形成的,用于水下的 aquaculture [aqua 水 + cult 养殖 + -ure 名词后缀] n.水产养殖 aquosity [aqu 水 + -osity 名词后缀] n.潮湿,含水性 aquifer [aqui 水 + fer 携带 →携带水的东西] n.含水土层;蓄水层 Aquarius n.水瓶座 opaque [op- 不,否定前缀 + aque 水→不像水一样透明] adj. 不透明的;不透光的 opacity [opaque中qu转成c, ity名词后缀] n. 不透明性;模糊;晦涩难懂 Opacity of the eye lens can be induced by deficiency of certain vitamins. 眼球晶状体的混浊可由缺乏某些维生素引起。
water 水
hydr, hydro,意为water。
hydro, hydy, hydric为 hydr的变体。和来源于拉 丁语aqua是同义词根。
Hercules vs Hydra
海德拉(Hydra),是古希腊神话中的水妖九头蛇,传说它拥有九颗头,其中一颗头要是被斩断, 立刻又会生出两颗头来。大力神赫拉克勒斯运用他的智慧,成功地击败了巨大水蛇海德拉。
hydrogen [hydro 水,gen 产生→产生水] n.氢 hydrate [hydr 水,-ate名词及动词后缀] n. 水合物,水化物 v. 为...补水;使成水合物 dehydrate [de去掉+hydr+ate→去掉水] v. 脱水 carbohydrate [carb 碳,hydr 水,-ate 化学名词后缀] n.碳水化合物
hydrous [hydr 水,-ous ...的] adj.含水的;水状的;水化的;水合的 anhydrous [an- 无,hydr 水,-ous ...的] adj.[化学]无水的 anhydrous alcohol 无水酒精 anhydrite [an- 无,hydr 水,-ite 名词后缀,表示物] n. 硫酸钙;无水石膏,硬石膏 anhydrite cement 硬石膏水泥 hydrant [hydr+ant] n. 水龙头 hydroelectric [hydro+electric电] adj. 水力发电的 hydroplane [hydro+plane飞机] n. 水上飞机 hydropower [hydro+power电力] n. 水力发电 hydrography [hydro 水,graph写,论述] n.水文学 hydrographer [见上,-er 者] n.水文学家 hydrology [hydro 水,-logy ...学] n.水文学,水理学
earth 地
词根geo来源于希腊文,意为earth。Gaia是希腊神话中最早的大地 女神,她的名字就意为 “大地”。常见的英文名称George其实表示 的是在“大地”上劳作的“农夫” 。
geography [geo 地,graph 写→论述,-y 名词后缀;“关于大地的论述”] n.地理学,地理 geographer [geo 地,graph 写,-er 表示人] n.地理学者,地理学家 geometry [geo 地,土地,metry =meter测量;“土地(面积)测量法”——几何学的来源] n.几何学 geology [geo 地,地球, -logy ...学] n.地质学 geologist [geo 地,地球, -log ...学,-ist 表示人] n.地质学者 geophysics [geo 地,地球,physics 物理学] n.地球物理学 geoscience [geo 地球,地,science 科学] n.地球科学 geopolitics [geo 地,politics 政治学] n.地缘政治学 geostrategy [geo 地,地球,strategy 战略] n.地缘战略学 geothermal [geo 地,therm 温,-al ...的] adj.地温的,地热的 geocentric [geo 地,centric中心的] n.地心说 geocide [geo 地,地球,cid 杀→杀死→死亡,毁灭] n.地球末日 giant [gi 大地 → 大,巨,-ant 名词和形容后缀] Giants 是希腊神话中的巨人,是大地女神Gaia的儿子,和Gaia的名称相对应。 n.巨人;才智超群的人 adj.巨大的 gigantic adj.巨大的,庞大的
earth, land 土地
来源于拉丁文terra,意为earth。它有一个同形异源根terr来源于 terrére,意为 to frighten。
territory [terr土地,-it-,-ory名词后缀] n.领土,领地 enemy/disputed/foreign territory 敌方╱有争议的╱外国领土 territorial [territory,y变I,+-al形容词后缀,…的] adj.领土的 territorial disputes 领土争端 terrestrial [terr地球,-ial形容词后缀,…的] adj.地球(上)的,陆上的 terrestrial life 地球上的生物 extraterrestrial E.T. [extra-外, terr土地→地球,-ial形容词后缀,…的] adj.地球外的 n. 外星人,外星生物 extraterrestrial beings/life 外星人╱生命 terrace [terr土地,-ace名词后缀] n.台地,地坪,平台,阳台 terrain [terr土地,-ain名词后缀] n.地面;地带,地域,地形 difficult/rough/mountainous, etc. terrain 难以通过的地带、崎岖不平的地形、山地等 terraneous [terr土地,-aneous形容词后缀] adj.地上生长的,陆生的 terraneous animals 陆生动物 terramycin [terr土,-a-,-myc菌→霉,-in素] n.土霉素
inter [in-入,内,ter=terr土;’入土”,埋入土内] v.埋葬(遗体) interment [inter,-ment名词后缀] n.埋葬,葬礼 disinter [dis-不,相反+in+ter,不埋葬] v.挖出,发掘出 The court granted him permission to disinter the body. 法院批准他掘出尸体。 the trend for disinterring sixties soul classics for TV commercials 在电视广告中重新使用60年代经典灵魂乐的趋势 disinterment [dis+inter,-ment名词后缀] n.挖出,掘出物 Mediterranean [medi中间,terr土地+anean,在土地中间的] n.地中海 adj.(海等)在陆地中的,被陆地包围的 a Mediterranean country 地中海国家 a Mediterranean climate 地中海气候
earth, ground, man 泥土(湿) ,人类
词根来源于拉丁语 humus 意为 earth, ground 土地,hum也有“人类”的意思。在中国的神话故事里, 盘古开天辟地之后,女娲用泥土造人;《圣经》里记载,上帝七天创世,在创造天地的第六天,上帝就照 着自己的形象用造人;在古希腊罗马神话里,先知普罗米修斯最初也是用泥巴造人。
“人类”在英语里用human表示,human包含了词根hum,最初是“泥巴”的意思。与“土”打交道的 人总被认为是低下的,卑微的,土气的,所以,hum又有了“卑下”的意思;“土”又和“湿”常常联系 在一起,因为泥土大都是“湿” 的,所以,hum就又有了“湿”的意思。
human [hum土+an名词及形容词后缀,传说人是由土造出的] n. 人,人类 a.人类的 human body/brain 人体╱脑 human weaknesses/failings 人性的弱点╱缺点 humanity [human+ity名词后缀,…性] n.人类;人性,人道;慈爱 crimes against humanity 危害人类罪 humane adj.仁慈的;富于同情心的,亲切的 inhumane adj.不人道的 humanism n.人道主义;人文主义; 人本主义 humanist n.人文学者;人道主义 者;人本主义者 humanitarian n.人道主义者;慈善家 adj.人道主义的;博爱的 humble [hum 土地->低,卑,-ble ...的,低到土里的] adj.谦逊的;身份低贱的;(东西)粗陋的 Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. 要虚心地从自己的错误中学习。 a man of humble birth/origins 出身低微的人 humility [hum 土地,ility…名词,表特征] n. 谦卑,谦逊 humiliate [hum 地,地下-->低下,-ate使...,使低下] v.羞辱;使丢脸,使蒙耻辱 humiliate oneself 出丑,丢脸 humiliating adj. 羞辱的;丢脸的 humiliation [humiliate(e)+ion 名词后缀] n.羞辱;丢脸
inhume [in- 入,内,hum 地,埋入地下] v. 埋葬,土葬 inhumation [in- 入,内,hum 地,埋入地下,-ation 名词后缀] n. 埋葬 exhume [ex- 出,外,hum 地,从地下掘出] n.掘出;发掘 exhumation [exhum+-ation 名词后缀] n.发掘,掘尸 posthumous [post- 在...之后, hum 地,地下,-ous 形容词后缀,表示...的] adj. 死后的,身后的;遗腹的;作者死后出版的 posthumous child 遗腹子 posthumous work 遗著 posthumous fame 追授的名誉 humid [hum 湿,-id 形容词后缀 ...的] adj. 潮湿的,湿润的 Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions. 游客们会遇到炎热潮湿的天气状况。 humidity [hum 湿,-i- 中缀,-ity 名词后缀表示性质,状态] n.湿气,湿度 high/low humidity 高╱低湿度 70% humidity 70%的湿度 humidify [hum 湿,-id 后缀,表示...的,-ify 动词后缀] v.使潮湿,使湿润 humidifier [humidify<变y为i+er,有... 作用之物,使...成之物] n. 加湿器,增湿器 dehumidify [de分离,向下+humidify] v. 除湿 humor [hum 湿,or名词后缀,人说话不干巴无聊] n. 幽默,诙谐;心情 a story full of gentle humor 充满轻松幽默的故事 to be out of humor (= in a bad mood) 心情不好 humorous [humor幽默,-ous 后缀表示...的] adj.幽默的,滑稽的,诙谐的 humorous writer 幽默的作家 humorist [humor幽默,-ist 表示人] n.谈吐诙谐的人;滑稽演员;幽默作家
英文“Humor”一词在进入中国之后曾有很多种 译法,王国维译为“欧穆亚”,李青崖译为“语 妙”,陈望道译为“油滑”等,但都无法将这个词 的精髓表现出来。后来,林语堂自己在翻译作品的 时候,将这个翻译为“幽默”。
他解释道,“幽默中所含的谐趣越幽隐、越静默, 读起来就会越美妙”,后来,这个的使用越来越广 泛,得到了人们的认可,终于成为“humor”这个 词最匹配的翻译。
bi, bio
life 生命,生物
biology [bio生物,-logy ...学] n.生物学 biologist [bio 生物,-logist ...学家] n.生物学家 biochemistry [bio 生物,chemistry化学 →] n.生物化学 biophysics [bio 生物,physics 物理学→] n.生物物理学 microbe [micro微小+be=bi生命] n.微生物,细菌 microbiology [micro- 微小,biology 生物学→] n.微生物学 microbiologist n.微生物学者 biotic [bio 生命,生物,-tic 形容词后缀,...的 ] adj. 生命的,生物的 biotic community 生物群落 biotic factor 生物因子 antibiotic [anti- 反对, biotic生物的] adj.抗生的,抗菌的 n. 抗生素,抗菌素 effective antibiotic treatment 有效的抗生素治疗 biography [bio 生命,graph 词根表示“写”,文字 → “记录”,-y 名词后缀,人生平的记录] n.传记 biographer [bio+graph,-er 表示“人”的后缀→] n.传记者 autobiography [atuo 自已,bio 生物,graph 词根表示“写”,文字 → “记录”,-y 名词后缀] n.自传
amphibian [amphi 两, bi 生物,-an 名词及形容词后缀 ] n.水陆两栖生物 adj.水陆两栖的,水陆(或水空)两用的 amphibious [amphi 两, bi 生物,-ous ...的] adj. 两栖的,水陆(或水空)两用的 symbiotic [sym- = together 一起,共同, bio 生物,-tic 形容词后缀 ] adj. 共生的 biosphere [bio 生物,sphere 范围,球体] n. 生物圈,生物层 Biocycle is the cycling of chemicals through the biosphere. 生物循环是化学物质在生物圈内的循环。 biocide [bio 生物→虫,cid 杀] n.杀虫剂 biodiversity [bio 生物+diversity多样性] n.生物多样性
Common Roots Part 5
- gen
- nat, nasc
- anim
- spir
gen 产生
含有gen词根的单词数量很大,有的来自拉丁语,有的来自希腊语,不过词根的形态与 含义都一致的。因为gen的拉丁语源genus和希腊语源genos是同源同义的,它们都来 自印欧语词根gen。拉丁文generare(=to produce),genus(=race),gignere(=to bear, to beget 生产)。希腊文 genesis(=origin,source)。在英语中,gen的形式也经常用 于“生产,产生”之意,再由其演变为“种,种族”等相关意思。
gene n.基因;遗传因子 gene bank 基因文库 gene pool 基因库 genetic [gen+et+ic形容词后缀→来自基因的] adj. 基因的,遗传学的 genetic code 遗传信息 genetic engineering 基因工程 genetics [ics=ology 学科] n.遗传学 geneticist [dʒəˈnetɪsɪst] [genetic+ist从事某专业的人] n.遗传学者 Eugenics [juˈdʒɛnɪk] [eu好+gen产生+ics学科→优生学] n. 优生学 genus [ˈdʒiːnəs] [gen+us名词后缀→生出来出现[不同]→种类] n.(动、植物的)属,种类 For years, this genus enjoyed primo dinosaur status. 多年来,这个物种一直被认为是恐龙的祖先。 gender n. 性别 issues of class, race and gender 阶级、种族和性别问题 gender differences/relations/roles 性别差异;性别关系;性别角色 engender [en(=make)使+gender产生→使产生] v. 使发生,引起,诱发,造成 The issue engendered controversy. 这个问题引起了争论。 genealogy [ˌdʒiːniˈælədʒi] [-logy,写出来的东西;研究] n.家系,血统;系统,系谱;系谱学 genealogist n.系谱学者 genealogical [genealogic+al] adj.系谱的,家系的;表示系统的 genealogical tree 家系图;系统树 genealogical table 族谱 generate [gener产生+ate→使产生(电)等] v. 产生;形成;引起;发电 generation [generate+ion名词缀] n. 产生;一代人;时代 the younger/older generation 年轻的一代;老一辈 generator [generate+or→产生[电]的东西→发电机] n. 发电机;生殖者 regenerate [re再+generate] v. 再生,重生 regeneration n. 新生,刷新,再生 degenerate [de向下+gener+ate→往下产生→堕落] v. 堕落;衰退 degeneration n.退步,退化;堕落 degenerative adj. 退化的;变坏的 degeneracy n.退步,退化;堕落
genuine [genu+ine→产生→来源清楚→真正的] adj. 真正的,真实的,纯正的 genuine picture by Da Vinci 达芬奇的真画 genuine sorrow 由衷的悲伤 genuine signature 亲笔签名 genuine concern for others 对他人真诚的关心 genuinely adv.真诚地 ingenuous [ɪnˈdʒenjuəs] [in内+genu+ous产生自内心→天真的] adj. 天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的 He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter. 他好像太天真诚实,不适合做记者。 ingenuously adv.天真地;正直地 trust ingenuously 天真地信任 disingenuous [dis(=not) 不+ in内+ gen产生,非出生状态的] adj.不诚实的;不正直的,阴险的 Her disingenuous flattery sets my teeth on edge. 她那毫无诚意的恭维让我很不舒服。 disingenuously adv.不诚实地 disingenuousness n.不诚实 genius [geni+us→生出[就有]→天才] n. 天才,天赋;创造力,独创性 have a genius for music/acting /making friends 在音乐/表演/社交方面有天赋 She is a genius in English. 她在英语方面是个天才。 ingenuity [诞生的状态 in(=in) + gen(=birth)+ity] n. 才干;才能;创造力,独创性 ingenious [ɪnˈdʒiːniəs] [in内+geni+ous自内心产生→聪明的] adj. 聪明的; 有创造力的 an ingenious device 精巧的装置 ingenious ways of saving energy 节约能源的巧妙方法 His ingenuity kept the company running even during the cash shortfall. 他的才能使公司在资金短缺的情况下也能正常运转。 general [gener+al→出生[一般]→普通的] adj. 一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的 n. 一般;将军;常规 general hospital 综合医院 general manager 总经理 general affairs 总务 generally adv.一般地,通常地;广泛地
Generality [ˌdʒenəˈræləti] [general+ity名词后缀,表特性] n.一般性,普遍性 from generalities to particularities 从一般到个别 The generality of Swedes are blonde. 大多数瑞典人都是金发。 generalize v.使一般化,推广;概括(事实等),归纳; 普及generalize the use of an invention 推广新发明的使用 generalization n. 概括;普遍化;一般化 generous [gener+ous多的→[不断]产生→丰富的,慷慨的] adj. 慷慨的;丰富的 What a generous gift! 多么丰厚的礼物啊! generously adv. 丰厚地;宽大地;丰盛地 generosity [gener+osity多的状态→多产生→慷慨] n. 慷慨,大方;宽宏大量 show generosity in dealing with a defeated enemy 对战败的敌人宽宏大量 genial [ˈdʒiːniəl] [gen(=birth) + i + al形容词/名词后缀] adj.(天气等)适宜生长的,温和的,温暖的;亲切的,和蔼的 A genial home atmosphere is the most important ingredient to a child's development. 温暖的家庭氛围是孩子成长过程中最重要的因素。 geniality [ˌdʒi:nɪ'ælətɪ] n.温和,亲切;和蔼的行为 congenial [kənˈdʒiːniəl] [con<com一起+ gen(=birth),同样的生长环境] adj.性格相同的,情投意合的;惬意的 I like working here because of the congenial atmosphere. 我喜欢在这里工作,因为这里的环境很舒适。 congeniality n.情投意合 congenially adv.情投意合地
cognate [ˈkɑːɡneɪt] [一起、一同出生 co<com(=togehter) + gn<gen(=birth)] adj.同源的;同族的;[语]同源同词的;同语系的 n.同源词 German and English are cognate languages. 德语和英语属于同一语系。 cognation n.亲族;同语系 homogeneous [homo (=same)+gene产生+ous多的] adj.同种的,同质的 homogeneity n.同种,同质 the homogeneous population of South Korea 由单一民族构成的韩国人口 heterogeneous [hetero(=other)+gene产生+ous多的] adj.异种的,异质的 the heterogeneous population of the United States 由不同民族构成的美国人口
pregnant [pre(=before),gn<gen(=birth), 怀孕在身体前端] adj.怀孕的;(言语、行动)意味深长的,储蓄的;富有的;充满的 I am pregnant. 我怀孕了。 political events pregnant with consequences 具有重要意义的政治事件 pregnancy n.怀孕;丰富;深奥,意味深长 She‘s had three pregnancies in six years. 她六年中怀孕了三次。 Progenitor [proʊˈdʒenɪtər] [pro(=before)+genit产生+or人] n.(人、动植物的)祖先;前辈 the great progenitor 伟大的祖先 Malignant [məˈlɪɡnənt] [mali<mal(=bad) + gn<gen(=birth),产生坏的] adj.怀有恶意的,恶毒的;(疾病)恶性的,致命的;极有害的 Unfortunately ,laboratory tests showed the mass to be malignant. 不幸的是,化验显示肿块为恶性。 malignity n.恶意;恶性 malignancy n.恶性 Malign [məˈlaɪn] adj.极有害的,恶性的;v. 中伤,诽谤 gentle adj.温和的;温驯的;轻柔的;出身名门的,出身高贵的 gentleness n.温驯,和善;高贵 gentle heart /look/voice/touch/nature 善良的心/亲切的样子/柔和的声音/轻柔的触碰/温顺的秉性 gently adv.温和地;缓和地 Speak gently to the child. 对孩子们说话要温和。 The road slopes gently to the sea. 道路的缓坡一直伸向大海。 gentleman n.绅士;(贵族的)侍从;(pl.)(尊称)阁下,先生 gentleman's agreement 君子协定 Ladies and Gentlemen (对听众的称呼)女士们,先生们! gentlemanly adj.绅士风度的 gentlemanly apology 有绅士风度的道歉 hydrogen [hydro (=water)+gen产生,产生水的] n.氢 hydrogen bomb 氢弹 nitrogen [nitro (=niter) )+gen产生, 因研究硝石化学性质时认识这种气体而得名] n.氮 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮 oxygen [oxy(=acid,sharp) )+gen产生,原指生成的尖锐刺鼻气体,后用于指氧气] n.氧 oxygen mask 氧气面罩
nat, nasc
to be born 出生
词根nasc来源于拉丁语 nasci出生,是它的不定式词干,它在英语中 派生词数量较少。词根nat来源于 nasci 的完成时词干 (此动词无动 名词形式 );词根 -nasc-也可以理解为是根据辅音的交替规律由 - nat- 变来的,属于单 -双辅音交替规律。
nation [nat生,-ion名词后缀,诞生,生长→血统的联系,种族] n.国家;民族;国民 Western nations 西方国家 nationwide adj.全国的 national adj.国家的;国民的;民族的;国有的,国营的,国立的;全国性的 n.国民,国人 national anthem/debt/flag/holiday/language 国歌/国债/国旗/国定假日/国语 national security council 国家安全委员会 National Convention (政党的)全国代表大会 nationality n.国籍 What is your nationality? 你是哪国人? people of all nationalities 各国的人 nationalism n.民族主义;国家主义;(受他国控制国家在政治上、经济上的)民族独立运动 nationalist n.民族主义者;国家主义者;民族独立运动拥护者; adj.民族(或国家)主义的;独立运动的 nationalistic adj.民族主义(者)的 nationalize v. 国有化;使成为国家 nationalize the railways / the coal mines / the steel industry 使铁路/煤矿/钢铁工业国有化 nationalization n.国有化 nationalization of the railways 铁路的国有化 nature [nat生,-ure名词后缀,天生,天然→自然] n.自然,自然界;自然力;自然状态,原始状态;天性,本笥;性质;各类;生命力;人体的本能(或需要) the laws of nature 自然(界)法则 human nature 人的天性 natural adj.自然的;自然界的;自然发生的;天生的,天赋的;自然状态的;天然的,不做作的;正常的;合乎自然规律的 natural enemy 天敌 natural gas 天然气 natural resources 自然资源 natural selection 自然选择 natural death 自然死亡 unnatural adj.不自然的 naturally adv.自然地;天生地;当然;不做作地 naturalism n.自然主义 naturalistic adj.自然主义的 naturalist n. 博物学者(尤其指直接观察动、植物者)
natal [ˈneɪtl] [nat诞生,-al…的] adj.诞生的,出生的,诞生时的 natality [natal,-ity名词后缀] n.出生率 prenatal [pre-前,nat出生,-al…的] adj.产前的,胎儿期的,出生以前的 prenatal vitamins 孕妇的综合维它命 postnatal [post-后,nat出生,-al…的] adj.产后的,出生以后的 postnatal depression 产后抑郁症 neonate [neo-=new新,nat诞生;’新出生的婴儿”] n.出生不满一个月的婴儿 premature neonate 早产儿 native [nat出生,-ive名词兼形容词后缀] n.本地人;土著民;原产地的运动、植物 adj. 出生的;出生地的;土著民的;与生俱来的,天生的;本土的;本国的;(-to)(动、植物等的)土生的;(金属)天然的 native of New York / South Korea 土生土长的纽约人/韩国人 native speaker of English 母语为英语的人 innate [in内+ nat出生,从出生时起就在某人之内的 ] adj.天生的,天赋的,与生俱来的 Nascent [ˈnæsnt] [nasc (=born,native)+ent形容词缀] adj.尚未形成的;初期的 The nascent age of internet communication has had its pitfalls. 早期的互联网通迅有缺陷。 renascent [re(=again)+nasc+ent] adj.新生的;再生的,复兴的 renaissance[ˈrenəsɑːns] n.复活,复兴,再生 the Renaissance 文艺复兴运动(时期) Renaissance art 文艺复兴时期的艺术
anim 生命,生气,心神
词根anim来自拉丁语的anim,意为life, mind, breath。 拉丁文anima =( breath) , animus (=mind)
animal [anim生命,-al名词兼形容词后缀,活的;活的东西] n.(包含人在内的)动物 adj. 肉体的;动物的,兽类的 animalcule [ænɪmælk'ju:l] [animal动物,-cule名词后缀,表示小] n.小动物,微生物 animalize [-ize动词后缀,使…] v.使动物化;使野蛮 animality [-ity抽象名词后缀] n. 兽性;人的动物本能;动物界(等于animal kingdom) animate [anim生命+ate→使有生命] v.赋予生命;使有活力;鼓舞;绘制(卡通影片) adj.活的;生机勃勃的 things animate and inanimate 生物和无生命物 animated cartoon 卡通影片 animation [anim生命,生气,-ation抽象名词后缀] n.生气,活力,活泼;动画片 with animation 活泼地,生机勃勃地 inanimate [in-无,anim生命,生气,-ate…的] adj.无生命的,无生气的,不活泼的 Some people believe that inanimate objects possess soul or spirit. 一些人相信无生命物体也有灵魂和精神。 inanimation [in-无,anim生命,生气,-ation抽象名词后缀] n.无生命,无生气,不活泼 reanimate [re-再,复,anim生命,活,-ate动词后缀] v.使再生,使复活,使重振精神,使重新活跃 reanimation [re-再,复,anim生命,活,-ation抽象名词后缀] n.再生,复活,重振精神 unanimous [un=uni一个,anim心神,意见,-ous…的,很多全都一个意见的] adj.一致的,一致同意的 a unanimous vote 全体一致的表决 unanimous support 一致的拥护 unanimity [un=uni一个,anim心神,意见,-ity名词后缀] n.全体一致,一致同意 They are reaching unanimity. 他们的意见趋于一致。 magnanimous [magn大, anim心神→气量,-ous…的] adj.宽宏大量的,大度的 a magnanimous gesture 大度的姿态 equanimous [equ平等+anim心神+ous→平等的心态的→平静的] adj. 安静的;镇定的 equanimity [equ平等+anim心神+ity→生命平等→平静] n.平静;沉着 His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity. 他的幽默感让他在面对对手时也不失平静。
spir to breath呼吸
词根spir 来源于拉丁语的spirare/spiratum ,词根spirat 来源此词的 动名词词干,在英语中只出现于与某些动词相应的名词或形容词中; 都意为to breathe。
spirit [spir呼吸,-it名词后缀,呼吸→气息,人活一口气] n.精神,心灵,灵魂;(具有特定品质的)人物;勇气;活力;性格;情绪,心情; 烈酒 say in a kind spirit 亲切地说 in high/low spirits 兴高采烈,情绪低落 the spirit of the times 时代精神 spiritual [spirit,-ual形容词后缀,…的] adj.精神(上)的,心灵的 spiritually adv.精神上 He has tried to help this child materially and spiritually. 他已经尽力在物质和精神上帮助这个孩子了。 spirituality n.灵性;神圣 workplace spirituality 团队精神 spiritualize v. 使精神化;使内心纯净;使变高尚 spirited adj. 活泼的,生机勃勃的;[构成复合词]有心情或情绪做的;猛烈的 spirited attack/defense/reply 猛烈的攻击/勇敢的防御/热烈的回应 spirited conversation 热烈的对话 high-spirited/low-spirited 兴致勃勃的/没精打采的 spiritless adj.无精打采的,垂头丧气的 inspire [in-入,spir呼吸;’吸入”,吸气,注入→注入勇气,注入生气] v.鼓舞,激励,吸入,使生灵感 His superb play inspired the team to a thrilling 5–0 win. 他的出色表现使球队士气大振,以5:0大获全胜。 inspiration [in-入,spir呼吸,-ation名词后缀,表示行为及行为结果] n.鼓舞,激励,吸气,灵感 It came to me in a flash of inspiration . 那是我灵机一动想到的。 Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist. 梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。 spir to breath呼吸 expire [ex-出,(s)pir呼吸,’呼出气体”,呼出最后一口气] v.呼气;断气,死亡;终止,失效,期满 He ceased to breathe, gently expiring without any struggle at the age of 90. When does your driving license expire? 你的驾照什么时候到期? expiration [ex-出,(s)pir呼吸,-ation名词后缀,表示行为] n.结束,期满;吐气,断气 aspire [a<ad (=to,intensive)加强+spir(=breathe),看到渴望的东西加强呼吸] v. 渴望;立志;追求 She aspired to a scientific career. 她有志于科学事业。 aspiration n. 热望 He has never had any aspiration to earn a lot of money. 他从未企求赚很多钱。 aspirant [əˈspaɪərənt] n. 有志向的人 aspirants to the title of world champion 有志夺取世界冠军的人 aspiring adj.有志气的,有抱负的;有志成为…的 Aspiring musicians need hours of practice every day. 想当音乐家就要每天练许多小时。 conspire [con-共同,spir呼吸→互通气息,一个鼻孔出气] v.共谋,同谋,阴谋,密谋策划 They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs. 他们否认共谋走私毒品。 conspirator [kənˈspɪrətər] [con-共同,spir呼吸,-ator表示人] n.共谋者,阴谋家 conspiracy [con-共同,spir呼吸,-acy名词后缀,表示行为] n.共谋,同谋,阴谋,密谋 conspiracy to overthrow the government 颠覆政府的阴谋 respire [re-再,spir呼吸] v.(尤其连续地)呼吸 respiration [re-再,spir呼吸,-ation名词后缀] n.呼吸,呼吸作用 artificial respiration 人工呼吸 respiratory [ˈrespərətɔːri] [re-再,spir呼吸,-atory形容词后缀] adj.呼吸的 respiratory organs/system 呼吸器官/系统 respiratory diseases 呼吸系统疾病 respirator [re-再,spir呼吸,-ator表示物] n.呼吸器,防毒面具,防尘口罩 It's smart to use a respirator if you're working with paint. 如果你工作时要使用油漆,戴上防毒面具会是明智之举。 perspire [per-贯穿,透过,spir呼吸;’呼透”→由手孔呼出] v.出汗,排汗 He began to perspire heavily. 他开始大量出汗。 perspiration [per-贯穿,透过,spir呼吸,-ation名词后缀] n.汗水,流汗;努力 Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead. 他的前额上挂着汗珠。 perspiratory [pə'spaɪrətərɪ] [per-贯穿,透过,spir呼吸,-atory形容词后缀,…的] adj.排汗的
Common Roots Part 6
- fac, fact, fect
- act, ag
- duc, duct
fac, fact, fect
fac, fact, fect to make, to do做
词根fac, fact和fect是一组同源异形根,它们都来源于拉丁动词 facere, 意为to make, to do, to feign。其中, fac是不定式词干; fact是动名词词干;fect 是动词facere的异体ficere 动名词词干。 feas, feit, feat, fit 等是其变形。
fact [fact做,做出的事情] n. 事实;实际情况;真相 factual [fact(=do,make)+ual形容词后缀,实际所做的] adj.事实上的;实际的 a factual account of events 事件的如实报道 factual information 事实信息 factor [fact+or,促使人做的东西→要素,动力] n. 要素;因素 the key/crucial/deciding factor 关键的╱至关重要的╱决定性的因素 facility [fac做+ility名词后缀,易…,容易让人做事] n. 设施,设备;特别装置;附加服务 facilitate [facilit+ate使能够,使能够做→使容易] v. 促进;促使;使便利 Structured teaching facilitates learning. 有条理的教导有利于学习。 facile [ˈfæsl] [fac做+ile能…的] adj. 轻率作出的;容易做到的;不动脑筋的 a facile remark/generalization 信口开河;随意概括 factory [fact做+ory名词后缀表地点,做东西的地方] n.工厂,制造厂 manufacture [manu(=hand)+fact做+ure,用手做] n.制造;生产;产品;制造业 v.制作,生产;捏造,虚构(证据、借口等) manufactured goods 工业品 the manufacture of nuclear weapons 核武器的生产 manufacturer n.生产者,制造者 fac, fact, fect to make, to do做 factitious[fækˈtɪʃəs] [fact做+itious形容词后缀] adj.人为的;不自然的;虚假的 factitious enthusiasm 虚假的热情 factitious demand of goods 商品的虚假需求
benefactor [bene好+fact+or→做好事的人] n. 捐助者;恩人;赞助人 benefaction [bene好+fact+ion,做好事] n. 善事;恩惠;慈善行为 I will repay your benefaction one day. 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。 malefactor [male<mal (=bad) + fact做坏事的人 ] n.罪人;恶人 a well-known criminal lawyer who had saved many a malefactor from going to jail. 一个曾帮很多坏人脱罪的著名刑事律师 malefaction n.罪行,坏事 maleficent [mə'lefɪsənt] [male坏+fic做+ent,做坏事的] adj.有害的,作恶的 My father always jokingly asks what kind of malefactor I'm dating now. 我父亲总是开元笑地问我,最近在和一个什么样的坏小子约会。 affect [a××, e××表加强 af使+fect→使人做→影响] v. 影响;感动 affected [affect 影响+ed→被影响的→被感动的] a. 受感动的;假装的 affection [affect+ion→感动→感情] n. 喜爱;感情,爱情 Mr. Darcy's affection for his sister 达西先生对他妹妹的关爱之情 Anne had two men trying to win her affections. 安妮有两个男人追求。 affectionate [affection 感情+ate] adj. 充满感情的,深情的 He is very affectionate towards his children. 他非常疼爱他的孩子。 affective [affect感动+ive形容词] adj. 情感的,表达感情的 affective disorders 情感障碍 affectation [affect+ation→做出的感动→假装] n. 假装,装模作样 Kay has no affectation at all. 凯一点也不做作。 disaffect [dis分开+affect感情→感情分开→疏远] v. 使…感情疏远;不满 disaffected [disaffect+ed] adj. 不满的;背离的 Some disaffected members left to form a new party. 部分不满的成员已离党另立新党。 disaffection n.不满;背叛 people's disaffection with their country and its leaders 人民对自己国家和领导人的不满
effect [ef=ex出+fect→做出来→生效;效果] n. 结果;效果,效能,效力;影响 v. 实施;生效;效果 effect of heat upon metals 热对金属的影响 take effect 见效,生效,起作用 effective [effect 效果+ive] adj. 有效的;给人深刻印象的 effective measures 有效的手段 effectual [effect 效果+ual] adj.奏效的,有效的 effectual remedy 有效的治疗 effectuate [effect+uate表示动词] v. 使…有效;使发生;完成 How to effectuate distance education is a new topic needed to be studied and put into practice. 远程教育如何实施是一个需要探索和实践的新课题。 efficiency [ef<ex+fic做+i+ency名词后缀] n.效率;效力,效能 improvements in efficiency at the factory 工厂效率的提高 efficient [ef出+fic+ent→能做出事来→有效率的] adj. 有效率的 efficient methods of teaching 有效的教学法 efficiently adv.效率高地;有效地 efficacy [ˈefɪkəsi] [ef出+fic+acy→做出来的结果→功效] n. 功效,效力(尤指药物等) Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle. 近来的医学研究证实了更健康的生活方式的功效。 efficacious [ˌefɪˈkeɪʃəs] [efficac(y变i) +ous] adj. 有效的;奏效的;灵验的 The nasal spray was new on the market and highly efficacious. 这种鼻腔喷雾剂是市场新品,非常有效。 an efficacious vaccine 一种有效的疫苗 proficient [pro前+fic做+i+ent→以前做过→熟练的] adj. 精通的,熟练的 She's proficient in several languages. 她精通好几种语言。 proficiency [pro前+fic做+i+ency] n. 精通,熟练 suffice [suf=under+fice→在底下先做好→充足] v. 使满足;足够,足以 One example will suffice to illustrate the point. 举一个例子就足以说明这一点。 sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的 Allow sufficient time to get there. 留出充足的时间好赶过去。
deficiency [de向下,离开+fic做,做得不够] n.缺乏,不足;不足的数量、数额;缺点,不足之处 deficiency diseases 营养缺乏症 a deficiency of $100 缺100美元 deficient adj.缺乏的,不足的 deficient in courage 勇气不足的 a mentally deficient person 有智力缺陷的人 deficit n.不足的数额,赤字 budget deficit 预算赤字 benefit [bene(=good),fit<fact做] n.益处;帮助;义演;义卖;补助费,救济金 v.有益于;得益 the benefits of a good education 优质教育的益处 benefit performance /concert 义演/义演音乐会 medical / unemployment benefit 医疗津贴/失业救济金 profit [pro先+fit[=fict]→先开始做→利益] n. 利润;利益 profitable [profit+able能…的] adj. 有利可图的;能赚钱的;有好处的 She spent a profitable afternoon in the library. 她在图书馆待了一个下午,颇有收获。 profitability n. 盈利能力;收益性 increase profitability 增加收益 profitably adv. 有利地;有益地 run a business profitably 把企业经营得有盈余 perfect [per全部+fect,全都做到→完美的] adj. 完美的;完全的;优秀的 n.完成式 a perfect copy/fit/match 精确的副本/绝对合身/天作之合 perfection n. 完全;完美 perfectly adv.完美地;完全地 It's perfectly good as it is. 现在这样已经非常好了。 imperfect [im不+per全部+fect,不完美的] adj. 有缺点的;未完成的;不完美的 an imperfect world 不完美的世界 imperfection n.不完美;瑕疵;缺点 They learned to live with each other's imperfections. 他们学会了容忍对方的缺点。 defect [de坏+fect→做坏了→缺陷] n. 缺点,缺陷 He was born with a hearing defect. 他天生听力就有缺陷。 defective [de坏+fect做+ive] adj. 有缺陷的;不完美的 defective goods 有缺陷的商品 defection [de坏+fect→做坏事→变节] n. 背叛,缺点,脱党,变节 infect [in进入+fact→做进去→传染进去] v. 传染;感染 infection [infect+ion] n. 传染;感染 infectious [infect+ious] adj. 传染性的 disinfect [dis不+infect感染,消毒] v.给…消毒 to disinfect a surface/room/wound 给表面╱房间╱伤口消毒 disinfection n.消毒,杀菌
feat [feat=fact做大事→功绩] n. 功绩,事业 to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取/取得惊人的功绩 feature [feat+ure→做事的状态] n. 特色;特征 geographical features 地势 feasible [feas做+ible→能够做的→可行的] adj. 可行的;可能的 a feasible plan/suggestion/idea 可行的计划/建议/想法 feasibility n.可行性;可能性 I doubt the feasibility of the plan. 我怀疑这个计划的可行性。 sacrifice [sacri神圣+fice,为神做的东西→牺牲品] v. 牺牲 n. 牺牲品 to make the final/supreme sacrifice (= to die for your country, to save a friend, etc.) 牺牲生命 Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education. 为了让她受良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲。 Sacrificial [ˌsækrɪˈfɪʃl] adj.牺牲的;献祭的 a sacrificial lamb 祭献的羔羊
ag, act
ag, act to do做, to drive驱使
词根ag来源于拉丁动词agere 的词干部分,意思to drive, to do。 act 是个英语核心单词,其实它的前身act是ag的同源异形词根,来 自agere的动名词形式actum的词干部分,基本含义也是to do或to drive。当ag之前为元音时,ag中的“a”脱落变成“g”。来自拉丁 语的词根dict/duc(du)意为to lead,与其含义相似。
act n.行为;法案;一幕 v.行动;起作用;扮演 act at once 立刻行动 The brakes wouldn't act. 刹车失录。 Who is acting Hamlet ? 谁演哈姆雷特? actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 react [re回+act做] v.反应,作出反应 reaction n.反应,回应;感应 overreact v. 反应过激,反应过火 action n. 行动,活动;作用;诉讼 Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更有说服力。 to bring an action against someone 起诉某人 inaction v.不活动;懒散;怠惰(in- = not) active [act 做+ive......的] adj. 活跃的,积极的 active volcano 活火山 active market 生机勃勃的市场 inactive adj.不活动的;不活泼的;懒惰的 activity n.活动;能动性;活跃 school /classroom /outdoor activities activate v.使活动 The burglar alarm is activated by movement. 这防盗警报器一动就会响。 activism n.[哲]能动主义;积极,活跃 activist n.活动分子,积极分子 actual [act 做+ual形容词后缀,表行为或事实] adj. 实际的;现实的 actually adv.事实上 actualist n.现实主义者 actuality n.事实,现在情况;现实性 actualize v.实行,使现实化 Actuate [ˈæktʃueɪt] [act 做+uate使......] v. 驱动,激励 What motives actuated her ? 什么动机驱使她这样做的? actuation n.驱动,激励;开动 exact [ex出,act 驱使-->to drive out逼出来的] adj. 准确的,精确的 v. 强求,索取 He exacted obedience from his students. 他强要学生服从他。 to be exact in conduct 行为一丝不苟 exactly adv. 恰好地;正是;精确地;正确地 Do exactly as I tell you. 严格按我说的办。 exacting adj.苛求的,严厉的;强索的 exactitude n.精确(性);严格,严谨
interact [inter- 在......之间,act 做,在两者之间互动”] v. 互相作用,互相影响 All things are inter-related and interacted on each other. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相影响的。 interaction n.相互作用;相互 interactant n.[化]反应物 interactive adj.互相作用的;[计]交互的 transact [trans- 穿过,act 驱使 --> to drive through 使通过] v. 执行,办理 He transacted some business at bank. 他在银行处理了一些事务。 transaction n.办理,处理;交易,业务 transactor n. 办事人,处理者 agent [ag做,ent名词后缀,表示人;做事者,“办理人”] n.代理人 agential [agent+ial形容词后缀,……的] adj.代理人的 subagent [sub-副的,agent 代理人] n. 副代理人 coagent [koʊ'eɪdʒənt] [co-共同,ag 做,作 ent 表示人] n.共事者,合作者 [koʊ'eɪdʒənt] agency [ag 做,作 ency 名词后缀] n.代理,代理处,机构,作用 cogency['kəʊdʒ(ə)nsɪ] [co-共同 ag 做,行动 ency名词后缀] n.共事,协作,合作 agency [ag+ency表示机构或状态→代理机构] n. 代理处 agenda [ag 做,end名词后缀 +a 表示复数,things to be done, 待做的事项] n.议事日程 agile [ag 做→活动→灵活 ile 形容词后缀 …..的] adj.灵活的,敏捷的 agility [ag做,-ility名词后缀,表示抽象名词] n.灵活,敏捷 agitate [ag 动+ –it-,-ate 动词后缀 使….. 。使骚动] v. 鼓动,煽动,搅动,使不安定 political groups agitating for social change 鼓吹社会变革的政治团体 agitation [ag 动 +–it-,-ation 名词后缀] n. 鼓动,煽动 agitator [agitat(e)+-or表示人] n.鼓动者,煽动者 agitated [agitat(e),-ed形容词后缀,……的] adj.不安的 Calm down! Don't get so agitated. 冷静下来!别那么激动。 agitating [agitat(e),-ing 形容词后缀,使……的] adj.使人不安的,进行鼓动的
duc, duct
duc, duct to lead引导
来源于拉丁语的ducere意为to lead,这对词根的孳生能力很强,其 同族词不下百个。du 是它们的变形。
educate [e-出,duc引导,-ate动词后缀;“引导出来”, 教导,教育] v.教育,培养 He was educated at Yale and Stanford. 他是在耶鲁和斯坦福接受的教育。 education [educat(e),-ion名词后缀] n.教育 educational adj. 教育的;有教育意义的 educable ['edʒʊkəb(ə)l] [e+duc,-able形容词后缀,可…的] adj.可教育的 introduce [intro-入,duc引,引入] v.引进,介绍 introduction [intro-入,duct引,-ion名词后缀] n.引进,介绍 introductory [intro-入,duct引,-ory形容词后缀,…的] adj.介绍的,导言的 conduct [con加强意义,duct引导] v.引导,指导,管理,经营 conductor [con加强意义,duct引导,-or表示人或物] n.指导者,管理者,(乐队等的)指挥,(电车等的)售票员;导体 conduction n.(电流、热等的)传导 conductive adj.传导的 semiconductor [semi-半,conductor导体] n.半导体 misconduct [mis-误,错,conduct指导→办理] v.办错,对…处理不当 produce [pro-向前,duc引导,引出…来→制出,产生出] v.生产,出产,制造,产生,引进 produce a new play 上演一部新剧 a well-produced book 一本印制得很好的书 product [pro-向前,duct引导] n.产品,产物,产量,出产 production [pro-向前,duct引导,-ion名词后缀] n.生产,制造 productive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] adj.生产的,生产性的 productive writer 多产作家 reproduce [re-再,produce生产] v.再生产,再造,复制 reproduction n. 繁殖,生殖;复制;复制品 sexual reproduction 有性生殖 abduct [ab-离,去,duct引;“引去”] v.诱拐,绑架 The robber decided to abduct a hostage. 强盗决定绑架一名人质。 abduction [ab-离,去,duct引,-ion名词后缀] n.诱拐,绑架,诱导 abductor [ab-离,去,duct引,-or表示人] n.诱拐者,拐子
seduce [se-离,去,duc引;“引诱去”] v.诱惑,诱使…堕落,勾引 seducer [se-离,去,duc引,-er者] n.引诱者,勾引者 seduction [se-离,去,duc引,-ion名词后缀] n.勾引,诱惑 aqueduct [aque水,duct引导;“引导水流之物”] n.导水管,引水渠,沟渠,高架渠 viaduct ['vaɪədʌkt] [via道路,duct引导;“把路引导过去”] n.高架桥,跨线桥,旱桥,栈道 ventiduct [venti风,duct引导;“引导风的”管道] n.通风管,通风道 reduce [re-回,向后,duc引; “向后引”→退缩,减退] v.减少,缩减 Reduce speed now. 减速行驶 reduction [re-回,向后,duc引,-ion名词后缀] n.减少,减小,缩减 reductor [re-回,向后,duc引,-or表示物] n.减速器,减压器 induce [in-加强意义,duc引→引诱] v.引诱,诱使,诱导 drugs which induce sleep 使人昏昏欲睡的药物 inducer [in-加强意义,duc引,-er表示人] n.引诱者,诱导者 inducement [in-加强意义,duc引,-ment名词后缀] n.引诱,劝诱 deduce [de向下,duc引导] v. 演绎,推论 Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve? 你保持沉默,我们是否可以据此而推断出你不赞成? deductive adj. 推论的;演绎的 deductive method 演绎法 deduct n. 扣除,减除 deduct 10% from the salary 从工资里扣除10% deductible adj.可扣除的;可减免的 deductible tax (可减免的税款) deduction n.扣除(额),减除(额);推论;演绎 deductions from pay for insurance and pension 从薪水里扣除一部分作为保险费和退休金
- 后缀(suffix),又称字尾或词尾,在词汇学的定义中表示一种后置于其他词素后的词缀。
- 以英语为例:
- move(动词)+ -ment(后缀)→movement(名词)
- 借由后缀-ment的使用,使原本的动词词素转为名词,为语言衍生的一种形式。
- 汉语中的也有很多后缀,如:
然(表示样子): 盎然、庞然、成绩斐然
性(表示性质): 挥发性、艺术性、实用性
化(转变性质或状态): 优化、量化、自动化
Common Suffixes
- Verb Suffixes
- Adverb Suffixes
- Noun Suffixes
- Adjective Suffixes
Verb Suffixes
- 来源于拉丁文,可加缀在形容词、名词、动词词根或词干后面构成动词
- 当它与形容词词根缀合时,意为to become“成为…”或to cause to be“使成为…”,如active(活跃的)+ate=activate(使活动,激活)
- 当它与名词词根缀合时,其意思为to produce“生成…”,to treat with“用…处理”,to combine with “与…结合”,如instance(例子)+ate=instantiate(举例说明)
- 当它与动词词根结合时,-ate 只起表明词性或加强词义的作用,如fix(固定)+ate=fixate(使固定;注视)
Why does everyone keep fixating on that?
- create 创造 cre=ker=to grow,create=to make grow
- activate 激活,使活动 active活跃的
- invalidate 使无效 in-否定, valid有效的
- hydrate 为…补水 hydr=water水
- motivate 成为…的动机 motive动机
- 动词以及形容词后缀-en意为“make, having the quality of"
- 后缀-en来源于古英语-nian,一般加缀在英语形容词或名词后面。
- 当它与形容词缀合时,意为to cause to be“使…”或to become “变得…”,如quiet(安静的)+en=quieten(使安静,抚慰)
- 当它与名词缀合时,意为to cause to have“使有…”或to become to have“变得有”,如stength(力量)+en=strengthen(加强,使强状)
- broaden 拓宽 broad 宽的
- hasten 催促 haste 匆忙
- soften 使缓和,减轻 soft 柔软的
- lengthen 延长 length 长度
- weaken 削弱 weak 弱的
If you want to expand your views of the world and broaden your horizons, travelinng is one of the best ways.
How to soffen brown sugar quickly?
3.-fy, -ify, -efy
- 拉丁动词后缀-fy既可以与形容词和名词相结合,也可以加缀在词根后面。
- 由-fy构成的动词多是及物的,-fy 的意思为to make “使成为”“使…化”,如beauty(美)+fy=beautify(使美化)
- 由于读音的关系,-fy与以辅音结尾的词基之间,往往需要添加字母i或e,由e结尾的词则往往变e为i,所以也可以把-ify或-efy看成-fy的异体。
- 顺便提一下,以-fy结尾的动词的相对应的名词派生词一般以-fication或-faction结尾。
- classify 分类,分等 class 等级
- uglify 丑化 ugly 丑的
- verify 核实 ver=ture 真实的
- fortify 增强,设防 fort=strong 强的
- petrify 使石化 petr=stone石
- stupefy 使惊呆 stup=amazed受惊的
4.-ize, ise
- 来源于希腊语的动词后缀-ize意为“make”,表示“使成…状态”“使…化”等意思,英式英语中使用-ise
- -ize一般作为派生词缀用在形容词或名词后面,构成动词
- -ize 构成的动词多是及物动词,不及物动词为数很少。
- finalize/finalise最终确定 final 最后的
- realize/realise意识到 real 真实的
- memorize/memorise记住 memory 记忆
- authorize/authorise批准,授权 author 作者,原著者
- vitalize/vitalise使有生气 vit=life活
How many words can i memorize every day?
- 来源于古英语,意为“make”
- -ish作动词词缀时,表示“做”“致使”“造成”
- finish 结束 fin=stop 停止
- flourish 繁荣 flour=flower 花
- nourish 滋养 nour=nutri=nurse 养育
- abolish 废除 abol=destroy 破坏
- diminish 减小 de-+mini=small 小
You gotta nourish to flourish.
Adverb Suffixes
来源于古英语,表示in what manner something is being done
- 状态(如cheerfully兴奋地)
- 方式(如financially财务上地)
- 程度(如greatly大大地)
- 次序(如thirdly第三地)
- 时间(如recently近期地)
- …
2.-ward, -wards
- -ward和wards都是古英语的表方向的派生后缀,表示in a certain direction
- -ward既可以充当形容词后缀,也可以充当副词后缀
- -wards只能充当副词后缀
- 它们一般加在介词、形容词或名词后面,表示tending to or leading to“倾向… 地”,in the direction of “在…方向”“往…方向”,toward“朝…”等意思
• backward(s) 向后
He took two steps backward.
• toward(s) 朝,向,对着
She had her back towards me.
• afterwards 后来,然后
Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said.
• homeward 向家的方向
John drove homeward.
- 派生后缀-wise 来自古英语名词wise
- 它可以加在形容词、名词或动词后面构成方式副词,表示in a … manner“以…的方式”, in relation to“关于”“在…方面”等意思
likewise | like如同,如同样的方式 | 同样地 |
otherwise | other其它的 | 在其他方面,另外 |
clockwise | clock钟,像钟一样运行 | 顺时针方向地 |
lengthwise | length长度 | 纵长地 |
edgewise | edge边 | 从旁边 |
Somebody says: "Nice to meet you." You reply: "Likewise." or "It's nice to meet you too."
Noun Suffixes
- -er, -or
- -eer, -ier, -yer,-eur
- -ee
- -ant, -ent
- -ary
- -an, -ese
- -ician
- -ist
- -ard, -erd
- -ate
-er, -or
- 两者都通过在动词后添加词缀变为名词,大意都是one who has to do with,如teacher和actor
- -er源自古英语,是日耳曼本族原生词缀,好多语源(如希腊语等)的词根都可以和它结合,所以以-er结尾的职业名词远多于-or。
- -or源于拉丁语,一般只和拉丁源词根结合,所以数量上较少,但也有一些例外情况,如sailor(sail源自古英语)
- 关于-er, -or社会分工等级划分是不确切的,实用意义上并没有这样的等级指向
- 此外,-er还可以表示属于某国或某地区的人,如Londoner(伦敦人)
trainer | 教练员 | author | 作者 |
firefighter | 消防员 | doctor | 医生 |
reader | 读者 | operator | 操作员 |
writer | 作者 | protector | 保护者 |
banker | 银行家 | narrator | 解说员 |
islander | 岛上居民 | professor | 教授 |
-eer, -ier, -yer,-eur
- -eer, -ier, -yer, -eur都可以表示“从事……的人,与……有关的人”,和从事的工作有一定专业性的人。
pioneer | 先锋 | lawyer | 律师 |
volunteer | 志愿者 | sawyer | 锯木人 |
engineer | 工程师 | bowyer | 制弓人 |
cashier | 收银员 | amateur | 业余爱好者 |
premier | 总理 | entrepreneur | 企业家 |
carrier | 搬运工 | restauranteur | 餐馆老板 |
- 词缀-ee表示的多是行为的接受者
- 意思是“被……的人,受……的人”
employee | 雇员 |
interviewee | 参加面试者 |
refugee | 难民 |
appointee | 被指派者 |
evacuee | 被疏散者 |
Trump appointee refuses to allow biden transition team to formally begin working.
-ant, -ent
- 前缀-ant, -ent源于拉丁语
- -ant, -ent可以加在动词之后,表示动作的主动者
assistant | 助手 | student | 学生 |
merchant | 商人 | president | 总统 |
accountant | 会计 | resident | 居民 |
applicant | 申请人 | patient | 患者 |
William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
- 来源于拉丁语
- 表示“从事…的人、属于某一职位的人”
secretary | 秘书 |
adversary | 对手 |
notary | 公证人 |
missionary | 传教士 |
-an, -ese
- -ese作名词词缀时表示“某国的、某地的、某国或某地的人”,当然也可以表语言。
- -an也有这种意思,意思是“属于……地区的人”,它也有其他表示人的词汇用法。
Portuguese | 葡萄牙人 | orphan | 孤儿 |
Cantonese | 广东人 | publican | 出版商 |
American | 美国人 | artisan | 工匠 |
Asian | 亚洲人 | historian | 历史学家 |
Artisan: aperson or company that makes a high-quality, distinctive product in small quantities, usually by hand and using traditional methods.
- 名词后缀-ician 来源于法语,表示“精通者,专家,能手,精于某种学术的人”,在某一方面擅长或从事某种职业的人。
musician | 音乐家 | politician | 政治家 |
physician | 内科医生 | academician | 院士 |
technician | 技工 | logician | 逻辑学家 |
magician | 魔术师 | mathematician | 数学家 |
- -ist作表示人的名词后缀时有两种意思。
- 一是表示某种主义者或某种信仰者
- 二是表示从事某种职业或研究的人
communist | 共产主义者 | scientist | 科学家 |
capitalist | 资本家 | artist | 艺术家 |
racist | 种族主义者 | pianist | 钢琴家 |
optimist | 乐观主义者 | naturalist | 博物学者,自然主义者 |
Optimist: [ˈäptəməst] noun
aperson who semlls smoke and busts out some marshmallows.
-ard, -erd
- -ard, -erd作名词词缀都可表示“人”,并且大多含有贬义或轻蔑的意味
coward | 懦夫 |
bastard | 讨厌鬼 |
dullard | 笨蛋 |
drunkard | 醉鬼 |
sluggard | 懒鬼 |
nerd | 呆子 |
Monday you bastard.
- -ate也可以作名词后缀表示人,但这个用法不是很多。
candidate | 候选人 |
advocate | 拥护者 |
associate | 同事 |
delegate | 代表 |
graduate | 毕业生 |
Noun Suffixes
- -ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition
- -ity
- -ment
- -ness
- -th
- -age
- -ancy, -ance, -ency, -ence
- -bility
- -ry, -ery
- -ure
- -ship
- -ar
-sion, -tion
- 名词后缀-sion来源于古法语、法语或拉丁语,表示“行为”,这个后缀的引申意有“行为的过程,结果,情况,性质,状态,动作”
- 当后缀-ion(来源于拉丁语-io)在基础词后面或遇到-t或-te后,变形成了后缀-tion
convention | con共同,ven=come来 | 大会 |
description | descript v.描述 | 描述 |
exhibition | exhibit v. 展示 | 展览 |
discussion | discuss v. 讨论 | 讨论 |
expression | express v. 表达 | 表达 |
possession | possess v. 拥有 | 拥有 |
上海世博展览馆 Shanghai world expo Exhibition & convention center
- 后缀-ity 及其异体-ty, -ety是英语中最常见的拉丁名词后缀之一,它在英语中覆盖面与-ion 不差上下。-ion主要加在动词或动词词根上,构成名词,表示有关的行为。
- -ity只与形容词或形容词词根相缀合,构成名词,表示具有某种特征的状态、性质或事实,其意思相当于the condition, quality or fact of being…
- 除了与单纯的形容词或词根相结合,-ity还经常加在某些带形容词后缀的单词上。所以,常常可以看到“形容词后缀+-ity”的复合形式,如-acity, -ality, -anity, -arity, -ability(=-able + -ity), -ibility(
-ible + -ity), -ility(
-ile + -ity), -ivity(= -ive + -ity),-ocity, -osity(=-ous + -ity)等等
brevity | brev=short短的 | 简短 |
density | dense稠密的 | 稠密 |
sincerity | sincere真诚的 | 真诚,诚意 |
acuity | acute尖锐的 | 尖锐 |
creativity | creative有创造力的 | 创造性 |
ability | able有能力的 | 能力 |
The secret of success is sincerity.
- 名词后缀-ment来源于拉丁语,经历了被英语同化的过程之后,既可以充当原生后缀加在动词词根上,也可以充当派生后缀加在动词上
- -ment的意思主要是the act or state or fact of ”…的行为、状况或事实“,the condition of being ”被…的状况“,the result of ”…的产物或结果“
- 带-ment的名词,往往有对应的带-mental的形容词
movement | move v. 动 | 移动 |
agreement | agree v. 同意 | 协议 |
management | manage v. 管理 | 管理 |
establishment | establish v. 建立 | 建立 |
commandment | command v. 命令 | 戒律 |
commencement | commence v. 开始 | 开始 |
- 来 源 于 古 英 语
sadness | sad伤心的 | 伤心 |
goodness | good好的 | 善行 |
weakness | weak虚弱的 | 懦弱 |
kindness | kind善良的 | 仁慈 |
bitterness | bitter痛苦的 | 痛苦 |
idleness | idle懒惰的 | 懒惰 |
Do not let idleness set in, not even for a second, as seconds will lead to minute, minutes will lead to hour, hours will lead to day, day will lead to week, weeks will lead to mounth, months will lead to year, years will be wasted before you realize there is no more time left to waste.
- 名词后缀-th是来源于古英语的派生后缀。
- 它除了与三以上的基数词结合构成序数词之外,意为number in order “第…”,如fourth, fifth, twentieth
- 还可以与本族语的动词、形容词相结合,构成相应的名词,意为the quality orcondition of being, 表示行为、性质、状态、情况等
- 有时-th 与古英语单词相结合,词基形态与现代英语单词不一样
growth | grow生长 | 生长 |
birth | bir=to bear生育 | 出生 |
length | leng=long长的 | 长度 |
depth | dep=deep深的 | 深度 |
width | wid=wide宽的 | 宽度 |
truth | tru=true真的 | 真理 |
Height: width, length, height
-ancy,-ance 来源于拉丁语,加在动词或动词词根后构成抽象名词, 意为qualityorstate,表示状态、情况、性质、行为
resistance | re回,sist=stand站 | 抵抗 |
guidance | guide引导 | 指导 |
attendance | attend参加 | 出席 |
militancy | milit=soldier士兵 | 交战,战事 |
expectancy | expect期待 | 期待 |
occupancy | occupy占用 | 占用 |
Life Expectancy in Japan
-ency, -ence
- 来源于拉丁语及法语的名词后缀-ence(-ency)的用法与-ance(-ancy)基本相同。它们加在动词或动词词根后,意为the act or fact of 或者the quality or condition of,即表示行为或该行为的性质状态等
- 以-ence,-ency后缀结尾的名词往往有与之对应的以-ent结尾的形容词,如 difference-different,urgency-urgent
silence | silen=to be quiet安静 | 安静 |
difference | dif=dis分离,fer=take拿 | 差异 |
competence | com共同,pet=to seek寻求 | 能力 |
opulence | opul=wealth富有 | 富裕 |
emergency | e=ex向外,merge沉浸 | 紧急情况 |
efficiency | ef=ex, fic=make做 | 效率 |
-ry, -ery
- 名词后缀-ry 是后缀-ery 的缩略形式
- -ry 主要用在以t, d, l, n, sh, w等字母结尾的可数名词或名词性词根后面,构成名词。它主要表示the occupation of “…的行业”,the act of “…的行为”,the quality or condition of “…性质或状态”,a collection of “…集合体”,它还可以表示a place for“…的地点”
- rivalry 敌对
- artistry 艺术性
- devilry 邪恶
- chemistry 化学
- merchantry 商业
- dentistry 牙科
- poetry 诗
- weaponry 武器
- poultry 家禽
- laundry 洗衣房
- pantry 食品贮藏室
- pigeonry 鸽舍
- 来源于拉丁语,意为effect, operation,practice
- -ure为名词及动词后缀,为名词后缀时,构成抽象名词,表示“状态、行为,行为的结果、情况等”
exposure | ex出, pos=put放置 | 暴露 |
closure | close关闭 | 关闭 |
pressure | press压 | 压力 |
seizure | seize抓住 | 夺取 |
failure | fail失败 | 失败 |
texture | text=weave编织 | 质地 |
- 名词后缀-ship,总的来意思为“quality,condition, state, office, skill”
- 它是个本族语派生后缀,一般与名词相结合构成抽象名词,表示the position or occupation of “…职业,…行业”,the quality or condition or being“…的性质或状况”,the act or skill of “…的行为或技能”,the relation between“…间的关系”
- friendship 友谊
- fellowship 伙伴关系
- dictatorship 独裁政府
- hardship 困难
- citizenship 公民身份
- apprenticeship 学徒身份
- craftsmanship 手艺
- heirship 继承权
Hardship steers us lowards our real strength.
- 后缀-age这是一个由古法语引进的拉丁名词后缀。在现代英语中,-age主要作为派生后缀。
- 它有两种功能:1.加在动词后面构成抽象名词,意为the act or result of…,即表示该行为或行为的结果
- 2.加在名词后面,基本意思为a group of 或 a place for ,即表示该事物群体或与该事物有关的场所等;有时意为the condition of,即表示事物的状况。
package 包裹 marriage 婚姻 postage 邮费 baggage 行李 bandage 绷带
- 来源于拉丁语 -arem, -aris ,只能加在拉丁名词词根后面,多构成形容词(后面形容词部分讲解),有时也可名词化
- 表示属性,类别相关含义
calendar | 日历 |
collar | 衣领 |
peninsular | 半岛 |
pillar | 柱子 |
radar | 雷达 |
sonar | 声呐 |
- -ary, -ory, -ery, -ry
- -age
- -um,-ium,-orium,-arium
-ary, -ory, -ery
- 作为名词后缀, -ary, -ory, -ery,主要表示place where…,意思是“做…的场所”
- 一般加在名词或动词后构成名词
library | 图书馆 |
granary | 谷场 |
dormitory | 宿舍 |
factory | 工厂 |
nursery | 托儿所 |
gallery | 画廊 |
- -um这个后缀的含义分为二大类,一类是表示场所和地点,一类表示金属元素名称如radium镭,platinum铂等
- 它的变体后缀有-ium,-orium,-arium
museum | 博物馆 |
forum | 法庭 |
podium | 讲台 |
stadium | 体育场 |
aquarium | 水族馆 |
auditorium | 礼堂 |
-age • 后缀-age与名词age没有任何关系。后缀-age这是一个由古法语引进的拉丁名词后缀。在现代英语中,-age主要作为派生后缀。 • 加在名词后面,基本意思为a group of 或 a place for,即表示该事物群体或与该事物有关的场所等
village | 村庄 |
garage | 车库 |
cottage | 小屋 |
orphanage | 孤儿院 |
- -cle, -cule
- -ette
- -et
- -let
- -ie, -y, -ling
-cle, -cule
- 来源于拉丁语
- -cle, -cule是很常见的名词后缀,意为“small”
- 表示“小的东西”
cubicle | cub=to lie down躺下 | 小卧室,小隔间 |
manacle | man(u)=hand手 | 手铐 |
particle | part一部分 | 颗粒,微粒 |
pinnacle | pin=peak山峰 | 顶点,顶峰 |
molecule | mole=mass大量 | 分子 |
groupuscule | group组 | 小团体,小派别 |
What is a molecule?
A molecule is a neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.
- 名词后缀-ette为名词后缀-etta变体,后缀-etta来源于法语,表示“小的东西”
cigarette | cigar雪茄 | 烟卷 |
essayette | essay文章 | 短散文 |
cassette | casse=box, a little box | 卡带 |
roomette | room房间 | 小房间 |
palette | pal盘,板 | 调色板;眼影盘 |
- 名词后缀-et来源于法语,主要加在法语的名词后,表示“小、组或组合”之意
- 从这些意思中又引申出:“微,小的,组,组合”等意思
floweret | flower花 | 小花 |
cabinet | cabin小屋 | 内阁;小陈列室 |
blanket | blank=blanc(法文)白,白布 | 小毯子 |
ticket | tick=法文 etiquet=note | 票 |
islet | isle岛 | 小岛 |
- 名词后缀-let来源于中古法语或拉丁语,少部分加在人称名词上,有轻蔑意味,大多半用于物件名称,表示“小”,有些还是科学名词。
- 它的引申意义有“微小,在…佩带的小饰物”
booklet | book书 | 小册子 |
rootlet | root根 | 小根,细根 |
bullet | bull=ball球 | 子弹 |
streamlet | stream水流 | 小河 |
fillet | fill=thread线 | 束发带;鱼片 |
-ie, -y
- 这二个后缀作为专有名词的昵称,名词后缀后缀-ie有时候与前缀-y通用,前缀-ie来源于古英语,常见于有关称呼、人名、小孩话或俗语里,且加在人名上,常有缩短原名音节的功能,如: Caroline – Carrie
- 同类后缀有: -kin,-ie,-en,-ling都表示带有表情色彩的名词。前三者是由名词派生,如:lambkin 小绵羊、birdie 小鸟、maiden 少女; 后者可以分别由名词,形容词,动词派生,如:weakling 虚弱的人、duckling小鸭子changeling 矮小丑陋的人。
birdie | 小鸟 |
piggie | 小猪 |
daddy | 爹爹(表爱称) |
kitty | 小猫 |
pony | 小马 |
- -logy, ology
- -ics
- -ism
-logy, -ology
- -logy是最常用的术语后缀之一。正如多数术语词缀一样,它来源于古希腊语。
- 作为原生后缀,-logy主要加在希腊名词词根(或希腊术语前缀)后面,有时它需要依靠连接字母-o-帮助构词
- -logy的主要意思是the doctrine, study or science of…“…论,…学,…科”,有时表示它在希腊文中的原意the speech or discussion of…“…的言语”
- 与-logy相对应的表示“…学的”与“…者”的后缀分别是-logical与-logist。-logy 是现代英语中也是被用作派生后缀,加在名词上,构成科学术语
- 注意词根log本身的意思就是“speech”
anthropology | anthrop=man人 | 人类学 |
criminology | crimin=crime犯罪 | 犯罪学 |
theology | the=god神 | 神学 |
geology | geo=earth地球 | 地理学 |
eulogy | eu=good好的 | 颂词 |
Egyptology | Egypt埃及 | 埃及学 |
- 名词后缀-ics意为“study, art, science, system",常用于学术用语后面。
politics | polit=city城市 | 政治学 |
economics | economy经济 | 经济学 |
mechanics | mechan机器 | 机械学 |
electronics | electron电子 | 电子学 |
physics | physic=natural science | 物理学 |
nucleonics | nucleon核子 | 核子学 |
- 名词后缀ism 来源于希腊语,意为“belief, speech,condition, state, act”
• 多表示“…主义”或“宗教”
egoism | ego=i我 | 利己主义 |
altruism | altru=other别人 | 利他主义 |
hedonism | hedon=pleasure欢愉 | 享乐主义 |
Buddhism | huddha佛 | 佛教 |
Hinduism | hindu印度 | 印度教 |
Catholicism | catholic天主的 | 天主教 |
Adjective Suffixes
- -able, -ible
- -al
- -an
- -ant, -ent
- -ar
- -ary
- -ine
- -ive
- -il, -ile, -eel
1.-able, -ible
- 后缀-able是从法词引进的拉丁语后缀,表示capable of being
- 其意思相当于“能被…的”或“可被…的”
- 由-able构成的原生形容词为数不多,主要是充当现代英语中的活性派生后缀,可以加在许多及物动词后
- -able的异体-ible是原生词缀,它只能加在拉丁词根或词干上,有时这些词根要经过适当的变形才能与-ible结合。
adjustable | 可调节的 |
exchangeable | 可交换的 |
movable | 可移动的 |
audible | 听得见的 |
credible | 值得信任的 |
impossible | 不可能的 |
Adjustable standing desks.
- 加在名词或名词性词根后面,构成形容词,意思相当于of~(…的),like ~(像…),having the nature of ~(有…性质的)
vital | 至关重要的 |
rural | 乡下的 |
verbal | 口头的 |
annual | 每年的 |
tropical | 热带的 |
critical | 批评的 |
3.-ant, -ent
- 我们之前提到过,-ant, -ent可加在动词后,构成名词,表示动作的主动者(人或物)
- -ant, -ent还能与动词或动词词根相结合,构成形容词,其意思相当于“…的”“的作用”,其作用相当于英语中表示现在分词的词尾-ing
- 此类形容词往往有对应的以-ance/-ence或-ancy/-ency结尾的表行为的名词。
accordant | 一致的 |
distant | 远的 |
vacant | 空的 |
brilliant | 卓越的 |
violent | 暴力的 |
fluent | 流利的 |
- 后缀-ar可作为形容词或名词后缀,前面已讲过名词后缀的用法
- -ar作形容词后缀表示“属于…的”、“有…性质的”
- 有些词加后缀-ar 时发生音变,常见的形式是词干中增加“u”这个字母,如:angular 有角的、cellular 细胞的、muscular 肌肉的
circular | 循环的 |
similar | 相似的 |
globular | 球状的 |
insular | 岛屿的 |
regular | 规则的 |
molecular | 分子的 |
- 来源于拉丁语,作形容词词缀时意为of or relating to
- 表示“意为属于…的、有…性质的、与…有关的”
- 在中古英语时,从拉丁语引入到单词中,后来从拉丁语引入到法语,后缀变成了-aire ,进入到中古英语后变成了-arie,后来就演变成了-ary
- 以-ary,-ery,-ory 结尾的词,音节不超过四个的词重音一般都在前边,如:factory 工厂,necessary必须的
honorary | 荣誉的 |
imaginary | 想象的 |
stationary | 静止的 |
temporary | 短暂的 |
sedentary | 久坐不动的 |
elementary | 基本的 |
The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.
- 来自古法语-in/-ine ,-ine可作形容词以及名词后缀,意为"of, like,"
- 表示“属于…的、具有…的、如…的、有…性质的”
divine | 神的 |
feminine | 女性的 |
genuine | 真的,真诚的 |
masculine | 男性的 |
marine | 海洋的 |
- 源自拉丁语的-ive是英语中最重要的形容词后缀之一
- 与表示行为的名词后缀-ion一样,-ive加缀在动词或动词词根后,构成相应形容词,表示与该行为有关的性质与倾向等,其意思相当于英语的现在分词后缀-ing“…的”或having to do with “与…有关的”,having the quality of“具有…性质的”tending to or likely to “倾向于做…的”
- 由于拉丁构词的影响,-ive还有-ative,itive 等异体
expensive | 昂贵的 |
attractive | 有吸引力的 |
impressive | 给人印象深刻的 |
productive | 多产的 |
supportive | 支持的 |
- 后缀-ile来源于法语-il或来源于拉丁语的-ilis,可作形容词和名词后缀
- 当作形容词后缀时,表示“属于或具有某种性质的、倾向于…的、如…的、易于…的”,大多数与名词后缀 -ility 相对应
fertile | fert=fer=take能带来粮食的 | 肥沃的 |
mobile | mob=move移动 | 可移动的 |
docile | doc教导,易于管教的 | 易驯服的 |
fragile | frag破 | 脆弱的 |
hostile | host=enemy敌人 | 敌方的 |
juvenile | juven=young年轻的 | 青少年的 |
- -ish
- -like
- -ly
- -y
- -some
- -esque
- 我们已经讲了-ish作名词、动词后缀的用法,它作形容词后缀时意为having the quality of,of the nature or character of
- -ish加在名词后,表示“如…的、似…的、有…的性质的”。
childish | 孩子气的 |
bullish | 牛市的 |
selfish | 自私的 |
clownish | 小丑般的 |
stylish | 时髦的 |
amateurish | 外行的 |
- 形容词后缀-like 来源于中古英语或古英语,意思是“似…的,像…样的,喜欢…的”,一般加在名词后,构成形容词。
- 有时同一名词构成形容词采用 -like 和 -ish 两种形式的后缀,前者多为褒义,后者都为贬义,如:
- child → childlike 天真烂漫的→ childish 幼稚的
childlike | 天真烂漫的 |
manlike | 大丈夫气概的 |
motherlike | 慈爱的 |
homelike | 像家一样舒适的 |
lifelike | 栩栩如生的 |
businesslike | 高效的 |
- 之前我们讲过了以-ly作副词词缀,这里我们讲它加在名词后面充当形容词后缀
- 在这种情况下,-ly不是活性词缀,它的构词数量是有限的。其意思主要为 like “像…的”characteristic of “有…性质的”,suited to“适于…的” 等意思。
leisurely | 悠闲的 |
ghastly | 恐怖的 |
scholarly | 好学的 |
gentlemanly | 绅士的 |
saintly | 圣洁的 |
- 后缀-y来源于古英语,是个派生后缀,既是形容词后缀也是名词后缀
- 作形容词后缀时主要与名词相结合,也可以与形容词或动词结合
- 当它与名词相结合时,可表示full of “多…的”,resembling“像…的” ,characterized by“有…特征的”等意思。
bumpy | 崎岖不平的 |
cloudy | 多云的 |
salty | 咸的 |
funny | 有趣的 |
chilly | 寒冷的 |
sleepy | 困的 |
- 形容词后缀-some 来源于古英语,它与不定代词some同源,但在构词中意思却更为复杂。
- -some可以与名词结合,表示causing “产生…的”
- 也可以与动词相结合,表示tending to“易于…的”
- 可以与形容词相结合,表示to a considerable degree “相当…的”。
meddlesome | 好管闲事的 |
troublesome | 令人烦恼的 |
burdensome | 负担沉重的 |
cumbersome | 笨重的 |
lonesome | 寂寞的 |
darksome | 阴暗的 |
• 该词由 hand 加形容词后缀 -some 构成。由于它早巳丧失了原 始词义,所阻一般人对其理据就很难埋解。在亨利八世时代 (1509 - 1547) handsome 是 handy (近便的)或 easy to handle (易于操纵)的意思。 16世纪20年代有位作家谈到德国 人的长剑不如罗马短剑那样灵便,就用了 handsome 一词来表示 “灵便的”。最先将这个词用于今义的当数英国诗人斯宾塞 ( Edmund Spenser ,1552 - 1599)和英国剧作家、诗人莎士 比亚。他们在16世纪90年代用 handsome 来表示“(男子)漂亮 的”。它的另两个词义:“精巧的”(如 a handsome piece of work )和“可观的”(如 a handsome tip )原先仅用于美国英语, 但如今可能也已在整个英语世界通用了。
- 形容词后缀-esque 来源于法语,表示“如…的”,“…式的”,“…似的”
- 有同类后缀-ique
- 如果此后缀加在艺术家、作家或作品名上,表示“模仿…的”
picturesque | 如画般的 |
statuesque | 雕像般的 |
gigantesque | 巨大的 |
arabesque | 阿拉伯式的 |
antique | 古老的 |
unique | 独特的 |
- -ful
- -ous, (-eous,-ious,-uous,-itous,-tious,-ulous)
- 来源于古英语的形容词后缀-ful意为“full of,having the quality of”
- 多加在名词之后表示“充满…的、易于…、可…的、富有…的、具有…的”的意思,是很常用的形容词后缀,反义词后缀是-less
- 此外, -ful也能加在名词之后作名词后缀,表示充满的量。
- wonderful 美妙的
- beautiful 美丽的
- helpful 有帮助的
- truthful 真实的
- purposeful 有意义的
- stressful 压力大的
- spoonful 一匙(的量)
- mouthful 一口(的量)
- fistful 一把(的量)
- 形容词后缀-ous来源于拉丁语
- 后缀-ous的基本意思是having of“具有…的”或full of “充满…的”,此外还有“characterized by, having the nature of, having to do with”的意思。
- 后缀-ous可以充当派生后缀与名词结合,如dangerous(危险的)
- 也可以充当原生后缀与名词性的词根相结合,如hydrous(含水的)
- 由于拉丁构词的影响,-ous在与词根结合时,有-eous,-ious,-uous,-tious,-ulous等异体。
generous | 慷慨的 | ambitious | 有雄心的 |
famous | 著名的 | nutritious | 有营养的 |
nervous | 紧张的 | credulous | 轻信的 |
spacious | 宽敞的 | ridiculous | 可笑的 |
hilarious | 极其滑稽的 | advantageous | 有利的 |
auspicious | 吉祥的 | plenteous | 丰富的 |
Today is the auspicious day to start anything new.
Burn your anxieties! Burn your confusions! Burn your doubts! Burn your misunderstandings!
Burn your failures! Start new! Live new! Enjoy new! Good Morning!
- Wish you an auspicious new year!
- Wish you a happy new year!
- Wish you health and wealth!
- Wish you great fortune
- -ple, -ble
- -fold
-ple, -ble, -fold
- -ple, -ble来源于拉丁语plus,意为-fold,同时结合了pele的含义表示more
- 形容词或副词后缀-fold来源于中古英语,作形容词后缀时,一般多加在二以上的基数词上,表示“倍数”,它构成的词常作状语,表示程度。
- 它可以加在数词 ( 或个别代词 ) 后面构成副词,这种词同时又是形容词。
double | 双倍的 |
treble | 三倍的 |
triple | 三倍的 |
sextuple | 六倍的 |
decuple | 十倍的 |
multiple | 数量多的 |
eightfold | 八倍的/地 |
tenfold | 十倍的/地 |
thousandfold | 千倍的/地 |
manifold | 非常多的/地 |
He who gives love will receive a thousandold in return.
- -less
- 形容词后缀-less意为“without”,表示否定意义的-less是个本族语派生后缀,原意为free from或without
- 它主要加在名词后面,构成相应的形容词,意为without“无…的”,lacking“缺乏…的”,freefrom“没有…的”等
- 它也可以与某些动词结合,意为that never …s“从不…的”,that cannot be …ed“不可…的”
- fearless 大胆的
- homeless 无家可归的
- rainless 缺雨的
- restless 焦躁不安的
- careless 不小心的
- countless 无数的
- The root in language is either a base word, or a part of a word to which affixes are added. Or, it is the part left after affixes have been taken away.
- Technically, it is the smallest unit which carries meaning: it cannot be reduced into smaller units.
- An affix is a set of letters generally added to the beginning or end of a root word to modify its meaning.
- A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word.
- A suffix is an affix which is placed after the stem of a word.
- Common examples are case endings(词尾变化), which indicate the grammatical case of nouns, adjectives, and verb endings, which form the conjugation(动词的词形变化) of verbs.
- 从词汇学角度,缀合法(即增加前缀、后缀构成新词)是英语词汇发展的重要方式之一。
- 现代英语的词语多达100多万,缀合法合成的新词占比不小,可见其普遍性。
- 在学习词根词缀的过程中,可以更好地了解英语的词源和发展过程,起到事半功倍的效果。
- 表示否定,相反,not
- 源于古英语
- un-接形容词多构成含有消极色彩的否定形容词。
- 加在名词或动词前可形成动词。
unchangeable | 不能改变的 | undress | 脱衣 |
undecided | 未决定的 | unwind | 解开 |
uninviting | 无吸引力的,无魅力的 | unlock | 开锁 |
unafraid | 无畏的 | uncage | 从笼中放出 |
uncomfortable | 不舒服的 | untangle | 解开 |
unbreakable | 牢不可破的 | uncover | 揭开盖子;揭露 |
- 表示重复 again; 返回 back
- 源于拉丁语
- 几乎可以与任何英语动词相缀合。
return | 返回 |
react | 反应 |
review | 回顾,复习 |
recede | 退出,退却 |
renovate | 修复,翻新 |
revoke | 撤回,废止 |
3.in-, (im-, ir-, il-,i-) import进口 important 重要的
- 由in-这个英语前缀派生出来的单词数量惊人的大,意思可分为两大类:
1)表示否定意义的派生前缀in-, 表示not, no, lack of 意思是“不、无、非”
2)表示方向的原生前缀in-,表示in, into; on, upon; toward 意思是“向内、入”等。(见第七个词前缀讲解)
3.in-, (im-, ir-, il-)
- 前缀in-表示否定意义时,它的前身是表示否定意义的拉丁前缀in-,其基本含义是not。
- 它会受词干首字母的同化,生出il-,im-,ir-三种异体,其中,in- 用在除l, b, m, p, r之外的其他字母之前;il-用在l之前,ir-用在r之前;im-用在唇音b, p, m之前。
immobile | 不能移动的 | impossible | 不可能的 |
immense | 无限的 | incomprehensible | 不能理解的 |
incalculable | 无法计算的 | inept | 不适当的 |
illegal | 非法的 | illicit | 法律禁止的 |
illegible | 难辨认的 | irrespective | 不尊敬的 |
irrelevant | 不相关的 | irregular | 不正常的 |
- 源自拉丁语,
- 可表示否定,相反,无 lack of, no 。
- 也可表示分开,离开 apart。
dishonest | 不诚实的 | disloyal | 不忠诚的 |
dissimilar | 不一样的 | disagree | 不同意 |
disorder | 混乱,杂乱 | disarm | 缴械 |
discern | 辨别,认出 | disrupt | 分裂,瓦解 |
distract | 分散,引开 | dispense | 分配 |
dissuade | 劝止,劝阻 | divide(di为dis-变形) | 划分 |
5.en-, (em-) enlightenment
- en-是个来源于古法语的前缀,但其前身却是拉丁语的in-(见词根3),原意是in或into。
- 在现代英语构词中,en-是个动词性的派生前缀。它与名词或形容词相缀合,构成动词,其意思相当于to put into(使…置于…)或to make(使…)。
- em-是en-的异体,只出现在唇辅音字母b, p与m之前。
empower | 给(某人)…的权力 | embrace | 欣然接受 |
embargo | 禁止通商 | embody | 体现,使具体化 |
embed | 嵌入 | enjoy | 享受 |
encompass | 包含,围绕 | encounter | 遭遇;偶然碰见 |
entreat | 恳请,乞求 | engage | 吸引,占用 |
- 表示否定,相反,not。
- 原是个拉丁否定词,意为not,后来成为法语前缀,出现在一些法语借词中。
- non-在带连字符的情况下,可以与数以百计的单词构成否定词,在阅读中出现的频率很高。
nonfiction | 非小说文学 |
nonsense | 谬论,胡扯 |
nondescript | 不可名状的,难以形容的 |
nonaggression | 不侵略 |
nonviolence | 非暴力 |
7.in-, im-
- 表示方向的前缀in-来源于拉丁介副词in, 表示in,into; on, upon; toward 意思是“向内、入”等。
- 它一般加缀在拉丁动词词根前,构成原生动词或动词词干,在构词中起修饰或加强作用。
- 与表示否定前缀的in-一样,表示方向的前缀in-也有变体,而且构词规则与还定前缀in-也完全相同。
inside | 在里面 |
indoor | 室内的 |
income | 收入 |
imgrained | 根深蒂固的 |
impress | 给人印象 |
impact | 影响,强烈的印象 |
- over-
- 表示过多,超过,过分;在上,above, beyond,excessive。
- 来源于古英语
overcharge | 要价过高 |
overproduce | 过度生产 |
overestimate | 高估 |
overweight | 超重的 |
overcoat | 外套 |
overcome | 克服,解决 |
- mis-
- 表示错误的,bad(ly), wrong(ly)
- 来源于古英语
- 大多数情况下在名词、形容词、动词和副词前,表示否定含义。
mistake | 错误 |
mislead | 误导 |
mischance | 不幸 |
misunderstand | 误解 |
mistranslation | 误译 |
misuse | 误用 |
- sub-
- 前缀sub-来源拉介词sub,意为under,from, under,表示“在下”的位置或“自下而上”的运动。
- 作为原生前缀,sub-出现在许多12世纪后引进的拉丁借词中,sub-依然遵守拉丁读音规则,接受词根首字母的同化产生出suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sur-,sus-, su-等变形异体,所以看到单词里有这些开头的话,就有under的感觉。
subway | 地铁 |
sustain | 支撑 |
submarine | 潜水艇 |
subtotal | 小计,部分合 |
supplement | 补充,增补 |
sustain | 支撑 |
- pre-
- 来源拉丁介副词prae,原意为before,beforehand 或in front。
- 表示时间或空间上的“前”、“以前”。
- 当介词性的pre- 与名词缀合时,可能改变词基单词的词性。
preview | view=look,事先看 | 试映 |
prepay | pay付钱 | 预付 |
predict | dict说,预先说 | 预测 |
preposition | position位置,位置放在前面 | 介词(前置词) |
precaution | caution小心 | 预防 |
preschool | school学校 | 学前的 |
precede | cede=go走,走在前面 | 先于,早于 |
preclude | clude关闭,事先关闭 | 妨碍,阻止 |
prefix | fix固定,固定在前面 | 词前缀 |
prescribe | scrib=write写,事先写 | 规则,命令 |
pretext | text=weave编织,事先编造 | 借口,托辞 |
prehistory | history历史 | 史前 |
We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty.
- inter-
- 来源于拉丁介词inter,意思相当于 between(在…之间) 或 among (在…的中间)。
- 与动词结合时,inter-是个副词性前缀,不改变词基单词的词性,如interrupt打断,intervene干预;与名词结合时,它是形容词或介词性前缀,如intercity城市间的。
- 前缀inter-有以下几种变形。
- intel- [在辅音字母I前]
如intelligent智能的, intellectual有知识的人
- enter- (emtr-)[用于法语系统]
如entertainer 演艺人员, enterprising 有事业心的, entrepreneur 企业家
- inter-
interrupt | rupt=break打破,在中间打破 | 中断,阻断 |
intercept | cept=take拿,在中间夺取 | 中途夺取;拦截 |
intervene | ven=come来,来到中间 | 介入其中;干预 |
interpose | pos=to place放置,放在中间 | 插入 |
intersect | sect=cut截断,在中间截断 | 横断 |
intellectual | lect=choose选择,在…中间选择 | 有知识的人 |
enterprising | pris=take,在中间抓住,拿取 | 进取的,事业心强的 |
- fore-
- 来源于古英语,有“before, front,superior”的含义
- 表示“以前”“前面”
- 可构成名词和动词
foretell | tell告诉 | 预言,预示 |
foresee | see看见 | 预见,预知 |
foresight | sight眼界 | 先见,远见 |
forehead | head头 | 前额 |
forestall | stall=put放置 | 先发制人;垄断 |
forebode | bode兆头 | 预兆 |
- de-
- de-是个用法较为复杂的前缀,可以加在动词或名词之前生成否定意义的动词。
- 当它与动词结合时,基本意思是to undo,表示“做(与原动词)相反的动作”
- 当它与名词结合时,基本意思是to make down or away,表示“降低,剥离,取走”等动作
decline | clin=to bend弯,弯下去 | 下降,衰退 |
decrease | creas=to grow 变得 | 减少 |
debar | bar=to shut关 | 排除,阻止 |
detract | tract=to drag 拉 | 减损,贬低 |
deport | port港口 | 驱逐出境 |
deduce | duc=to lead引导,往下引导 | 推断,演绎 |
decamp | camp营地 | 撤营 |
decode | code代码 | 解码 |
deforest | forest森林 | 砍伐森林 |
devaluation | evaluation评价 | 贬值 |
degrade | grade级别 | 贬黜,使降低 |
declass | class阶级 | 使失去社会地位 |
- trans-
- 前缀trans来源于拉丁语,意为“across”,还有“through, over, beyond, change”等含义。
- 基本意义是“超过”、“横跨”、“超”。
transmit | mit送 | 传播 |
transnormal | normal正常的 | 超出常规的 |
transgress | gress走 | 冒犯,违背 |
transcontinental | continent大陆 | 横贯大陆的 |
transcend | scend爬 | 超越,胜过 |
transfer | fer=to bear运载 | 转移,传递 |
- trans-
transplant | plant种植 | 移植 |
transaction | action行动 | 交易 |
transform | form形式 | 变形 |
transfigure | figure形状 | 使改观 |
translation | lat=to carry 带 | 翻译 |
- super-
- 前缀super-来自拉丁介副词super,意为“over, above, beyond”。
- 表示“在…上”“超过”
- 常见的变形有前缀sur-, supr-等
- 其实, (s)uper就是over的一种变体形式。
supermodel | model模特 | 超模 | |
supermarket | market市场 | 超市 | |
supersede | sed=sit坐,坐在上面 | 取代 | |
supernova | nov=new新 | nova新星 | 超级新星 |
superhero | hero英雄 | 超级英雄 |
- super-
前缀super-常见的变形有前缀sur-, supr-等。
surpass | pass=to go by经过 | 超越,胜过 |
surplus | plus=more 超过数量 | 过剩 |
surmount | mount 山 | 克服(困难等);越过 |
survival | viv=to live活 | 幸存 |
supreme | highest最上面的 | 至高无上的 |
- semi-
- 来源于拉丁语,表示“一半”的意思,half
- 前缀semi- 相应的希腊语前缀为hemi- ,也表示“一半”。
semicircle | circle圆 | 半圆 |
semiformal | formal正式的 | 半正式的 |
semiannual | annual每年一次的 | 每半年一次的 |
semi-automatic | automatic自动的 | 半自动的 |
semimonthly | monthly每月一次的 | 每半个月一次的 |
semifinal | final决赛 | 半决赛 |
- 来源于希腊语,意为“against, opposite”,表示“反对”或“防止”
- anti-能与许多名词缀合,构成相应的形容词或名词。
- anti-在元音字母和辅音字母h前时,字母i脱落,变成ant
antibody | body体 | 抗体 |
antibacterial | bacterial细菌的 | 抗菌的 |
antiwar | war战争 | 反战的 |
antimissile | missile导弹 | 反导弹的 |
antacid | acid酸 | 抗酸剂 |
antonym | onym=name(元音位置可交换原则) | 反义词 |
19.med-, medi-, mid-
- 来源于拉丁语medius,意为middle,表示“中间”。
- med也可以作词根,通常可引申为“从中介入”“插入”等,我们后面再讲解。
midyear | year年 | 年中 |
midterm | term学期 | 期中的 |
midlife | life人生 | 中年 |
midpoint | point点 | 中点 |
midtown | town城镇 | 市中心区 |
- 前缀under-来源于古英语
- 与前缀over意思相反,意为“below,beneath”
- 表示“在…下”或“不足,不够”
underground | ground地面 | 地下的;地铁 |
underline | line线 | 在…下划线 |
underwear | wear衣物 | 内衣 |
undercurrent | cur=run跑,在下面跑的 | 暗流;潜在的情绪 |
underdeveloped | developed发达的 | 不发达的 |
underestimate | estimate估计 | 低估 |
underage | age年龄 | 未成年的 |
Complete the following sentences by adding a prefix to the words.
- Ryan said that it was __fair if Dad gave me a computer but gave him only a smartphone.
- The mother __dressed the baby, then put him in a basin of warm water.
- Though he didn’t win any medals in the last play, he was not __couraged.
- It’s __possible for anyone to finish the work within such a short time.
- Please don’t __understand what I have said.
- She felt __visible in the crowd.
答案:1.unfair 2.undressed 3.discouraged 4.impossible 5.misunderstand 6.invisible
- 常见听力障碍和训练方法
- 短句子关键词训练
- 听力对话训练
- 听力数字与时间类问题
- 听力题目的类别与应对方法
- 听力短篇文章训练
- 常见听力障碍和训练方法
- 听力短句子关键词训练
- 听力数字与时间问题
- 听力的题目类别和应对方法
- 听力对话训练
- 听力短篇文章训练
- 听不清
- 听不懂
- 听不快
- 记不住
- 问题根源
- 解决方案
- 问题根源: 单词量不足语法不清晰
- 解决方案: 不断累积核心词汇梳理语法基础知识
- 问题根源:
- 解决方案: 1.影子跟读 2.倍速法
- 问题根源:
- 解决方案:
- 盲听3遍
- 排除文本理解障碍
- 朗读3遍
- 有文本跟读纠音
- 无文本同步模仿跟读
- 听文章大意,明确主题。
- 逐词逐句做听写训练。
- 修改错误,积累生词,查缺补漏。
- 立刻利用这些新学的词句,加上你原先掌握的词汇,口头复述听力材料的内容。
• 第一步
• 第二步
- With only two weeks to go before Christmas, buying presents is a high __ for a lot of people.
- However, this year not so many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops.
- These days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the internet.
- Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of …reasons.
• 第三步
- With only two weeks to go before Christmas, buying presents is a high
for a lot of people. However, this year not so many people are leaving their homes tobrowse
around the shops. These days, lots of people can do their shopping in thecomfort
of their own home with the help of the internet. - Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons.
Prices are often lower online. You don’t have to
queue up
in busy shops and you can buy almost any productimaginable
with just a few clicks of your mouse. - Computer trends are often
but this year women are expected to do more shopping on the internet than men. It seems women are now more attracted to theconvenience
of online shopping than they used to be. Average spending
online this Christmas by women will rise to £240 compared to the slightly lower average of £233 for men.
- browse 浏览,随便看
例句:I stopped in several bookstores to browse. 我曾在几家书店停留,翻看里面的书。
- comfort 舒适,舒服
例句:This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.
- queue up 排队
例句:Please queue up to register.
- imaginable可想象的,想得到的
例句:He could not disguise that he had had the worst imaginable day for any minister.
- dominate 支配,控制,统治
例句:He desires to dominate over others. 他很想支配别人。
• 第四步
- 目的:通过大量的听力练习来熟悉英语语言。
- 选择适合自己水平的听力材料。
- 增加听力时间,给自己充分营造语言环境。
- 新闻类(如BBC等)听力不是初学者首选,Podcasts是不错的来源。
- 选择听力材料时要考虑你的词汇量水平,在选听力材料时可以先读一读它的文本,确定一下难度。
- 我们选择的听力段落中最好不要出现超过30%-40%的生词,这样会更适合我们现有的程度,也不会听一听因为难度太大就放弃练习。
- 新概念第一册第二册
- 走遍美国
- 牛津书虫系列一级二级
- All Ears English Podcast
- …
- VOA慢速英语
- BBC 6 Minutes English
- BBC The English We Speak
- CNN Students News
- …
- VOA常速
- 新概念第三册
- Global News Podcast
- BBC The Reality Tea
- 原版书籍电影
- 经济学人
- …
- 缩略词
如:STD—standard, MKT—market
如:INFO—information, ASAP—as soon as possible
如:WK—week, RM—room
如:R—are, B4—before, you too—u2
- 英文字母
y: 年 year m: 月 month w: 周 week h:小时 hour s: 秒钟 second d: 日子/今天 day/today 2y:两年以前 two years ago b: 但是 but, however, nevertheless c:世纪 century
使用冒号“ : ”表示各种各样“说”的动词
如say, speak, talk, announce, declare
使用问号“?” 表示问题
如question, issue, problem
• +
表示“多”,many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, a bunch of
• ++/+2
表示“多”的比较级 more
• +3
表示“多”的最高级 most
• -
表示“少”,little, few, lack, short of, have a shortage of
• ×
表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念,wrong, incorrect, something bad, notorious, negative
• =
表示相同,一致,公平,如the same as, equal to, similar to
• >
表示大于,超过,高于,如surpass, exceed, more than, superior to
• <
表示少于,低于,如less than, inferior to …
• ∵
表示因为,由于,幸亏,如because, due to, thanks to ,
• ∴
表示所以,因此,结果是,如so, therefore, hence, consequently
• ↑
表示上升,如go up/upward, rise, increase, arise, ascend
表示发射、投放市场、发行,如launch, open, start
表示发展、加强、推进, 如develop, strengthen, promote
• ↓
表示减少,下降,降低,衰落,如decrease, decline, go down, drop, fall
• 一
表示持平,维稳,如stabilize, remain stable, remain the same…
表示到达、传达,如go into, arrive at, give to, send to, present to
表示导致、引导,如lead to, result in, in the direction of
表示来自于,如be/come from, return, receive from
表示追溯到,如come/go back to, originate
• √
表示好的,著名的,如right, good, famous, well-known
表示同意,如stand up for, support, agree with
• !
表示危险,警告,当心,值得注意,如dangerous, harmful, warming, alarming, alert, watch out
• ☆
表示重点,重视,重要的,如important, significant, critical, substantial, meaningful, essential, outstanding
• ♀
表示女性,woman , female
• ♂
表示男性,man, male
• $/¥
表示钱,有钱的,富裕的,贵的,如dollar, money, rich, expensive…
• V
表示胜利,凯旋,如victory, triumph
- 熟悉听力中不同句式的语气语调和重读弱读
- 在听力中迅速抓取句子中的关键词
实词Content Words & 虚词Function Words
实词本身有着重要的意义,如:mother, forget, today等,而虚词通常在整个句子中意义上并不重要,甚至根本没有意义可言,而只是扮演着文法的角色,以使整句合文法,如: the, of, will等。
实词通常须重读 Stressed
- 名词 Nouns
- 动词 Verbs
- 形容词 Adjectives
- 副词 Adverbs
- 指示形容词 Demonstratives
- 疑问词 Interrogatives
虚词通常弱读 Unstressed
- 冠词 Articles
- 介词 Prepositions
- 人称代词 Personal Pronouns
- 所有格 Possessive Adjectives
- 关系代词 Relatives
- 连词 Conjunctions
- one为避免重复而代替名词来用时 (如the red dress and the blue one,其中one 即代替dress,此时one需轻读。)
- be动词和助动词
- My mom is from America.
- My mom is from America.
- My dad is German.
- My dad is German.
- I was born in Germany.
- I was born in Germany.
- I was raised in Berlin.
- I was raised in Berlin.
- I have one brother and two sisters.
- I have one brother and two sisters.
- I am waiting for my sister.
- I am waiting for my sister.
- Nobody is helping us.
- Nobody is helping us.
- He helped me yesterday.
- He helped me yesterday.
- That is not a good idea.
- That is not a good idea.
- I can’t stay too much longer.
- I can’t stay too much longer.
- I can swim
- I can’t swim.
- I’m not capable of doing that.
- I’m not capable of doing that.
- I don’t like her very much.
- I don’t like her very much.
- What is that?
- What is that?
- What is this called in English?
- What is this called in English?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- How often do you drive this car?
- How often do you drive this car?
- Which one do you want?
- Which one do you want?
- Who is calling you?
- Who is calling you?
- Can you open the door, please?
- Can you open the door, please?
- Do you know what I mean?
- Do you know what I mean?
- Are you still in a meeting?
- Are you still in a meeting?
- Did you pay attention in class?
- Did you pay attention in class?
- Wait a minute!
- Wait a minute!
- Let me see.
- Let me see.
- Let me take a look.
- Let me take a look.
• Don’t run around the pool. • Don’t run around the pool. • Don’t scream at me. • Don’t scream at me.
- We can’t speak English.
- I don’t care.
- What do you mean?
- That is very kind of you.
- Where are you from?
- It doesn’t matter to me.
- How do you feel?
- This is the best day of my life!
- What does your dad do for work?
- I changed my mind.
- They all passed the exam.
- What did you say just now?
- He lived in London until he was six.
- I used to go there a lot.
- His grandfather died last year.
- They weren’t in Tokyo last summer.
- Did you go hiking when you were young?
- Someday people will go to the moon.
- I’ll call you this evening.
- There will be a strong wind soon.
- I think it’ll be very hot in Beijing next year.
- She won’t be listening to me.
- They’re going to have a meeting.
- If I have enough money, I’m going to take a trip abroad.
- Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow?
- I am going to eat.
- I am gonna eat.
- We are mailing these letters.
- I was playing soccer when you came.
- She is washing her hands.
- I am putting on my socks.
- He was pumping up his tire at that time.
- They are closing the windows.
- I am listening to the radio.
- We are having breakfast.
- Someone has broken my car.
- Leave me alone. I’ve had it.
- He has been very busy since last week.
- I have worked for the company since I left school.
- The plans have been under discussion for a year now, but no decision has been reached.
- Have you had any replies yet?
- The snow will have disappeared before the end of February.
- How many words will the students have learned by the end of the term?
- 了解对话类听力题目的六大命题类型
- 掌握不同对话类题目应对策略
- 对话类听力材料涉及日常生活、文化教育、风土人情、科普常识、时事报道等方面。
- 常见话题包括:问候、邀请、约会、看病、看病、通知、问路、旅行、探亲、工作、求职、学习、咨询、交通、天气、打电话、问时间、事故灾害、新闻报道等等。
- 地点与场景型
- 时间与数字型
- 职业与身份型
- 征求意见型
- 因果关系型
- 推理判断型
- 在这类题目中,往往不能直接听到对话中出现关键的地名。必须根据对话情节来推断事件发生的地点。
例: Where will the speakers probably go?
A. To a stationery shop.
B. To a gymnasium.
C. To a paint store.
D. To a news stand.
W: My printer is out of paper. I will run and get some.
M: I will go with you. I need some fresh air.
- Where does this conversation probably take place?
- Where did it happen?
- Where are the speakers?
- Where is the woman/man speaker going?
- 熟悉与常考地点有关的关键词。
- 把对话中人物的身份和关系作为判断基础,然后再与对话情节结合起来。
- 注意一些介词和地点名词的组合,以及一些表示方位的词。
饭店: waiter, tip, menu, order, drink, food… 旅馆: check in/out, room, book, reception… 商店: price, size, wear, clothes, cash, fashion, suit, afford, expensive, cheap… 银行: account, check, bank, credit/debit card… 邮局: stamp, mail, package, postage, postcard, letter, parcel… 法院: court, judge, crime, lawyer, sentence, admit… 医院: doctor, patient, operation, medicine, temperature, headache, dentist, cure… 办公室: project, work, colleague, manager, presentation… 学校: campus, teacher, exam, homework, subject… 车站/机场: ticket, visa, platform, flight, stop…
Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. At a restaurant.
B. At a car rental agency.
C. In a bank.
D. In a driving school.
M: Moring, I have a reservation. The name is Blake Smith.
W: OK. We’ve got a nice car already. I need to see your driver’s license and your credit card.
Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At a paint store.
B. At an oil market.
C. At a science museum.
D. At a gallery.
M: So how do you like this oil painting?
W: If I had enough room in my apartment, I would buy it.
这一类型题考查的多是以when, what time, how long等开头的特殊疑问句,涉及数字和时间的相关内容。
例: How long has the woman been an author?
A. about 30 years.
B. About 40 years.
C. About 70 years.
M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?
W: Well, Tom, I didn't start writing until I was in my thirties. And I am over 70 now.
So goodness, I must have been writing for about 40 years.
- 这一类型的问题常以: What time…, When…, How long…,How much…, How many…, How far…, How often…, How soon…等开头。
- 比如:
- When does the conversation probably take place?
- What time will the football match start?
- How long did it take the man to write his paper?
- …
- 提高对数字的敏感程度,包括多位数、分数、小数、百分数的读法。
- 在听懂数字的基础上,进行一些快速运算的能力。
- 对于时间、日期、电话号码、航班号、房间号等都要有快速反应的能力。可以回顾我们前面讲数字内容的课程。
How many coats does the woman want?
A. 25
B. 30
C. 50
What is the order number for gloves?
A. P25G5
B. P26T5
C. P28D5
M: How can I help you, Miss Johnson? W: Hmm, first I'd like to order 30 coats, order No.P25G5. M: OK, order No.P25G5, coats: 30. W: Hmm, how much are they? M: 45 dollars each. W: OK, and gloves. Order No.P28D5. How much are they? M: 5 dollars a pair. How many do you need? W: 50. M: Gloves: 50 pairs. 5 dollars a pair, P28D5. OK. W: And shoes. Err, 25 pairs of order No. P26T5. M: Shoes: order No. P26T5, 25 pairs at 18 dollars a pair. Is that OK? W: Yes. That's fine.
When will the man be home from work?
A. At 5:45.
B. At 6:15.
C. At 6:50.
Where will the speakers go?
A. The Green House Cinema.
B. The New State Cinema.
C. The UME Cinema.
W: What do you want to do tonight?
M: How about going to the cinema? I should be home from work at 5:45. Then we can go out and eat before we see a film.
W: What do you want to see?
M: There's a good art film at the Green House Cinema.
W: Let's see…it starts at 6:15. I don't think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 6:50. Perhaps the 7:00 one at the UME Cinema is even better. It stars Jackie Chan.
M: OK, that's fine. I like him, too.
- 这一类题需要考生从对话中了解双方的职业、身份、国籍、双方之间的关系等。
例: Who might Mr. Peterson be?
A. A new professor.
B. A department head.
C. A company director.
W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?
M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program.
- 常见的提问形式:
- Who is the woman/man speaker?
- What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
- What’s the woman’s job?
- What’s the profession of the man?
- What’s the man speaker?
- What does the woman speaker do
- 了解常见的职业英文词汇。(可回顾核心名词部分内容)
- 解答问题时,需根据对话所提供的内容结合生活常识进行判断。
What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Driver and passenger.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Fellow workers.
M: Hey, Lucy. Do you have some time to talk about next week's trip with me?
W: Sure, Dave.
M: OK. So, we're leaving on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport, and returning on Friday. Do we take ourselves to the airport? Maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus.
W: No, we don't have to. The company car will pick us up and take us there.
M: Oh, that's good. When?
W: Our flight leaves at 11:00 a.m., so they should pick us up between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Besides, the company pays for our trip, including hotel and food.
M: How much will that be?
W: Well, New York is a pretty expensive city. So, each of us will get $200 a day.
M: Oh, OK. Thanks for telling me that.
W: You're welcome.
What was the speaker’s previous job?
A. A book publisher.
B. A company manager.
C. A magazine editor.
D. A school principal.
I am Lynn. My previous job was as principal of a language school, where I received awards for training teachers to teach more effectively. A year ago, I started an international company. I spent months conducting programs in the US and Russia. During this time, some Russian immigrants came to stay at my house. Fortunately, these visitors helped a lot at home and made life easier. At the same time, I wrote several books to be published by my company and coedited a book for a major publisher.
- 这一类题型一般包括征求对方对某事的看法,或者是否同意自己的观点等。
例: What does the woman think of her hometown?
A. Promising
B. Isolated
C. Crowded
D. Modern
Hi, Grace. Tell me something about your hometown.
W: It's so beautiful and peaceful. But it's really far away from everything.
- 常见的提问形式:
- What does the man think of the…?
- How did the woman like the…?
- What does the man say of the…?
- What’s the man’s attitude towards the…?
- Which aspect the … does the woman like?
- 对于一方提出的问题或谈到的看法,另一方出于礼貌或谦虚等因素,常常采用不直接了当的回答,而是采取婉转的方式表达自己的想法。此时要注意说话者的语气和语调,如果可作为判断重要依据。
- 选项中可能会出现生词,因此要多积累观点态度类的词汇表达。
What does the man think of the book?
A. Quite difficult.
B. Very interesting.
C. Too simple.
W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn't sure if you'd be interested.
M: I had the same doubt at first. But once I started, I simply couldn't put it down.
What does the man say of the editorial?
A. It spoke highly of the mayor.
B. It misinterpreted the mayor's speech.
C. It made the mayor's view clearer.
D. It carried the mayor's speech accurately.
M: Did you read the editorial in the newspaper about the mayor’s speech? M: Sure, I did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.
例: Why doesn't the man choose Japanese food?
A. He doesn't like Japanese food.
B. He ate Japanese food last night.
C. He thinks Japanese food is expensive.
M: Excuse me, madam. I am looking for a place to eat. Can you tell me if there are any restaurants in the shopping center?
W: Sure, there are several. What kind of food are you thinking about?
M: I am not sure, anything but fast food.
W: There is a nice Japanese restaurant upstairs. It's a little expensive, but the food is good.
M: Oh, sounds good. But I ate Japanese food last night. I'd rather try something else.
- 常见的提问形式:
- Why would the woman speaker refuse the man’s invitation?
- What did the man speaker do it for?
- For what reason did the woman sell her car?
- What’s the reason why the man speaker is late?
- 注意说话者的语气和语调,如果可作为判断重要依据。
- 选项中可能会出现生词,因此要多积累观点态度类形容词。
Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?
A. He has a pain in his knee.
B. He wants to watch TV.
C. He is too lazy.
W: Harry, let's play some ping-pong today.
M: I'd love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I've decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better.
W: Well, how about going skating?
M: I'd like to, but my knee hurts, too.
W: Harry, stop making excuses! You're just lazy.
M: No, I'm not! You know, there's a basketball match on TV today. Let's just stay home and watch it.
W: OK. You stay, and I'll play with Helen.
Why does the Chinese New Year change every year?
A. It's set as a holiday.
B. It's in the extra month.
C. It's based on the different calendars.
W: So I was just in San Francisco, and….
M: Nice.
W: I know, I love that town, and we went into China Town, which…err, I love China Town in San Francisco.
M: Theirs is the best, you know. Ours is like two blocks here.
W: Absolutely. Yeah, anyhow, Chinese New Year, it changes every year, because it's not a set holiday.
M: Is that right?
W: It's because every year is actually…is based on the different calendars. And I...I can't speak very specifically on that. But they have an extra month.
M: The Jewish calendar is kind of like that too.
W: Anyhow, back to Chinese New Year, so do you know what year this year is? It's the year of the pig.
M: How many different animals do they have?
W: Twelve, twelve different animals.
M: Oh, yeah?
W: Yeah. It's really interesting. But do you know what year, what animal you are?
M: Err, I don't know why I know, but I was born in the year of the rooster.
W: Oh, yeah? I am an ox.
听力试题中难度较大的一类。 此类题型一般涉及到整段对话 的内容,答案往往不能从某一 句话或某个词上就能猜测出来。 考查综合分析和推理判断能力。
例: What does the woman imply?
A. She doesn't plan to continue studying next year.
B. She has already told the man about her plan.
C. She isn't planning to leave her university.
D. She recently visited a different university.
M: You are not planning to transfer to a different university next year, are you?
W: If I were, you’d be the first one to know.
- 常见提问形式:
- What do we learn from the conversation?
- What does the conversation tell us?
- What does the man mean?
- What does the woman imply?
- What will the man do first?
- Which of the following is true according to the conversation?
- What can we conclude from the man’s reply?
What will the man do first?
A. Catch the train.
B. Meet Jane.
C. Get some stationery.
D. Clean the backyard.
W: Would you please help me clean the back yard today?
M: Sure. I am picking Jane up from the railway station at 3, but I will help you as soon as I get back.
What does the man imply the women should do?
A. Use a computer in the lab.
B. Take a chemistry course.
C. Help him revise his report.
D. Get her computer repaired.
W: My computer’s broken down. Could I use yours to write a chemistry paper?
M: Sorry, I am in the middle of revising my report. You know the computer lab is still open.
- 地点与场景型
- 时间与数字型
- 职业与身份型
- 征求意见型
- 因果关系型
- 推理判断型
- 掌握英文中数字与时间的表达
- 提高此类问题的听力效率
- 英语中的数字同中文的数字构成上有很大差别
- 由于对英文数字日期构成不清楚或不够熟练,加重心理上的紧张情绪
- 在具体题目中,出题人有时会在所给数字日期上进行改动,让考生自己运算,加大了听力的难度
数词 num.
表示数目多少的数词叫 基数词
表示顺序先后的数词叫 序数词
基数词 | 序数词 |
one | first |
two | second |
three | third |
four | fourth |
five | fifth |
six | sixth |
seven | seventh |
eight | eighth |
nine | ninth |
ten | tenth |
基数词 | 序数词 |
eleven | eleventh |
twelve | twelfth |
thirteen | thirteenth |
fourteen | fourteenth |
fifteen | fifteenth |
sixteen | sixteenth |
seventeen | seventeenth |
eighteen | eighteenth |
nineteen | nineteenth |
twenty | twentieth |
基数词 | 序数词 |
thirty | thirtieth |
forty | fortieth |
fifty | fiftieth |
sixty | sixtieth |
seventy | seventieth |
eighty | eightieth |
ninety | ninetieth |
hundred | hundredth |
thousand | thousandth |
million | millionth |
200 读作two hundred
407 读作four hundred and seven
118 读作one hundred (and) eighteen
529 读作five hundred (and) twenty-nine
读的时候 从右到左
每 3个数
- thousand 千
- million 百万
- billion 十亿
- trillion 兆
第一个逗号前的数字用thousand, 第二个逗号前的数字用million,第三个逗号前用billion,再往前三位的话就是trillion这个单位。
- 83,0000
- 830,000
- 7860,0000
- 78,600,000
用作基数词单位的 hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion 通常不带 复数词尾-s,但若用于表示数百、数千、 数百万这样的泛指,则用复数。
- two thousand people
- thousands of people
- three million dollars
- millions of dollars
- 2,000,089
- 6,933
- 14,056,331
- 8,000,000,001
- 123,456,789
- 小数点左边的零读做naught(英)或zero(美),也可不读。
- 小数点右边的小数部分按个位基数词依次读出。
- 在小数点后遇到零时,可读做naught或zero,也可以读做字母o的音
0.4 naught/zero point four或point four
0.128 naught/zero point one two eight或point one two eight
0.305 naught/zero point three o five或point three zero five
- 小数点左边的整数部分按整数读法读出。
- 小数点右边的小数部分按个位基数词依次读出。
- 在小数点后遇到零时,可读做naught或zero,还有我们刚提过的字母o的音
- 5.02 five point naught/zero two或five point o two
- 8.004 eight point naught naught/zero zero four或eight point o o four
- 33.33 thirty-three point three three
The rope is 1.8 meters long. 这条绳子长一米八。
被大于1的小数修饰的名词要用复数,如说 1.3 meters,不说1.3 meter;即使是被小于1的小数修饰,名词也通常可以用复数。
One centimeter equals 0.3937 inches. 1厘米等于0.3937英寸。
She shaved 0.5 seconds off the British junior record. 她把英国少年记录缩短了0.5秒。
One pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms. 1 磅等于0.454千克。
• 分数的构成法
- 1/3 one-third
- 1/4 one-fourth
- 2/5 two-fifths
- 2*3/7 two and three sevenths (读大于1的带分数时在整数与分数之间用and连接)分母若是2和4,可以用half和quarter代替序数词。如:
- 1/2 a (one) half
- 1/4 a quarter
- 3/4 three quarters
• 小提示
3/4 three over four
23/47 twenty-three over forty-seven
a. 分子与分母之间加in, 分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词。如:
one in ten 十分之一
five in twelve 十二分之五
b. 分子与分母之间加out of , 分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词。如:
one out of six六分之一
seven out of eight八分之七
- China is one-sixth larger than the United States.
- It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price.
- Houses cost one third more this year than they did five years ago.
- The bottle had been about three-quarters full then.
- 百分数由基数词加percent表示。
- 5% five percent
- 25% twenty-five percent
- 100% one hundred percent
- How many percent of the students are boys in your class?
- Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
- More than 70 percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water.
- With production up by 60 percent, the company has had another excellent year.
- About 60 percent of the workers in this company are young people.
- 日期
- 世纪
- 年代
- 时间
Format | British: day-month-year | American: month-day-year |
A | the Fourteenth of March 2016 | March the Fourteenth, 2016 |
B | 14th March 2016 | March 14th, 2016 |
C | 14 March 2016 | March 14, 2016 |
D | 14/3/2016 | 3/14/2016 |
E | 14/3/16 | 3/14/16 |
F | 14/03/16 | 03/14/16 |
1865 eighteen sixty-five 1998 nineteen ninety-eight
2)如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。如:
1900 nineteen hundred 1800 eighteen hundred
1809 eighteen O nine
4)千年的读法。 如:
2000 two thousand 2008 two thousand and eight/twenty O eight
• 我们以十二月十号为例:
• Day + Month: 10th December (the tenth of December)
• Month + Day: December 10 (December tenth)
- the sixth/6th century
- the eighteenth/18th century
- the 1900s 二十世纪 (nineteen hundreds)
- the 1600s 十七世纪 (sixteen hundreds)
• in the 1930s 20世纪30年代
读作in the thirties of the twentieth century或in the nineteen thirties
• in the 1860s 19世纪60年代
• 读作in the sixties of the 19th century或 in the eighteen sixties
年代相关的表示早期,中期,晚期时在年代前early, mid, late。如:
- in the early 1920s
- in the mid 1950s
- in the late 1860s
- It's two.
- It's two o'clock.
- It's exactly two o'clock.
- 6:10 six ten
- 8:30 eight thirty
- 2:40 two forty
- 8:20 eight twenty
- 9:45 nine forty-five
4:20 twenty past four
1:08 eight past one
8:35 twenty-five to nine
2:50 ten to three
7:15 a quarter past seven
12:15 a quarter past twelve
9:30 half past nine
3:30 half past three
6:13am thirteen past six a.m.
4pm four p.m.
about eight
at nine
at about five thirty-five p.m.
时间题的四个选项一般都是表达时刻 的数字,或是星期、年、月等词,偶 尔会有介词后跟数字。数字题的选项 则有可能为纯粹的数字或带有货币符 号的数字。
一般来说,正确答案不会是直接听到的数字,而往往是在意思上与 这相同或相近,或换了一种表达方式,或要求对听到的数字进行简 单的四则运算。做这类题时,听清这些数字和它们之间的关系是解 题的关键。
有时这些数字之间的关系往往用“more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after”之类的形容词、副词或介词短语来表示,也要能够迅 速作为反应。
When did the party begin yesterday?
We got to the parking lot at seven forty-five and waited there for five minutes .
在这段对话当中,很多学生听出seven forty-five,却在后半句中没明白题意,waited there for five minutes等了五分钟,意为七点五十才开始。
–I want to take them all, how much should I pay?
–The coat is 200 yuan, the trousers are 220 yuan, your shoes are 350 yuan. They give 10% discount for cash payment.
在这短对话中,很多学生会记下200,220,350 并相加,却容易忽略百分之十的打折。
When did the second bus leave on Saturday?
- 7:30
- 8:00
- 8:30
- 9:00
–Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?
–Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6.30am but on weekends it starts half an hour later.
答案d)。这是一道较为复杂的转换题。考生应听懂对话中的every two hours from 6:30和half an hour later两处,
同时还要细心,捕捉到问题中的the second bus和Saturday。
How many people suffered in the air crash?
- 85
- 70
- 64
- 31
–Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday?
–Yes, the newspaper said six crew members and sixty-four passengers were killed,and fifteen others were injured.
What’s the man’s telephone number?
- 6330872.
- 6380372.
- 6338720.
- 6338726.
–Sorry, Mr. Smith is not here. May I have him return your call?
–Yes, thank you. I’m at 6330872…sorry it’s 6338720.
这道题要注意的是电话号码在口语中的读法。6338720的最常见的读法是:six double three eight seven two zero (或o)。另外还要注意不要受干扰信息的影响,如本题中的6330872以及其后的话语停顿。
When does the man want to leave? a) on the 6th of June b) on the 8th of June. c) on the 9th of June d) on the 19th of June.
–I’d like to make two reservations one flight 651 for June 8th.
–I’m sorry we’ve booked up on the 8th, but we still have a few seats available on the 9th.
与上一题类似,本题是考察考生抗干扰的能力。对话中干扰因素有 flight 651和the 9th两个数词。考生还要理解两个词:reservation意 为“预定”,而book up则指“订完”。此外,还要熟悉日期的不同表达 方法。答案为b)。
- 英文时态进阶
- 被动语态
- 名词性从句
- 定语从句
- 状语从句
- 非谓语动词
- 非谓语动词之分词
- 非谓语动词之动名词
- 虚拟语气
- 倒装句专题